4 resultados para erottuminen


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Partikkelisysteemien segregaatio eli erottuminen on ilmiö, jossa tasalaatuisen jauheseoksen komponenteilla on taipumus erota toisistaan. Jauheen erottumistaipumus riippuu partikkelien ominaisuuksista, ympäröivistä olosuhteista ja partikkelien välisistä vuorovaikutuksista. Segregaatiomekanismeja on esitetty kirjallisuudessa valtava määrä ja pienetkin erot partikkelien välisissä ominaisuuksissa ja vuorovaikutuksissa voivat johtaa täysin eri segregaatiomekanismeihin. Segregaatioilmiö on lääketeollisuuden näkökulmasta hyvin keskeinen, eikä sitä tunneta vielä riittävän hyvin, jotta siltä osattaisiin systemaattisesti välttyä. Nykyinen segregaatiotutkimus perustuu suurelta osin yrityksen ja erehdyksen kautta tapahtuvaan oppimiseen. Todellisen segregaatioilmiön ymmärtämiseen tarvittaisiin innovatiivisia tutkimusmenetelmiä. Kokeellisen osan tarkoituksena oli kehittää ja perustestata menetelmä, jolla voidaan tutkia erilaisten partikkelisysteemien erottumiskäyttäytymistä, ja käyttää tätä menetelmää farmaseuttisten rae- ja pellettiseosten segregaation tutkimiseen. Tavoitteena oli todistaa kehitetyn Babel-laitteen toimintaperiaatteen soveltuvuus partikkelisysteemien erottumiskäyttäytymisen tutkimiseen, mutta suoritetut kokeet olivat lähinnä menetelmän ja laitteen testausta. Ongelmiksi muodostuivat Babel-laitteen asettamat rajoitukset, partikkelien sähköistyminen ja partikkelien väliset vuorovaikutukset. Käytetyt suoraviivaiset lähestymistavat eivät riittäneet segregaation aiheuttamiseen Babel-laitteella. Vertikaalisen ravistelun seurauksena syntynyt konvektiopyörre esti segregaation syntymisen. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan sanoa, että Babel-laite mittaa hyvin ja toistettavasti sekä se kykenee erottamaan erikokoiset partikkelit ja erilaiset kokojakaumat toisistaan. Laitteen kehittämistavoitteena olisi saada segregaatio paremmin näkyviin jauheseoksissa ravistelun seurauksena. Tällöin voitaisiin tehdä päätelmiä jauheseoksen erottumistaipumuksesta ja systeemissä vallitsevista erottumismekanismeista. Laitteen ja menetelmän jatkokehittäminen voisi tuottaa hyödyllistä lisätietoa, mikä edesauttaisi segregaation ymmärtämistä ilmiönä entistä paremmin


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This study is based on the multidiciplinary approach of using natural colorants as textile dyes. The author was interested in both the historical and traditional aspects of natural dyeing as well as the modern industrial applications of the pure natural compounds. In the study, the anthraquinone compounds were isolated as aglycones from the ectomycorrhizal fungus Dermocybe sanguinea. The endogenous beta-glucosidase of the fungus was used to catalyse the hydrolysis of the O-glycosyl linkage in emodin- and dermocybin-1-beta-D-glucopyranosides. The method, in which 10.45 kg of fresh fungi was starting material, yielded two fractions: 56.0 g of Fraction 1 (94% of the total amount of pigment,) consisting almost exclusively of the main pigments emodin and dermocybin, and 3.3 g of Fraction 2 (6%) consisting mainly of the anthraquinone carboxylic acids. The anthraquinone compounds in Fractions 1 and 2 were separated by one- and two-dimensional thin-layer-chromatography (TLC) using silica plates. 1D TLC showed that neither an acidic nor a basic solvent system alone separated completely all the anthraquinones isolated from D. sanguinea, in spite of the variation of the rations of the solvent components in the systems. Thus, a new 2D TLC technique was developed, applying n-pentanol-pyridine-methanol (6:4:3, v/v/v) and toluene-ethyl acetate-ethanol-formic acid (10:8:1:2, v/v/v/v) as eluents. Fifteen different anthraquinone derivatives were completely separated from one another. Emodin, physcion, endocrocin, dermolutein, dermorubin, 5-chlorodermorubin, emodin-1-beta-D-glucopyranoside, dermocybin-1-beta-D-glucopyranoside and dermocybin, and five new compounds, not earlier identified in D. sanguinea, 7-chloroemodin, 5,7-dichloroemodin, 5,7-dichloroendocrocin, 4-hydroxyaustrocorticone and austrocorticone, were separated and identified on the basis of their Rf-values, UV/Vis spectra and mass spectra. One substance remained unidentified, because of its very low concentration. The anthraquinones in Fractions 1 and 2 were preparatively separeted by liquid-liquid partition, with isopropylmethyl ketone and aqueous phosphate buffer as the solvent system. Advantage was taken of the principle of stepwise pH-gradient elution. The multiple liquid-liquid partition (MLLP) offered an excellent method for the preparative separation of compounds, which contain acidic groups such as the phenolic OH and COOH groups. Due to their strong aggregation properties, these compounds are, without derivatization, very difficult to separate on a preparative scale by chromatographic methods. By the MLLP method remarkable separations were achieved for the components in each mixture. Emodin and dermocybin were both obtained from Fraction 1 in a purity of at least 99%. Pure emodin and dermocybin were applied as mordant dyes to wool and polyamide and as disperse dyes to polyester and polyamide, using the high temperature (HT) technique. A mixture of dermorubin and 5-chlorodermorubin was applied as an acid dye to wool. In these experiments, synthetic dyes were used as references. Experiments were also performed using water extract of the air-dried fungi as dye liquor for wool and silk. The main colouring compounds in the crude water extract were emodin and dermocybin, which indicated that the O-glycosyl linkages in emodin- and dermocybin-1-beta-D-glucopyranosides were broken by the beta-glucosidase enzyme. Apparently, the hydrolysis occurred during the drying of the fungi and during the soaking of the dried fruit bodies overnight when preparing the dyebath. The colour of each dyed material was investigated in terms of the CIELAB L*, a* and b* values, and the colour fastness to light, washing and rubbing was tested according to the ISO standards. In the mordant dyeing experiments, emodin dyed wool and polyamide yellow and red, depending on the pH of the dyebath. Dermocybin gave purple and violet colours. The colour fastness of the mordant-dyed fabrics varied from good to moderate. The fastness properties of the natural anthraquinone carboxylic acids on wool were good, indicating the strength of the ionic bonds between the COO- groups of the dyes and the NH3+ groups of the fibres. In the disperse dyeing experiments, emodin dyed polyester bright yellow and dermocybin bright reddish-orange, and the fabrics showed excellent colour fastness. In contrast, emodin and dermocybin successfully dyed polyamide brownish-orange and wine-red, respectively, but with only moderate fastness. In industrial dyeing processes, natural anthraquinone aglycone mixtures dyed wool and silk well even at low concentrations of mordants, i.e. with 10% of the weight of the fibre (owf) of KAl(SO4)2 and 1 or 0.5% owf of other mordants. This study showed that purified natural anthraquinone compounds can produce bright hues with good colour-fastness properties in different textile materials. Natural anthraquinones have a significant potential for new dyeing techniques and will provide useful alternatives to synthetic dyes.


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The analysis of lipid compositions from biological samples has become increasingly important. Lipids have a role in cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome and diabetes. They also participate in cellular processes such as signalling, inflammatory response, aging and apoptosis. Also, the mechanisms of regulation of cell membrane lipid compositions are poorly understood, partially because a lack of good analytical methods. Mass spectrometry has opened up new possibilities for lipid analysis due to its high resolving power, sensitivity and the possibility to do structural identification by fragment analysis. The introduction of Electrospray ionization (ESI) and the advances in instrumentation revolutionized the analysis of lipid compositions. ESI is a soft ionization method, i.e. it avoids unwanted fragmentation the lipids. Mass spectrometric analysis of lipid compositions is complicated by incomplete separation of the signals, the differences in the instrument response of different lipids and the large amount of data generated by the measurements. These factors necessitate the use of computer software for the analysis of the data. The topic of the thesis is the development of methods for mass spectrometric analysis of lipids. The work includes both computational and experimental aspects of lipid analysis. The first article explores the practical aspects of quantitative mass spectrometric analysis of complex lipid samples and describes how the properties of phospholipids and their concentration affect the response of the mass spectrometer. The second article describes a new algorithm for computing the theoretical mass spectrometric peak distribution, given the elemental isotope composition and the molecular formula of a compound. The third article introduces programs aimed specifically for the analysis of complex lipid samples and discusses different computational methods for separating the overlapping mass spectrometric peaks of closely related lipids. The fourth article applies the methods developed by simultaneously measuring the progress curve of enzymatic hydrolysis for a large number of phospholipids, which are used to determine the substrate specificity of various A-type phospholipases. The data provides evidence that the substrate efflux from bilayer is the key determining factor for the rate of hydrolysis.


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Nowadays growing number of new active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) have large molecular weight and are hydrophobic. The energy of their crystal lattice is bigger and polarity has decreased. This leads to weakened solubility and dissolution rate of the drug. These properties can be enhanced for example by amorphization. Amorphous form has the best dissolution rate in the solid state. In the amorphous form drug molecules are randomly arranged, so the energy required to dissolve molecules is lower compared to the crystalline counterpart. The disadvantage of amorphous form is that it is unstable. Amorphous form tends to crystallize. Stability of amorphous form can be enhanced by adding an adjuvant to drug product. Adjuvant is usually a polymer. Polymers prevent crystallization both by forming bonds with API molecules and by steric hindrance. The key thing in stabilizing amorphous form is good miscibility between API and polymer. They have to be mixed in a molecular level so that the polymer is able to prevent crystallization. The aim of this work was to study miscibility of drug and polymer and stability of their dispersion with different analytical methods. Amorphous dispersions were made by rotary evaporator and freeze dryer. Amorphicity was confirmed with X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) right after preparation. Itraconazole and theophylline were the chosen molecules to be stabilized. Itraconazole was expected to be easier and theophylline more difficult to stabilize. Itraconazole was stabilized with HPMC and theophylline was stabilized with PVP. Miscibility was studied with XRPD and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). In addition it was studied with polarized light microscope if miscibility was possible to see visually. Dispersions were kept in stressed conditions and the crystallization was analyzed with XRPD. Stability was also examined with isothermal microcalorimetry (IMC). The dispersion of itraconazole and theophylline 40/60 (w/w) was completely miscible. It was proved by linear combination of XRPD results and single glass transition temperature in DSC. Homogenic well mixed film was observed with light microscope. Phase separation was observed with other compositions. Dispersions of theophylline and PVP mixed only partly. Stability of itraconazole dispersions were better than theophylline dispersions which were mixed poorer. So miscibility was important thing considering stability. The results from isothermal microcalorimetry were similar to results from conventional stability studies. Complementary analytical methods should be used when studying miscibility so that the results are more reliable. Light microscope is one method in addition to mostly used XRPD and DSC. Analyzing light microscope photos is quite subjective but it gives an idea of miscibility. Isothermal microcalorimetry can be one option for conventional stability studies. If right conditions can be made where the crystallization is not too fast, it may be possible to predict stability with isothermal microcalorimetry.