998 resultados para equivalent mass


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Abstract-This paper reports a single-crystal silicon mass sensor based on a square-plate resonant structure excited in the wine glass bulk acoustic mode at a resonant frequency of 2.065 MHz and an impressive quality factor of 4 million at 12 mtorr pressure. Mass loading on the resonator results in a linear downshift in the resonant frequency of this device, wherein the measured sensitivity is found to be 175 Hz cm2/μg. The silicon resonator is embedded in an oscillator feedback loop, which has a short-term frequency stability of 3 mHz (approximately 1.5 ppb) at an operating pressure of 3.2 mtorr, corresponding to an equivalent mass noise floor of 17 pg/cm2. Possible applications of this device include thin film monitoring and gas sensing, with the potential added benefits of scalability and integration with CMOS technology. © 2008 IEEE.


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The SEA properties of a periodic structure are computed from the FE analysis of a single periodic cell. The periodic theory is used in conjunction with FE so that any geometry can be considered. Some efficient algorithms have been implemented to get the subsystems intrinsic properties (modal density, damping, and equivalent mass), as well as the coupling properties of the subsystem with acoustic subsystems (radiation and transmission). Comparisons with analytical results validate the method. © (2006) by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Department of Mechanical Engineering All rights reserved.


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To increase the structural efficiency of integrally machined aluminium alloy stiffened panels, it is plausible to introduce plate sub-stiffening to increase the local stability and thus panel static strength performance. Reported herein is the experimental validation of prismatic sub-stiffening, and the computational verification of such concepts within larger recurring structure. The experimental work demonstrates the potential to 'control' plate buckling modes. For the tested sub-stiffening design, an initial plate buckling performance gain of +89% over an equivalent mass design was measured. The numerical simulations, modelling the tested sub-stiffening design, demonstrate equivalent behaviour and performance gains (+66%) within larger structures consisting of recurring panels. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Previous work has demonstrated the potential to introduce plate element sub-stiffening to increase the local stability and thus static strength performance of integrally machined aluminium alloy stiffened panels. The introduction of plate element prismatic sub-stiffening modifies local plate buckling behaviour and within realistic design constraints, may produce sizable performance gains with equivalent mass designs. This article examines through experimental and computational analysis the potential of non-prismatic sub-stiffening for tailoring local plate stability performance. Using non-prismatic sub-stiffening, the experimental work demonstrates potential initial buckling performance gains with equivalent mass designs (+185%), and computationally, potential mass savings with equivalent static strength performance designs (-9.4%). (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This present work examines the load carrying capacity, energy absorption and fracture characteristics of wrought magnesium and aluminium alloy tubes in three-point bending. Magnesium alloy AZ31, and aluminium alloys 6063 and 7075, were extruded into cylindrical tubes of both equivalent thickness and mass. A strong thickness effect was present meaning that the AZ31 tube had significantly higher load and energy absorption performance than an equivalent mass 6063 tube, albeit not as high as the 7075 tube. Hinge formation and maximum load was delayed for the magnesium alloy, meaning that a high energy absorption rate persisted to higher deformation displacements than the aluminium alloys. It was also found that fracture during deformation was dependent on the indenter diameter, tube thickness and lower support separation.


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Good estimates of metabolic rate in free‐ranging animals are essential for understanding behavior, distribution, and abundance. For the critically endangered leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), one of the world’s largest reptiles, there has been a long‐standing debate over whether this species demonstrates any metabolic endothermy. In short, do leatherbacks have a purely ectothermic reptilian metabolic rate or one that is elevated as a result of regional endothermy? Recent measurements have provided the first estimates of field metabolic rate (FMR) in leatherback turtles using doubly labeled water; however, the technique is prohibitively expensive and logistically difficult and produces estimates that are highly variable across individuals in this species. We therefore examined dive duration and depth data collected for nine free‐swimming leatherback turtles over long periods (up to 431 d) to infer aerobic dive limits (ADLs) based on the asymptotic increase in maximum dive duration with depth. From this index of ADL and the known mass‐specific oxygen storage capacity (To2) of leatherbacks, we inferred diving metabolic rate (DMR) as . We predicted that if leatherbacks conform to the purely ectothermic reptilian model of oxygen consumption, these inferred estimates of DMR should fall between predicted and measured values of reptilian resting and field metabolic rates, as well as being substantially lower than the FMR predicted for an endotherm of equivalent mass. Indeed, our behaviorally derived DMR estimates ( mL O2 min−1 kg−1) were times the resting metabolic rate measured in unrestrained leatherbacks and times the average FMR for a reptile of equivalent mass. These DMRs were also nearly one order of magnitude lower than the FMR predicted for an endotherm of equivalent mass. Thus, our findings lend support to the notion that diving leatherback turtles are indeed ectothermic and do not demonstrate elevated metabolic rates that might be expected due to regional endothermy. Their capacity to have a warm body core even in cold water therefore seems to derive from their large size, heat exchangers, thermal inertia, and insulating fat layers and not from an elevated metabolic rate.


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A inversão de momentos de fonte gravimétrica tridimensional é analisada em duas situações. Na primeira se admite conhecer apenas a anomalia. Na segunda se admite conhecer, além da anomalia, informação a priori sobre o corpo anômalo. Sem usar informação a priori, mostramos que é possível determinar univocamente todo momento, ou combinação linear de momentos, cujo núcleo polinomial seja função apenas das coordenadas Cartesianas que definem o plano de medida e que tenha Laplaciano nulo. Além disso, mostramos que nenhum momento cujo núcleo polinomial tenha Laplaciano não nulo pode ser determinado. Por outro lado, informação a priori é implicitamente introduzida se o método de inversão de momentos se baseia na aproximação da anomalia pela série truncada obtida de sua expansão em multipolos. Dado um centro de expansão qualquer, o truncamento da série impõe uma condição de regularização sobre as superfícies equipotenciais do corpo anômalo, que permite estimar univocamente os momentos e combinações lineares de momentos que são os coeficientes das funções-bases da expansão em multipolos. Assim, uma distribuição de massa equivalente à real é postulada, sendo o critério de equivalência especificado pela condição de ajuste entre os campos observado e calculado com a série truncada em momentos de uma ordem máxima pré-estabelecida. Os momentos da distribuição equivalente de massa foram identificados como a solução estacionária de um sistema de equações diferenciais lineares de 1a. ordem, para a qual se asseguram unicidade e estabilidade assintótica. Para a série retendo momentos até 2a. ordem, é implicitamente admitido que o corpo anômalo seja convexo e tenha volume finito, que ele esteja suficientemente distante do plano de medida e que a sua distribuição espacial de massa apresente três planos ortogonais de simetria. O método de inversão de momentos baseado na série truncada (IMT) é adaptado para o caso magnético. Para este caso, mostramos que, para assegurar unicidade e estabilidade assintótica, é suficiente pressupor, além da condição de regularização, a condição de que a magnetização total tenha direção e sentido constantes, embora desconhecidos. O método IMT baseado na série de 2a. ordem (IMT2) é aplicado a anomalias gravimétricas e magnéticas tridimensionais sintéticas. Mostramos que se a fonte satisfaz as condições exigidas, boas estimativas da sua massa ou vetor momento de dipolo anômalo total, da posição de seu centro de massa ou de momento de dipolo e das direções de seus três eixos principais são obtidas de maneira estável. O método IMT2 pode falhar parcialmente quando a fonte está próxima do plano de medida ou quando a anomalia tem efeitos localizados e fortes de um corpo pequeno e raso e se tenta estimar os parâmetros de um corpo grande e profundo. Definimos por falha parcial a situação em que algumas das estimativas obtidas podem não ser boas aproximações dos valores verdadeiros. Nas duas situações acima descritas, a profundidade do centro da fonte (maior) e as direções de seus eixos principais podem ser erroneamente estimadas, embora que a massa ou vetor momento de dipolo anômalo total e a projeção do centro desta fonte no plano de medida ainda sejam bem estimados. Se a direção de magnetização total não for constante, o método IMT2 pode fornecer estimativas erradas das direções dos eixos principais (mesmo se a fonte estiver distante do plano de medida), embora que os demais parâmetros sejam bem estimados. O método IMT2 pode falhar completamente se a fonte não tiver volume finito. Definimos por falha completa a situação em que qualquer estimativa obtida pode não ser boa aproximação do valor verdadeiro. O método IMT2 é aplicado a dados reais gravimétricos e magnéticos. No caso gravimétrico, utilizamos uma anomalia situada no estado da Bahia, que se supõe ser causada por um batólito de granito. Com base nos resultados, sugerimos que as massas graníticas geradoras desta anomalia tenham sido estiradas na direção NNW e adelgaçadas na direção vertical durante o evento compressivo que causou a orogênese do Sistema de Dobramentos do Espinhaço. Além disso, estimamos que a profundidade do centro de massa da fonte geradora é cerca de 20 km. No caso magnético, utilizamos a anomalia de um monte submarino situado no Golfo da Guiné. Com base nos resultados, estimamos que o paleopolo magnético do monte submarino tem latitude 50°48'S e longitude 74°54'E e sugerimos que não exista contraste de magnetização expressivo abaixo da base do monte submarino.


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One of the challenges for structural engineers during design is considering how the structure will respond to crowd-induced dynamic loading. It has been shown that human occupants of a structure do not simply add mass to the system when considering the overall dynamic response of the system, but interact with it and may induce changes of the dynamic properties from those of the empty structure. This study presents an investigation into the human-structure interaction based on several crowd characteristics and their effect on the dynamic properties of an empty structure. The dynamic properties including frequency, damping, and mode shapes were estimated for a single test structure by means of experimental modal analysis techniques. The same techniques were utilized to estimate the dynamic properties when the test structure was occupied by a crowd with different combinations of size, posture, and distribution. The goal of this study is to isolate the occupant characteristics in order to determine the significance of each to be considered when designing new structures to avoid crowd serviceability issues. The results are presented and summarized based on the level of influence of each characteristic. The posture that produces the most significant effects based on the scope of this research is standing with bent knees with a maximum decrease in frequency of the first mode of the empty structure by 32 percent atthe highest mass ratio. The associated damping also increased 36 times the damping of the empty structure. In addition to the analysis of the experimental data, finite element models and a two degree-of-freedom model were created. These models were used to gain an understanding of the test structure, model a crowd as an equivalent mass, and also to develop a single degree-of-freedom (SDOF) model to best represent a crowd of occupants based on the experimental results. The SDOF models created had an averagefrequency of 5.0 Hz, within the range presented in existing biomechanics research, and combined SDOF systems of the test structure and crowd were able to reproduce the frequency and damping ratios associated with experimental tests. Results of this study confirmed the existence of human-structure interaction andthe inability to simply model a crowd as only additional mass. The two degree-offreedom model determined was able to predict the change in natural frequency and damping ratio for a structure occupied by multiple group sizes in a single posture. These results and model are the preliminary steps in the development of an appropriate methodfor modeling a crowd in combination with a more complex FE model of the empty structure.


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Cette thèse propose de développer des mécanismes déployables pour applications spatiales ainsi que des modes d’actionnement permettant leur déploiement et le contrôle de l’orientation en orbite de l’engin spatial les supportant. L’objectif étant de permettre le déploiement de surfaces larges pour des panneaux solaires, coupoles de télécommunication ou sections de station spatiale, une géométrie plane simple en triangle est retenue afin de pouvoir être assemblée en différents types de surfaces. Les configurations à membrures rigides proposées dans la littérature pour le déploiement de solides symétriques sont optimisées et adaptées à l’expansion d’une géométrie ouverte, telle une coupole. L’optimisation permet d’atteindre un ratio d’expansion plan pour une seule unité de plus de 5, mais présente des instabilités lors de l’actionnement d’un prototype. Le principe de transmission du mouvement d’un étage à l’autre du mécanisme est revu afin de diminuer la sensibilité des performances du mécanisme à la géométrie de ses membrures internes. Le nouveau modèle, basé sur des courroies crantées, permet d’atteindre des ratios d’expansion plans supérieurs à 20 dans certaines configurations. L’effet des principaux facteurs géométriques de conception est étudié afin d’obtenir une relation simple d’optimisation du mécanisme plan pour adapter ce dernier à différents contextes d’applications. La géométrie identique des faces triangulaires de chaque surface déployée permet aussi l’empilement de ces faces pour augmenter la compacité du mécanisme. Une articulation spécialisée est conçue afin de permettre le dépliage des faces puis leur déploiement successivement. Le déploiement de grandes surfaces ne se fait pas sans influencer lourdement l’orientation et potentiellement la trajectoire de l’engin spatial, aussi, différentes stratégies de contrôle de l’orientation novatrices sont proposées. Afin de tirer profit d’une grande surface, l’actionnement par masses ponctuelles en périphérie du mécanisme est présentée, ses équations dynamiques sont dérivées et simulées pour en observer les performances. Celles-ci démontrent le potentiel de cette stratégie de réorientation, sans obstruction de l’espace central du satellite de base, mais les performances restent en deçà de l’effet d’une roue d’inertie de masse équivalente. Une stratégie d’actionnement redondant par roue d’inertie est alors présentée pour différents niveaux de complexité de mécanismes dont toutes les articulations sont passives, c’est-à-dire non actionnées. Un mécanisme à quatre barres plan est simulé en boucle fermée avec un contrôleur simple pour valider le contrôle d’un mécanisme ciseau commun. Ces résultats sont étendus à la dérivation des équations dynamiques d’un mécanisme sphérique à quatre barres, qui démontre le potentiel de l’actionnement par roue d’inertie pour le contrôle de la configuration et de l’orientation spatiale d’un tel mécanisme. Un prototype à deux corps ayant chacun une roue d’inertie et une seule articulation passive les reliant est réalisé et contrôlé grâce à un suivi par caméra des modules. Le banc d’essai est détaillé, ainsi que les défis que l’élimination des forces externes ont représenté dans sa conception. Les résultats montrent que le système est contrôlable en orientation et en configuration. La thèse se termine par une étude de cas pour l’application des principaux systèmes développés dans cette recherche. La collecte de débris orbitaux de petite et moyenne taille est présentée comme un problème n’ayant pas encore eu de solution adéquate et posant un réel danger aux missions spatiales à venir. L’unité déployable triangulaire entraînée par courroies est dupliquée de manière à former une coupole de plusieurs centaines de mètres de diamètre et est proposée comme solution pour capturer et ralentir ces catégories de débris. Les paramètres d’une mission à cette fin sont détaillés, ainsi que le potentiel de réorientation que les roues d’inertie permettent en plus du contrôle de son déploiement. Près de 2000 débris pourraient être retirés en moins d’un an en orbite basse à 819 km d’altitude.


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This study used the specific example of 3D printing with acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) as a means to investigate the potential usefulness of benchtop rapid prototyping as a technique for producing patient specific phantoms for radiotherapy dosimetry. Three small cylinders and one model of a human lung were produced via in-house 3D printing with ABS, using 90%, 50%, 30% and 10% ABS infill densities. These phantom samples were evaluated in terms of their geometric accuracy, tissue equivalence and radiation hardness, when irradiated using a range of clinical radiotherapy beams. The measured dimensions of the small cylindrical phantoms all matched their planned dimensions, within 1mm. The lung phantom was less accurately matched to the lung geometry on which it was based, due to simplifications introduced during the phantom design process. The mass densities, electron densities and linear attenuation coefficients identified using CT data, as well as the results of film measurements made using megavoltage photon and electron beams, indicated that phantoms printed with ABS, using infill densities of 30% or more, are potentially useful as lung- and tissue-equivalent phantoms for patient-specific radiotherapy dosimetry. All cylindrical 3D printed phantom samples were found to be unaffected by prolonged radiation and to accurately match their design specifications. However, care should be taken to avoid oversimplifying anatomical structures when printing more complex phantoms.


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Context: in the ESR1 gene encoding estrogen receptor (ER)-α may be associated with fat mass in adults. Objectives: The objective of the study was to establish whether ESR1 polymorphisms influence fat mass in childhood. Design: This was a cross-sectional analysis after genotyping of rs9340799, rs2234693, and rs7757956 ESR1 polymorphisms. Setting: The Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) was a population-based prospective study. Participants: Participants included 3097 11-yr-old children with results for ESR1 genotyping, puberty measures, and dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry results. Outcomes: Relationships between ESR1 polymorphisms and indices of body composition were measured. Results: The rs7757956 polymorphism was associated with fat mass (P = 0.002). Total body fat mass (adjusted for height) was reduced by 6% in children with TA/AA genotypes, and risk of being overweight (≥85th centile of fat mass) was decreased by 20%. This genetic effect appeared to interact with puberty in girls (P = 0.05 for interaction): in those with the TT genotype, total body fat mass (adjusted for height) was 18% higher in Tanner stages 3-5 vs. stages 1-2; the equivalent difference was 7% in those with TA/AA genotypes. Furthermore, the risk of being overweight was 36% lower in girls with TA/AA genotypes in Tanner stages 3-5, but no reduction was seen in those in stages 1-2. Neither rs9340799 nor rs2234693 polymorphisms were associated with body composition measures. Conclusions: Fat mass in 11-yr-old children was related to the rs7757956 ESR1 polymorphism. This association was strongest in girls in more advanced puberty, in whom the risk of being overweight was reduced by 36% in those with the TA/AA genotype.


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CONTEXT: The role and importance of circulating sclerostin is poorly understood. High bone mass (HBM) caused by activating LRP5 mutations has been reported to be associated with increased plasma sclerostin concentrations; whether the same applies to HBM due to other causes is unknown. OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to determine circulating sclerostin concentrations in HBM. DESIGN AND PARTICIPANTS: In this case-control study, 406 HBM index cases were identified by screening dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) databases from 4 United Kingdom centers (n = 219 088), excluding significant osteoarthritis/artifact. Controls comprised unaffected relatives and spouses. MAIN MEASURES: Plasma sclerostin; lumbar spine L1, total hip, and total body DXA; and radial and tibial peripheral quantitative computed tomography (subgroup only) were evaluated. RESULTS: Sclerostin concentrations were significantly higher in both LRP5 HBM and non-LRP5 HBM cases compared with controls: mean (SD) 130.1 (61.7) and 88.0 (39.3) vs 66.4 (32.3) pmol/L (both P < .001, which persisted after adjustment for a priori confounders). In combined adjusted analyses of cases and controls, sclerostin concentrations were positively related to all bone parameters found to be increased in HBM cases (ie, L1, total hip, and total body DXA bone mineral density and radial/tibial cortical area, cortical bone mineral density, and trabecular density). Although these relationships were broadly equivalent in HBM cases and controls, there was some evidence that associations between sclerostin and trabecular phenotypes were stronger in HBM cases, particularly for radial trabecular density (interaction P < .01). CONCLUSIONS: Circulating plasma sclerostin concentrations are increased in both LRP5 and non-LRP5 HBM compared with controls. In addition to the general positive relationship between sclerostin and DXA/peripheral quantitative computed tomography parameters, genetic factors predisposing to HBM may contribute to increased sclerostin levels.


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A search for high-mass resonances in the $e^+e^-$ final state is presented based on 2.5 fb$^{-1}$ of $\sqrt{s}=$1.96 TeV $p\bar{p}$ collision data from the CDF II detector at the Fermilab Tevatron. The largest excess over the standard model prediction is at an $e^+e^-$ invariant mass of 240 GeV/$c^2$. The probability of observing such an excess arising from fluctuations in the standard model anywhere in the mass range of 150--1,000 GeV/$c^2$ is 0.6% (equivalent to 2.5 $\sigma$). We exclude the standard model coupling $Z'$ and the Randall-Sundrum graviton for $k/\overline{M}_{Pl}=0.1$ with masses below 963 and 848 GeV/$c^2$ at the 95% credibility level, respectively.