999 resultados para epithelioid cell


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Perivascular epithelioid cell tumor (PEComa) is a rare mesenchymal neoplasia and currently well recognized as a distinct entity with characteristic morphological, immunohistochemical and molecular findings. We report a case of PEComa arising in the antrum of a 71-year-old female with melena. The tumor, located predominantly in the submucosa as a well delimited nodule, measured 3.0 cm in diameter and was completely resected, with no evidence of the disease elsewhere. Histologically, it was composed predominantly of eosinophilic epithelioid cells arranged in small nests commonly related to variably sized vessels, with abundant extracellular material, moderate nuclear variation and discrete mitotic activity. No necrosis, angiolymphatic invasion or perineural infiltration was seen. Tumor cells were uniformly positive for vimentin, smooth muscle actin, desmin and melan A. Although unusual, PEComa should be considered in the differential diagnosis of gastric neoplasia with characteristic epithelioid and oncocytic features and prominent vasculature: (C) 2010 Baishideng. All rights reserved.


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Background. Perivascular epithelioid cell tumors (PEComas) are a rare family of mesenchymal tumors arising in a wide array of anatomic locations and characterized by coexpression of melanocytic and muscle markers. The uterus accounts for around one-fourth of the overall PEComa cases reported in the literature. Methods. We report a case of PEComa of the uterus with multiple malignancy features. Results. A uterine mass suspect for leiomyosarcoma was found in a 53-year-old woman with post-menopausal bleeding. Total hysterectomy and bilateral adnexectomy was performed. The tumor measured 7 cm in diameter, was unique, well-circumscribed, nodular, and whiteyellow without haemorrhage or necrosis. Microscopically, two populations of cells could be seen: small fusiform cells growing in fascicles resembling a smooth muscle tumor, and large epithelioid cells with abundant pale vacuolated cytoplasm growing in a diffuse pattern. Cytologic atypias were marked and mitoses numerous and often atypical in the second component. The tumor infiltrated into the myometrium with lymphovascular invasion. Immunostains showed positivity for MelanA, HMB45, smooth muscle actin, CD10, TFE3 and cathepsin K. Conclusions. This PEComa case presents several of the recently precised criteria for malignancy (Schoolmeester JK et al. Perivascular epithelioid cell neoplasm (PEComa) of the gynecologic tract: Clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical characterization of 16 cases. Am J Surg Pathol 2014; 38:176-188).


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Approximately 10% of patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) develop other neoplasms, either synchronously or metachronously. In this report we describe coexistence of a gastrointestinal stromal tumor and a hepatic perivascular epithelioid cell tumor (PEComa) in a 51-year-old woman with no evidence of tuberous sclerosis. A subcapsular hepatic nodule (0.8 cm in diameter) was found during surgery for symptomatic gastric neoplasm (15 cm in diameter) arising from the lesser curvature. Both tumors revealed histomorphological and immunohistochemical features confirming a diagnosis of a small incidental hepatic PEComa and a high risky extramural gastric GIST, respectively. The patient remained disease-free 25 mo after surgery with no evidence of tumor recurrence or new neoplasms. To our knowledge, this is the first report of PEComa in a patient with GIST. Hepatic lesions detected synchronously or metachronously in patients with GISTs may represent histogenetically distinct lesions and should be sampled to confirm or exclude metastatic GISTs. (C) 2008 WJG. All rights reserved.


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Primary perivascular epithelioid cell tumor (PEComa) of the liver is a very rare example of an emerging family of hepatic PEC tumors. Only few cases have been described so far. We report the case of a large but benign hepatic PEComa in a 53-year-old man without signs of tuberous sclerosis. In contrast to recently described PEC-derived liver tumors in children and young adults, this neoplasm was not related to the hepatic ligaments but had developed deeply within the liver substance. The neoplastic cells displayed the complete phenotype typical for PEComas, i.e. reactivity for several melanoma markers and for smooth muscle actin. The unique relationship of myoid tumor cells to the adventitia of blood vessels prompted us, in comparison with published findings obtained with angiomyolipomas, to comment on the possible origin of the still enigmatic perivascular epithelioid cells.


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Mycobacterium tuberculosis preferentially resides in mononuclear phagocytes. The mechanisms by which mononuclear phagocytes keep M. tuberculosis in check or by which the microbe evades control to cause disease remain poorly understood. As an initial effort to delineate these mechanisms, we examined by immunostaining the phenotype of mononuclear phagocytes obtained from lungs of patients with active tuberculosis. From August 1994 to March 1995, consecutive patients who had an abnormal chest X-ray, no demostrable acid-fast bacilli in sputum specimens and required a diagnostic bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) were enrolled. Of the 39 patients enrolled, 21 had microbiologically diagnosed tuberculosis. Thirteen of the 21 tuberculosis patients were either HIV seronegative (n = 12) or had no risk factor for HIV and constituted the tuberculosis group. For comparison, M. tuberculosis negative patients who had BAL samples taken during this time (n = 9) or normal healthy volunteers (n = 3) served as control group. Compared to the control group, the tuberculosis group had significantly higher proportion of cells expressing markers of young monocytes (UCHM1) and RFD7, a marker for phagocytic cells, and increased expression of HLA-DR, a marker of cell activation. In addition, tuberculosis group had significantly higher proportion of cells expressing dendritic cell marker (RFD1) and epithelioid cell marker (RFD9). These data suggest that despite recruitment of monocytes probably from the peripheral blood and local cell activation, host defense of the resident lung cells is insufficient to control M. tuberculosis.


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The perivascular epithelioid cell has been proposed to be the unifying proliferating cell type in a number of lesions such as angiomyolipoma, lymphangiomyomatosis, clear cell sugar tumor and renal capsuloma. With the exception of rare examples of angiomyolipoma, they are non-metastasizing. We report four examples of a new member of this family of perivascular epithelioid cell neoplasms that occur in abdominopelvic location and show metastatic properties. The patients, all women, were aged 19 to 41 years (mean, 32), and presented with a tumor mass involving the serosa of the ileum, uterus or pelvic cavity. Morphologically, the tumors were composed of sheets of large polygonal cells with glycogen-rich clear or eosinophilic cytoplasm and moderately pleomorphic nuclei, traversed by a delicate vasculature, mimicking clear cell carcinoma. There were areas of coagulative necrosis and occasional mitotic figures. Intracytoplasmic brown pigment was present in two cases. Spindly cells, smooth muscle and fat were absent. Lymphovascular invasion was present in all, lymph node metastasis was documented in two and metastasis to the ovary was present in one case. Two patients developed widespread metastatic disease after 10 and 28 months from diagnosis. One patient showed the clinical signs of tuberous sclerosis. In spite of the epithelial-like appearance, the tumor cells were negative for epithelial markers but were strongly positive with the melanogenesis-related marker HMB45. Another melanogenesis marker (MART-1) was positive in two cases. Other markers including S-100 protein, vimentin, muscle-specific actin, desmin and chromogranin A were negative. Thus, these tumors are not readily classifiable in the existing schema of known entities, and show over-lapping morpho-phenotypic features of clear cell sugar tumor of the lung and epithelioid angiomyolipoma. We consider them as sarcomas composed of a pure population of uncommitted perivascular epithelioid cell, that lack modulation toward smooth muscle or adipose cells.


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Immunostimulatory therapy is a promising approach to improving the treatment of systemic fungal infections such as paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), whose drug therapy is usually prolonged and associated with toxic side effects and relapses. The current study was undertaken to determine if the injection of a T helper (Th) 1-stimulating adjuvant in P. brasiliensis infected mice could have a beneficial effect on the course of experimental PCM. For this purpose, mice were infected and treated with complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA), a well-established Th1 experimental inductor, or incomplete Freund's adjuvant (IFA - control group) on day 20 postinfection. Four weeks after treatment, the CFA-treated mice presented a mild infection in the lungs characterized by absence of epithelioid cell granulomas and yeast cells, whereas the control mice presented multiple sites of focal epithelioid granulomas with lymphomonocytic halos circumscribing a high number of viable and nonviable yeast cells. In addition, CFA administration induced a 2.4 log reduction (>99%) in the fungal burden when compared to the control group, and led to an improvement of immune response, reversing the immunosuppression observed in the control group. The immunotherapy with Th1-inducing adjuvant, approved to be used in humans, might be a valuable tool in the treatment of PCM and potentially useful to improve the clinical cure rate in humans.


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Granulomatous inflammation is the morphological substrate of a variety of important infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, leprosy, schistosomiasis and others. Nevertheless, although many aspects of this special type of inflammation are known, fundamental questions concerning granuloma formation, persistence, fate and significance for host-parasite relationships still remain to be elucidated. In this brief review, the basic and more relevant literature related to experimental investigations on granuloma physiopathology is presented. Based on recent investigations performed in our laboratory showing that MDF (Macrophage Deactivating Fator) secreted by epithelioid cells and characterized as the calcium-binding protein protein MRP-14 deactivates activated macrophages, a hypothesis to explain the persistence of granulomatous inflammation is put forward


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The intermediate hosts of Angiostrongylus costaricensis are terrestrian molluscs, mostly of the family Veronicellidae. The present work aimed at clarifying more accurately the sites of penetration and the migratory routes of A. costaricensis in the tissue slugs and at verifying the pattern of the perilarval reaction at different times of infection. Slugs were individually infected with 5,000 L1, and killed from 30 min to 30 days after infection. From 30 min up to 2 hr after infection, L1 were found within the lumen of different segments of the digestive tube having their number diminished in more advanced times after exposition until complete disappearance. After 30 min of exposition, percutaneous infection occurred, simultaneously to oral infection. Perilarval reaction was observed from 2 hr of infection around larvae in fibromuscular layer, appearing later (after 6 hr) around larvae located in the viscera. A pre-granulomatous reaction was characterized by gradative concentration of amebocytes around larvae, evolving two well-organized granulomas. In this work we confirmed the simultaneous occurrence of oral and percutaneous infections. Perilarval reaction, when very well developed, defined typical granulomatous structure, including epithelioid cell transformation. The infection also caused a systemic mobilization of amebocytes and provoked amebocyte-endothelium interactions.


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To study the histogenesis of spindle and epithelioid cell tumors of gastrointestinal tract we evaluated ten cases of gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) previously classified as leiomyomas (6 cases) and leiomyosarcomas (4 cases). The cases were studied by morphological and immunohistochemistry procedures with search of three markers: muscle specific actin (HHF-35), vimentin and S-100 protein. All tumors showed vimentin positivity. Muscle differentiation was demonstrated in three cases (33.3%), all of them benign. One tumor, in small intestine, displayed S-100 protein positivity. The results showed that the GIST represent a heterogeneous group of tumors, most of which consist of primitive mesenchymal cells.


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Foram realizadas biópsias retais de 140 búfalos, machos e fêmeas, das raças Murrah e mestiços de Murrah com Mediterrâneo, com idade acima de três anos, em uma propriedade no município de São Mateus, Maranhão, Brasil. Adicionalmente foram realizadas necropsias de 11 búfalos, para realizar um estudo comparativo entre os achados das biópsias retais e de tecidos de íleo e linfonodo mesentérico. A propriedade apresentava histórico de animais com emagrecimento progressivo e diarreia não responsiva a antimicrobianos. Os búfalos apresentavam sinais clínicos caracterizados por diarreia, estado nutricional regular a ruim, desidratação e edema submandibular. Nas biópsias retais seis búfalos apresentaram lesões sugestivas da paratuberculose na Hematoxilina-Eosina (HE), sendo estas caracterizadas por inflamação granulomatosa multifocal moderada na lâmina própria com macrófagos epitelioides. Em quatro animais foram observadas adicionalmente células gigantes do tipo Langhans. Em 15 búfalos foi observado infiltrado linfocitário multifocal leve na lâmina própria. Pela coloração de Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN), 4,3% (6/140) apresentaram bacilos álcool-ácido resistentes (BAAR) e na PCR em tempo real (qPCR), 5,71% (7/140) tiveram amplificação do material genético. Foram necropsiados 11 búfalos, à necropsia foram observados aumento de linfonodos mesentéricos com áreas esbranquiçadas na superfície de corte; intestino delgado e grosso com dobras transversais evidentes, mucosa espessada e irregular, de aspecto reticulado, placas de Peyer evidentes e conteúdo líquido e marrom. Ainda se viam áreas espessadas em torno da válvula ileocecal e vasos linfáticos evidentes. As lesões histológicas localizadas no intestino delgado e linfonodos mesentéricos de quatro búfalos foram compatíveis com lesões já descritas na literatura, e apresentaram BAAR e amplificação de material genético na qPCR. A concordância entre a biópsia retal e a análise dos tecidos de íleo e linfonodo mesentérico, segundo o teste Kappa (K=0,792), foi alta. A biópsia retal realizada demonstrou ser promissora e pode ser empregada, juntamente com outras técnicas, para auxiliar no diagnóstico ante mortem em búfalos de rebanhos com suspeita de paratuberculose; pela mesma foi possível detectar animais positivos através da coloração de ZN e qPCR. Os resultados obtidos podem ser utilizados no controle da enfermidade para selecionar e eliminar animais positivos do rebanho, diminuindo gradualmente, a disseminação do agente no ambiente, e a consequente contaminação de outros animais.


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Embryonic tissue explants of the sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis (Lutz & Neiva 1912) the main vector of Leishmania chagasi (Cunha and Chagas), were used to obtain a continuous cell line (Lulo). The tissues were seeded in MM/VP12 medium and these were incubated at 28ºC. The first subculture was obtained 45 days after explanting and 96 passages have been made to date. Lulo is composed of epithelioid cells, showed a 0.04 generations/hour exponential growth rate and population doubling time at 24.7 h. The cell line isoenzymatic profiles were determined by using PGI, PGM, MPI and 6-PGDH systems, coinciding with patterns obtained from the same species and colony's pupae and adults. The species karyotype characteristics were recognized (2n = 8), in which pair 1 is subtelocentric and pairs 2, 3 and 4 are metacentric. Lulo was free from bacterial, fungal, mycoplasmic and viral infection. Susceptibility to five arbovirus was determined, the same as Lulo interaction with Leishmania promastigotes.


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The cellular nature of the infiltrate in cutaneous lesion of rhesus monkeys experimentally infected with Leishmania (L.) amazonensis was characterized by immunohistochemistry. Skin biopsies from infected animals with active or healing lesions were compared to non-infected controls (three of each type) to quantitate inflammatory cell types. Inflammatory cells (composed of a mixture of T lymphocyte subpopulations, macrophages and a small number of natural killer cells and granulocytes) were more numerous in active lesions than in healing ones. T-cells accounted for 44.7 ± 13.1% of the infiltrate in active lesions (versus CD2+= 40.3 ± 5.7% in healing lesions) and T-cell ratios favor CD8+ cells in both lesion types. The percentage of cells expressing class II antigen (HLA-DR+) in active lesions (95 ± 7.1%) was significantly higher (P < 0.005) from the healing lesions (42.7 ± 12.7%). Moreover, the expression of the activation molecules CD25 (@ 16%), the receptor for interleukin-2, suggests that many T cells are primed and proliferating in active lesions. Distinct histopathological patterns were observed in lesions at biopsy, but healing lesions contained more organized epithelioid granulomas and activated macrophages, followed by fibrotic substitution. The progression and resolution of skin lesions appears to be very similar to that observed in humans, confirming the potential for this to be used as a viable model to study the immune response in human cutaneous leishmaniasis.


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A new cell line, PC-0199-BR, was established from embryonated eggs of the mosquito Psorophora confinnis. To date (September 2000) it has had 62 continuous passages. This is the first report of a cell line of mosquitoes belonging to the genus Psorophora. Cell growth initially was achieved in the MM/VP12 medium, supplemented with 20% fetal bovine serum; however, the subcultures were later adapted to Grace's medium with 10% fetal bovine serum. Cell morphology in the primary cultures was heterogeneous; but later in the established cell line, the predominant cell type was epithelioid. Cultured cells were predominantly diploid (2n=6); however, chromosome abnormalities were observed in a small proportion of the cells in later passages. C and G band patterns were also determined in the karyotype. The cell line isozyme profiles coincided with pupae and adult samples of the species taken from the same colony. A preliminary arbovirus susceptibility study for the cell line was undertaken. No evidence was observed of contamination of the cell line with bacteria, fungi or mycoplasma.