1000 resultados para epilepsia infantil


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Epilepsy is a common chronic condition in the childhood and its diagnosis reveals psychological, social and family difficulties, that seem to be related with beliefs and quality of parents-children interaction. The purpose of this paper is to schematize investigation strategies for the psychological variables: beliefs, impact of the disease, family relationship, identification of changes. Based upon collected reports of epileptic children's parents and upon surveyed aspects of the literature, psychological questionnaires were elaborated to identify important variables that affect the child's epilepsy life and his family. The use of more appropriate investigation procedures facilitates the psychological evaluation and ensures the collection of data.


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Resumen tomado de la revista


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OBJECTIVE: To verify the effectiveness of the support group in the identification of family variables linked to epilepsy. METHOD: Pre-test were applied to parents of 21 children with benign epilepsy of childhood recently diagnosed, from 5 to 15 years, who participated in the groups at HC/Unicamp. There was a presentation of an educational video, discussion and application of the post-test 1. After six months, the post-test 2 was applied. RESULTS: The beliefs were: fear of swallowing the tongue during the seizures (76.19%) and of a future mental disease (66.67%). Facing the epilepsy, fear and sadness appeared. 76.19% of the parents presented overprotection and 90.48%, expected a new seizure. In the post-test 1, the parents affirmed that the information offered had modified the beliefs. In the post-test 2, 80.95% didn't report great doubts about epilepsy and 90.48% considered their relationship with their children better. CONCLUSIONS: The demystification of beliefs supplied from the groups influenced the family positively, prevented behavior alterations and guaranteed effective care in the attendance to the child with epilepsy.


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El Acido Valproico (AV) es un antiepiléptico de primera línea bien efectivo en una gama amplia de crisis. Hay varias condiciones bajo las cuales una preparación parenteral es necesaria, ya sea porque el paciente es incapaz de tomar la medicación oral o porque se requiere una carga rápida, por ejemplo en el estatus epiléptico (EE).1 Al lado de las benzodiazepinas de corta acción, sólo la fenitoina y el fenobarbital están en uso como una preparación intravenosa (I.V.). Desgraciadamente, éstos tienen una ventana terapéutica estrecha y un amplio rango de complicaciones y efectos colaterales que limitan su administración. Hay una opción terapéutica actualmente disponible en nuestro país, como lo es el Acido Valproico en la presentación de ampolla para administración intravenosa y en el momento no se cuenta con ningún reporte en Colombia ni Latinoamérica donde se describa el uso del AV I.V. para EE. Los reportes internacionales muestran una efectividad del AV I.V. desde 63 hasta 85%2-3, con pocos efectos adversos y resultados prometedores. Por consiguiente, pensamos que es importante reportar nuestra experiencia con el uso del AV I.V. en el tratamiento del EE, como una opción terapéutica y con lo cual se derivaran estudios aleatorizados, ramdomizados y controlados.


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El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar las tendencias en la investigación de la depresión infantil mediante un análisis bibliométrico de artículos publicados entre enero de 2010 y enero de 2015, en las bases de datos EBSCO, Scopus y Scielo. Se incluyeron 146 artículos, escritos en inglés, español y portugués. En el trabajo se identifican los autores más productivos y las tendencias de los autores con respecto al sexo, profesión y producción; así como los países, instituciones y revistas que más publicaron sobre dicho trastorno. La edad y la ansiedad son las variables que con más frecuencia se asocian al tema; de igual forma, se identificó el Children Depression Inventory (CDI) como el instrumento más común para medir la depresión infantil. En este periodo de tiempo destacan los artículos centrados en investigaciones sobre poblaciones con diferentes estados de salud, diseños correlacionales, de corte transversal y escritos por múltiples autores. Al analizar los resultados obtenidos se observa un creciente interés y preocupación de los investigadores por conocer la frecuencia de los trastornos del estado de ánimo y más específicamente de la depresión en niños, y la asociación e influencia que esta puede tener para su desarrollo.


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Estudiar la deficiencia infantil a través de las técnicas proyectivas. 60 niños en edad escolar, de los cuales 30 eran deficientes, la mayoría del psiquiátrico de Salamanca. Explica los cómputos del grupo normativo, los cómputos del grupo de deficientes con inclusión de los protocolos de los casos a estudiar, expone los cuadros de las frecuencias halladas en las distintas categorías en el grupo normativo y en el grupo deficiente, analiza las diferencias existentes en cada categoría en función del grupo normativo, estudia el síndrome Rorschach de la deficiencia infantil y las particularidades de las láminas proyectivas. Láminas Rorschach, láminas proyectivas. Después de la aplicación de las pruebas se procede a realizar un estudio de casos. 1) Estudio del protocolo 1: Inteligencia ligeramente inferior a la media sin que se pueda hablar propiamente de debilidad. Inteligencia de tipo claramente práctico, por tanto, reproductiva. Pensamiento banal al mismo tiempo que adaptación intelectual. Es de notar el matiz perseverativo de sus respuestas, que pueden hacer pensar en una epilepsia. 2) Estudio del protocolo 2: Grave defecto de la inteligencia. Aunque no existen respuestas anatómicas claras, si existe una clara tendencia a ellas, observándose en este sentido cierta estereotipia, lo que, unido al carácter rumiante de la perseveración hacen pensar en la existencia de una epilepsia. 3) Estudio del protocolo 8: Notable defecto de la inteligencia de etiología orgánica evidente. Formalismo y rigidez probablemente con relación con rasgos neurótico-depresivos. La perseveración presenta un claro carácter rumiante permitiendo afirmar la existencia de rasgos ixoides. No hay datos para pensar en una epilepsia, pero sí, dada la existencia de alteraciones orgánicas cerebrales en una ixofrenia. 4) Estudio del protocolo 10: La inteligencia ofrece un aspecto de debilidad orgánica y la afectividad es de carácter impulsivo. El escaso freno existente se daría a nivel de super-yo, que permitiría controlar las manifestaciones afectivas, pero sin apenas dominio del estado de ánimo que con tal motivo se originaría. Se daría una especie de inestabilidad excitable característico de los cuadros de epilepsia. El niño deficiente presenta claros síntomas orgánicos, eventualmente referidos a otras enfermedades causadas por alteraciones cerebrales. Como consecuencia existe un considerable retraso en el desarrollo psíquico. Así pues, el protocolo del niño deficiente corresponderá al de un niño normal de edad muy inferior a la suya.


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Identificar el patrón de rendimiento neuropsicológico exhibido por los sujetos con algún tipo de alteración orgánica o funcional y diferenciarlo del patrón neuropsicológico que exhiben los sujetos normales. Identificar y diferenciar el patrón neuropsicológico que presentan los sujetos con trastornos funcionales del patrón neuropsicológico que presentan los sujetos con un trastorno orgánico. Participan 80 sujetos divididos en cuatro grupos: grupo epiléctico (20 niños con edades comprendidas entre los 7 y los 12 años), grupo disléxico (20 niños con edades comprendidas entre los 8 y los 11 años), grupo normal (20 niños sin ningún tipo de alteración neurológica ni psicológica y con un mismo rango de edades al de los grupos anteriores) y grupo con CI bajo (20 niños con edades entre los 8 y 11 años y con un cociente intelectual total con un rango de 65 a 90). Se procede de forma individual, durante varios días, a la aplicación de las pruebas: primero el test WISC y a continuación la batería Luria-DNI. El test WISC se utiliza para obtener el cociente intelectual total (CIT), el CI manipulativo y el CI verbal de cada sujeto. También se utiliza este test para el estudio de la lateralidad cerebral. La batería Luria-DNI es un procedimiento de evaluación o diagnóstico neuropsicológico infantil inspirado en Luria. Es un instrumento útil para la evaluación neuropsicológica de niños entre 7 y 10 años. Consta de 195 ítems agrupados en 19 subtests que, a su vez, pertenecen a 9 pruebas. También se recoge otro tipo de medidas clínicas, farmacológicas y electroencefalográficas. Se utilizan los análisis estadísticos siguientes: análisis de varianza y el análisis discriminante. Los resultados confirman que el perfil de rendimiento neuropsicológico que muestran los niños epilépticos es inferior al perfil de los niños del grupo control en 18 de los 19 subtests que componen la batería Luria-DNI. Además, en las escalas de inteligencia de Wechsler, presentan un CI verbal y un CI total ligeramente inferior al grupo normal. Estos resultados demuestran que los niños epilécticos, cuanto menos, presentan déficits neuropsicológicas específicas en las áreas relacionadas con el habla, la lectura y la aritmética. Los niños disléxicos puntúan por debajo de los niños normales en 17 de los 19 subtests de la batería Luria-DNI; también muestran una puntuación significativamente inferior en CI verbal y en CI total. Niños epilépticos y niños disléxicos comparten semejanzas en ciertas funciones neuropsicológicas deficitarias y que hacen referencia a los procesos lingüísticos receptivos y expresivos, perceptivo-visuales y de cálculo. La Neuropsicología nos permite estudiar de forma pormenorizada las funciones mentales, complementando la evaluación tradicional de las funciones intelectuales a través de los tests clásicos (como el WISC).


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A epilepsia cursa com diversas comorbidades e, entre elas, estão as alterações de linguagem, que levam a criança a problemas educacionais e sociais desfavoráveis. A etiologia das alterações de linguagem envolve aspectos orgânicos, cognitivos e sociais, ocorrendo, na maioria das vezes, uma interrelação entre todos esses fatores. A idade da primeira crise epiléptica, o tipo de epilepsia, o uso de drogas antiepilépticas e a intervenção medicamentosa em politerapia podem implicar na ocorrência dessas alterações em crianças. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi verificar a ocorrência de alterações de linguagem em crianças pré-escolares e escolares com diagnóstico de epilepsia atendidas no setor de Neurologia Infantil do Hospital de Pediatria Professor Heriberto Ferreira Bezerra. Caracterizou-se como um estudo prospectivo e transversal realizado com 90 crianças com epilepsia, submetidas à avaliação fonoaudiológica de linguagem oral e de leitura e escrita e como pesquisa interdisciplinar uma vez que envolveu áreas como a Fonoaudiologia, a Neurologia e a Psicologia. Os critérios de inclusão foram: 1) diagnóstico inequívoco de epilepsia, segundo a definição da ILAE (2005), 2) idade de 3 aos 12 anos, 3) padrão neurológico e desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor normais; os de exclusão: 1) diagnóstico de epilepsia duvidoso, 2) padrão neurológico e desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor alterados, 3) crianças com patologias pediátricas associadas. Foram analisadas as seguintes variáveis: sexo, idade da primeira crise epiléptica, tipo de crise epiléptica, regime de tratamento, presença de crise epiléptica, frequência à escola, tipo de escola e repetência. A análise estatística centrou-se na análise descritiva; determinou-se a razão de chances (odds ratio), adotando-se um intervalo de confiança de 95%; e na aplicação do teste exato de Fisher, levando-se em consideração p<0,05. Portanto, no que se refere à presença de alterações de linguagem oral, pôdese observar que o início das crises epilépticas durante o período de aquisição e desenvolvimento da linguagem oral bem como o tratamento medicamentoso neste período podem interferir no desenvolvimento da linguagem devido à imaturidade do sistema nervoso central além dos aspectos socioambientais, uma vez que o estigma e as crenças errôneas interferem negativamente no processo interacional tão importante para a aquisição e desenvolvimento da linguagem, o que também repercute nas habilidades de leitura e escrita. Dessa forma percebe-se a importância da atuação de uma equipe interdisciplinar (Fonoaudiologia, Psicologia e Neurologia Infantil) no processo avaliativo e no acompanhamento dos pacientes com epilepsia, o que trará benefícios psicosocioafetivos no que se refere à reorganização da sua qualidade de vida e, consequentemente, de seus familiares.


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Epilepsy is a chronic disorder of the central nervous system, most frequently characterized by abnormal electrical impulses in the brain. It is the oldest recorded neurological disease and has been surrounded by myths, mistaken beliefs and preconceptions. Three professionals work with epileptic patients on a daily basis: teachers, physical educators and physicians . This study aimed to analyze and compare the level of knowledge, preconceptions and attitudes of undergraduate students in the courses of Pedagogy, Physical Education and Medicine, future professionals who will deal with epileptic patients. This descriptive observational study was conducted with 286 university undergraduates of both sexes (women 99/34.6% and men 187/65.4%) from the first to fourth year of Pedagogy, Physical Education and Medicine courses at the Universidade Estadual Rio Grande do Norte (UERN), with mean age of 23 years. A validated and adapted 17-question questionnaire, divided into nine knowledge-based questions, five related to preconceptions and three on attitudes, was applied. Results allowed elaboration of a manuscript entitled Comparative Analysis of Knowledge, Attitude and Preconceptions in University Undergraduates of Pedagogy, Physical Education and Medicine Courses in Relation to Epilepsy. The findings of this article show that knowledge of epilepsy in the three groups is very satisfactory. The low level of preconception indicates that educational or clarifying information is being transmitted, albeit by television, a layman s information vehicle, which has undoubtedly contributed to reducing the stigma of epilepsy through educational information. Results also suggest a lack of knowledge on how to act during a seizure, especially in education professionals. Although there are limitations in our sample, the relevance and contribution of this study is to call attention to the importance and need for these future professionals to be informed and learn correct attitudes with respect to epilepsy during their academic formation. This is essential at a time when the disease is being brought out of the shadows. This research was supported by the Office of the Dean of Teaching, and Deans of Pedagogy, Physical Education and Medicine at UERN. The research was made possible by the multidisciplinary interaction among a physical educator, child neurologist and statistician, all contributing to achieving the aims set out here


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The chronic treatment with phenytoin or the acute intoxication by this drug may cause permanent cerebellar injury with atrophy of cerebellum vermis and hemispheres, which can be detected by neuroimaging studies. The aim of the present study was to investigate the correlation between the dosage and duration of treatment with phenytoin and the occurrence of cerebellar atrophy. Sixty-six patients were studied and had their tomographies analyzed for cerebellar atrophy. Of the 66 patients studied, 18 had moderate/severe atrophy, 15 had mild atrophy and 33 were considered to be normal. The patients with moderate/severe atrophy were those with higher exposure to phenytoin (longer duration of treatment and higher total dosage) showing statistically significant difference when compared to patients with mild atrophy or without atrophy (p=0.02). Further, the patients with moderate/severe atrophy had serum levels of phenytoin statistically higher than those of patients with mild atrophy or without atrophy (p = 0.008). There was no association between other antiepileptic drugs dosage or duration of treatment and degree of cerebellar atrophy. We also found that older patients had cerebellar atrophy more frequently, indicating that age or duration of the seizure disorder may also be important in the determination of cerebellar degeneration in these patients. We conclude that although there is a possibility that repeated seizures contribute to cerebellar damage, long term exposure to phenytoin, particularly in high doses and toxic serum levels, cause cerebellar atrophy.


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The individual affective-cognitive evaluations are important factors that control the way he feels the disease impact in his life. Then, the perception of seizure control is a more important factor to evaluate Quality of Life (QoL) than the illness characteristics, such as the severity, type, sickening period and seizure frequency. This study searched for the relationship among the subjective variables (perception of seizure control) and the illness characteristics to evaluate QoL. The sample consisted of 60 individuals with chronic epilepsy, aging 18 to 70 (M=37.05; SD=11.25), chosen at randon from the ambulatory of epilepsy - HC/UNICAMP, by the Questionnaire 65. The illness characteristics were not significant, except the seizures frequency, when associated to the impairment in QoL among controlled seizures and seizures with frequency higher than 10 per month (p=0.021). The perception of control was significantly associated to QoL (p=0.005).


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Seizures happen for brief periods of time, but the feelings of anxiety and helplessness, adaptation to the restrictions impose by the life-style and variety of other problems affect more the quality of life in epilepsy. This study proposes a protocol that regards the objectives of a quality of life assessment in health and is applied to a population that attends a university hospital. It contains 65 items and assesses the psychosocial performance, physical limitation, cognitive aspects, perception of control, self-concept, as well as perception of health and quality of life. The results of reliability and validity are discussed.


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From December-1965 to November-1969, 95 hydrocephalic infants have been operated upon using ventriculoperitoneal shunt with valve (88 cases with a Spitz-Holter valve, 6 cases with a Hakim valve and one case with a Pudenz-Heyer valve). Up to the present time (December, 1970) a total of 54 children are alive with a compensated hydrocephalus and 9 patients died, being impossible to follow-up the 32 remaining cases. The use of the ventriculoperitoneal shunt has eliminated all cardiovascular-pulmonary complications and reduced the number for surgical revisions. Besides, infections involving the draining system are less severe and more easily controlled than those occurring in the ventriculoatrial shunts. After analysis of the surgical techniques as well as complications and results the following conclusions are stated: 1) the use of a valve in the ventriculoperitoneal shunt difficults the oclusion of the peritoneal end of the draining system; 2) good results can be expected without reoperations in about 42,35% of hydrocephalus cases treated by ventriculoperitoneal shunt with valve; 3) ventriculoperitoneal shunts with valve showed better results when compared to ventriculoatrial shunts. This statement is made comparing two groups of hydrocephalic infants submitted to surgery at the same Service and in the same conditions, with the same follow-up period; 4) the cases presented permit to state that at present time the ventriculoperitoneal shunt with valve is the most suitable surgical procedure for hydrocephalus.


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The authors analysed 34 cases of resistant epilepsy (20 males and 14 females, mean age 23 years), treated clinically between February/1984 and May/1986. The patients underwent neurological, neuropsychological, psychological, psychiatric, cerebrospinal fluid, electroencephalographic, tomographic and/or angiographic examination. Most of the patients had complex partial seizures. The etiology was unknown in 19 patients (55.8%), probable neurocysticercosis in 6, perinatal hypoxia in 5, delivery trauma in 3 and probable sequelae of encephalitis in 2 patients. There was a clear past history of infantile febrile convulsion in 2 patients. Most patients received carbamazepine (mean dose 24.5 mg/kg/day), phenytoin (5 mg/kg and valproic acid (28 mg/kg) as monotherapy or in association. Twenty-two patients (64.7%) had more than 80% decrease of the seizure frequency. Nine resistant epilepsy-cases (24.5%) were evaluated as candidates for surgical therapy. The authors concluded that the resistant epilepsy is best managed by a specialised, multidisciplinary team, and pointed out the need of a correct diagnosis of the seizure type, an adequate drug therapy and a good engagement of the patient and his family in the treatment.