21 resultados para epicardium


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The epicardium is the mesothelial outer layer of the vertebrate heart. It plays an important role during cardiac development by, among other functions, nourishing the underlying myocardium, contributing to cardiac fibroblasts and giving rise to the coronary vasculature. The epicardium also exerts key functions during injury responses in the adult and contributes to cardiac repair. In this article, we review current knowledge on the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying epicardium formation in the zebrafish, a teleost fish, which is rapidly gaining status as an animal model in cardiovascular research, and compare it with the mechanisms described in other vertebrate models. We moreover describe the expression patterns of a subset of available zebrafish Wilms' tumor 1 transgenic reporter lines and discuss their specificity, applicability and limitations in the study of epicardium formation.


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Myocardial infarction (MI) leads to a severe loss of cardiomyocytes, which in mammals are replaced by scar tissue. Epicardial derived cells (EPDCs) have been reported to differentiate into cardiomyocytes during development, and proposed to have cardiomyogenic potential in the adult heart. However, mouse MI models reveal little if any contribution of EPDCs to myocardium. In contrast to adult mammals, teleosts possess a high myocardial regenerative capacity. To test if this advantage relates to the properties of their epicardium, we studied the fate of EPDCs in cryoinjured zebrafish hearts. To avoid the limitations of genetic labelling, which might trace only a subpopulation of EPDCs, we used cell transplantation to track all EPDCs during regeneration. EPDCs migrated to the injured myocardium, where they differentiated into myofibroblasts and perivascular fibroblasts. However, we did not detect any differentiation of EPDCs nor any other non-cardiomyocyte population into cardiomyocytes, even in a context of impaired cardiomyocyte proliferation. Our results support a model in which the epicardium promotes myocardial regeneration by forming a cellular scaffold, and suggests that it might induce cardiomyocyte proliferation and contribute to neoangiogenesis in a paracrine manner.


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The clinical use of stem cells, such as bone marrow-derived and, more recently, resident cardiac stem cells, offers great promise for treatment of myocardial infarction and heart failure. The epicardium-derived cells have also attracted attention for their angiogenic paracrine actions and ability to differentiate into cardiomyocytes and vascular cells when activated during cardiac injury. In a recent study, Chong and colleagues have described a distinct population of epicardium-derived mesenchymal stem cells that reside in a perivascular niche of the heart and have a broad multilineage potential. Exploring the therapeutic capacity of these cells will be an exciting future endeavor.


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Heart regeneration is limited in adult mammals but occurs naturally in adult zebrafish through the activation of cardiomyocyte division. Several components of the cardiac injury microenvironment have been identified, yet no factor on its own is known to stimulate overt myocardial hyperplasia in a mature, uninjured animal. In this study, we find evidence that Neuregulin1 (Nrg1), previously shown to have mitogenic effects on mammalian cardiomyocytes, is sharply induced in perivascular cells after injury to the adult zebrafish heart. Inhibition of Erbb2, an Nrg1 co-receptor, disrupts cardiomyocyte proliferation in response to injury, whereas myocardial Nrg1 overexpression enhances this proliferation. In uninjured zebrafish, the reactivation of Nrg1 expression induces cardiomyocyte dedifferentiation, overt muscle hyperplasia, epicardial activation, increased vascularization, and causes cardiomegaly through persistent addition of wall myocardium. Our findings identify Nrg1 as a potent, induced mitogen for the endogenous adult heart regeneration program.


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This study examined factors contributing to the differences in left ventricular mass as measured by Doppler echocardiography in children. Fourteen boys (10.3 ± 0.3 years of age) and 1 1 girls (10.5 ± 0.4 years of age) participated in the study. Height and weight were measured, and relative body fat was determined from the measurement of skinfold thickness according to Slaughter et al. (1988). Lean Body Mass was then calculated by subtracting the fat mass from the total body mass. Sexual maturation was self-assessed using the stages of sexual maturation by Tanner (1962). Both pubic hair development and genital (penis or breast for boys and girls respectively) development were used to determine sexual maturation. Carotid Pulse pressure was assessed by applanation tomometry in the left carotid artery. Cardiac mass was measured by Doppler Echocardiography. Images of cardiac structures were taken using B-Mode and were then translated to M- Mode. The dimensions at the end diastole were obtained at the onset of the QRS complex of the electrocardiogram in a plane through a standard position. Measurements included: (a) the diameter of the left ventricle at the end diastole was measured from the septum edge to the endocardium mean border, (b) the posterior wall was measured as the distance from to anterior wall to the epicardium surface, and (c) the interventricular septum was quantified as the distance from the surface of the left ventricle border to the right ventricle septum surface. Systolic time measurements were taken at the peak of the T-wave of the electrocardiogram. Each measurement was taken three to five times before averaging. Average values were used to calculate cardiac mass using the following equation (Deveraux et al. 1986). Weekly physical activity metabolic equivalent was calculated using a standardize activity questionnaire (Godin and Shepard, 1985) and peakV02 was measured on a cycloergometer. There were no significant differences in cardiovascular mesurements between boys and girls. Left ventricular mass was correlated (p<0.05) with size, maturation, peakV02 and physical activity metabolic equivalent. In boys, lean body mass alone explained 36% of the variance in left ventricular mass while weight was the single strongest predictor of left ventricular mass (R =0.80) in girls. Lean body mass, genital developemnt and physical activity metabolic equivalent together explained 46% and 81% in boys and girls, respectively. However, the combination of lean body mass, genital development and peakV02 (ml kgLBM^ min"') explained up to 84% of the variance in left ventricular mass in girls, but added nothing in boys. It is concluded that left ventricular mass was not statistically different between pre-adolescent boys and girls suggesting that hormonal, and therefore, body size changes in adolescence have a main effect on cardiac development and its final outcome. Although body size parameters were the strongest correlates of left ventricular mass in this pre-adolescent group of children, to our knowledge, this is the first study to report that sexual maturation, as well as physical activity and fitness, are also strong associated with left ventricular mass in pre-adolescents, especially young females. Arterial variables, such as systolic blood pressure and carotid pulse pressure, are not strong determinants of left ventricular mass in this pre-adolescent group. In general, these data suggest that although there is no gender differences in the absolute values of left ventricular mass, as children grow, the factors that determine cardiac mass differ between the genders, even in the same pre-adolescent age.


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La fibrillation auriculaire (FA) est une arythmie touchant les oreillettes. En FA, la contraction auriculaire est rapide et irrégulière. Le remplissage des ventricules devient incomplet, ce qui réduit le débit cardiaque. La FA peut entraîner des palpitations, des évanouissements, des douleurs thoraciques ou l’insuffisance cardiaque. Elle augmente aussi le risque d'accident vasculaire. Le pontage coronarien est une intervention chirurgicale réalisée pour restaurer le flux sanguin dans les cas de maladie coronarienne sévère. 10% à 65% des patients qui n'ont jamais subi de FA, en sont victime le plus souvent lors du deuxième ou troisième jour postopératoire. La FA est particulièrement fréquente après une chirurgie de la valve mitrale, survenant alors dans environ 64% des patients. L'apparition de la FA postopératoire est associée à une augmentation de la morbidité, de la durée et des coûts d'hospitalisation. Les mécanismes responsables de la FA postopératoire ne sont pas bien compris. L'identification des patients à haut risque de FA après un pontage coronarien serait utile pour sa prévention. Le présent projet est basé sur l'analyse d’électrogrammes cardiaques enregistrées chez les patients après pontage un aorte-coronaire. Le premier objectif de la recherche est d'étudier si les enregistrements affichent des changements typiques avant l'apparition de la FA. Le deuxième objectif est d'identifier des facteurs prédictifs permettant d’identifier les patients qui vont développer une FA. Les enregistrements ont été réalisés par l'équipe du Dr Pierre Pagé sur 137 patients traités par pontage coronarien. Trois électrodes unipolaires ont été suturées sur l'épicarde des oreillettes pour enregistrer en continu pendant les 4 premiers jours postopératoires. La première tâche était de développer un algorithme pour détecter et distinguer les activations auriculaires et ventriculaires sur chaque canal, et pour combiner les activations des trois canaux appartenant à un même événement cardiaque. L'algorithme a été développé et optimisé sur un premier ensemble de marqueurs, et sa performance évaluée sur un second ensemble. Un logiciel de validation a été développé pour préparer ces deux ensembles et pour corriger les détections sur tous les enregistrements qui ont été utilisés plus tard dans les analyses. Il a été complété par des outils pour former, étiqueter et valider les battements sinusaux normaux, les activations auriculaires et ventriculaires prématurées (PAA, PVA), ainsi que les épisodes d'arythmie. Les données cliniques préopératoires ont ensuite été analysées pour établir le risque préopératoire de FA. L’âge, le niveau de créatinine sérique et un diagnostic d'infarctus du myocarde se sont révélés être les plus importants facteurs de prédiction. Bien que le niveau du risque préopératoire puisse dans une certaine mesure prédire qui développera la FA, il n'était pas corrélé avec le temps de l'apparition de la FA postopératoire. Pour l'ensemble des patients ayant eu au moins un épisode de FA d’une durée de 10 minutes ou plus, les deux heures précédant la première FA prolongée ont été analysées. Cette première FA prolongée était toujours déclenchée par un PAA dont l’origine était le plus souvent sur l'oreillette gauche. Cependant, au cours des deux heures pré-FA, la distribution des PAA et de la fraction de ceux-ci provenant de l'oreillette gauche était large et inhomogène parmi les patients. Le nombre de PAA, la durée des arythmies transitoires, le rythme cardiaque sinusal, la portion basse fréquence de la variabilité du rythme cardiaque (LF portion) montraient des changements significatifs dans la dernière heure avant le début de la FA. La dernière étape consistait à comparer les patients avec et sans FA prolongée pour trouver des facteurs permettant de discriminer les deux groupes. Cinq types de modèles de régression logistique ont été comparés. Ils avaient une sensibilité, une spécificité et une courbe opérateur-receveur similaires, et tous avaient un niveau de prédiction des patients sans FA très faible. Une méthode de moyenne glissante a été proposée pour améliorer la discrimination, surtout pour les patients sans FA. Deux modèles ont été retenus, sélectionnés sur les critères de robustesse, de précision, et d’applicabilité. Autour 70% patients sans FA et 75% de patients avec FA ont été correctement identifiés dans la dernière heure avant la FA. Le taux de PAA, la fraction des PAA initiés dans l'oreillette gauche, le pNN50, le temps de conduction auriculo-ventriculaire, et la corrélation entre ce dernier et le rythme cardiaque étaient les variables de prédiction communes à ces deux modèles.


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Rationale: Major coronary vessels derive from the proepicardium, the cellular progenitor of the epicardium, coronary endothelium, and coronary smooth muscle cells (CoSMCs). CoSMCs are delayed in their differentiation relative to coronary endothelial cells (CoEs), such that CoSMCs mature only after CoEs have assembled into tubes. The mechanisms underlying this sequential CoE/CoSMC differentiation are unknown. Retinoic acid (RA) is crucial for vascular development and the main RA-synthesizing enzyme is progressively lost from epicardially derived cells as they differentiate into blood vessel types. In parallel, myocardial vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression also decreases along coronary vessel muscularization. Objective: We hypothesized that RA and VEGF act coordinately as physiological brakes to CoSMC differentiation. Methods and Results: In vitro assays (proepicardial cultures, cocultures, and RALDH2 [retinaldehyde dehydrogenase-2]/VEGF adenoviral overexpression) and in vivo inhibition of RA synthesis show that RA and VEGF act as repressors of CoSMC differentiation, whereas VEGF biases epicardially derived cell differentiation toward the endothelial phenotype. Conclusion: Experiments support a model in which early high levels of RA and VEGF prevent CoSMC differentiation from epicardially derived cells before RA and VEGF levels decline as an extensive endothelial network is established. We suggest this physiological delay guarantees the formation of a complex, hierarchical, tree of coronary vessels. (Circ Res. 2010;107:204-216.)


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The coronary sinus was investigated in 34 normal adult dogs, in order to verify its formation, tributaries, length and the valves, as well as the relationship of the venous walls to the epicardium and to the myocardium. The valve of the coronary sinus was observed in only 4 cases (1.7 %). In 30 cases (98.3 %) the ostium of the coronary sinus was lacking a valve. The valve of Vieussens double, was found at the level of the transition between the great cardiac vein and the coronary sinus, as well as others parietal venous valves. A comparison with the human pattern was made, particularly regarding the action of the valve of the coronary sinus and the formation of the sinus.


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The authors studied the formation, tributaries, lenght and the ostium of the coronary sinus, as well as the relationship of the venous walls to the myocardium and to the epicardium. The observations were made out of 143 hearts of subjects of different ages, and it was found that the most frequent display of the coronary sinus valve was a semilunar form (52 adults, 15 youngsters, 2 children, 3 newborn); it was also found valves in a cribiform or septal form. The absence of the valve of coronary sinus was noted in 53 cases (42 adults, 9 youngsters, 2 newborn). The valve of Vieussens was found, in some cases, at the level of the transition between the great cardiac vein and the coronary sinus, as well as others single or double parietal venous valves. The action of the valve of coronary sinus is also discussed by the authors.


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Tissue engineering represents an attractive approach for the treatment of congestive heart failure. The influence of the differentiation of myogenic graft for functional recovery is not defined. We engineered a biodegradable skeletal muscle graft (ESMG) tissue and investigated its functional effect after implantation on the epicardium of an infarcted heart segment. ESMGs were synthesized by mixing collagen (2 mg/mL), Matrigel (2 mg/mL), and rat skeletal muscle cells (10(6)). Qualitative and quantitative aspects of ESMGs were optimized. Two weeks following coronary ligation, the animals were randomized in three groups: ESMG glued to the epicardial surface with fibrin (ESMG, n = 7), fibrin alone (fibrin, n = 5), or sham operation (sham, n = 4). Echocardiography, histology, and immunostaining were performed 4 weeks later. A cohesive three-dimensional tissular structure formed in vitro within 1 week. Myoblasts differentiated into randomly oriented myotubes. Four weeks postimplantation, ESMGs were vascularized and invaded by granulation tissue. Mean fractional shortening (FS) was, however, significantly increased in the ESMG group as compared with preimplantation values (42 +/- 6 vs. 33 +/- 5%, P < 0.05) and reached the values of controlled noninfarcted animals (control, n = 5; 45 +/- 3%; not significant). Pre- and postimplantation FS did not change over these 4 weeks in the sham group and the fibrin-treated animals. This study showed that it is possible to improve systolic heart function following myocardial infarction through implantation of differentiated muscle fibers seeded on a gel-type scaffold despite a low rate of survival.


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OBJECTIVES We evaluated the feasibility and safety of epicardial substrate elimination using endocardial radiofrequency (RF) delivery in patients with scar-related ventricular tachycardia (VT). BACKGROUND Epicardial RF delivery is limited by fat or associated with bleeding, extra-cardiac damages, coronary vessels and phrenic nerve injury. Alternative ablation approaches may be desirable. METHODS Forty-six patients (18 ischemic cardiomyopathy [ICM], 13 non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy [NICM], 15 arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy [ARVC]) with sustained VT underwent combined endo- and epicardial mapping. All patients received endocardial ablation targeting local abnormal ventricular activities in the endocardium (Endo-LAVA) and epicardium (Epi-LAVA), followed by epicardial ablation if needed. RESULTS From a total of 173 endocardial ablations targeting Epi-LAVA at the facing site, 48 (28%) applications (ICM: 20/71 [28%], NICM: 3/39 [8%], ARVC: 25/63 [40%]) successfully eliminated the Epi-LAVA. Presence of Endo-LAVA, most delayed and low bipolar amplitude of Epi-LAVA, low unipolar amplitude in the facing endocardium, and Epi-LAVA within a wall thinning area at CT scan were associated with successful ablation. Endocardial ablation could abolish all Epi-LAVA in 4 ICM and 2 ARVC patients, whereas all patients with NICM required epicardial ablation. Endocardial ablation was able to eliminate Epi-LAVA at least partially in 15 (83%) ICM, 2 (13%) NICM, and 11 (73%) ARVC patients, contributing to a potential reduction in epicardial RF applications. Pericardial bleeding occurred in 4 patients with epicardial ablation. CONCLUSIONS Elimination of Epi-LAVA using endocardial RF delivery is feasible and may be used first to reduce the risk of epicardial ablation.


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BACKGROUND Local abnormal ventricular activities (LAVA) in patients with scar-related ventricular tachycardia (VT) may appear at any time during or after the far-field electrogram. Although they may be separated from the far-field signal by an isoelectric line and extend beyond the end of surface QRS, they may also appear fused or buried within the QRS. OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study was to characterize LAVA in postinfarction VT patients with respect to their anatomic locations. METHODS Thirty-one patients with postinfarction VT underwent mapping/ablation during sinus rhythm with a three-dimensional electroanatomic mapping system. From a total of 18,270 electrograms reviewed in all study subjects, 1104 LAVA (endocardium 839, epicardium 265) were identified and analyzed. RESULTS The interval from onset of QRS complex to ventricular electrogram (EGM onset) on the endocardium was significantly shorter than the epicardium (P < .001). EGM onset was shortest in the septal endocardium and longest in the inferior and lateral epicardium. There was a significant positive correlation between EGM onset and LAVA lateness as estimated by the interval from surface QRS onset to LAVA (r = 0.52, P < .001). LAVA were more frequently detected after the QRS complex in the epicardium (241/265 [91%]) than in the endocardium (551/839 [66%], P < .001). Only 43% of endocardial septal LAVA were detected after the QRS complex. CONCLUSION Lateness of LAVA is affected to a large extent by their locations. The chance of detecting late LAVA increases when electrogram onset is later. Substrate-based approach targeting delayed signals relative to the QRS complex may miss critical the arrhythmogenic substrate, particularly in the septum and other early-to-activate regions.


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BACKGROUND A majority of patients undergoing ablation of ventricular tachycardia have implanted devices precluding substrate imaging with delayed-enhancement MRI. Contrast-enhanced multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) can depict myocardial wall thickness with submillimetric resolution. We evaluated the relationship between regional myocardial wall thinning (WT) imaged by MDCT and arrhythmogenic substrate in postinfarction ventricular tachycardia. METHODS AND RESULTS We studied 13 consecutive postinfarction patients undergoing MDCT before ablation. MDCT data were integrated with high-density 3-dimensional electroanatomic maps acquired during sinus rhythm (endocardium, 509±291 points/map; epicardium, 716±323 points/map). Low-voltage areas (<1.5 mV) and local abnormal ventricular activities (LAVA) during sinus rhythm were assessed with regard to the WT. A significant correlation was found between the areas of WT <5 mm and endocardial low voltage (correlation-R=0.82; P=0.001), but no such correlation was found in the epicardium. The WT <5 mm area was smaller than the endocardial low-voltage area (54 cm(2) [Q1-Q3, 46-92] versus 71 cm(2) [Q1-Q3, 59-124]; P=0.001). Among a total of 13 060 electrograms reviewed in the whole study population, 538 LAVA were detected and analyzed. LAVA were located within the WT <5 mm (469/538 [87%]) or at its border (100% within 23 mm). Very late LAVA (>100 ms after QRS complex) were almost exclusively detected within the thinnest area (93% in the WT<3 mm). CONCLUSIONS Regional myocardial WT correlates to low-voltage regions and distribution of LAVA critical for the generation and maintenance of postinfarction ventricular tachycardia. The integration of MDCT WT with 3-dimensional electroanatomic maps can help focus mapping and ablation on the culprit regions, even when MRI is precluded by the presence of implanted devices.


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BACKGROUND Contact force (CF) is an important determinant of lesion formation for atrial endocardial radiofrequency ablation. There are minimal published data on CF and ventricular lesion formation. We studied the impact of CF on lesion formation using an ovine model both endocardially and epicardially. METHODS AND RESULTS Twenty sheep received 160 epicardial and 160 endocardial ventricular radiofrequency applications using either a 3.5-mm irrigated-tip catheter (Thermocool, Biosense-Webster, n=160) or a 3.5 irrigated-tip catheter with CF assessment (Tacticath, Endosense, n=160), via percutaneous access. Power was delivered at 30 watts for 60 seconds, when either catheter/tissue contact was felt to be good or when CF>10 g with Tacticath. After completion of all lesions, acute dimensions were taken at pathology. Identifiable lesion formation from radiofrequency application was improved with the aid of CF information, from 78% to 98% on the endocardium (P<0.001) and from 90% to 100% on the epicardium (P=0.02). The mean total force was greater on the endocardium (39±18 g versus 21±14 g for the epicardium; P<0.001) mainly because of axial force. Despite the force-time integral being greater endocardially, epicardial lesions were larger (231±182 mm(3) versus 209±131 mm(3); P=0.02) probably because of the absence of the heat sink effect of the circulating blood and covered a greater area (41±27 mm(2) versus 29±17 mm(2); P=0.03) because of catheter orientation. CONCLUSIONS In the absence of CF feedback, 22% of endocardial radiofrequency applications that are thought to have good contact did not result in lesion formation. Epicardial ablation is associated with larger lesions.


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BACKGROUND Delayed enhancement (DE) MRI can assess the fibrotic substrate of scar-related VT. MDCT has the advantage of inframillimetric spatial resolution and better 3D reconstructions. We sought to evaluate the feasibility and usefulness of integrating merged MDCT/MRI data in 3D-mapping systems for structure-function assessment and multimodal guidance of VT mapping and ablation. METHODS Nine patients, including 3 ischemic cardiomyopathy (ICM), 3 nonischemic cardiomyopathy (NICM), 2 myocarditis, and 1 redo procedure for idiopathic VT, underwent MRI and MDCT before VT ablation. Merged MRI/MDCT data were integrated in 3D-mapping systems and registered to high-density endocardial and epicardial maps. Low-voltage areas (<1.5 mV) and local abnormal ventricular activities (LAVA) during sinus rhythm were correlated to DE at MRI, and wall-thinning (WT) at MDCT. RESULTS Endocardium and epicardium were mapped with 391 ± 388 and 1098 ± 734 points per map, respectively. Registration of MDCT allowed visualization of coronary arteries during epicardial mapping/ablation. In the idiopathic patient, integration of MRI data identified previously ablated regions. In ICM patients, both DE at MRI and WT at MDCT matched areas of low voltage (overlap 94 ± 6% and 79 ± 5%, respectively). In NICM patients, wall-thinning areas matched areas of low voltage (overlap 63 ± 21%). In patients with myocarditis, subepicardial DE matched areas of epicardial low voltage (overlap 92 ± 12%). A total number of 266 LAVA sites were found in 7/9 patients. All LAVA sites were associated to structural substrate at imaging (90% inside, 100% within 18 mm). CONCLUSION The integration of merged MDCT and DEMRI data is feasible and allows combining substrate assessment with high-spatial resolution to better define structure-function relationship in scar-related VT.