989 resultados para enzyme functionalized nanoparticles


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Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Polymerfunktionalisierung formanisotroperrnNanopartikel wie TiO2 Nanostäbchen oder Kohlenstoff Nanoröhren. Dies dient derrnSolubilisierung und sterischen Stabilisierung in organischen Medien, da diesernionenfrei hergestellt werden können, was eine Nutzung für nanoskopische,rnelektrische Schaltkreise ermöglicht. Die Polymere wurden mittels der RAFTrn(reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer) Polymerisation mit engenrnMolekulargewichtsverteilungen hergestellt. Im Detail wurden Ankergruppen inrnBlockcopolymere und an der Alphaposition eingeführt, welche eine Anbindung an diernNanopartikeloberfläche ermöglichen. Die Polymere wurden durch Variation derrnverschiedenen Blocklängen für eine bestmögliche Adsorption optimiert. Die sorngewonnenen Polymer funktionalisierten Nanopartikel zeigten eine gute Löslichkeit inrnorganischen Medien und zeigten zudem eine lyotropes, flüssigkristallinesrnPhasenverhalten. Dies war aufgrund der Formanisotropie zu erwarten, zeigte jedochrnebenfalls ein unerwartetes thermotropes Verhalten, welches durch die Polymerhüllernerzeugt wurde. Die Flüssigkristalle wurden eingehend mittels polarisierterrnMikroskopie und Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) untersucht. Diernflüssigkristallinen Phasen aus Nanostäbchen und –röhren wurde dann zurrnOrientierung der anisotropen Nanopartikel benutzt und es konnten makroskopischrngeordnete Proben hergestellt werden. Die Polymerhülle um die Nanopartikelrnermöglichte es ebenfalls diese in Polymerfilme einzuarbeiten und sornNanopartikelverstärkte Kunststoffe herzustellen.


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Friend murine leukemia Virus (FV) infection of immunocompetent mice is a well- established model to acquire further knowledge about viral immune suppression mechanisms, with the aim to develop therapeutics against retrovirus-induced diseases. Interestingly, BALB/c mice are infected by low doses of FV and die from FV-induced erythroleukemia, while C57/BL6 mice are infected by FV only at high viral dose, and remain persistently infected for their whole life. Due to the central role of dendritic cells (DC) in the induction of anti-viral responses, we asked for their functional role in the genotype-dependent sensitivity towards FV infection. In my PhD study I showed that bone marrow (BM)-derived DC differentiated from FV-infected BM cells obtained from FV-inoculated BALB/c (FV susceptible) and C57BL/6 (FV resistant) mice showed an increased endocytotic activity and lowered expression of MHCII and of costimulatory receptors as compared with non-infected control BMDC. FV-infected BMDC from either mouse strain were partially resistant towards stimulation-induced upregulation of MHCII and costimulators, and accordingly were poor T cell stimulators in vitro and in vivo. In addition, FV-infected BMDC displayed an altered expression profile of proinflammator cytokines and favoured Th2 polarization. Ongoing work is focussed on elucidating the functional role of proteins identified as differentially expressed in FV-infected DC in a genotype-dependent manner, which therefore may contribute to the differential course of FV infection in vivo in BALB/c versus C57BL/6 mice. So far, more than 300 proteins have been identified which are differently regulated in FV-infected vs. uninfected DC from both mouse strains. One of these proteins, S100A9, was strongly upregulated specifically in BMDC derived from FV-infected C57BL/6 BM cells. S100A9-/- mice were more sensitive towards inoculation with FV than corresponding wild type (WT) mice (both C57BL/6 background), which suggests a decisive role of this factor for anti-viral defense. In addition, FV-infected S100A9-/- BMDC showed lower motility than WT DC. The future work is aimed to further elucidate the functional importance of S100A9 for DC functions. To exploit the potential of DC for immunotherapeutic applications, in another project of this PhD study the usability of different types of functionalized nanoparticles


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This dissertation is related to the studies of functionalized nanoparticles for self-assembly and as controlled drug delivery system. The whole topic is composed of two parts. In the first part, the research was conducted to design and synthesize a new type of ionic peptide-functionalized copolymer conjugates for self-assembly into nanoparticle fibers and 3D scaffolds with the ability of multi-drug loading and governing the release rate of each drug for tissue engineering. The self-assembly study confirmed that such peptide-functionalized amphiphilic copolymers underwent different self-assembly behavior. The bigger nanoparticles were more easily assembled into nanoparticle fibers and 3D scaffolds with larger pore size, while the smaller nanoparticle underwent faster self-assembly to form more compact 3D scaffolds with smaller porosity but more stable structure. Controlled release studies confirmed the ability of governing simultaneous release of different model drugs with independent release rate from a same scaffold. Cytotoxicity tests showed that all synthesized peptides, copolymers and peptide-copolymer conjugates were biocompatible with SW-620 cell lines and NIH3T3 cell lines. This new type of self-assembled scaffolds combined the advantages of peptide nanofibers and versatile controlled release of polymeric nanoparticles to achieve simultaneous multi-drug loading and controlled release of each drug, uniform distribution and flexibility of hydrogel scaffolds. The investigations in second part were first to design and synthesize organic biocide-loaded nanoparticles for low-leaching wood preservation using a cost-effective one-pot method to synthesize amphiphilic chitosan-g-PMMA nanoparticles loading with ~25-28 wt.% of the fungicide tebuconazole with particle size of ~100 nm diameter by FESEM. FESEM analysis confirmed efficient penetration of nanoparticles throughout the treated wooden stake with dimension of 19 × 19 × 455 mm^3. Leaching studies showed that biocide introduced into sapwood via nanoparticles leached only ~9% compared with the amount leached from tebuconazole solution-treated control, while soil jar tests showed that the nanoparticle-treated wood blocks were effectively protected from biological decay tested against G. trabeum, a brown rot fungus. Copper oxide nanoparticles with and without polymer stabilizers were also investigated to use as inorganic wood preservatives to clarify the factor affecting copper leaching from treated wood. Copper oxide nanoparticles with uniform diameters of ~10 nm and ~50 nm were prepared, and the leachates from southern pine sapwood treated with these nanoparticles were analyzed. It was found by TEM and EDS analysis that significant numbers of nanoparticles leached from the treated wood. The 50 nm nanoparticles leached slightly less than a soluble copper salt control, but 10 nm nanoparticles leached substantially more than the control. The effect of polymer stabilizers on nanoparticle leaching was also investigated. Results showed that polymer stabilizers increased leaching. The trends showed that nanoparticle size was a major factor in copper leaching.


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Colloidal gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) and precipitation of an insoluble product formed by HRP-biocatalyzed oxidation of 3,3'-diaminobenzidine (DAB) in the presence of H2O2 were used to enhance the signal obtained from the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensor. The AuNPs were synthesized and functionalized with HS-OEG(3)-COOH by self assembling technique. Thereafter, the HS-OEG3-COOH functionalized nanoparticles were covalently conjugated with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and anti IgG antibody to form an enzyme-immunogold complex. Characterizations were performed by several methods: UV-vis absorption, DLS, HR-TEM and Fr-IR. The Au-anti IgG-HRP complex has been applied in enhancement of SPR immunoassay using a sensor chip constructed by 1:9 molar ratio of HS-OEG(6)-COOH and HS-OEG(3)-OH for detection of anti-GAD antibody. As a result, AuNPs showed their enhancement as being consistent with other previous studies while the enzyme precipitation using DAB substrate was applied for the first time and greatly amplified the SPR detection. The limit of detection was found as low as 0.03 ng/ml of anti-GAD antibody (or 200 fM) which is much higher than that of previous reports. This study indicates another way to enhance SPR measurement, and it is generally applicable to other SPR-based immunoassays.


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Increased permeability of blood vessels is an indicator for various injuries and diseases, including multiple sclerosis (MS), of the central nervous system. Nanoparticles have the potential to deliver drugs locally to sites of tissue damage, reducing the drug administered and limiting associated side effects, but efficient accumulation still remains a challenge. We developed peptide-functionalized polymeric nanoparticles to target blood clots and the extracellular matrix molecule nidogen, which are associated with areas of tissue damage. Using the induction of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in rats to provide a model of MS associated with tissue damage and blood vessel lesions, all targeted nanoparticles were delivered systemically. In vivo data demonstrates enhanced accumulation of peptide functionalized nanoparticles at the injury site compared to scrambled and naive controls, particularly for nanoparticles functionalized to target fibrin clots. This suggests that further investigations with drug laden, peptide functionalized nanoparticles might be of particular interest in the development of treatment strategies for MS.


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Water-dispersible, photocatalytic Fe3O4@TiO2 core shell magnetic nanoparticles have been prepared by anchoring cyclodextrin cavities to the TiO2 shell, and their ability to capture and photocatalytically destroy endocrine-disrupting chemicals, bisphenol A and dibutyl phthalate, present in water, has been demonstrated. The functionalized nanoparticles can be magnetically separated from the dispersion after photocatalysis and hence reused. Each component of the cyclodextrin-functionalized Fe3O4@TiO2 core shell nanoparticle has a crucial role in its functioning. The tethered cyclodextrins are responsible for the aqueous dispersibility of the nanoparticles and their hydrophobic cavities for the capture of the organic pollutants that may be present in water samples. The amorphous TiO2 shell is the photocatalyst for the degradation and mineralization of the organics, bisphenol A and dibutyl phthalate, under UV illumination, and the magnetism associated with the 9 nm crystalline Fe3O4 core allows for the magnetic separation from the dispersion once photocatalytic degradation is complete. An attractive feature of these ``capture and destroy'' nanomaterials is that they may be completely removed from the dispersion and reused with little or no loss of catalytic activity.


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Introduction: In this study, colloidal gold nanoparticle and precipitation of an insoluble product formed by HRP-biocatalyzed oxidation of 3,3'-diaminobenzidine (DAB) in the presence of H2O2 were used to enhance the signal obtained from the surface plasmon resonance biosensor.

Methods: The colloidal gold nanoparticle was synthesized as described by Turkevitch et al., and their surface was firstly functionalized with HS(CH2)11(OCH2CH2)3COOH (OEG3¬-COOH) by self assembling technique. Thereafter, those OEG3-COOH functionalized nanoparticles were covalently conjugated with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and anti-IgG antibody (specific to the Fc portion of all human IgG subclasses) to form an enzyme-immunogold complex. Characterization was performed by several methods: UV-Vis absorption, dynamic light scattering (DLS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and FTIR. The as-prepared enzyme-immunogold complex has been applied in enhancement of SPR immunoassay. A sensor chip used in the experiment was constructed by using 1:10 molar ratio of HS(CH2)11(OCH2CH2)6COOH and HS(CH2)11(OCH2CH2)3OH. The capture protein, GAD65 (autoantigen) which is recognized by anti-GAD antibody (autoantibody) in the sera of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus patients, was immobilized onto the 1:10 surface via biotin-streptavidin interaction.

Results and conclusions: In the research, we reported the influences of gold nanoparticle and enzyme precipitation on the enhancement of SPR signal. Gold nanoparticle showed its enhancement as being consistent with other previous studies, while the enzyme precipitation using DAB substrate was applied for the first time and greatly amplified the SPR detection. As the results, anti-GAD antibody could be detected at pg/ml level which is far higher than that of commercial ELISA detection kit. This study indicates another way to enhance SPR measurement, and it is generally applicable to other SPR-based immunoassays.


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Isolating, purifying, and identifying proteins in complex biological matrices is often difficult, time consuming, and unreliable. Herein we describe a rapid screening technique for proteins in biological matrices that combines selective protein isolation with direct surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) detection. Magnetic core gold nanoparticles were synthesised, characterised, and subsequently functionalized with recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO)-specific antibody. The functionalized nanoparticles were used to capture rHuEPO from horse blood plasma within 15 minutes. The selective binding between the protein and the functionalized nanoparticles was monitored by SERS. The purified protein was then released from the nanoparticles’ surface and directly spectroscopically identified on a commercial nanopillar SERS substrate. ELISA independently confirmed the SERS identification and quantified the released rHuEPO. Finally, the direct SERS detection of the extracted protein was successfully demonstrated for in-field screening by a handheld Raman spectrometer within 1 minute sample measurement time.


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Gold-coated magnetic nanoparticles were synthesized with size ranging from 15 to 40 nm using sodium citrates as the reducing agent. Oxidized magnetites (Fe3O4) fabricated by co-precipitation of Fe2+ and Fe3+ in strong alkaline solution were used as magnetic cores. The structures of gold (Au) shell and magnetic core (Au–Fe) were studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) spectrum. Results from high-resolution X-ray diffraction (HR XRD) show that the Au–Fe oxide nanoparticles have a face-centered cubic shape with the crystalline faces of {1 1 1}. The Au-coated magnetic nanoparticles exhibited a surface plasmon resonance peak at 528 nm. The nanoparticles are well dispersed in distilled water. A 3000 G permanent magnet was successfully used for the separation of the functionalized nanoparticles. Magnetic properties of the nanoparticles were determined by magnetic force microscope (MFM) in nanometric resolution and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). Magnetic separation of biological molecules using Au-coated magnetic oxide composite nanoparticles was examined after attachment of protein immunoglobulin G (IgG) through electrostatic interactions. Using this method, separation was achieved with a maximum yield of 35% at an IgG concentration of 400 ng/ml.


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Thiol- and acrylate-functionalized nanoparticles have been synthesized from pentaerythritol tetrakis(3-mercapto-propionate) and pentaerythritol tetraacrylate using thiol-ene click chemistry. Using Raman and 1H NMR spectroscopy as well as Ellman's assay, it was demonstrated that excess pentaerythritol tetraacrylate in the feed mixture led to nanoparticles with free acrylate groups on their surface, whereas nanoparticles with thiolated surfaces could be synthesized using feed mixtures with excess pentaerythritol tetrakis(3-mercapto-propionate). The possibility of fluorescent labelling of thiolated nanoparticles has been demonstrated through their reaction with fluorescein-5-maleimide. The thiolated nanoparticles were found to be mucoadhesive and exhibited retention on mucosal surface of porcine urinary bladder.


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Thioredoxin (Trx1), a very important protein for regulating intracellular redox reactions, was immobilized on iron oxide superparamagnetic nanoparticles previously coated with 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTS) via covalent coupling using the EDC (1-ethyl-3-{3-dimethylaminopropyl}carbodiimide) method. The system was extensively characterized by atomic force microscopy, vibrational and magnetic techniques. In addition, gold nanoparticles were also employed to probe the exposed groups in the immobilized enzyme based on the SERS (surface enhanced Raman scattering) effect, confirming the accessibility of the cysteines residues at the catalytic site. For the single coated superparamagnetic nanoparticle, by monitoring the enzyme activity with the Ellman reagent, DTNB=5,5`-dithio-bis(2-15 nitrobenzoic acid), an inhibitory effect was observed after the first catalytic cycle. The inhibiting effect disappeared after the application of an additional silicate coating before the AFTS treatment, reflecting a possible influence of unprotected iron-oxide sites in the redox kinetics. In contrast, the doubly coated system exhibited a normal in-vitro kinetic activity, allowing a good enzyme recovery and recyclability. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The surface of ramie cellulose whiskers has been chemically modified by grafting organic acid chlorides presenting different lengths of the aliphatic chain by an esterification reaction. The occurrence of the chemical modification was evaluated by FTIR and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopies, elemental analysis and contact angle measurements. The crystallinity of the particles was not altered by the chain grafting, but it was shown that covalently grafted chains were able to crystallize at the cellulose surface when using C18. Both unmodified and functionalized nanoparticles were extruded with low density polyethylene to prepare nanocomposite materials. The homogeneity of the ensuing nanocomposites was found to increase with the length of the grafted chains. The thermomechanical properties of processed nanocomposites were studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), dynamical mechanical analysis (DMA) and tensile tests. A significant improvement in terms of elongation at break was observed when sufficiently long chains were grafted on the surface of the nanoparticles. It was ascribed to improved dispersion of the nanoparticles within the LDPE matrix. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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 Hollow mesoporous silica nanoparticles were successfully fabricated and functionalized with appropriate silanes. After modifications, amine, carboxyl, cyano, and methyl groups were grafted onto the nanoparticles and all functionalized hollow mesoporous silica nanoparticles maintained a spherical and hollow structure with a mean diameter of ~120 nm and a shell thickness of ~10 nm. The loading capacity of the hollow mesoporous silica nanoaprticles to the anticancer drug, 5-fluorouracil, can be controlled via precise functionalization. The presence of amine groups on the surface of nanoparticles resulted in the highest loading capacity of 28.89%, due to the amine functionalized nanoparticles having a similar hydrophilicity but reverse charge to the drug. In addition, the change in pH leads to the variation of the intensity of electrostatic force between nanoparticles and the drug, which finally affects the loading capacity of amine functionalized hollow mesoporous silica nanoparticles to some extent. Higher drug loading was observed at pH of 7.4 and 8.5 as 5-fluorouracil becomes more deprotonated in alkaline conditions. The improved drug loading capacity by amine functionalized hollow mesoporous silica nanoparticles has demonstrated that they can become potential intracellular 5-fluorouracil delivery vehicles for cancers.