999 resultados para enzymatic kinetics


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Enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose was highly complex because of the unclear enzymatic mechanism and many factors that affect the heterogeneous system. Therefore, it is difficult to build a theoretical model to study cellulose hydrolysis by cellulase. Artificial neural network (ANN) was used to simulate and predict this enzymatic reaction and compared with the response surface model (RSM). The independent variables were cellulase amount X-1, substrate concentration X-2, and reaction time X-3, and the response variables were reducing sugar concentration Y-1 and transformation rate of the raw material Y-2. The experimental results showed that ANN was much more suitable for studying the kinetics of the enzymatic hydrolysis than RSM. During the simulation process, relative errors produced by the ANN model were apparently smaller than that by RSM except one and the central experimental points. During the prediction process, values produced by the ANN model were much closer to the experimental values than that produced by RSM. These showed that ANN is a persuasive tool that can be used for studying the kinetics of cellulose hydrolysis catalyzed by cellulase.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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La tagatose-1,6-biphosphate aldolase de Streptococcus pyogenes est une aldolase de classe I qui fait montre d'un remarquable manque de spécificité vis à vis de ses substrats. En effet, elle catalyse le clivage réversible du tagatose-1,6-biphosphate (TBP), mais également du fructose-1,6-biphosphate (FBP), du sorbose-1,6-biphosphate et du psicose-1,6-biphosphate, quatre stéréoisomères, en dihydroxyacétone phosphate (DHAP) et en glycéraldéhyde-3-phosphate (G3P). Afin de mettre à jour les caractéristiques du mécanisme enzymatique, une étude structurale de la TBP aldolase de S. pyogenes, un pathogène humain extrêmement versatile, a été entreprise. Elle a permis la résolution de la structure native et en complexe avec le DHAP, a respectivement 1.87 et 1.92 Å de résolution. Ces mêmes structures ont permis de se représenter plus clairement le site actif de l'enzyme en général, et les résidus catalytiques en particulier. Le trempage des cristaux de TBP aldolase dans une solution saturante de DHAP a en outre permis de piéger un authentique intermédiaire iminium, ainsi que sa géométrie particulière en atteste. Des expériences d'échange de proton, entreprises afin d'évaluer le stéréoisomérisme du transfert de proton catalytique, ont également permis de faire une intéressante découverte : la TBP aldolase ne peut déprotoner le coté pro-R du C3 du DHAP, mais peut le protonner. Ce résultat, ainsi que la comparaison de la structure du complexe TBP aldolase-DHAP avec la structure du complexe FBP aldolase de muscle de lapin- DHAP, pointe vers un isomérisme cis-trans autour du lien C2-C3 de la base de Schiff formée avec le DHAP. De plus, la résolution de ces deux structures a permis de mettre en évidence trois régions très mobiles de la protéine, ce qui pourrait être relié au rôle postulé de son isozyme chez S. pyogenes dans la régulation de l’expression génétique et de la virulence de la bactérie. La cristallographie par rayons X et la cinétique enzymatique ont ainsi permis d'avancer dans l'élucidation du mécanisme et des propriétés structurales de cette enzyme aux caractéristiques particulières.


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Nicotine, an oxidizing agent, is certainly one of the most widely used alkaloids in the world. It is, together with its main metabolite, cotinine, responsible for tobacco-dependence. The use of tobacco is closely associated with lung disease, morphological leukocyte modification and generation of oxidant species. The aim of this study was to look for a possible relationship between cotinine, oxidant species generation and oxidative processes. After studying the action of cotinine in some chemical oxidation models and on the enzymatic kinetics of peroxidases (myeloperoxidase and horseradish peroxidase), we concluded that cotinine does not act directly upon H 2O 2, HOCl, taurine chloramines, horseradish peroxidase or myeloperoxidase.


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Denitrification is an important process of global nitrogen cycle as it removes reactive nitrogen from the biosphere, and acts as the primary source of nitrous oxide (N2O). This thesis seeks to gain better understanding of the biogeochemistry of denitrification by investigating the process from four different aspects: genetic basis, enzymatic kinetics, environmental interactions, and environmental consequences. Laboratory and field experiments were combined with modeling efforts to unravel the complexity of denitrification process under microbiological and environmental controls. Dynamics of denitrification products observed in laboratory experiments revealed an important role of constitutive denitrification enzymes, whose presence were further confirmed with quantitative analysis of functional genes encoding nitrite reductase and nitrous oxide reductase. A metabolic model of denitrification developed with explicit denitrification enzyme kinetics and representation of constitutive enzymes successfully reproduced the dynamics of N2O and N2 accumulation observed in the incubation experiments, revealing important regulatory effect of denitrification enzyme kinetics on the accumulation of denitrification products. Field studies demonstrated complex interaction of belowground N2O production, consumption and transport, resulting in two pulse pattern in the surface flux. Coupled soil gas diffusion/denitrification model showed great potential in simulating the dynamics of N2O below ground, with explicit representation of the activity of constitutive denitrification enzymes. A complete survey of environmental variables showed distinct regulation regimes on the denitrification activity from constitutive enzymes and new synthesized enzymes. Uncertainties in N2O estimation with current biogeochemical models may be reduced as accurate simulation of the dynamics of N2O in soil and surface fluxes is possible with a coupled diffusion/denitrification model that includes explicit representation of denitrification enzyme kinetics. In conclusion, denitrification is a complex ecological function regulated at cellular level. To assess the environmental consequences of denitrification and develop useful tools to mitigate N2O emissions require a comprehensive understanding of the regulatory network of denitrification with respect to microbial physiology and environmental interactions.


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Enzyme is a dynamic entity with diverse time scales, ranging from picoseconds to seconds or even longer. Here we develop a rate theory for enzyme catalysis that includes conformational dynamics as cycling on a two-dimensional (2D) reaction free energy surface involving an intrinsic reaction coordinate (X) and an enzyme conformational coordinate (Q). The validity of Michaelis-Menten (MM) equation, i.e., substrate concentration dependence of enzymatic velocity, is examined under a nonequilibrium steady state. Under certain conditions, the classic MM equation holds but with generalized microscopic interpretations of kinetic parameters. However, under other conditions, our rate theory predicts either positive (sigmoidal-like) or negative (biphasic-like) kinetic cooperativity due to the modified effective 2D reaction pathway on X-Q surface, which can explain non-MM dependence previously observed on many monomeric enzymes that involve slow or hysteretic conformational transitions. Furthermore, we find that a slow conformational relaxation during product release could retain the enzyme in a favorable configuration, such that enzymatic turnover is dynamically accelerated at high substrate concentrations. The effect of such conformation retainment in a nonequilibrium steady state is evaluated.


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The transesterification of methyl butyrate, ethyl butyrate and butyl butyrate to geranyl butyrate was investigated in supercritical carbon dioxide. The effect of chain length of the butyrate on the rate of transesterification was investigated. The initial rates followed the trend: ethyl butyrate < butyl butyrate < methyl butyrate. The transesterification of butyl butyrate to geranyl butyrate in various supercritical fluids such as ethylene, methane, ethane was also examined. The initial rate of transesterification of butyl butyrate in different supercritical fluids followed the order: ScCO2 < ScC2H6 < ScC2H4 < ScCH4. The highest initial rate was obtained in supercritical methane and the reasons for this observation were proposed. The Ping-Pong Bi-Bi model with inhibition by both acid and alcohol was used to model the experimental data and determine the kinetics of the reaction. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report the in situ and real-time monitoring of the interconversion of L- and D-alanine-d(3) by alanine racemase from Bacillus stearothermophilus directly observed by H-2 NMR spectroscopy in anisotropic phase. The enantiomers are distinguished by the difference of their H-2 quadrupolar splittings in a chiral liquid crystal containing short DNA fragments. The proof-of-principle, the reliability, and the robustness of this new method is demonstrated by the determination of the turnover rates of the enzyme using the Michaelis Menten model.


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Water insoluble poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL) was micronized into narrowly distributed stable nanoparticles. The biodegradation of such PCL nanoparticles in the presence of the enzyme, Lipase PS, was monitored by using laser light scattering because the scattering intensity is directly related to the particle concentration. The PCL and enzyme concentration dependence of the biodegradation rate supports a heterogeneous catalytic kinetics in which we have introduced an additional equilibrium between the inactive and active enzyme/substrate complexes. The initial rate equation derived on the basis of this mechanism was used to successfully explain the influence of surfactant, pH and temperature on the enzymatic biodegradation. Our results confirmed that both the adsorption and the enzymatic catalysis were important for the biodegradation of the PCL nanoparticles. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The location of extracellular enzymes within the soil architecture and their association with the various soil components affects their catalytic potential. A soil fractionation study was carried out to investigate: (a) the distribution of a range of hydrolytic enzymes involved in C, N and P transformations, (b) the effect of the location on their respective kinetics, (c) the effect of long-term N fertilizer management on enzyme distribution and kinetic parameters. Soil (silty clay loam) from grassland which had received 0 or 200 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1) was fractionated, and four particle-size fractions (> 200, 200-63, 63-2 and 0. 1-2 mum) were obtained by a combination of wet-sieving and centrifugation, after low-energy ultrasonication. All fractions were assayed for four carbohydrases (beta-cellobiohydrolase, N-acetyl-beta-glucosammidase, beta-glucosidase and beta-xylosidase), acid phosphatase and leucine-aminopeptidase using a microplate fluorimetric assay based on MUB-substrates. Enzyme kinetics (V-max and K-m) were estimated in three particle-size fractions and the unfractionated soil. The results showed that not all particle-size fractions were equally enzymatically active and that the distribution of enzymes between fractions depended on the enzyme. Carbohydrases predominated in the coarser fractions while phosphatase and leucine-aminopeptidase were predominant in the clay-size fraction. The Michaelis constant (K.) varied among fractions, indicating that the association of the same enzyme with different particle-size fractions affected its substrate affinity. The same values of Km were found in the same fractions from the soil under two contrasting fertilizer management regimes, indicating that the Michaelis constant was unaffected by soil changes caused by N fertilizer management. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study discusses grafting of methyl methacrylate units from thepolymeric soybean oil peroxide to produce poly(soybean oil-graft-methyl methacrylate) (PSO-g-PMMA). The degradation of this copolymer in solution was evaluated in the presence of different lipases, viz Candida rugosa (CR), Lipolase 100T (LP), Novozym 435 (N435) and Porcine pancreas (PP), at different temperatures The copolymer degraded by specific chain end scission and the mass fraction of the specific product evolved was determined The degradation was modeled using continuous distribution kinetics to determine the rate coefficients ofmenzymatic chain end scission and deactivation of the enzyme The enzymes, CR. LP and N435 exhibited maximum activity for the degradation of PSO-g-PMMA at 60 degrees C, while PP was most active at 50 degrees C. The thermal degradability of the copolymer, assessed by thermo-gravimetry, indicated that the activation energy of degradation of the copolymer was 154 kJ mol(-1), which was lesser than that of the PMMA homopolymer.


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Recently, research on polymer has drawn much attention mainly due to the ever increasing application of these polymeric materials in several areas such as food packaging industry, agricultural industry and biomedical research. However, increasing industrial use of polymers has led to the environmentally critical issue of waste disposal. Further, the successful implication of polymeric materials in biomedical applications depends on the biodegradability of the concerned polymer. Various enzymes play an important role in the biodegradation of polymers. The present review describes the enzyme mediated biodegradation of various polymers including synthetic, natural and blends of these materials. Detailed examples of enzymatic degradation of polymers are illustrated from current scientific literature with the discussion on various factors that can influence the degradation. In addition, different techniques that are generally applied to assess the degradation process as well as degradation products have been described. Finally, a special emphasis is given to the investigation of the kinetics of polymer degradation by enzymes.


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The vertical distribution of the variables relevant to P forms in sediments were studied in a shallow Chinese freshwater lake (Lake Donghu) in 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2000, to assess the contribution of enzyme to P availability in sediment cores. Sediment P was fractionationd into iron-bound P, calcium-bound P, acid soluble organic P (ASOP) and hot NaOH extractable residual organic P. The former two species made the largest contribution to the sediment P pool. All P species exhibited significantly higher concentrations in different depths at Station I, compared with those found at Station II, except for ASOP. Coupled with these lower ASOP concentrations, the V-max data of alkaline phosphatase, measured on the same samples, were significantly higher at station I. Taken together, ASOP were probably important in supplying the enzymatic substrate (Phosphatase Hydrolyzable Phosphorus, PHP) into interstitial water. Dissolved orthophosphate and PHP concentrations were highly heterogeneous , but peaked in subsurface, paralleled by higher V-max and lower K-m values of alkaline phosphatase, throughout the sediment core. Sediment in the eutrophic lake is not only enriched in available P (iron-bound P), or stores residual P, but also tends to release PHP, thereby inducing the production of alkaline phosphatase and releasing o-P into water column by enzymatic hydrolysis. The latter process may also occur in relatively deep sediment layers.


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We study the kinetics of the biomolecular binding process at the interface using energy landscape theory. The global kinetic connectivity case is considered for a downhill funneled energy landscape. By solving the kinetic master equation, the kinetic time for binding is obtained and shown to have a U-shape curve-dependence on the temperature. The kinetic minimum of the binding time monotonically decreases when the ratio of the underlying energy gap between native state and average non-native states versus the roughness or the fluctuations of the landscape increases. At intermediate temperatures,fluctuations measured by the higher moments of the binding time lead to non-Poissonian, non-exponential kinetics. At both high and very low temperatures, the kinetics is nearly Poissonian and exponential.