990 resultados para environmental implications of mining closure


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The Mt. Amiata volcano (Tuscany, central Italy) hosts the second largest geothermal field of Italy. Its SW and NE sectors are characterized by the presence of several CO2-rich (mayor que95% by vol.) gas discharges. An intense Hg mining activity had taken place from the 19th century up to the end of the ?70s, particularly close to Abbadia San Salvatore, during which two drillings (Acqua Passante and Ermeta) intercepted a CO2-rich gas fertile horizon. The related gases are emitted in the atmosphere since 1938 and 1959, respectively, causing severe concerns for the local air quality. In this work the results of a geochemical and isotopic survey carried out on these gas emissions from March 2009 to January 2014 are presented. CO2 fluxes from both the two wells and soil from an area of about 653,500 m2 located between them were measured. The two wells are emitting up to 15,000, 92 and 8 tons y-1 of CO2, CH4 and H2S, respectively, while the computed soil CO2 output was estimated at 4,311 ton y-1. The spatial distribution of the CO2 soil flux suggests the presence of preferential patterns, indicating sites of higher permeability. Since the local municipality is evaluating the possibility to plug the Ermeta vent, a temporarily closure should first be carried out to test the possible influence of this operation on the diffuse soil degassing of deep-originated CO2 in the surrounding area. This implies that diffuse soil gases should carefully be monitored before proceeding with its definitive closure.


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A multi-season 15N tracer recovery experiment was conducted on an Oxisol cropped with wheat, maize and sorghum to compare crop N recoveries of different fertilisation strategies and determine the main pathways of N losses that limit N recovery in these agroecosystems. In the wheat and maize seasons, 15N-labelled fertiliser was applied as conventional urea (CONV) and urea coated with a nitrification inhibitor (DMPP). In sorghum, the fate of 15N-labelled urea was monitored in this crop following a legume ley pasture (L70) or a grass ley pasture (G100). The fertiliser N applied to sorghum in the legume-cereal rotation was reduced (70 kg N ha−1) compared to the grass-cereal (100 kg N ha−1) to assess the availability of the N residual from the legume ley pasture. Average crop N recoveries were 73 % (CONV) and 77 % (DMPP) in wheat and 50 % (CONV) and 51 % (DMPP) in maize, while in sorghum were 71 % (L70) and 53 % (G100). Data gathered in this study indicate that the intrinsic physical and chemical conditions of Oxisols can be extremely effective in limiting N losses via deep leaching or denitrification. Elevated crop 15N recoveries can be therefore obtained in subtropical Oxisols using conventional urea while in these agroecosystems DMPP urea has no significant scope to increase fertiliser N recovery in the crop. Overall, introducing a legume phase to limit the fertiliser N requirements of the following cereal crop proved to be the most effective strategy to reduce N losses and increase fertiliser N recovery.


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We present the results of the microstratigraphic, phytolith and wood charcoal study of the remains of a 10.5 ka roof. The roof is part of a building excavated at Tell Qarassa (South Syria), assigned to the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B period (PPNB). The Pre-Pottery Neolithic (PPN) period in the Levant coincides with the emergence of farming. This fundamental change in subsistence strategy implied the shift from mobile to settled aggregated life, and from tents and huts to hard buildings. As settled life spread across the Levant, a generalised transition from round to square buildings occurred, that is a trademark of the PPNB period. The study of these buildings is fundamental for the understanding of the ever-stronger reciprocal socio-ecological relationship humans developed with the local environment since the introduction of sedentism and domestication. Descriptions of buildings in PPN archaeological contexts are usually restricted to the macroscopic observation of wooden elements (posts and beams) and mineral components (daub, plaster and stone elements). Reconstructions of microscopic and organic components are frequently based on ethnographic analogy. The direct study of macroscopic and microscopic, organic and mineral, building components performed at Tell Qarassa provides new insights on building conception, maintenance, use and destruction. These elements reflect new emerging paradigms in the relationship between Neolithic societies and the environment. A square building was possibly covered here with a radial roof, providing a glance into a topologic shift in the conception and understanding of volumes, from round-based to square-based geometries. Macroscopic and microscopic roof components indicate buildings were conceived for year-round residence rather than seasonal mobility. This implied performing maintenance and restoration of partially damaged buildings, as well as their adaptation to seasonal variability


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China has embarked on the largest program of new hotel construction the world has ever seen. Even though the nation’s growth rate has eased somewhat in the past year, China’s hotel development continues at a pace that would see at least three new 150+ room hotels open every day for the next 25 years.1 Even if the industry does not continue to expand at this rate, China’s hotel growth carries substantial consequences in terms of increases in energy and water consumption, and an expanding carbon footprint. In this paper, we outline the dimensions of this issue, and we urge hotel developers to heed the national government’s push for greater sustainability.


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This work evaluates some collateral effects caused by the application of the Fenton process to 1,1-bis(4-chlorophenyl)-2,2,2-trichloroethane (DDT) and diesel degradation in soil. While about 80% of the diesel and 75% of the DDT present in the soil were degraded in a slurry system, the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the slurry filtrate increased from 80 to 880 mg l(-1) after 64 h of reaction and the DDT concentration increased from 12 to 50 mu g l(-1). Experiments of diesel degradation conducted on silica evidenced that soluble compounds were also formed during diesel oxidation. Furthermore, significant increase in metal concentrations was also observed in the slurry filtrate after the Fenton treatment when compared to the control experiment leading to excessive concentrations of Cr, Ni, Cu and Mn according to the limits imposed for water. Moreover, 80% of the organic matter naturally present in the soil was degraded and a drastic volatilization of DDT and 2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)-1,1-dichloroethylene was observed. Despite the high percentages of diesel and DDT degradation in soil, the potential overall benefits of its application must be evaluated beforehand taking into account the metal and target compounds dissolution and the volatilization of contaminants when the process is applied. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The inadequate and indiscriminate disposal of sugarcane vinasse in soils and water bodies has received much attention since decades ago, due to environmental problems associated to this practice. Vinasse is the final by-product of the biomass distillation, mainly for the production of ethanol, from sugar crops (beet and sugarcane), starch crops (corn, wheat, rice, and cassava), or cellulosic material (harvesting crop residues, sugarcane bagasse, and wood). Because of the large quantities of vinasse produced, alternative treatments and uses have been developed, such as recycling of vinasse in fermentation, fertirrigation, concentration by evaporation, and yeast and energy production. This review was aimed at examining the available data on the subject as a contribution to update the information on sugarcane vinasse, from its characteristics and chemical composition to alternatives uses in Brazil: fertirrigation, concentration by evaporation, energy production; the effects on soil physical, chemical and biological properties; its influence on seed germination, its use as biostimulant and environmental contaminant. The low pH, electric conductivity, and chemical elements present in sugarcane vinasse may cause changes in the chemical and physical-chemical properties of soils, rivers, and lakes with frequent discharges over a long period of time, and also have adverse effects on agricultural soils and biota in general. Thus, new studies and green methods need to be developed aiming at sugarcane vinasse recycling and disposal. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Algunos de los efectos ambientales y sociales que se pueden apreciar luego del cierre de una mina son la desaparición de acuíferos, la existencia de aguas superficiales contaminadas con sustancias químicas y la afectación a la salud de las personas que viven cerca de minas abandonadas. Esta investigación busca analizar los principales aspectos jurídicos relacionados con la terminación y cierre definitivo de la operación minera desde el punto de vista social y ambiental. Para ello, se presentan los principales efectos ambientales y sociales de ésta terminación; se mencionan los aspectos jurídicos más relevantes del contrato de concesión minera y de la licencia ambiental; se exponen las obligaciones jurídicas que están a cargo tanto del concesionario minero como de las autoridades competentes respecto del cierre de la mina y el papel que asumen los entes de control frente a la terminación y cierre de la mina. Así mismo, se hace un breve análisis de derecho comparado de la regulación en España y Estados Unidos sobre éste tema. Finalmente, se presentan los resultados de la revisión de los expedientes administrativos que fueron proporcionados por la Agencia Nacional de Minería, en los cuales se determina la aplicación y cumplimiento en la práctica de estas obligaciones jurídicas del concesionario minero al término del contrato. Con base a los resultados obtenidos, se puede concluir, en primer lugar, que las obligaciones a cargo de los concesionarios mineros no están claras por parte de la regulación minera y ambiental; en segundo lugar, que la regulación en cuanto al cierre de minas en España y Estados Unidos es más ordenada, completa y específica y; en tercer lugar, en relación con los expedientes analizados, se puede observar que los concesionarios y las autoridades competentes no están cumpliendo sus respectivas obligaciones.


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Grattan, J., Huxley, S., Karaki, L. A., Toland, H., Gilbertson, D., Pyatt, B., Saad, Z. A. (2002). 'Death . . . more desirable than life'? The human skeletal record and toxicological implications of ancient copper mining and smelting in Wadi Faynan, southwestern Jordan. Toxicology and Industrial Health, 18 (6), 297-307.


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Wind energy is evaluated positively, from the environmental point of view, considering the wind a renewable resource to produce electricity, avoiding the use of fossil resources during operation, but not much has been studied about the impacts associated with the materials of the wind turbines. This study aims to contribute to an improved understanding of the environmental implications of the materials in the moving parts of a wind turbine and how the Eco strategies as recycling are increasingly adopted to ensure the minimization of environmental impacts. First, we investigate the moving parts of a wind turbine highlighting possible hot spots of impacts. Second, we assess the benefit of introducing recycling materials instead of the originals. © Research India Publications.


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Amostras de cabelo foram utilizadas como bioindicador para avaliar os níveis de As, Cd, Pb e Hg na população residente na área "Volta Grande" do rio Xingu, no Norte do Brasil. As concentrações de As e Cd estão de acordo com os valores encontrados na literatura, no entanto, foram encontrados valores anômalos de Pb e Hg , o que pode sugerir uma variação inter-regional. Os elevados valores encontrados de Pb e Hg, em cabelos de moradores da Ilha do Canteiro, podem ser atribuídos à exposição ambiental das famílias, por estarem em uma área ambiental impactada pela mineração de ouro. A aplicação dos métodos de estatística multivariada mostrou que a concentração dos metais, estudados neste trabalho, pode ser classificatória entre pessoas de localidades diferentes do município de Altamira. Os resultados neste trabalho refletem o impacto ambiental destes elementos sobre a saúde dos habitantes desta área de garimpagem de ouro.


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Raman spectroscopy and FT-IR imaging analyses of cave wall pigment samples from north Queensland (Australia) indicate that some hand stencils were undertaken during a dry environmental phase indicating late Holocene age. Other, earlier painting episodes also took place during dry environmental periods of the terminal Pleistocene and/or early Holocene. These results represent a rare opportunity to attain chronological information for rock art in conditions where insufficient carbon is present for radiocarbon dating.


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Landscape scale environmental gradients present variable spatial patterns and ecological processes caused by climate, topography and soil characteristics and, as such, offer candidate sites to study environmental change. Data are presented on the spatial pattern of dominant species, biomass, and carbon pools and the temporal pattern of fluxes across a transitional zone shifting from Great Basin Desert scrub, up through pinyon-juniper woodlands and into ponderosa pine forest and the ecotones between each vegetation type. The mean annual temperature (MAT) difference across the gradient is approximately 3 degrees C from bottom to top (MAT 8.5-5.5) and annual precipitation averages from 320 to 530 mm/yr, respectively. The stems of the dominant woody vegetation approach a random spatial pattern across the entire gradient, while the canopy cover shows a clustered pattern. The size of the clusters increases with elevation according to available soil moisture which in turn affects available nutrient resources. The total density of woody species declines with increasing soil moisture along the gl-adient, but total biomass increases. Belowground carbon and nutrient pools change from a heterogenous to a homogenous distribution on either side of the woodlands. Although temperature controls the: seasonal patterns of carbon efflux from the soils, soil moisture appears to be the primary driving variable, but response differs underneath the different dominant species, Similarly, decomposition of dominant litter occurs faster-at the cooler and more moist sites, but differs within sites due to litter quality of the different species. The spatial pattern of these communities provides information on the direction of future changes, The ecological processes that we documented are not statistically different in the ecotones as compared to the: adjoining communities, but are different at sites above the woodland than those below the woodland. We speculate that an increase in MAT will have a major impact on C pools and C sequestering and release processes in these semiarid landscapes. However, the impact will be primarily related to moisture availability rather than direct effects of an increase in temperature. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.