904 resultados para entrepreneur motivation
The purpose of this thesis is to study the international technology transfer of transition economy SME entrepreneurs to the developed countries. The research aims to characterize the phenomenon by studying Russian SME technology transfer to Finland with the research methods from case studies. In addition to characterizing the phenomenon, the research finds out factors that motivate Russian entrepreneurs to conduct international technology transfer and what are the challenges the Russian entrepreneurs face when they enter the Finnish business environment. The qualitative data was collected from six semi-structured interviews with the entrepreneurs and several secondary data sources, considering four different technology transfer cases. The data and the analysis showed that the case companies in Finland are mostly linked to manufacturing of physical products. The entrepreneurs are motivated to come to Finland mainly by the opportunities and support the Finnish business and innovation environment provides to the entrepreneurs and by the personal gain that they get by establishing the company in Finland. Major challenges in the process include time constraints and capital requirements, difficulties on achieving sales on the Finnish market and finding skilled personnel to support the Russian management and owners.
In Finland, entrepreneurship policy priorities are encouragement and support for business innovation, growth and internationalization. SMEs are having economically significant employment and wealth creation potential. During the following years, there will be plenty of businesses for sale on the Finnish market. The challenge is to find and identify growth-oriented, talented, innovative, capable to rapid experimentation new entrepreneurs, in whose hands the company's growth targets are going to be realized. In these research is examined frameworks of the company's growth and the factors influencing growth on the basis of previous studies and literature. In addition, the aim is to create a suitable framework to identify the early stage of entrepreneurs, who are growth-oriented. The other aim is create the supposed directions of influences for growth-orientation. The objectives of the work of the results is to act as an umbrella topic, contextual analysis and forming a new applied framework for further studies. The results of these research are the background variables, the desire for growth are composed of motives, attitudes and desires; the skills for growth are composed of capabilities, experiences, self-efficacy and the willingness for risk-taking; the opportunities for growth are composed of IPR, financing, megatrends and other observed chances.
Miben különböznek motivációjukat, értékeit, habitusukat tekintve a vállalkozók, illetve a menedzserek a társadalom többi tagjától és egymástól? Egy 29 európai országra kiterjedő reprezentatív lakossági kérdőíves felmérés (European Social Survey) alapján keresik a szerzők a választ e kérdésre. A Schwartz-értéktesztet használják, amelynek segítségével meghatározhatók az általános célok, elvek, amelyek követését egy személy fontosnak tartja az életében. Így felrajzolható a személy karaktere. Hozzájárulásuk az irodalomhoz kettős. Bár készültek európai szinten elemzések a vállalkozók által vallott sajátos értékekről, a Schwartz-teszt átfogóbb, árnyaltabb és megbízhatóbb elemzést tesz lehetővé. Továbbá, az említett elemzések csak az önfoglalkoztatókat vizsgálták, amely kategória magában foglalja ugyan a vállalkozókat, ám tágabb annál. Az alkalmazott menedzserekről pedig tudomásuk szerint egyáltalán nem készült hasonló elemzés. / === / What distinguishes entrepreneurs and managers from the rest of society and from each other in terms of motivation and values? The authors attempt to answer these questions by analysing data from the European Social Survey covering the populations of 29 countries. They use the Schwartz value-test to identify the general goals and principles people choose to follow in their lives. The test enables them to paint the typical personal characters of entrepreneurs and managers. Their contribution to the literature is threefold. First, although the values held by European entrepreneurs have been investigated before, the Schwartz test provides for a more comprehensive and nuanced analysis. Second, prior statistical analyses have focussed on self-employed, which is a much broader category than entrepreneurs. Third, the distinguishing values of employed managers have not been analysed so far in a similar way.
This dissertation analyzes rewards and motivations of self-employment. In light of recent research contributions of Barton Hamilton (2000), which find entrepreneurship not as financially rewarding as wage work, my dissertation attempts to both verify and explain this claim. The first essay proposes a theoretical model of evolution of erroneous earnings expectations on part of a nascent entrepreneur. Inability to observe, survey, and take into account all of the returns to entrepreneurship prior to business entry creates a biased set of beliefs on part of the potential entrants. Using Bayesian learning, a nascent entrepreneur starting out with correct perception of profit distribution arrives at erroneous beliefs by incorporating limited information collected from existing businesses. An observed distribution of surviving businesses would exhibit higher earnings because of previous, unobserved, business failure entrepreneur get an overly positive view of her profit potential. Hence, the chapter offers a unique method of modeling overconfidence. The second essay undertakes dynamic empirical comparison of earnings received by business owners and their wage counterparts. Using Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) I examine both short and long run returns to entrepreneurship comparing theses rewards to wage earners returns. I pay particular attention to transitions into and out of business ownership. I estimate entire earnings distribution. To characterize dynamic aspect of changes to individuals’ earnings I split the income distribution into five income quintiles and follow survey participants over the period of seven years. I find that period-to-period transitions to be Markovian. I find business tenure to be short, business ownership is costly in the short and rewarding in the long run. The third essay considered different reporting schemes applied to the self-employed. It is another empirical investigation of entrepreneurial earning uses Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID). I find entrepreneurs while reporting lower than wage workers earnings enjoy significant consumption premiums. I observe evidence of income underreporting by entrepreneurs. This finding suggests a need for better earning comparison metrics and proposes to use consumption rather than income metrics for future comparisons.
The consumption of dietary supplements is highest among athletes and it can represent potential a health risk for consumers. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of consumption of dietary supplements by road runners. We interviewed 817 volunteers from four road races in the Brazilian running calendar. The sample consisted of 671 male and 146 female runners with a mean age of 37.9 ± 12.4 years. Of the sample, 28.33% reported having used some type of dietary supplement. The main motivation for this consumption is to increase in stamina and improve performance. The probability of consuming dietary supplements increased 4.67 times when the runners were guided by coaches. The consumption of supplements was strongly correlated (r = 0.97) with weekly running distance, and also highly correlated (r = 0.86) with the number of years the sport had been practiced. The longer the runner had practiced the sport, the higher the training volume and the greater the intake of supplements. The five most frequently cited reasons for consumption were: energy enhancement (29.5%), performance improvement (17.1%), increased level of endurance (10.3%), nutrient replacement (11.1%), and avoidance of fatigue (10.3%). About 30% of the consumers declared more than one reason for taking dietary supplements. The most consumed supplements were: carbohydrates (52.17%), vitamins (28.70%), and proteins (13.48%). Supplement consumption by road runners in Brazil appeared to be guided by the energy boosting properties of the supplement, the influence of coaches, and the experience of the user. The amount of supplement intake seemed to be lower among road runners than for athletes of other sports. We recommend that coaches and nutritionists emphasise that a balanced diet can meet the needs of physically active people.
Previous studies have shown that a particular site in the periaqueductal gray (PAG), the rostrolateral PAG, influences the motivation drive to forage or hunt. To have a deeper understanding on the putative paths involved in the decision-making process between foraging, hunting, and other behavioral responses, in the present investigation, we carried out a systematic analysis of the neural inputs to the rostrolateral PAG (rlPAG), using Fluorogold as a retrograde tracer. According to the present findings, the rlPAG appears to be importantly driven by medial prefrontal cortical areas involved in controlling attention-related and decision-making processes. Moreover, the rlPAG also receives a wealth of information from different amygdalar, hypothalamic, and brainstem sites related to feeding, drinking, or hunting behavioral responses. Therefore, this unique combination of afferent connections puts the rlPAG in a privileged position to influence the motivation drive to choose whether hunting and foraging would be the most appropriate adaptive responses. Copyright (C) 2009 Sandra Regina Mota-Ortiz et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Women are increasingly active in the participation and consumption of tourism, representing a strong and unique market segment. Knowledge of the needs and preferences of female tourists represents a key success factor in the tourism industry. This preliminary study seeks to capture the underlying reasons for the travel decisions of the residents of the Urban Quadrilátero of Minho, investigating their tourist motivations from a gendered perspective. Insight on tourism motivation may be an important policy tool for tourism planners and managers in the development of products and marketing strategies. The empirical analysis is undertaken based on questionnaires administered in 2012 to residents of the Urban Quadrilátero of Minho. Preliminary results do not reveal significant gender differences in the importance that the local residents place on various tourism motivation factors.