991 resultados para energy consumptions


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Water shortage is a major problem facing the power industry in many nations around the world. The largest consumer of water in most power plants is the wet cooling tower. To assist water and energy saving for thermal power stations using conventional evaporative wet cooling towers, a hybrid cooling system is proposed in this paper. The hybrid cooling system may consists of all or some of an air pre-cooler, heat pump, heat exchangers, and adsorption chillers together with the existing cooling tower. The hybrid cooling system described in the paper, consisting of a metal hydride heat pump operating in conjunction with the existing wet cooling tower, is capable of achieving water saving by reducing the temperature of warm water entering the cooling tower. Cooler inlet water temperatures effectively reduce the cooling load on existing towers. This will ultimately reduce the amount of water lost to the air by evaporation whilst still achieving the same cooling output. At the same time, the low grade waste energy upgraded by the metal hydride heat pump, in the process of cooling the water, can be used to replace the bleed of steam for the lower stage feed heaters which will increase overall cycle efficiency.


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This paper applies a gravity model to estimate the relationships between energy consumptions and many kinds of construction material export over the period 1992-2009 in China. The empirical result shows that energy consumptions have a significant and positive influence on the construction material export of China.


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A new methodology based on the use of CFD is proposed to estimate the energy consumptions in a DTS (DOUBLE-TUBE-SOCKET) pneumatic conveying. A simple computational program based on this methodology is developed. It can directly give the lowest energy consumption and the compatible gas consumption by only input the distance of conveying and the conveying tonnage. This computational program has been validated through our experimental work.


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Energy efficiency and renewable energy use are two main priorities leading to industrial sustainability nowadays according to European Steel Technology Platform (ESTP). Modernization efforts can be done by industries to improve energy consumptions of the production lines. These days, steel making industrial applications are energy and emission intensive. It was estimated that over the past years, energy consumption and corresponding CO2 generation has increased steadily reaching approximately 338.15 parts per million in august 2010 [1]. These kinds of facts and statistics have introduced a lot of room for improvement in energy efficiency for industrial applications through modernization and use of renewable energy sources such as solar Photovoltaic Systems (PV).The purpose of this thesis work is to make a preliminary design and simulation of the solar photovoltaic system which would attempt to cover the energy demand of the initial part of the pickling line hydraulic system at the SSAB steel plant. For this purpose, the energy consumptions of this hydraulic system would be studied and evaluated and a general analysis of the hydraulic and control components performance would be done which would yield a proper set of guidelines contributing towards future energy savings. The results of the energy efficiency analysis showed that the initial part of the pickling line hydraulic system worked with a low efficiency of 3.3%. Results of general analysis showed that hydraulic accumulators of 650 liter size should be used by the initial part pickling line system in combination with a one pump delivery of 100 l/min. Based on this, one PV system can deliver energy to an AC motor-pump set covering 17.6% of total energy and another PV system can supply a DC hydraulic pump substituting 26.7% of the demand. The first system used 290 m2 area of the roof and was sized as 40 kWp, the second used 109 m2 and was sized as 15.2 kWp. It was concluded that the reason for the low efficiency was the oversized design of the system. Incremental modernization efforts could help to improve the hydraulic system energy efficiency and make the design of the solar photovoltaic system realistically possible. Two types of PV systems where analyzed in the thesis work. A method was found calculating the load simulation sequence based on the energy efficiency studies to help in the PV system simulations. Hydraulic accumulators integrated into the pickling line worked as energy storage when being charged by the PV system as well.


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TESLA project (Transfering Energy Save Laid on Agroindustry) financed by the European Commission, had the main goals of evaluating the energy consumption and to identify the best available practices to improve energy efficiency in key agro-food sectors, such as the olive oil mills. A general analysis of energy consumptions allowed identifying the partition between electrical and thermal energy (approximately 50%) and the production processes responsible for the higher energy consumptions, as being the in the mill and paste preparation and the phases separation. Some measures for reducing energy waste and for improving energy efficiency were identified and the impact was evaluated by using the TESLA tool developed by Circe and available at the TESLA website.


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The growing awareness of sustainability issues around the world has put extensive pressure on the construction industry to improve its sustainable practice. Sustainability principles need to be applied to not just during design and construction phase but the entire life cycle of a construction project. Compared to sustainability endeavours on earlier development phases, the pace to implement sustainability agenda during the operation and maintenance phase has not been as fast during past practices of facilities management (FM). Literature study suggests that sustainable practices in FM activities can bring substantial benefits such as reducing energy consumptions and waste, while increasing productivity, financial return and standing in the community. It also suggests several barriers which inhibit the implementation of sustainability in FM practices, including the lack of knowledge, discrepancy between capability and skills, and unwillingness of the FM personnel and organizations to adapt to new routines in order to implement sustainability in their business. The capabilities of FM personnel and organizations were regarded as the key enablers in managing sustainability knowledge. In a sustainable development context, capabilities are vital to the fostering of competency in an organization to innovate in a more sustainable way and support the agenda in an organization. Additionally, research which focused on people’s capabilities and skills is still lagging behind the efforts to develop guidelines, technical manuals and knowledge portals. Therefore, it is beneficial to explore the issues of capabilities in dealing with the implementation of sustainable practices in FM. This paper introduces a research project which is aimed at establishing a knowledge capabilities framework for promoting sustainability measures in FM practices. It will explore and highlight challenges to integrate sustainability as well as the personnel and organizational capabilities that are vital in dealing with knowledge issues in implementing sustainability agenda in FM practices. The expected outcome of this research has the potential to further sustainability endeavours in FM practices, while providing a useful source of knowledge to the FM personnel and organizations.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil


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A dependência energética das grandes economias mundiais, alertaram o mundo para a necessidade de mudar o comportamento relativo ao consumo de energia. O sector dos edifícios representa 40% dos consumos globais de energia na União Europeia, já no panorama nacional, o sector dos edifícios representa 28% dos consumos globais da energia, constituindo uma parte significativa no consumo global de energia, sendo portanto, essencial avaliar o desempenho energético dos edifícios, no sentido de promover a sua eficiência energética e beneficiar do grande potencial de economia de energia. Portugal à luz das linhas de orientação da União Europeia com o objectivo de instigar o aumento da eficiência energética nos edifícios, lançou o programa nacional para a eficiência energética nos Edifícios (P3E). Posteriormente, da transposição da Directiva 2002/91/CE para a ordem jurídica nacional surgiu o SCE, o RCCTE e o RSECE. Já em 2013, com a necessidade de transpor para a ordem da jurídica nacional a Directiva n.º 2010/31/EU, surge o Decreto-Lei n.º 118/2013, reunindo num só diploma o SCE, o REH e o RECS, promovendo uma revisão da legislação nacional, garantindo e promovendo a melhoria do desempenho energético dos edifícios. Através da presente dissertação, pretende-se avaliar o desempenho energético de uma pequena fracção de serviços existente tendo por base a metodologia regulamentar revogada do RSECE e a vigente metodologia regulamentar do RECS. Após apresentação dos dois regulamentos e da identificação das principais diferenças entre as duas metodologias regulamentares, procedeu-se ao enquadramento da fracção em estudo no âmbito de aplicação do RSECE e do RECS. Segundo os dois regulamentos a fracção não está sujeita a requisitos mínimos de qualidade térmica, nem a quaisquer requisitos energéticos e de eficiência dos sistemas técnicos, ao tratar-se de uma pequena fracção de serviços existente. Recorrendo ao software DesignBuilder, gerou-se o modelo da fracção em estudo, que através da simulação dinâmica multizona permitiu obter os consumos de energia anuais e a sua desagregação por utilização final. A partir dos consumos energia, determinaram-se os indicadores de eficiência energética de acordo com as duas metodologias, permitindo deste modo, proceder à classificação energética da fracção em estudo. De acordo com o RSECE a fracção em estudo obteve a classificação D, já segundo o RECS alcançou a classe C. Para aumentar a eficiência energética da fracção e consequentemente diminuir o consumo energético, foi proposto proceder à substituição das lâmpadas existentes por lâmpadas tubulares de tecnologia LED e à substituição do sistema de ventilação mecânico por um sistema de ventilação dimensionado para os novos valores de caudal de ar novo regulamentares. Com a implementação destas duas medidas a fracção em estudo melhoraria a sua classificação energética, exigindo um investimento baixo e apresentando um período de retorno de 1 ano e 5 meses. Segundo o RSECE passaria para a classe B, e aplicando a metodologia regulamentar do RECS alcançaria a classe B-.


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As cada vez mais importantes questões ambientais levam à imprescindibilidade da eficiência energética, sendo que esta tem cada vez mais importância a nível mundial. Deste modo, a eficiência energética, quer por uma obrigação legal (devido aos níveis de consumo) quer por questões de estatuto no mercado (imagem de uma empresa amiga do ambiente), está bem presente no mundo industrial. Portugal apresenta, no que diz respeito à situação energética, uma forte dependência externa, acima dos 70 %. Em 2012, informação disponível pela Direção Geral de Energia e Geologia (DGEG), o consumo total de energia primária era de 21.482 ktep e mais de 55 % desse consumo era proveniente de origem fóssil. Os setores que apresentam maiores consumos de eletricidade por setor de atividade são a Indústria e o setor de Serviços, onde estão presentes os edifícios com consumos perto dos 33 %. De forma a promover a eficiência energética e implementar a utilização racional de energia foram criados programas, estratégias e legislação que permitiram incentivar a diminuição dos consumos de energia nos edifícios de serviço. Uma das metodologias implementadas passa pela gestão de energia, ou seja, para atuar é necessário conhecer os fluxos de energia de um edifício. As auditorias energéticas permitem realizar um levantamento e análise desses mesmos fluxos, com o desígnio de identificar oportunidades de racionalização de consumo de energia. Nesta dissertação foi realizado um estudo da redução de consumos energéticos de uma piscina municipal baseado em dados de uma auditoria energética. Através da auditoria foi possível obter um resultado do exame energético, caracterizar o perfil real de utilização da energia elétrica e caracterizar os equipamentos dos consumidores energéticos instalados. Também permitiu realizar um levantamento térmico, de forma conhecer as temperaturas e a humidade relativa do edifício. Por fim, são apresentadas cinco medidas e algumas recomendações de eficiência energética, que permitem uma redução do consumo anual à instalação de cerca de 20%. Procedeu-se, também, a uma análise dos dados obtidos na auditoria, de forma a identificar algumas oportunidades de racionalização de energia.


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Water sorption isotherms for vacuum-dried persimmon pulp (PP) powder were determined in the temperature range of 20-50C, and the effects of maltodextrin (MD) or gum arabic (GA) addition on the water sorption behavior of the dried powders were analyzed. Several models were evaluated to fit the experimental data and the Guggenheim-Anderson-de Boer model was selected as the most adequate to describe the observed behavior. Addition of encapsulants affected the isotherms: at the same water activity, PP powder with added GA (PP + GA) or MD (PP + MD) presented lower equilibrium water content than pure PP and were less affected by temperature variations. Samples of PP + MD presented lower equilibrium moisture content than those of PP + GA. The isosteric heats of sorption of pulp powders with encapsulants were higher (less negative) than those of PP, suggesting that there are more active polar sites in PP than in pulp powder containing encapsulants.PRACTICAL APPLICATIONSThe choice of persimmon to carry out this work was due to the large persimmon production available in Brazil; moreover, persimmon pulp is rich in vitamin C, vitamin A and iron, as well as in phenolic compounds. Drying of fruit pulps with high sugar content presents technical difficulties because the hygroscopicity and thermoplasticity of the resulting powders when exposed to high temperature and relative humidity. For this reason, addition of high-molar-mass biopolymers, such as maltodextrin or gum arabic, is a strategy to aid drying and to improve storage stability. Knowledge of water sorption isotherms and net isosteric heats of sorption is important to various food processing operations, including drying, storage and packaging. They are useful in calculating time and energy consumptions during drying, modeling moisture changes during storage and predicting shelf life of food products.


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Representative Life-Cycle Inventories (LCIs) are essential for Life-Cycle Assessments (LCAs) quality and readiness. Because energy is such an important element of LCAs, appropriate LCIs on energy are crucial, and due to the prevalence of hydropower on Brazilian electricity mix, the frequently used LCIs are not representative of the Brazilian conditions. The present study developed a LCI of the Itaipu Hydropower Plant, the major hydropower plant in the world, responsible for producing 23.8% of Brazil's electricity consumption. Focused on the capital investments to construct and operate the dam, the LCI was designed to serve as a database for the LCAs of Brazilian hydroelectricity production. The life-cycle boundaries encompass the construction and operation of the dam, as well as the life-cycles of the most important material and energy consumptions (cement, steel, copper, diesel oil, lubricant oil), as well as construction site operation, emissions from reservoir flooding, material and workers transportation, and earthworks. As a result, besides the presented inventory, it was possible to determine the following processes, and respective environmental burdens as the most important life-cycle hotspots: reservoir filling (CO(2) and CH(4) emission: land use); steel life-cycle (water and energy consumption; CO, particulates, SO(x) and NO(x) emissions); cement life-cycle (water and energy consumption; CO(2) and particulate emissions); and operation of civil construction machines (diesel consumption; NO(x) emissions). Compared with another hydropower studies, the LCI showed magnitude adequacy, with better results than small hydropower, which reveals a scale economy for material and energy exchanges in the case of ltaipu Power Plant. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Large scale wireless adhoc networks of computers, sensors, PDAs etc. (i.e. nodes) are revolutionizing connectivity and leading to a paradigm shift from centralized systems to highly distributed and dynamic environments. An example of adhoc networks are sensor networks, which are usually composed by small units able to sense and transmit to a sink elementary data which are successively processed by an external machine. Recent improvements in the memory and computational power of sensors, together with the reduction of energy consumptions, are rapidly changing the potential of such systems, moving the attention towards datacentric sensor networks. A plethora of routing and data management algorithms have been proposed for the network path discovery ranging from broadcasting/floodingbased approaches to those using global positioning systems (GPS). We studied WGrid, a novel decentralized infrastructure that organizes wireless devices in an adhoc manner, where each node has one or more virtual coordinates through which both message routing and data management occur without reliance on either flooding/broadcasting operations or GPS. The resulting adhoc network does not suffer from the deadend problem, which happens in geographicbased routing when a node is unable to locate a neighbor closer to the destination than itself. WGrid allow multidimensional data management capability since nodes' virtual coordinates can act as a distributed database without needing neither special implementation or reorganization. Any kind of data (both single and multidimensional) can be distributed, stored and managed. We will show how a location service can be easily implemented so that any search is reduced to a simple query, like for any other data type. WGrid has then been extended by adopting a replication methodology. We called the resulting algorithm WRGrid. Just like WGrid, WRGrid acts as a distributed database without needing neither special implementation nor reorganization and any kind of data can be distributed, stored and managed. We have evaluated the benefits of replication on data management, finding out, from experimental results, that it can halve the average number of hops in the network. The direct consequence of this fact are a significant improvement on energy consumption and a workload balancing among sensors (number of messages routed by each node). Finally, thanks to the replications, whose number can be arbitrarily chosen, the resulting sensor network can face sensors disconnections/connections, due to failures of sensors, without data loss. Another extension to {WGrid} is {W*Grid} which extends it by strongly improving network recovery performance from link and/or device failures that may happen due to crashes or battery exhaustion of devices or to temporary obstacles. W*Grid guarantees, by construction, at least two disjoint paths between each couple of nodes. This implies that the recovery in W*Grid occurs without broadcasting transmissions and guaranteeing robustness while drastically reducing the energy consumption. An extensive number of simulations shows the efficiency, robustness and traffic road of resulting networks under several scenarios of device density and of number of coordinates. Performance analysis have been compared to existent algorithms in order to validate the results.


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Recent progress in microelectronic and wireless communications have enabled the development of low cost, low power, multifunctional sensors, which has allowed the birth of new type of networks named wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The main features of such networks are: the nodes can be positioned randomly over a given field with a high density; each node operates both like sensor (for collection of environmental data) as well as transceiver (for transmission of information to the data retrieval); the nodes have limited energy resources. The use of wireless communications and the small size of nodes, make this type of networks suitable for a large number of applications. For example, sensor nodes can be used to monitor a high risk region, as near a volcano; in a hospital they could be used to monitor physical conditions of patients. For each of these possible application scenarios, it is necessary to guarantee a trade-off between energy consumptions and communication reliability. The thesis investigates the use of WSNs in two possible scenarios and for each of them suggests a solution that permits to solve relating problems considering the trade-off introduced. The first scenario considers a network with a high number of nodes deployed in a given geographical area without detailed planning that have to transmit data toward a coordinator node, named sink, that we assume to be located onboard an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). This is a practical example of reachback communication, characterized by the high density of nodes that have to transmit data reliably and efficiently towards a far receiver. It is considered that each node transmits a common shared message directly to the receiver onboard the UAV whenever it receives a broadcast message (triggered for example by the vehicle). We assume that the communication channels between the local nodes and the receiver are subject to fading and noise. The receiver onboard the UAV must be able to fuse the weak and noisy signals in a coherent way to receive the data reliably. It is proposed a cooperative diversity concept as an effective solution to the reachback problem. In particular, it is considered a spread spectrum (SS) transmission scheme in conjunction with a fusion center that can exploit cooperative diversity, without requiring stringent synchronization between nodes. The idea consists of simultaneous transmission of the common message among the nodes and a Rake reception at the fusion center. The proposed solution is mainly motivated by two goals: the necessity to have simple nodes (to this aim we move the computational complexity to the receiver onboard the UAV), and the importance to guarantee high levels of energy efficiency of the network, thus increasing the network lifetime. The proposed scheme is analyzed in order to better understand the effectiveness of the approach presented. The performance metrics considered are both the theoretical limit on the maximum amount of data that can be collected by the receiver, as well as the error probability with a given modulation scheme. Since we deal with a WSN, both of these performance are evaluated taking into consideration the energy efficiency of the network. The second scenario considers the use of a chain network for the detection of fires by using nodes that have a double function of sensors and routers. The first one is relative to the monitoring of a temperature parameter that allows to take a local binary decision of target (fire) absent/present. The second one considers that each node receives a decision made by the previous node of the chain, compares this with that deriving by the observation of the phenomenon, and transmits the final result to the next node. The chain ends at the sink node that transmits the received decision to the user. In this network the goals are to limit throughput in each sensor-to-sensor link and minimize probability of error at the last stage of the chain. This is a typical scenario of distributed detection. To obtain good performance it is necessary to define some fusion rules for each node to summarize local observations and decisions of the previous nodes, to get a final decision that it is transmitted to the next node. WSNs have been studied also under a practical point of view, describing both the main characteristics of IEEE802:15:4 standard and two commercial WSN platforms. By using a commercial WSN platform it is realized an agricultural application that has been tested in a six months on-field experimentation.


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This research deals with the deepening and use of an environmental accounting matrix in Emilia-Romagna, RAMEA air emissions (regional NAMEA), carried out by the Regional Environment Agency (Arpa) in an European project. After a depiction of the international context regarding the widespread needing to integrate economic indicators and go beyond conventional reporting system, this study explains the structure, update and development of the tool. The overall aim is to outline the matrix for environmental assessments of regional plans, draw up sustainable reports and monitor effects of regional policies in a sustainable development perspective. The work focused on an application of a Shift-Share model, on the integration with eco-taxes, industrial waste production, energy consumptions, on applications of the extended RAMEA as a policy tool, following Eurostat guidelines. The common thread is the eco-efficiency (economic-environmental efficiency) index. The first part, in English, treats the methodology used to build a more complete tool; in the second part RAMEA has been applied on two regional case studies, in Italian, to support decision makers regarding Strategic Environmental Assessments’ processes (2001/42/EC). The aim is to support an evidence-based policy making by integrating sustainable development concerns at all levels. The first case study regards integrated environmental-economic analyses in support to the SEA of the Regional Waste management plan. For the industrial waste production an extended and updated RAMEA has been developed as a useful policy tool, to help in analysing and monitoring the state of environmental-economic performances. The second case study deals with the environmental report for the SEA of the Regional Program concerning productive activities. RAMEA has been applied aiming to an integrated environmental-economic analysis of the context, to investigate the performances of the regional production chains and to depict and monitor the area where the program should be carried out, from an integrated environmental-economic perspective.