998 resultados para endogenous quality
Our paper investigates exclusive dealing and purchasing in successive duopolies. First we show that using a limited set of feasible contracts, exclusive dealing and purchasing is going to be preferred, regardless of the level of product differentiation. In the next step, we make the choice of quality endogenous and derive the equilibrium conditions for qualities under the aforementioned contractual arrangement. Our final proposition shows that in this case the choice of quality depends exclusively on the valuation of the median consumer.
Dues à leur importance croissante dans la dégénérescence musculaire, les mitochondries sont de plus en plus étudiées en relation à diverses myopathies. Leurs mécanismes de contrôle de qualité sont reconnus pour leur rôle important dans la santé mitochondrial. Dans cette étude, nous tentons de déterminer si le déficit de mitophagie chez les souris déficiente du gène Parkin causera une exacerbation des dysfonctions mitochondriales normalement induite par la doxorubicine. Nous avons analysé l’impact de l’ablation de Parkin en réponse à un traitement à la doxorubicine au niveau du fonctionnement cardiaque, des fonctions mitochondriales et de l’enzymologie mitochondriale. Nos résultats démontrent qu’à l’état basal, l’absence de Parkin n’induit pas de pathologie cardiaque mais est associé à des dysfonctions mitochondriales multiples. La doxorubicine induit des dysfonctions respiratoires, du stress oxydant mitochondrial et une susceptibilité à l’ouverture du pore de transition de perméabilité (PTP). Finalement, contrairement à notre hypothèse, l’absence de Parkin n’accentue pas les dysfonctions mitochondriales induites par la doxorubicine et semble même exercer un effet protecteur.
More and more academic journals adopt an open-access policy, by which articlesare accessible free of charge, while publication costs are recovered through authorfees. We study the consequences of this open access policy on a journal s qualitystandard. If the journal s objective was to maximize social welfare, open accesswould be optimal as long as the positive externalities generated by its diffusionexceed the marginal cost of distribution. However, we show that if an open accessjournal has a different objective (such as maximizing readers payoffs, the impactof the journal or its profit), it tends to choose a quality standard below the sociallyefficient level.
Fractionation and reconstitution techniques were used to study the contribution of enclogenous flour lipids to the quality of semisweet (Rich Tea-type) biscuits. Biscuit flour was defatted with chloroform and baked with bakery fat but without enclogenous lipid addition. Semisweet biscuits baked from defatted flour were flatter, denser, and harder and showed collapse of gas cells during baking when compared with control biscuits. Defatted flour semisweet doughs exhibited a different rheological behavior from the control samples showing higher storage and loss moduli (G' and G" values), that is, high viscoelasticity. Functionality was restored when total nonstarch flour lipids were added back to defatted flour. Both the polar and nonpolar lipid fractions had positive effects in restoring flour quality, but the polar lipid fraction was of greatest benefit. Both fractions were needed for complete restoration of both biscuit quality and dough rheological characteristics.
Fractionation and reconstitution techniques were used to study the contribution of endogenous flour lipids to the quality of short-dough (shortcake type) biscuits. Biscuit flour was defatted with chloroform and baked with bakery fat, but without endogenous lipid. Short-dough biscuits baked from defatted flour had smaller diameters, and were flatter, denser and harder than control biscuits. Defatted flour shortcake doughs exhibited different rheological behaviour from the control samples, showing higher storage and loss moduli (G' and G" values), ie higher viscoelasticity. Functionality was restored when total non-starch flour lipids were added back to defatted flour. The polar lipid fraction had a positive effect in restoring flour quality whereas the non-polar lipid fraction had no effect. Both fractions were needed for complete restoration of both biscuit quality and dough rheological characteristics. A study of the microstructure of defatted biscuits revealed that their gluten protein was more hydrated and developed than the gluten of the control biscuits. This conclusion was supported by the higher water absorption of the defatted gluten. (C) 2004 Society of Chemical Industry.
In the present paper, the endogenous theory of time preference is extended to analyze those processes of capital accumulation and changes in environmental quality that are dynamically optimum with respect to the intertemporal preference ordering of the representative individual of the society in question. The analysis is carried out within the conceptual framework of the dynamic analysis of environmental quality, as has been developed by a number of economists for specific cases of the fisheries and forestry commons. The duality principles on intertemporal preference ordering and capital accumulation are extended to the situation where processes of capital accumulation are subject to the Penrose effect, which exhibit the marginal decrease in the effect of investment in private and social overhead capital upon the rate at which capital is accumulated. The dynamically optimum time-path of economic activities is characterized by the proportionality of two systems of imputed, or efficient, prices, one associated with the given intertemporal ordering and another associated with processes of accumulation of private and social overhead capital. It is particularly shown that the dynamically optimality of the processes of capital accumulation involving both private and social overhead capital is characterized by the conditions that are identical with those involving private capital, with the role of social overhead capital only indirectly exhibited.
Modeling volcanic phenomena is complicated by free-surfaces often supporting large rheological gradients. Analytical solutions and analogue models provide explanations for fundamental characteristics of lava flows. But more sophisticated models are needed, incorporating improved physics and rheology to capture realistic events. To advance our understanding of the flow dynamics of highly viscous lava in Peléean lava dome formation, axi-symmetrical Finite Element Method (FEM) models of generic endogenous dome growth have been developed. We use a novel technique, the level-set method, which tracks a moving interface, leaving the mesh unaltered. The model equations are formulated in an Eulerian framework. In this paper we test the quality of this technique in our numerical scheme by considering existing analytical and experimental models of lava dome growth which assume a constant Newtonian viscosity. We then compare our model against analytical solutions for real lava domes extruded on Soufrière, St. Vincent, W.I. in 1979 and Mount St. Helens, USA in October 1980 using an effective viscosity. The level-set method is found to be computationally light and robust enough to model the free-surface of a growing lava dome. Also, by modeling the extruded lava with a constant pressure head this naturally results in a drop in extrusion rate with increasing dome height, which can explain lava dome growth observables more appropriately than when using a fixed extrusion rate. From the modeling point of view, the level-set method will ultimately provide an opportunity to capture more of the physics while benefiting from the numerical robustness of regular grids.
The Athlete Biological Passport (ABP) is an individual electronic document that collects data regarding a specific athlete that is useful in differentiating between natural physiologic variations of selected biomarkers and deviations caused by artificial manipulations. A subsidiary of the endocrine module of the ABP, that which here is called Athlete Steroidal Passport (ASP), collects data on markers of an altered metabolism of endogenous steroidal hormones measured in urine samples. The ASP aims to identify not only doping with anabolic-androgenic steroids, but also most indirect steroid doping strategies such as doping with estrogen receptor antagonists and aromatase inhibitors. Development of specific markers of steroid doping, use of the athlete's previous measurements to define individual limits, with the athlete becoming his or her own reference, the inclusion of heterogeneous factors such as the UDPglucuronosyltransferase B17 genotype of the athlete, the knowledge of potentially confounding effects such as heavy alcohol consumption, the development of an external quality control system to control analytical uncertainty, and finally the use of Bayesian inferential methods to evaluate the value of indirect evidence have made the ASP a valuable alternative to deter steroid doping in elite sports. The ASP can be used to target athletes for gas chromatography/combustion/ isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC/C/IRMS) testing, to withdraw temporarily the athlete from competing when an abnormality has been detected, and ultimately to lead to an antidoping infraction if that abnormality cannot be explained by a medical condition. Although the ASP has been developed primarily to ensure fairness in elite sports, its application in endocrinology for clinical purposes is straightforward in an evidence-based medicine paradigm.
We study how firm and foreign market characteristics affect the geographic distribution of exporter' sales. To this purpose, we use export intensities (the ratio of exports to sales) across destinations as our key measures of firms'relative involvement in heterogeneous foreign markets. In a representative sample of Italian manufacturing firms, we find a robust negative correlation between revenue-TFP and export intensity to low-income destinations and, more generally, that the correlations between export intensities and TFP are increasing in per capita income of the foreign destinations. We argue that these (and other) empirical regularities can arise from the interplay between (endogenous) cross-firm heterogeneity in product quality and cross-country heterogeneity in quality consumption. To test this conjecture, we propose a new strategy to proxy for product quality that allows to exploit some unique features of our dataset. Our results strongly suggest that firms producing higher-quality products tend to concentrate their sales in the domestic and other high-income markets.
In this paper we analyze productivity and welfare losses from capital misallocation in a general equilibrium model of occupational choice and endogenous financial intermediation. We study the effects of borrowing and lending, insurance, and risk sharing on the optimal allocation of resources. We find that financial markets together with general equilibrium effects have large impact on entrepreneurs' entry and firm-size decisions. Efficiency gains are increasing in the quality of financial markets, particularly in their ability to alleviate a financing constraint by providing insurance against idiosyncratic risk.
BACKGROUND Recently, different genetic variants located within the IL2/IL21 genetic region as well as within both IL2RA and IL2RB loci have been associated to multiple autoimmune disorders. We aimed to investigate for the first time the potential influence of the IL2/IL21, IL2RA and IL2RB most associated polymorphisms with autoimmunity on the endogenous non-anterior uveitis genetic predisposition. METHODS A total of 196 patients with endogenous non-anterior uveitis and 760 healthy controls, all of them from Caucasian population, were included in the current study. The IL2/IL21 (rs2069762, rs6822844 and rs907715), IL2RA (2104286, rs11594656 and rs12722495) and IL2RB (rs743777) genetic variants were genotyped using TaqMan® allelic discrimination assays. RESULTS A statistically significant difference was found for the rs6822844 (IL2/IL21 region) minor allele frequency in the group of uveitis patients compared with controls (P(-value)=0.02, OR=0.64 CI 95%=0.43-0.94) although the significance was lost after multiple testing correction. Furthermore, no evidence of association with uveitis was detected for the analyzed genetic variants of the IL2RA or IL2RB loci. CONCLUSION Our results indicate that analyzed IL2/IL21, IL2RA and IL2RB polymorphisms do not seem to play a significant role on the non-anterior uveitis genetic predisposition although further studies are needed in order to clear up the influence of these loci on the non-anterior uveitis susceptibility.
Based on accepted advances in the marketing, economics, consumer behavior, and satisfaction literatures, we develop a micro-foundations model of a firm that needs to manage the quality of a product that is inherently heterogeneous in the presence of varying customer tastes or expectations for quality. Our model blends elements of the returns to quality, customer lifetime value, and service profit chain approaches to marketing. The model is then used to explain several empirical results pertaining to the marketing literature by explicitly articulating the trade-offs between customer satisfaction and costs (including opportunity costs) of quality. In this environment firms will find it optimal to allow some customers to go unsatisfied. We show that the relationship between the expected number of repeated purchases by an individual customer is endogenous to the choice of quality by the firm, indicating that the number of purchases cannot be chosen freely to estimate a customer’s lifetime value.
We propose an adverse selection framework in which the financial sector has a dual role. It amplifies or dampens exogenous shocks and also generates endogenous fluctuations. We fully characterize constrained optimal contracts in a setting in which entrepreneurs need to borrow and are privately informed about the quality of their projects. Our characterization is novel in analyzing pooling and separating allocations in a context of multi-dimensional screening: specifically, the amounts of investment undertaken and of entrepreneurial net worth are used to screen projects. We then embed these results in a dynamic competitive economy. First, we show how endogenous regime switches in financial contracts may generate fluctuations in an economy that exhibits no dynamics under full information. Unlike previous models of endogenous cycles, our result does not rely on entrepreneurial net worth being counter-cyclical or inconsequential for determining investment. Secondly, the model shows the different implications of adverse selection as opposed to pure moral hazard. In particular, and contrary to standard results in the macroeconomic literature, the financial system may dampen exogenous shocks in the presence of adverse selection.
In a world with two countries which differ in size, we study theimpact of (the speed of) trade liberalization on firms' profitsand total welfare of the countries involved. Firms correctlyanticipate the pace of trade liberalization and take it intoaccount when deciding on their product choices, which areendogenously determined at the beginning of the game. Competitionin the marketplace then occurs either on quantities or on prices.As long as the autarkic phase continues, local firms are nationalmonopolists. When trade liberalization occurs, firms compete in aninternational duopoly. We analyze trade effects by using twodifferent models of product differentiation. Across all thespecifications adopted (and independently of the price v. quantitycompetition hypothesis), total welfare always unambiguously riseswith the speed of trade liberalization: Possible losses by firmsare always outweighed by consumers' gains, which come under theform of lower prices, enlarged variety of higher average qualitiesavailable. The effect on profits depends on the type of industryanalyzed. Two results in particular seem to be worth of mention.With vertical product differentiation and fixed costs of qualityimprovements, the expected size of the market faced by the firmsdetermines the incentive to invest in quality. The longer the periodof autarky, the lower the possibility that the firm from the smallcountry would be producing the high quality and be the leader in theinternational market when it opens. On the contrary, when trade opensimmediately, national markets do not play any role and firms fromdifferent countries have the same opportunity to become the leader.Hence, immediate trade liberalization might be in the interest ofproducers in the small country. In general, the lower the size of thesmall country, the more likely its firm will gain from tradeliberalization. Losses from the small country firm can arise when itis relegated to low quality good production and the domestic marketsize is not very small. With horizontal product differentiation (thehomogeneous good case being a limit case of it when costs ofdifferentiation tend to infinity), investments in differentiationbenefit both firms in equal manner. Firms from the small country do notrun the risk of being relegated to a lower competitive position undertrade. As a result, they would never lose from it. Instead, firms fromthe large country may still incur losses from the opening of trade whenthe market expansion effect is low (i.e. when the country is very largerelative to the other).
Mononuclear phagocytes are essential for the innate response to pathogens and for the repair of injured tissue. The cells - which can be broadly divided into circulating monocytes and tissue-resident macrophages and dendritic cells - are selectively equipped to protect the host by mediating pleiotropic and tissue-specific functions. The properties of some mononuclear phagocytes, however, also contribute to the development and the progression of inflammatory diseases. Consequently, current research investigates mononuclear phagocytes into greater detail with the aim to clarify their contributions to pathophysiologic inflammation. Recent studies indicate that circulating monocytes can be divided into distinct populations, which differ in their tissue tropism and functional commitment. Also, tissue macrophages and dendritic cells have been found to adopt context-dependent phenotypes, which can range from "pro-" to "anti-" inflammatory. These findings have markedly contributed to our understanding of the functional heterogeneity of mononuclear phagocyte populations. Yet, in many cases, the factors that control the quantity and/or quality of phagocyte responses in vivo remain largely unknown. The goal of this thesis was to identify cell endogenous and cell exogenous factors that dictate the fate of mononuclear phagocyte populations. To this end we made use of the recent identification of phenotypic markers, which permit to track mononuclear cell types and their lineage precursors. A main approach consisted to define candidate regulatory factors of certain types of mononuclear phagocytes and then to manipulate the expression of these factors in mice so as to address their functions and causal contributions on mononuclear phagocyte lineages in vivo. Human patient material was further used to validate findings. First, we investigated a microRNA and a transcription factor as candidate cell endogenous co- regulators of monocyte subset responses. Second, we studied a tumor-derived hormone as a candidate exogenous factor that amplifies the production of a population of mononuclear phagocytes with tumor-promoting functions. The endogenous and exogenous factors identified in this research appear to act as effective regulators of mononuclear phagocyte responses in vivo and thus may be exploited in future therapeutic approaches to regulate disease-associated inflammation. - Les phagocytes mononucléaires sont essentiels pour la réponse innée aux pathogènes et pour la réparation des tissus lésés. Ces cellules - qui peuvent être largement divisées en deux groupes, les monocytes circulant dans le sang et les macrophages et cellules dendritiques résidant dans les tissus - sont capables de protéger l'hôte en exerçant des fonctions pléiotropiques. Cependant, les propriétés de certains phagocytes mononucléaires contribuent également au développement et à la progression des maladies inflammatoires. Par conséquent, la recherche actuelle étudie les phagocytes mononucléaires plus en détail afin de clarifier leurs contributions à l'inflammation pathophysiologique. Des études récentes indiquent que les monocytes circulants peuvent être divisés en populations distinctes, qui diffèrent dans leur tropisme tissulaire et dans leurs fonctions biologiques. En outre, les macrophages et les cellules dendritiques peuvent adopter des phénotypes dépendants de l'environnement dans lequel ils se trouvent; ces phénotypes peuvent aller du type "pro-" au type "anti-" inflammatoire. Ces récentes découvertes ont contribué à notre compréhension sur l'hétérogénéité fonctionnelle des phagocytes mononucléaires. Pourtant, dans de nombreux cas, les facteurs qui contrôlent la quantité et/ou la qualité des réponses produites par ces cellules restent encore largement inconnus. L'objectif de cette thèse a consisté à identifier de nouveaux facteurs (endogènes ou exogènes) qui contrôlent les phagocytes mononucléaires. Dans ce but, nous avons fait usage de l'identification récente de marqueurs qui permettent d'identifier différents types de phagocytes mononucléaires ainsi que des cellules (souches) dont ils sont issus. Notre approche a consisté à définir des facteurs candidats qui pourraient contrôler certains phagocytes mononucléaires, puis à manipuler l'expression de ces facteurs chez la souris de manière à tester leurs fonctions et leur contributions in vivo. Nous avons également utilisé des échantillons biologiques de patients pour vérifier nos résultats chez l'homme. Tout d'abord, nous avons étudié un microARN et un facteur de transcription pour déterminer si ces deux facteurs opèrent en tant que co-régulateurs d'un certain type de monocytes. Deuxièmement, nous avons considéré une hormone produite par certaines tumeurs afin d'examiner son rôle dans la production d'une population de macrophages qui favorisent la progression des tumeurs. Les facteurs endogènes et exogènes identifiés dans cette recherche semblent agir comme régulateurs dominants de réponses produites par certains phagocytes mononucléaires et pourraient donc être exploités dans de futures approches thérapeutiques afin de contrôler les réponses immunitaires inflammatoires associées a certaines maladies.