967 resultados para enantioselective synthesis metal complexes Betti asymmetric reactions


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The aim of this master’s research thesis was the employment of an enantiopure 1,3-aminoalcohol, the 1-(α-aminobenzyl)-2-naphthol, known as Betti base, for the synthesis of some novel compounds which show a C2 symmetry. Some of these compounds, after derivatization, were used as ligands in association with transition metals to prepare some catalysts for enantioselective catalytic reactions. Some aminoalcohol (Salan-type) derivatives of these compounds were obtained upon reduction and in some cases it was possible to obtain complexes with transition metals such as Mn, Ni, Co and Cu. Furthermore a novel 6-membered analogue bisoxazoline ligand, 2,6-bis((R)-1-Phenyl-1H-naphtho[1,2-e][1,3]oxazin-3-yl)pyridine, was obtained and from it two Cu-complexes were prepared. The metal complexes were employed in some reactions to test the asymmetric induction, which was in some cases up to discrete values.


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This thesis deals with the synthesis and charcterisation of some supported transition metal complexes and their catalytic properties. Two industrially important reactions were carried out: i) cyclohexanol oxidation and ii) hydrodesulphurization of diesel. Thesis is divided into nine chapters. An overview of the heterogenised homogeneous systems is given in Chapter 1. Chapter 2 deals with the materials and methods used for the preparation and characterisation. Details regarding the synthesis and characterisation of zeolite encapsulated transition metal complexes are given in Chapter 3 to Chapter 7. In Chapter 8, the results of catalytic activity studies of the cyclohexanol oxidation using the zeolite encapsulated complexes are presented. Details of preparation of hydrodesulphurization catalysts through the molecular designed dispersion method, their characterization and catalytic activity studies are presented in Chapter 9. References are given at the end of the thesis.


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Alkenyl (CHCH2 or CFCF2) or alkynyl (CCPh) derivatives of trimethyltin are shown to be superior to lithium or magnesium reagents for the synthesis of corresponding mono-organoplatinum(II) species by metathesis (L = SnMe3R +cis-[PtCl2L2]→trans-[PtRClL2]+ SnMe3Cl tertiary phosphine). The reactivity order for SnMe3R is R = CCPh > CFCF2 > CHCH2. This order is also found for oxidative addition of SnMe3R to Pt0 to give cis-[PtRL2(SnMe3)]. When the latter complex (R = CHCH2) reacts with X2 or MeX further oxidative addition occurs exclusively at the platinum centre. Aromatic isonitriles (R′NC)co-ordinate to the platinum and give insertion products trans-[Pt{C(CHCH2)= NR′}ClL2] on heating or carbene complexes with NBunH2. The alkynyl trans-[Pt(CCPh)ClL2] also forms 1 :1 adducts with R′NC and carbene complexes therefrom, but no insertion products. Spectroscopic data for the new complexes are presented.


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Six metal complexes of Schiff bases involving Vitamin B6 and the decarboxylated amino acid histamine have been synthesised and characterized. Crystal structures have been determined for [CuL1(H2O)Br]-NO31(L1= pyridoxylidenehistamine) and [Cu2L22(NO3)2]·6H2O 2(L2= 5′-phosphopyridoxylidenehistaminate). The crystal structure of complex 1[space group P[1 with combining macron], a= 8.161(2), b= 10.368(2), c= 11.110(2)Å, α= 105.18(1), β= 102.12(1), γ= 72.10(1)° and Z= 2; R= 0.072, R′= 0.083] consists of square-pyramidally co-ordinated copper with the tridentate Schiff base in the zwitterionic form, whereas in 2[space group P[1 with combining macron], a= 8.727(1), b= 10.308(1), c= 12.845(2)Å, α= 110.00(1), β= 78.94(1), γ= 114.35(1)° and Z= 1; R= 0.035, R′= 0.034] the copper has the same co-ordination geometry but the tetradentate Schiff-base ligand exists as a monoanion. The conformational parameters deduced from such structures are important for understanding the stereochemical aspects of Vitamin B6-catalysed model reactions involving histidine.


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The condensation of phenanthroline-5,6-dione (phendione) with polyamines is a versatile synthetic route to a wide variety of chelating ligands. Condensation with 2,3- napthalene diamine gives benzo[i]dipyrido[3,2-a:2',3'-c]phenazine (bdppz) a ligand containing weakly-coupled orbitals of benzophenazine (bpz) and 2,2' -bipyridinde(bpy) character. The bpy character gives Re and Ru complexes excited-state redox properties; intramolecular electron transfer (ET) takes place to the bpz portion of the ligand. The charge-separated state so produced has an extraordinarily-long 50 µs lifetime. The slow rate of charge recombination arises from a combination of extremely weak coupling between the metal center and the bpz acceptor orbital and Marcus "inverted region" behavior. Molecular orbital calculations show that only 3% the electron density in the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital lies on the bpy atoms of bdppz, effectively trapping the transferred electron on the bpz portion. The rate of charge recombination decreases with increasing driving force, showing that these rates lie in the inverted region. Comparison of forward and back ET rates shows that donor-acceptor coupling is four orders of magnitude greater for photoinduced electron transfer than it is for thermal charge recombination.

Condensation of phendione with itself or tetramines gives a series of binucleating tetrapyridophenazine ligands of incrementally-varying coordination-site separation. When a photoredox-active metal center is attached, excited-state energy and electron transfer to an acceptor metal center at the other coordination site can be studied as a function of distance. A variety of monometallic and homo- and heterodimetallic tetrapyridophenazine complexes has been synthesized. Electro- and magnetochemistry show that no ground-state interaction exists between the metals in bimetallic complexes. Excited-state energy and electron transfer, however, takes place at rates which are invariant with increasing donor-acceptor separation, indicating that a very efficient coupling mechanism is at work. Theory and experiment have suggested that such behavior might exist in extended π-systems like those presented by these ligands.

Condensation of three equivalents of 4,5-dimethyl-1,2-phenylenediamine with hexaketocyclohexane gives the trinucleating ligand hexaazahexamethyltrinapthalene (hhtn). Attaching two photredox-active metal centers and a third catalytic center to hhtn provides means by which multielectron photocatalyzed reactions might be carried out. The coordination properties of hhtn have been examined; X-ray crystallographic structure determination shows that the ligand's constricted coordination pocket leads to distorted geometries in its mono- and dimetallic derivatives.


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Pyrroloindoline and unnatural tryptophan motifs are important targets for synthesis based on their incorporation into a diverse array of biologically active natural products. Both types of alkaloids have also found applications as chiral catalysts and tryptophan derivatives are commonly employed as biological probes. On account of their applications, these frameworks have inspired the development of numerous enantioselective, catalytic reactions. In particular, the past few years have witnessed an impressive number of novel approaches for pyrroloindoline formation.

The first project described herein involves our contribution to pyrroloindoline research. We have developed an (R)-BINOL•SnCl4-catalyzed formal (3 + 2) cycloaddition reaction between 3-substituted indoles and 2-amidoacrylates that affords pyrroloindoline-2-carboxylates bearing an all-carbon quaternary center. Mechanistic studies have elucidated that the enantiodetermining step is a highly face-selective catalyst-controlled protonation reaction. The subsequent application of this asymmetric protonation strategy to the synthesis of a variety of enantioenriched tryptophan derivatives is also discussed.


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The primary focus of this thesis was the asymmetric peroxidation of α,β-unsaturated aldehydes and the development of this methodology to include the synthesis of bioactive chiral 1,2-dioxane and 1,2-dioxalane rings. In Chapter 1 a review detailing the new and improved methods for the acyclic introduction of peroxide functionality to substrates over the last decade was discussed. These include a detailed examination of metal-mediated transformations, chiral peroxidation using organocatalytic means and the improvements in methodology of well-established peroxidation pathways. The second chapter discusses the method by which peroxidation of our various substrates was attempted and the optimisation studies associated with these reactions. The method by which the enantioselectivity of our β-peroxyaldehydes was determined is also reviewed. Chapters 3 and 4 focus on improving the enantioselectivity associated with our asymmetric peroxidation reaction. A comprehensive analysis exploring the effect of solvent, concentration and temperature on enantioselectivity was examined. The effect that different catalytic systems have on enantioselectivity and reactivity was also investigated in depth. Chapter 5 details the various transformations that β-peroxyaldehydes can undergo and the manipulation of these transformations towards the establishment of several routes for the formation of chiral 1,2-dioxane and 1,2-dioxalane rings. Chapter 6 details the full experimental procedures, including spectroscopic and analytical data for the compounds prepared during this research.


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La polyvalence de la réaction de couplage-croisé C-N a été explorée pour la synthèse de deux nouvelles classes de ligands: (i) des ligands bidentates neutres de type N^N et (ii) des ligands tridentates neutres de type N^N^N. Ces classes de ligands contiennent des N-hétérocycles aromatiques saturés qui sont couplés avec hexahydropyrimidopyrimidine (hpp). Les ligands forment de cycles à six chaînons sur la coordination du centre Ru(II). Ce fait est avantageux pour améliorer les propriétés photophysiques des complexes de polypyridyl de Ru(II). Les complexes de Ru(II) avec des ligands bidentés ont des émissions qui dépendent de la basicité relative des N-hétérocycles. Bien que ces complexes sont électrochimiquement et photophysiquement attrayant, le problème de la stereopurité ne peut être évité. Une conception soigneuse du type de ligand nous permet de synthétiser un ligand bis-bidentate qui est utile pour surmonter le problème de stereopurité. En raison de la spécialité du ligand bis-bidentate, son complexe diruthénium(II,II) présente une grande diastéréosélectivité sans séparation chirale. Alors que l'unité de hpp agit comme un nucléophile dans le mécanisme de C-N réaction de couplage croisé, il peut également agir en tant que groupe partant, lorsqu'il est activé avec un complexe de monoruthenium. Les complexes achiraux de Ru(II) avec les ligands tridentés présentent des meilleures propriétés photophysiques en comparason avec les prototypes [Ru(tpy)2]2+ (tpy = 2,2′: 6′, 2′′-terpyridine). L’introduction de deux unités de hpp dans les ligands tridentates rend le complexe de Ru(II) en tant que ‘absorbeur noir’ et comme ‘NIR émetteur’ (NIR = de l’anglais, Near Infra-Red). Cet effet est une conséquence d'une meilleure géométrie de coordination octaédrique autour de l'ion Ru(II) et de la forte donation sigma des unités hpp. Les complexes du Re(I) avec des ligands tridentates présentent un comportement redox intéressant et ils émettent dans le bleu. L'oxydation quasi-réversible du métal est contrôlée par la donation sigma des fragments hpp, tandis que la réduction du ligand est régie par la nature électronique du motif N-hétérocycle central du ligand lui-même. Cette thèse presente également l'auto-assemblage des métal-chromophores comme ‘métallo-ligands’ pour former des espèces supramoléculaires discretes utilisant des complexes neutres. Les synthèses et propriétés des métaux-chromophores précités et les supramolécules sont discutées.


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Polymer supports are efficient reagents,substrates and catalysts and they are extensively used for carrying out reactions at controlled rates.Tailor-made polymer supports are highly versatile which have opened an excellent area of research.Now polymer supported chemistry is being exploited at an amazing rate and it seems to join the routine world of organic synthesis.Polymer supported ligands are found to be efficient complexing agents whose high selectivity enables the analysis and removal of heavy metal ions which are toxic to all the living organisms of land and sea.polymer supported membranes function as ion selective potentiometric sensors which allow the exchange of specific ions among other ions of the same charge.In this investigation three series of polymeric schiff bases and three series of metal complexes have been prepared.An attempt is done to develop optimum conditions for the removal of heavy metal ions using polymeric schiff bases.A novel copper sensor electrode have also been prepared from polymer supported metal complex.


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it has been established that triazinyl bipyridines (hemi-BTPs) and bis-triazinyl pyridines (BTPs), ligands which are currently being investigated as possible ligands for the separation of actinides from lanthanides in nuclear waste, are able to form homoleptic complexes with first row transition metals such as cobalt(IT), copper(II), iron(II), manganese(II), nickel(II) and zinc(II). The metal complexes exhibit six-co-ordinate octahedral structures and redox states largely analogous to those of the related terpyridine complexes. The reactivity of the different redox states of cobalt bis-hemi-BTP complex in aqueous environments has been studied with two-phase electrochemistry by immobilisation of the essentially water-insoluble metal complexes on graphite electrodes and the immersion of this modified electrode in an aqueous electrolyte. It was found that redox potentials for the metal-centred reactions were pH-independent whereas the potentials for the ligand-centred reactions were strongly pH-dependent. The reductive degradation of these complexes has been investigated by computational methods. Solvent extraction experiments have been carried out for a range of metals and these show that cobalt(II) and nickel(II) as well as palladium(II), cadmium(II) and lead(II) were all extracted with the ligands 1e and 2c with higher distribution ratios that was observed for americium(III) under the same conditions. The implications of this result for the use of these ligands to separate actinides from nuclear waste are discussed. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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N-Trifluoracyl beta-chalcogeno amides and N-perfluoracyl beta-thio amide ligands were prepared by a simple and efficient reaction sequence. These new ligands were evaluated in palladium-catalyzed alkylation of rac-(E)-1,3-diphenyl-2-propenyl acetate in the presence of dimethyl malonate and an enantioselectivity of up to 99% was obtained. After catalysis, the fluorous ligand can be easily recovered by liquid-liquid extraction and reused without loss in the activity. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Chiral complexes formed by privileged phosphoramidites and silver triflate or silver benzoate are excellent catalysts for the general 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition between azomethine ylides generated from α-amino acid-derived imino esters and nitroalkenes affording with high dr the exo-cycloadducts 4,5-trans-2,5-cis-4-nitroprolinates in high ee at room temperature. In general, better results are obtained using silver rather than copper(II) complexes. In many cases the exo-cycloadducts can be obtained in enantiomerically pure form just after simple recrystallization. The mechanism and the justification of the experimentally observed stereodiscrimination of the process are supported by DFT calculations. These enantiomerically enriched exo-nitroprolinates can be used as reagents for the synthesis of nitropiperidines, by ester reduction and ring expansion, which are inhibitors of farnesyltransferase.


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Chiral complexes formed by privileged phosphoramidites derived from chiral binol and optically pure Davies’ amines, and copper(II) triflate, silver(I) triflate or silver(I) benzoate are excellent catalysts for the general 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition between nitroalkenes and azomethine ylides generated from α-amino acid derived imino esters. These three methods can be conducted at room temperature to afford the exo-cycloadducts (4,5-trans-2,5-cis-4-nitroprolinates) with high diastereoselectivity and high enantioselectivity. In general, the three procedures are complementary but silver catalysts are more versatile and less sensitive to sterically congested starting materials.


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Transition metal [Mn(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II) and Cd(II)] complexes of a new Schiff base, 3-acetylcoumarin-o-aminobenzoylhydrazone were synthesized and characterized by elemental analyses, magnetic moments, conductivity measurements, spectral [Electronic, IR, H-1 and C-13 NMR, EPR] and thermal studies. The ligand crystallizes in the monoclinic system, space group P2(1)/n with a = 9.201(5), b = 16.596( 9), c = 11.517(6) angstrom, beta= 101.388(9)degrees, V = 1724.2 (17) angstrom(3) and Z = 4. Conductivity measurements indicated Mn(II) and Co(II) complexes to be 1 : 1 electrolytes whereas Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II) and Cd(II) complexes are non-electrolytes. Electronic spectra reveal that all the complexes possess four-coordinate geometry around the metal.