27 resultados para emergences


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Os estuários são ambientes altamente dinâmicos e concentram a maior parte da população mundial em seu entorno. São ambientes complexos que necessitam de uma gama de estudos. Nesse contexto, este trabalho visa contribuir para o entendimento dos estuários lagunares, tendo como objetivo comparar duas ferramentas geofísicas acústicas no mapeamento de uma porção submersa do Mar de Cananéia que está inserido no Sistema Estuarino Lagunar de Cananéia-Iguape (SP). Os equipamentos utilizados nesta pesquisa são o Sonar de Varredura Lateral e o Sistema Acústico de Classificação de Fundo RoxAnn, através da parametrização de amostras de fundo. A comparação do padrão acústico do Sonar de Varredura Lateral com as amostras de fundo da região permitiu o reconhecimento de 6 tipos distintos de padrões acústicos e a relação positiva com o diâmetro médio do grão foi de 50%. A comparação da resposta acústica do Sistema Acústico de Classificação de Fundo RoxAnn com o diâmetro médio do grão foi igualmente de 50%. Isto deve-se ao fato de que os valores produzidos pelo eco 1 e pelo eco 2 deste equipamento mostram que, por ser um mono-feixe e por analisar valores de intensidade do retorno acústico, o equipamento em questão pode responder a outros fatores ambientais que não seja somente o diâmetro médio do grão. Ao comparar a resposta acústica do Sonar de Varredura Lateral com o Sistema Acústico de Classificação de fundo RoxAnn obteve-se um resultado positivo de 93%. Isto pode ser explicado pelo fato de o Sonar de Varredura Lateral gerar uma imagem acústica do fundo. Em locais onde tem-se amostra e os valores do eco 1 e do eco 2 do Sistema Acústico de Classificação de Fundo RoxAnn são altos, pode-se associar a esses locais a influência da compactação dos sedimentos finos através da análise das imagens do Sonar de Varredura Lateral. Por meio da comparação destes dois métodos foi possível estabelecer um intervalo de valores para o eco 1 que pode ser associado ao diâmetro médio do grão. Assim, valores entre 0.170 a 0.484 milivolts podem ser associados a sedimentos finos com granulometria até areia fina. Valores entre 0.364 a 0.733 podem ser associados a sedimentos de granulometria entre areia fina a média. Valores acima de 0.805 milivolts até 1.585 milivolts podem ser associados a sedimentos mais grossos como carbonatos biodetríticos ou areias grossas. E, por fim, valores acima de 2.790 milivolts podem ser associados a afloramentos rochosos.


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L’objectif de cette thèse est d’analyser les modes d’émergence de la voix chez cinq écrivains québécois ayant initié, durant les années 1940-1970, leur parcours littéraire à travers la pratique de la poésie. Cette thèse puise à même les ressources de la poétique telle qu’alimentée par les penseurs contemporains (Agamben, Blanchot, Didi-Huberman, Lyotard, Rey, Anzieu) et utilise certains outils d’analyse que fournissent la psychanalyse, la sociocritique, la linguistique et la philosophie. Aussi, certains documents personnels exhumés de divers fonds d’archives des cinq auteurs (lettres, journal, notes, brouillons) concourent à éclairer les modes d’émergence à l’oeuvre dans les premiers poèmes, afin de démontrer comment les écrits à venir se trouvent entièrement préfigurés dans ces textes initiaux. Il s’agit, en somme, de montrer comment ces poètes furent aux prises avec certaines problématiques communes, notamment le grand défi de fonder une parole authentique au sein d’une communauté poétique si longtemps réservée aux élites. Ayant tous amorcé un processus d’écriture à la moitié du XXe siècle, Gaston Miron, Alexis Lefrançois, Claude Gauvreau, Roland Giguère et Anne Hébert n’en demeurent pas moins déterminés par la culture qui les a formés; leurs oeuvres respectives sont, par conséquent, fondamentalement ancrées dans une quête d’élucidation de soi et de l’autre qui ne saurait s’élaborer qu’en suivant les chemins les plus intimes, et dont je tenterai, à travers une lecture personnelle de leurs premiers textes, de rendre toute la portée.


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Nous présentons un modèle pour l’irradiance solaire spectrale entre 200 et 400 nm. Celui-ci est une extension d’un modèle d’irradiance solaire totale basé sur la simulation de la fragmentation et l’érosion des taches qui utilise, en entrée, les positions et aires des taches observées pour chaque pas de temps d’une journée. L’émergence des taches sur la face du Soleil opposée à la Terre est simulée par une injection stochastique. Le modèle simule ensuite leur désintégration, qui produit des taches plus petites et des facules. Par la suite, l’irradiance est calculée en sommant la contribution des taches, des facules et du Soleil inactif. Les paramètres libres du modèle sont ajustés en comparant les séquences temporelles produites avec les données provenant de divers satellites s’étalant sur trois cycles d’activité. Le modèle d’irradiance spectrale, quant à lui, a été obtenu en modifiant le calcul de la contribution des taches et des facules, ainsi que celle du Soleil inactif, afin de tenir compte de leur dépendance spectrale. Le flux de la photosphère inactive est interpolé sur un spectre synthétique non magnétisé, alors que le contraste des taches est obtenu en calculant le rapport du flux provenant d’un spectre synthétique représentatif des taches et de celui provenant du spectre représentatif du Soleil inactif. Le contraste des facules est quand à lui calculé avec une procédure simple d’inversion de corps noir. Cette dernière nécessite l’utilisation d’un profil de température des facules obtenu à l’aide de modèles d’atmosphère. Les données produites avec le modèle d’irradiance spectrale sont comparées aux observations de SOLSTICE sur UARS. L’accord étant peu satisfaisant, particulièrement concernant le niveau d’irradiance minimal ainsi que l’amplitude des variations, des corrections sont appliquées sur le flux du Soleil inactif, sur le profil de température des facules, ainsi qu’à la dépendance centre-bord du contraste des facules. Enfin, un profil de température des facules est reconstruit empiriquement en maximisant l’accord avec les observations grâce à un algorithme génétique. Il est utilisé afin de reconstruire les séquences temporelles d’irradiance jusqu’en 1874 à des longueurs d’ondes d’intérêt pour la chimie et la dynamique stratosphérique.


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The need for reliable predictions of the solar activity cycle motivates the development of dynamo models incorporating a representation of surface processes sufficiently detailed to allow assimilation of magnetographic data. In this series of papers we present one such dynamo model, and document its behavior and properties. This first paper focuses on one of the model's key components, namely surface magnetic flux evolution. Using a genetic algorithm, we obtain best-fit parameters of the transport model by least-squares minimization of the differences between the associated synthetic synoptic magnetogram and real magnetographic data for activity cycle 21. Our fitting procedure also returns Monte Carlo-like error estimates. We show that the range of acceptable surface meridional flow profiles is in good agreement with Doppler measurements, even though the latter are not used in the fitting process. Using a synthetic database of bipolar magnetic region (BMR) emergences reproducing the statistical properties of observed emergences, we also ascertain the sensitivity of global cycle properties, such as the strength of the dipole moment and timing of polarity reversal, to distinct realizations of BMR emergence, and on this basis argue that this stochasticity represents a primary source of uncertainty for predicting solar cycle characteristics.


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Objetivó: Caracterizar los pacientes con heridas cardiacas penetrantes grado II a VI, describir las características del trauma, tratamiento quirúrgico, evolución clínica e identificar los factores asociados a un desenlace. Metodología: Se diseñó un estudio de asociación en 308 pacientes que ingresaron a cirugía con diagnóstico de herida penetrante de corazón entre enero de 1999 y octubre de 2009. Se excluyeron 68 casos. La serie analizada incluyó 240 pacientes con heridas cardiacas. Se analizaron variables demográficas, clínicas, quirúrgicas y de evolución, tabulados en EXCEL® y analizados en SPSS 20®. Resultados: El promedio de edad fue 27.8 años, principalmente hombres (96%), lesiones por arma cortopunzante 93% y un 7% por proyectil arma de fuego. El estado hemodinámico al ingreso (según Ivatury) fue normal 44%; Shock profundo 34%; Agónicos 18% y 3% fatales. El 67% (n=161) presentaron taponamiento cardiaco. Los grados de lesión cardiaca según la clasificación OIS-AAST fueron: grado II 33%, grado III 13%, grado IV 29%, grado V 22% y grado VI 3%. La ventana pericárdica fue el método diagnóstico confirmatorio de lesión en 63% y las incisiones de abordaje quirúrgico fueron la esternotomía 63% y la toracotomía anterolateral 35%. La mortalidad fue 15% (n=36). Las diferencias en mortalidad entre el estado hemodinámico al inicio de cirugía, mecanismo de lesión y grado de herida, demostraron ser estadísticamente significativas (valor de p<0.001). Conclusiones: El estado hemodinámico y las heridas por arma de fuego son factores asociados a mortalidad. La ventana pericárdica subxifoidea favorece la preferencia y buenos resultados de la esternotomía como vía de abordaje quirúrgico.


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Starting point for these outputs is a large scale research project in collaboration with the Zurich University for the Arts and the Kunstmuseum Thun, looking at a redefinition of Social Sculpture (Joseph Beuys/ Bazon Brock, 1970) as a functional device re-deployed to expand the art discourse into a societal discourse. Although Beuys‘ version of a social sculpture involved notions of abstruse mysticism and reformulations of a national identity these were never-the less part of a social transformation that shifted and re-arranged power relations. Following Laclau and Mouffe in their contention that democray is a fundamentally antagonistic process and contesting Grant Kester’s understanding of a ethically based relational practice, this work is alignes itself with Hirschhorn’s claim to an aesthetic practice within communities, following the possibility to view a socially based practice from both ends of the ethics debate, whereby ethical aspects fuels the aethetic to “create situations that are beautiful because they are ethical and shocking because they are ethical, thus in turn aesthetic because they are ethical” (O’Donnell). This project sets out to engage in activities which interact with surrounding communities and evoce new imaginations of site, thereby understanding site as a catalysts for subjective emergences. Performance is tested as a site for social practice. Archival research into local audio/visual resources, such as the Swiss Radio Archive, the Swiss Military Film Archives and zoological film archives of the Basel Zoo, was instrumental to the navigation of this work, under theme of crisis, catastrophy, landscape, fallout, in order to create a visual language for an active performance site. Commissioned by the Kunstmuseum Thun in collaboration with the University for the Arts in Zurich as part of a year long exhibition programme, (other artists are Jeanne Van Heeswijk (NL) and San Keller (CH), ) this project brings together a series of different works in a new performace installation. The performance process includes a performance workshop with 30 school children from local Swiss schools and their teachers, which was conducted publicly in the museum spaces. It enabled the children to engage with an unexpected set of tribal and animalistic behaviours, looking at situations of flight and rescue, resulting in a large performance choreography orchestration without an apparent conductor, it includes a collaboration with renowned Swiss zoologist, Prof Klaus Zuberbühler(University of St Andrews) and the Colonal General Haldimann commander of the military base in Thun. The installation included 2 static video images, shot in an around spectacular local cave site (Beatus Caves) including 3 children. The project will culminate in an edited edition of the Oncurating Journal, (issue no, tbc, in 2012) including interviews and essays from project collaborators. (Army Commander General, Thun, Jörg Hess, performance script, Timothy Long, and others)


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This paper employs genealogical strategies to analyse examples from our own research in education relating to the construction of psychopathology and sexualities. We consider the application of four angles of scrutiny, discontinuity, contingency, emergences and subjugated knowledges (Foucault 1977, 1980, 1988). We explain the four angles of scrutiny and consider how these can be used to produce research practices commensurate with Foucaultian inspired genealogical strategies. For instance, we argue that subjugated knowledges form a critical component of the four angles of scrutiny. We propose that through their subjugation, these knowledges offer a different perspective to dominant knowledges on sexuality and psychopathology. It is our argument that it is precisely via this subjugation that these types of knowledges offer valuable perspectives to the construction of young people. Furthermore, highlighting contingency, discontinuity, emergences and subjugated knowledges makes for provocative moments, both substantively and methodologically, in the task of qualitative analysis.


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The emergence patterns of both green (Chelonia mydas) and loggerhead (Caretta caretta) turtle hatchlings were observed in great detail over three seasons at Alagadi beach, northern Cyprus. In total, 38 green turtle and 50 loggerhead turtle nests were monitored, accounting for the emergence of 2,807 and 2,259 hatchlings, respectively. We quantified these emergences into 397 green turtle and 302 loggerhead turtle emergence groups. Overall, 85.0% of green turtle and 79.5% of loggerhead turtle groups emerged at night; these accounted for 85.5 and 90.8% of hatchlings, respectively. The remaining emergences were dispersed throughout the day for green turtle nests but confined to the morning in loggerhead turtle nests. Hatchling emergence from individual nests occurred over periods of between 1 and 7 nights, with most hatchlings typically emerging on the first night. Group sizes of green turtles emerging during the day were significantly smaller than those emerging at night. Hatchlings of both species that emerged from nests during the day had longer emergence durations than those that emerged from nests at night only.


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The birth models of care are discussed, in the light of classical and contemporary social science theoretical background, emphasizing the humanistic model. The double spiral of the sociology of absences and the sociology of emergences is detailed, being based, on one hand, on the translation of experiences of knowledge, and, on the other, on the translation of experiences of information and communication, by revealing the movement articulated by Brazilian women on blogs that defend and bring into light initiatives aiming to recover natural and humanized birth. A cartography of the thematic ideas in birth literature is produced, resulting in the elaboration of a synthetic map on obstetric models of care in contemporaneity, pointing out the consequences of the obstetric model that has become hegemonic in contemporary societies, and comparing that model to others that work more efficaciously to mothers and babies. A symbolic cartography of the activism for humanizing birth on the Brazilian blogosphere is configured by the elaboration of an analytical map synthetizing the main mottos defended by the movement: Normal humanized birth; Against obstetrical violence; and Planned home birth. The superposition of the obstetric models of care s map and the rebirth of birth s analytical map indicates it is necessary to reinforce three main measures in order to make a paradigmatic turn in contemporary birth models of care possible: pave the way for the humanistic care of assistance in normal birth, by defending and highlighting practices and professionals that act in compliance with evidence based medicine, respecting the physiology of birth; denaturalize obstetric violence, by showing how routine procedures and interventions can be means of aggression, jeopardizing the autonomy, the protagonism and the respect towards women; and motivate initiatives of planned home birth, the best place for the occurrence of holistic experiences of birth. It is concluded that Internet tools have allowed a pioneer mobilization in respecting women s reproductive rights in Brazil and that the potential of the crowd s biopower that resides on the blogosphere can turn blogs into a hegemonic alternative way to reach more democratic forms of social organization. In that condition of being virtually hegemonic in contesting the established power, these blogs can be understood, therefore, as potentially great contra-hegemonic channels for the rebirth of birth and for the reinvention of social emancipation, as their author s articulate and organize themselves to strive against the waste of experience, trying to create reciprocal intelligibility amongst different experiences of world


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L étude de la neuroétique, est placée dans le champs de l étique philosophique, où l émotion et la ration se trouve comme des elements important dans le processus des decition moral. Les champs d étude de la neuroscience et neuroéthique ouvre la discussion sur le changement et les emergences conceptuels, le progrés da la science, le devéloppement de la tecnique, de la tecnhologie et la biotecnologie, et ses relations vis-a-vis des dilemes morales concernat au champs des études et recherches dans ce domaine. On compprende que les procedures adoptés em ces études et recherches ne sont pas concernant solement aux individus soumises aux procedures et or traitement, mas a tout la societé. Le champs d étude de la neuroscience comme quelque d outre est soumis a des principles morales et étiques, sourtout c est relatifs aux prises de decition par rapport aux êtres vivants. Dans ces processus les scientifiques sont charchées des responsabilités et des risques, en face des dilemes morales concernat a tout les recherches. L analise a été faite, appui dentre outres, en la pensée de Immanuel Kant et Jonh Stuart Mill em ce que dit respect au devoir et l utilité


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The wide diversity of their trichomes, which vary from simple unicellular to very complex structures, is a remarkable characteristic in Melastomataceae. This paper characterizes the leaf indumentum of Miconia albicans (Sw.) Triana, M. chamissois Naudin, M. fallax DC., M. ligustroides (DC.) Naudin, Microlepis oleaefolia (DC.) Triana and Rhynchanthera dichotoma DC., typical species from Brazilian cerrado. Samples collected from the median third of young and mature leaf blades were processed following the usual scanning electron microscopy techniques (SEM). We observed ten morphological types of trichomes and four of emergences. With five different types, four of which are reported for the first time, Rhynchanthera dichotoma is the species that presents the most diverse indumenta. A mixed type of trichome formed by a glandular and a branched non-glandular portion called lateral-gland was observed in M. ligustroides. Such non-glandular portion presents different degrees of development. A correlation is suggested between the stage of development of the non-glandular portion and the exposition to light of these lateral gland on young leaves.