990 resultados para embezzlement or illegal enrichment


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As formas de definir «corrupção e fraude» são infinitas, pelo que a aplicação do Direito penal constitucional pode ficar prejudicada. A comunicação e o comentário público e política são por vezes feitos em termos profundamente equivocados. Recentemente, em Portugal, destacados políticos e comentadores chegaram a apelar à «criminalização do enriquecimento ilícito», nem que fosse com o sacrifício da própria Constituição ou do Estado de Direito. É a democracia que passa a estar em perigo. Ao mesmo tempo que se defende com fanatismo quase teológico o sistema económico capitalista, procura-se consagrar na lei a sua destruição. Ou seja, há uma certa demagogia política que quer ter tudo ao mesmo tempo como se isso fosse possível. Perante isto, resta ao cidadão comum agir se for necessário sob as possibilidades das causas de justificação e fazendo uso do direito constitucional de resistência. ABSTRACT Ways to define «corruption and fraud» are endless, so the application of constitutional criminal law may be impaired. The communication and public comment and politics are sometimes done in terms profoundly mistaken. Recently, in Portugal, prominent politicians and commentators have come to call the «criminalization of illicit enrichment» (embezzlement) even if it was at the sacrifice of the Constitution or the rule of law. It is democracy that happens to be in danger. At the same time it defends itself with almost theological fanaticism the capitalist economic system, seeking to enshrine in law its destruction. That is, there is a certain political demagoguery that wants to have everything at the same time as if that were possible. Given this, it remains to ordinary act if necessary under the scope of defenses and making use of the constitutional right of resistance.


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The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: Hold the Line on Annoying Robocalls How to respond to unwanted or illegal prerecorded robocalls


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1. Dwarf stands of the mangrove Rhizophora mangle L. are extensive in the Caribbean. We fertilized dwarf trees in Almirante Bay, Bocas del Toro Province, north-eastern Panama with nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) to determine (1) if growth limitations are due to nutrient deficiency; and (2) what morphological and/or physiological factors underlie nutrient limitations to growth. 2. Shoot growth was 10-fold when fertilized with P and twofold with N fertilization, indicating that stunted growth of these mangroves is partially due to nutrient deficiency. 3. Growth enhancements caused by N or P enrichment could not be attributed to increases in photosynthesis on a leaf area basis, although photosynthetic nutrient-use efficiency was improved. The most dramatic effect was on stem hydraulic conductance, which was increased sixfold by P and 2.5-fold with N enrichment. Fertilization with P enhanced leaf and stem P concentrations and reduced C : N ratio, but did not alter leaf damage by herbivores. 4. Our findings indicate that addition of N and P significantly alter tree growth and internal nutrient dynamics of mangroves at Bocas del Toro, but also that the magnitude, pattern and mechanisms of change will be differentially affected by each nutrient.


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The ISO has issued a Draft International Standard on construction procurement and the British Standards Institute is drafting a standard based upon this for use in the UK. Three questions arise from these observations. First, what kind of consultation processes would be adequate to ensure that such a standard meets the requirements of an industry as diverse as construction? Second, why would an international standard be inappropriate for use in a country like UK? Third, what sort of issues should such a standard seek to cover? There are strong precedents for process standards, such as quality assurance, design management and workmanship on building sites. So the idea of a standard on procurement is not unusual. Moreover, there are many differences in tendering and procurement practice that are wasteful and even collusive or illegal. These issues are explored with a view to offering insights and suggestions for guidance based on the experiences in UK. The research method is first-hand observation of the drafting committee who are dealing with the British Standard. As an example to test and inform the standardization concept, six different standard guidance documents on tendering procedures are compared. This reveals a significant degree of diversity, and based on this, nine stages for implementing a tendering procedure are derived.


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Tablas de Daimiel National Park is located in the Upper Guadiana Basin and represents one of the largest and most important wetlands in Europe. The long term ecological integrity of this wetland is inherently associated with the maintenance of a shallow groundwater table, namely the Western Mancha aquifer (WMA) or Aquifer 23. The intensive use of groundwater, mainly for irrigation, has led over the last decades to deep socio‐economic changes. Such intensive use has also lowered the water table of Aquifer 23, drastically reducing the flooded area of the wetland and threatening its ecological integrity. A number of plans and measures have been developed and implemented since the declaration of overexploitation of Aquifer 23 in the year 1987. The most recent one is the Special Plan for the Upper Guadiana (SPUG), approved in 2008. This Plan is the main measure to comply with achieving the objective of good quantitative and qualitative status required under the Water Framework Directive (2000). This paper offers a new type of integrated analysis which allows assessing under a common lens the physical, economic and social dimensions of groundwater use in the area. The first objective is to calculate the groundwater footprint of agricultural production in the Upper Guadiana basin and its evolution during 2000‐2008. For this purpose, we have applied the Extended Water Footprint (EWF) methodology ‐a novel approach based on the classical Water Footprint (WF) approach‐ that includes an assessment of the water productivity from an economic and social perspective. Compared to the classical WF, the EWF allows for a more complete overview of the sector, providing new insights for policy decisions (e.g. to define options and possibilities on water re‐allocation in order to achieve both better ecosystem conservation and social equity). The second objective is to use the EWF to compare the existing authorized and non‐authorized or illegal use of water. This allows us to discuss current initiatives by public authorities in relation to the existing frame of water rights


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Dissertação de mestrado em Direito Tributário e Fiscal


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There is mounting evidence that organic or inorganic enrichment of aquatic environments increases the risk of infectious diseases, with disease agents ranging from helminth parasites to fungal, bacterial, and viral pathogens. The causal link between microbial resource availability and disease risk is thought to be complex and, in the case of so-called "opportunistic pathogens," to involve additional stressors that weaken host resistance (e.g., temperature shifts or oxygen deficiencies). In contrast to this perception, our experiment shows that the link between resource levels and infection of fish embryos can be very direct: increased resource availability can transform benign microbial communities into virulent ones. We find that embryos can be harmed before further stresses (e.g., oxygen depletion) weaken them, and treatment with antibiotics and fungicides cancels the detrimental effects. The changed characteristics of symbiotic microbial communities could simply reflect density-dependent relationships or be due to a transition in life-history strategy. Our findings demonstrate that simple microhabitat changes can be sufficient to turn "opportunistic" into virulent pathogens.


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Substance user adolescents were asked to report on each contact they had had with any type of care providers since they had begun to use alcohol or illegal drugs regularly. Primary care doctors and social workers represent the main access to the care network. In one out of two contacts substance use was not discussed.


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Civil Remedies for Hate Crimes §729A.5 A victim who has suffered physical, emotional or financial harm as a result of a violation of this chapter due to the commission of a Hate Crime BECAUSE OF the protected characteristics is entitled to and may bring an action for injunctive relief, general and specific damages, reasonable attorney fees, and court costs. An action must be brought within two years after the violation. In such an action the burden of proof shall be the same as in other civil actions for similar relief. This section does not apply to complaints of discriminatory or illegal practices under Iowa Code §216.


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Even if only a small proportion of asylum seekers obtains a permanent resident permit, a significant number of them stay for a prolonged or indefinite period in Switzerland in a legal or illegal way. The asylum seekers can be either vectors or victims of infectious diseases. Some of these diseases can be prevented by vaccination. This article summarizes the recent decisions which have been taken in the canton Vaud concerning the vaccination of asylum seekers. These new recommendations privilege a large coverage of a maximum number of asylum seekers. Vaccinations against varicella and human papillomavirus will be proposed in addition to the already previously recommended vaccines. Finally the medical visits for the vaccinations will also be an opportunity to screen for chronic hepatitis B which has been neglected until now.


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The global restructuring of production has led to increasingly precarious working conditions around the world. Post-industrial work is characterized by poor working conditions, low wages, a lack of social protection and political representation and little job security. Unregulated forms of work that are defined as “irregular” orillegal”, or in some cases “criminal,” are connected to sweeping transformations within the broader regulated (formal) economy. The connection between the formal and informal sectors can more accurately be described as co-optation and, as a subordinate integration of the informal to the formal. The city of St. Catharines within Niagara, along with much of Ontario’s industrial heartland, has been hard hit by deindustrialization. The rise of this illegal service is thus viewed against the backdrop of heavy economic restructuring, as opportunities for work in the manufacturing sector have become sparse. In addition, this research also explores the paradoxical co-optation of the growing illicit taxi economy and consequences for racialized and foreign credentialed labour in the taxi industry. The overall objective of this research is to explore the illicit cab industry as not only inseparable from the formal economy, but dialectically, how it is as an integrated and productive element of the public and private transportation industry. Furthermore the research examines what this co-optation means in the context of a labour market that is split by race.


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L’ethnographie de la détention frontalière en France se penche sur le phénomène des migrations transnationales et sur le gouvernement des frontières qui y répond, à travers des pratiques d’enfermement et d’expulsion des étrangers dans une « zone d’attente » aéroportuaire. La construction des camps d’étrangers, dont relève ce terrain, témoigne de nouvelles distributions du pouvoir qui passent par l’accès à la mobilité. L’étude empirique d’une forme particulière de ce contrôle est ainsi le point de départ d’une réflexion plus large sur ce régime de gouvernement, qui dessine une autre topographie politique de la globalisation. L’enquête nous invite à comprendre les pratiques par lesquelles les gouvernements démocratiques administrent des populations non-citoyennes, et la façon dont ces modalités de prise en charge et de surveillance opèrent une reconfiguration des frontières physiques, morales et politiques. L’ethnographie s’interroge sur l’expérience quotidienne de ceux qui sont les sujets de ces régimes juridiques et humanitaires croisés. Le confinement des étrangers entrecroise plusieurs dimensions, qui organisent la recherche : la construction d’un enfermement humanitaire, et les usages institutionnels et militants de différents régimes de droits qui y sont en jeu; les pratiques de prise en charge de populations identifiées comme vulnérables; les reconfigurations de la frontière à travers de nouvelles formes réticulaires et zonales; et enfin, l’expérience de circulation que dessinent les archipels de surveillance, et les pratiques de gestion différentielle des mobilités dont participent les zones d’attente.


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Arrière-plan: les cellules tumorales circulantes (CTC) sont détectables dans de nombreux cancers et peuvent être utiles cliniquement pour le pronostic de la maladie, pour mesurer la récidive et pour prédire la sensibilité aux medicaments chimiothérapeutiques. Au cours des dernières années, l’études des CTC dans de nombreux cancers tels que le cancer du sein, du poumon, du côlon et de la prostate a grandement évolué. Alternativement, il y peu d'études à ce sujet concernant le cancer du col de l’utérus (CCU). Objectifs: Notre objectif est d’optimiser le processus d'enrichissement des CTC dans le CCU et la détection moléculaire des biomarqueurs E6 et E7. Matériel et Méthodes: Dans l’optique de mimer la présence de CTC dans le sang, nous avons dilué des cellules cancéreuses CaSki VPH16-positif provenant d’un CCU dans du sang humain prélevé sur des volontaires sains. Les CaSki ont été collectées suite à une centrifugation par densité avec le Ficoll, la lyse des globules rouges (RBC) et la lyse des RBC combinée avec un enrichissement positif et négatif à l’aide de marqueurs de surface cellulaire. Les CTC ont été détectées par la mesure d’expression des oncogènes E6 et E7 du virus du papillome humain (VPH), de la cytokératine 19 (CK19) et de la cycline p16INK4 en utilisant la technique quantitative en temps réel de Reverse Transcriptase-Polymerase Chain Reaction (qRT-PCR). Pour valider notre méthode de détection des CTC in vivo, nous avons recruté dix patientes atteintes d’un CCU VPH16 positif et six contrôles sains. Résultats: Dans le modèle de dilutions de cellules CaSki, la lyse des RBC seule ou combinée avec l'enrichissement négatif ou positif suggèrent des limites de détection de 1 CTC par mL de sang pour tous les biomarqueurs moléculaires utilisés. La sensibilité de détection est accrue lors de l'utilisation de l’enrichissement positif et négatif en réduisant le bruit de fond causé par les monocytes sanguins. Contrairement aux oncogènes E6 et E7, les marqueurs CK19 et p16INK4A ont été détectés chez des individus sains, les niveaux d'expression de base appropriés doivent donc être déterminés avec précision par rapport aux patientes CCU. Le gradient de densité par Ficoll a une limite de détection de seulement environ 1000 cellules par mL de sang. Enfin, les CTC ont été détectées dans 2/10 patientes en utilisant le marqueur CK19. Cependant, ces patientes étaient négatives pour les oncogènes E6/E7. Le marqueur p16INK4A était exprimé au même niveau dans tous les échantillons (CCU et normaux). Conclusion: Notre étude suggère que les oncogènes E6 et E7 du VPH16 sont les marqueurs biologiques les plus sensibles et spécifiques en qRT-PCR pour détecter les CTC dans le modèle de dilution de cellules de CCU dans le sang. Chez les patientes atteintes d’un CCU de stade précoce, seulement CK19 a révélé la présence potentielle de CTC, ce qui suggère que ces cellules sont rares à ce stade de la maladie. Mots clés: cancer du col de l’utérus, cellules tumorales circulantes, RT-qPCR, E6 et E7, CK19, p16INK4A, enrichissement immunomagnétique, détection moléculaire.


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El contexto colombiano ha obligado a algunos pobladores a generar lazos societales, que han permitido el desarrollo de procesos identitarios en diferentes escenarios. Esta monografía tiene por objeto, exponer algunos elementos que permiten la configuración de Identidad Social en la Comunidad de Paz de San José de Apartado, empleando algunas herramientas legislativas. No obstante, uno de los principales agentes de controversia es la Neutralidad (frente a todos los actores armados legales e ilegales), elemento que ha desarrollado una disputa discusiva entre el gobierno nacional y la comunidad en torno a su legitimidad y legalidad.


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Introducción: El aborto espontáneo corresponde a la complicación más frecuente durante el embarazo, afectando entre el 12% al 24% de las gestaciones clínicamente identificables en Latinoamérica. Los abortos inducidos (legales o ilegales) suman al problema una importante cantidad de casos. El aborto representa un complejo evento biológico y psicológico con importantes repercusiones a nivel mental, principalmente de ansiedad y depresión. En Colombia no existen estudios que midan la prevalencia de estos síntomas en mujeres con pérdidas gestacionales. Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia de síntomas depresivos y de ansiedad y factores asociados, en mujeres adultas atendidas por aborto inducido y espontáneo un mes posterior a su ocurrencia. . Resultados: El grupo de mujeres que cumplieron con los criterios de selección fueron 112. El promedio de edad fue de 30.4±6.1 años y estrato socioeconómico I (54.1%) y II (38.7%). La prevalencia de síntomas de depresión fue de 67.9% y de ansiedad de 12.5%. La prevalencia de síntomas depresivos disminuyó significativamente al aumentar el estrato, I (71.7%), II (67.4%) y III (16.7%), (p=0.035). La mediana de la edad del primer embarazo fue mayor significativamente en las mujeres con ansiedad (25 vs. 19, p=0.01). Cerca de mostrar diferencias entre antecedentes de aborto (p=0.084), menor número de años educativos aprobados (p=0.075) y mayor edad de la paciente con ansiedad (p=0.096). No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los dos tipos de aborto en cuanto a síntomas depresivos o de ansiedad.