939 resultados para electric field integral equations


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This work describes a simulation tool being developed at UPC to predict the microwave nonlinear behavior of planar superconducting structures with very few restrictions on the geometry of the planar layout. The software is intended to be applicable to most structures used in planar HTS circuits, including line, patch, and quasi-lumped microstrip resonators. The tool combines Method of Moments (MoM) algorithms for general electromagnetic simulation with Harmonic Balance algorithms to take into account the nonlinearities in the HTS material. The Method of Moments code is based on discretization of the Electric Field Integral Equation in Rao, Wilton and Glisson Basis Functions. The multilayer dyadic Green's function is used with Sommerfeld integral formulation. The Harmonic Balance algorithm has been adapted to this application where the nonlinearity is distributed and where compatibility with the MoM algorithm is required. Tests of the algorithm in TM010 disk resonators agree with closed-form equations for both the fundamental and third-order intermodulation currents. Simulations of hairpin resonators show good qualitative agreement with previously published results, but it is found that a finer meshing would be necessary to get correct quantitative results. Possible improvements are suggested.


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Zero valent iron nanoparticles (nZVI) are considered very promising for the remediation of contaminated soils and groundwaters. However, an important issue related to their limited mobility remains unsolved. Direct current can be used to enhance the nanoparticles transport, based on the same principles of electrokinetic remediation. In this work, a generalized physicochemical model was developed and solved numerically to describe the nZVI transport through porous media under electric field, and with different electrolytes (with different ionic strengths). The model consists of the Nernst–Planck coupled system of equations, which accounts for the mass balance of ionic species in a fluid medium, when both the diffusion and electromigration of the ions are considered. The diffusion and electrophoretic transport of the negatively charged nZVI particles were also considered in the system. The contribution of electroosmotic flow to the overall mass transport was included in the model for all cases. The nZVI effective mobility values in the porous medium are very low (10−7–10−4 cm2 V−1 s−1), due to the counterbalance between the positive electroosmotic flow and the electrophoretic transport of the negatively charged nanoparticles. The higher the nZVI concentration is in the matrix, the higher the aggregation; therefore, low concentration of nZVI suspensions must be used for successful field application.


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Systematic asymptotic methods are used to formulate a model for the extensional flow of a thin sheet of nematic liquid crystal. With no external body forces applied, the model is found to be equivalent to the so-called Trouton model for Newtonian sheets (and fi bers), albeit with a modi fied "Trouton ratio". However, with a symmetry-breaking electric field gradient applied, behavior deviates from the Newtonian case, and the sheet can undergo fi nite-time breakup if a suitable destabilizing field is applied. Some simple exact solutions are presented to illustrate the results in certain idealized limits, as well as sample numerical results to the full model equations.


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Our previous results on the nonperturbative calculations of the mean current and of the energy-momentum tensor in QED with the T-constant electric field are generalized to arbitrary dimensions. The renormalized mean values are found, and the vacuum polarization contributions and particle creation contributions to these mean values are isolated in the large T limit; we also relate the vacuum polarization contributions to the one-loop effective Euler-Heisenberg Lagrangian. Peculiarities in odd dimensions are considered in detail. We adapt general results obtained in 2 + 1 dimensions to the conditions which are realized in the Dirac model for graphene. We study the quantum electronic and energy transport in the graphene at low carrier density and low temperatures when quantum interference effects are important. Our description of the quantum transport in the graphene is based on the so-called generalized Furry picture in QED where the strong external field is taken into account nonperturbatively; this approach is not restricted to a semiclassical approximation for carriers and does not use any statistical assumptions inherent in the Boltzmann transport theory. In addition, we consider the evolution of the mean electromagnetic field in the graphene, taking into account the backreaction of the matter field to the applied external field. We find solutions of the corresponding Dirac-Maxwell set of equations and with their help we calculate the effective mean electromagnetic field and effective mean values of the current and the energy-momentum tensor. The nonlinear and linear I-V characteristics experimentally observed in both low-and high-mobility graphene samples are quite well explained in the framework of the proposed approach, their peculiarities being essentially due to the carrier creation from the vacuum by the applied electric field. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.86.125022


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The influence of a strong, high‐frequency electric field on the ion‐ion correlations in a fully ionized plasma is investigated in the limit of infinite ion mass, starting with the Bogoliubov‐Born‐Green‐Kirkwood‐Yvon hierarchy of equations; a significant departure from the thermal correlations is found. It is shown that the above effect may substantially modify earlier results on the nonlinear high‐frequency plasma conductivity.


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The electrostatic plasma waves excited by a uniform, alternating electric field of arbitrary intensity are studied on the basis of the Vlasov equation; their dispersion relation, which involves the determinant of either of two infinite matrices, is derived. For ω0 ≫ ωpi (ω0 being the applied frequency and ωpi the ion plasma frequency) the waves may be classified in two groups, each satisfying a simple condition; this allows writing the dispersion relation in closed form. Both groups coalesce (resonance) if (a) ω0  ≈  ωpe/r (r any integer) and (b) the wavenumber k is small. A nonoscillatory instability is found; its distinction from the DuBois‐Goldman instability and its physical origin are discussed. Conditions for its excitation (in particular, upper limits to ω0,k, and k⋅vE,vE being the field‐induced electron velocity), and simple equations for the growth rate are given off‐resonance and at ω0  ≈  ωpi. The dependence of both threshold and maximum growth rate on various parameters is discussed, and the results are compared with those of Silin and Nishikawa. The threshold at ω0  ≈  ωpi/r,r  ≠  1, is studied.


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The shape of a plane acoustical sound-soft obstacle is detected from knowledge of the far field pattern for one time-harmonic incident field. Two methods based on solving a system of integral equations for the incoming wave and the far field pattern are investigated. Properties of the integral operators required in order to apply regularization, i.e. injectivity and denseness of the range, are proved.


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Sharp edges were first used for field ionisation mass spectrometry by Beckey. Although Cross and Robertson found that etched metal foils were more effective than razor blades for field ionisation, blades are very convenient for determination of field ionisation mass spectra, as reported by Robertson and Viney. The electric field at the vertex of a sharp edge can be calculated by the method of the conformal transformation. Here we give some equations for the field deduced with the assumption that the edge surface can be approximated by a hyperbola. We also compare two hyperbolae with radii of curvature at the vertex of 500 Angstrom and 1000 Angstrom with the profile of a commercial carbon-steel razor blade.


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On the presumption that a sharp edge may be represented by a hyperbola, a conformal transformation method is used to derive electric field equations for a sharp edge suspended above a flat plate. A further transformation is then introduced to give electric field components for a sharp edge suspended above a thin slit. Expressions are deduced for the field strength at the vertex of the edge in both arrangements. The calculated electric field components are used to compute ion trajectories in the simple edge/flat-plate case. The results are considered in relation to future study of ion focusing and unimolecular decomposition of ions in field ionization mass spectrometers.


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Quantum field theory with an external background can be considered as a consistent model only if backreaction is relatively small with respect to the background. To find the corresponding consistency restrictions on an external electric field and its duration in QED and QCD, we analyze the mean-energy density of quantized fields for an arbitrary constant electric field E, acting during a large but finite time T. Using the corresponding asymptotics with respect to the dimensionless parameter eET(2), one can see that the leading contributions to the energy are due to the creation of particles by the electric field. Assuming that these contributions are small in comparison with the energy density of the electric background, we establish the above-mentioned restrictions, which determine, in fact, the time scales from above of depletion of an electric field due to the backreaction.


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In this work, we study the role of the ac Stark effects on the excitation of nS(1/2) cold Rydberg atoms produced in a rubidium magneto-optical trap. We have observed an atomic population in the nP(3/2) state after excitation of nS(1/2) for 29 <= n <= 37. Such an observation is normally attributed to binary collisions; however, the interaction between Rb nS(1/2) atoms is repulsive. To explain our results, the dipole-dipole interaction and ac Stark shifts from the excitation laser must be considered. We find that the Rydberg-atom-pair state asymptotically correlating to nP(3/2)+(n-1)P(3/2) is excited directly.


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In this study, the concept of cellular automata is applied in an innovative way to simulate the separation of phases in a water/oil emulsion. The velocity of the water droplets is calculated by the balance of forces acting on a pair of droplets in a group, and cellular automata is used to simulate the whole group of droplets. Thus, it is possible to solve the problem stochastically and to show the sequence of collisions of droplets and coalescence phenomena. This methodology enables the calculation of the amount of water that can be separated from the emulsion under different operating conditions, thus enabling the process to be optimized. Comparisons between the results obtained from the developed model and the operational performance of an actual desalting unit are carried out. The accuracy observed shows that the developed model is a good representation of the actual process. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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We examine the mean flux across a homogeneous membrane of a charged tracer subject to an alternating, symmetric voltage waveform. The analysis is based on the Nernst-Planck flux equation, with electric field subject to time dependence only. For low frequency electric fields the quasi steady-state flux can be approximated using the Goldman model, which has exact analytical solutions for tracer concentration and flux. No such closed form solutions can be found for arbitrary frequencies, however we find approximations for high frequency. An approximation formula for the average flux at all frequencies is also obtained from the two limiting approximations. Numerical integration of the governing equation is accomplished by use of the numerical method of lines and is performed for four different voltage waveforms. For the different voltage profiles, comparisons are made with the approximate analytical solutions which demonstrates their applicability. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Formulations of fuzzy integral equations in terms of the Aumann integral do not reflect the behavior of corresponding crisp models. Consequently, they are ill-adapted to describe physical phenomena, even when vagueness and uncertainty are present. A similar situation for fuzzy ODEs has been obviated by interpretation in terms of families of differential inclusions. The paper extends this formalism to fuzzy integral equations and shows that the resulting solution sets and attainability sets are fuzzy and far better descriptions of uncertain models involving integral equations. The investigation is restricted to Volterra type equations with mildly restrictive conditions, but the methods are capable of extensive generalization to other types and more general assumptions. The results are illustrated by integral equations relating to control models with fuzzy uncertainties.