252 resultados para elearning


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The briefing paper was commissioned by the Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL) to examine the current picture and evolving role of electronic textbooks (eTextbooks) and third party eLearning products in the academic arena. The study reviews industry trends, identifies the major players and considers the different stakeholder perspectives of eTextbook adoption. Within the context of learning and teaching in the digital age, specific areas of research, policy and practice are highlighted to consider the implications that eTextbooks might have for universities in general and for university libraries in particular. An environmental scan focused on the analysis of current developments and the anticipated future directions of digital learning resources in Australia, as well as in other major English speaking countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States. This research guided the development of key interview questions aimed at examining, at a deeper level, diverse stakeholder perspectives about the roles university libraries can play in the adoption of digital learning content.


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The advent of modern wireless technologies has seen a shift in focus towards the design and development of educational systems for deployment through mobile devices. The use of mobile phones, tablets and Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) is steadily growing across the educational sector as a whole. Mobile learning (mLearning) systems developed for deployment on such devices hold great significance for the future of education. However, mLearning systems must be built around the particular learner’s needs based on both their motivation to learn and subsequent learning outcomes. This thesis investigates how biometric technologies, in particular accelerometer and eye-tracking technologies, could effectively be employed within the development of mobile learning systems to facilitate the needs of individual learners. The creation of personalised learning environments must enable the achievement of improved learning outcomes for users, particularly at an individual level. Therefore consideration is given to individual learning-style differences within the electronic learning (eLearning) space. The overall area of eLearning is considered and areas such as biometric technology and educational psychology are explored for the development of personalised educational systems. This thesis explains the basis of the author’s hypotheses and presents the results of several studies carried out throughout the PhD research period. These results show that both accelerometer and eye-tracking technologies can be employed as an Human Computer Interaction (HCI) method in the detection of student learning-styles to facilitate the provision of automatically adapted eLearning spaces. Finally the author provides recommendations for developers in the creation of adaptive mobile learning systems through the employment of biometric technology as a user interaction tool within mLearning applications. Further research paths are identified and a roadmap for future of research in this area is defined.


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In this paper, we consider what is meant by elearning and contrast the delivery of material with the actual learning process using an analogy derived from Searle. A case study describes an attempt to use a groupware system in a knowledge management course that met with mixed results. The reasons for these are explored with issues regarding extrinsic and intrinsic motivation and scaffolding being considered in the elearning context


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While E-learning technologies are continuously developing, there are number of emerging issues and challenges that have significant impact on e-learning research and design. These include educational, technological, sociological, and psychological viewpoints. The extant literature points out that a large number of existing E-learning systems have problems with offering reusable, personalized and learner-centric content. While developers are placing emphasis on the technology aspects of e-learning, critical conceptual and pedagogical issues are often ignored. This paper will reports on our research in design and development of personalised e-learning systems and some of the challenges and issues faced.


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This paper reports on the use of an eportfolio for assessing aspects of a Post-Graduate pre-service teacher education programme specifically in the context of special needs education in Northern Ireland. Participants were challenged to develop their individual eportfolios by selecting and presenting evidence for assessment drawn from diverse sources. The rationale for using eportfolios for assessment purposes was to offer students the opportunity to demonstrate competencies by documenting and reflecting upon academic and pedagogical learning during a one year Post Graduate Certificate of Education (PGCE) programme.


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A novel online resource has been developed to aid OSCE examiner training comprising a series of videos of OSCE performances that allow inter-examiner comparison of global grade decisions.

To evaluate this training resource in terms of usefulness and ability to improve examiner confidence in awarding global grades in OSCEs.

Data collected from the first 200 users included global grades awarded, willingness to change grades following peer comparison and confidence in awarding grades before and after training.

Most (86.5%) agreed that the resource was useful in developing global grade scoring ability in OSCEs, with a significant improvement in confidence in awarding grades after using the training package (p<0.001).

This is a useful and effective online training package. As an adjunct to traditional training it offers a practical solution to the problem of availability of examiners.


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Patient narratives have much to teach healthcare professionals about the experience of living with a chronic condition. While the biomedical narrative of HIV treatment is hugely encouraging, the narrative of living with HIV continues to be overshadowed by a persuasive perception of stigma. This paper presents how we sought to translate the evidence from a qualitative study of the perspectives of HIV affected pregnant women and expectant fathers on the care they received, from the pre conception to post natal period, into educational material for maternity care practice. Narrative scripts were written based on the original research interviews, with care taken to reflect the key themes from the research. We explore the way in which the qualitative findings bring to life patient and partner experiences and what it means for nurses, midwives and doctors to be prepared to care for couples affected by HIV. In so doing, we challenge the inequity between the dominance of biomedical knowledge over understanding the patient experience in the preparation of health professionals to care for HIV affected women and men who are having a baby or seeking to have a baby.


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Como corolário do trabalho de investigação e desenvolvimento, iniciado em 1996, na área das tecnologias da comunicação e dos serviços multimédia em contexto de formação profissional, pretende-se, com este estudo, identificar os principais contributos das ciências e tecnologias da comunicação e da educação nos processos de especificação, concepção, desenvolvimento e utilização do sistema de gestão de aprendizagem Formare, em contexto de formação profissional. Tendo em conta a fundamentação teórica, a participação em projectos de investigação e de inovação e uma vivência prática de mais de 14 anos de actividade na área do ensino a distância, do eLearning e do bLearning em contexto empresarial, desenvolveu-se um modelo conceptual para a nova versão do LMS Formare baseada nos fundamentos da comunicação e da gestão da aprendizagem em ambiente real de utilização. Para além de estudar os fundamentos das Learning Organizations, do Ensino a Distância, da Comunicação Educacional Multimédia, do eLearning, do bLearning e dos seus principais componentes, esta tese focaliza-se na análise de dois estudos de caso, suportados pelo Formare – um, em contexto de Auto-aprendizagem no Campus PT, e outro, em contexto de Aprendizagem Colaborativa na Formação de eFormadores. Pela análise das conclusões de cada um dos estudos de caso realizados, foi possível validar as opções tecnológicas e pedagógicas utilizadas, conhecer a percepção, o grau de utilização e a avaliação pedagógica dos formandos, assim como identificar os principais indicadores de implementação do eLearning nas organizações que aderiram ao LMS Formare. A tese termina com a apresentação dos principais resultados, limitações e conclusões do estudo de investigação, e apresenta um conjunto de considerações futuras nesta área de actividade, esperando contribuir para o desenvolvimento do eLearning em contexto de uma Learning Organization.


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado, Educação (Tecnologias de Informação, Comunicação e Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2011