995 resultados para elapsed time


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Estimating a time interval and temporally coordinating movements in space are fundamental skills, but the relationships between these different forms of timing, and the neural processes that they incur, are not well understood. While different theories have been proposed to account for time perception, time estimation, and the temporal patterns of coordination, there are no general mechanisms which unify these various timing skills. This study considers whether a model of perceptuo-motor timing, the tau(GUIDE), can also describe how certain judgements of elapsed time are made. To evaluate this, an equation for determining interval estimates was derived from the tau(GUIDE) model and tested in a task where participants had to throw a ball and estimate when it would hit the floor. The results showed that in accordance with the model, very accurate judgements could be made without vision (mean timing error -19.24 msec), and the model was a good predictor of skilled participants' estimate timing. It was concluded that since the tau(GUIDE) principle provides temporal information in a generic form, it could be a unitary process that links different forms of timing.


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Purpose: To evaluate the effects of the elapsed time (ET) after nonvital bleaching (NVB) and sodium ascorbate application (10%) (SAA) on the shear bond strength of dentin to ceramic.Materials and Methods: Bovine incisors were selected, internally bleached (35% carbamide peroxide) for 9 days and submitted to the following treatments (n = 10): G1, G2, G3-luting after 1, 7, and 14 days; G4, G5, and G6-luting after SAA, 1, 7, and 14 days, respectively. G7 and G8 were not bleached: G7-luting 24 hours after access cavity sealing; G8-luting 24 hours after access cavity sealing after SAA. After NVB, the vestibular dentin was exposed and flattened. The SAA was applied to the dentin (G4, G5, G6, G8) for 10 minutes, and it was then washed and dried. The dentin was etched (37% phosphoric acid), and an adhesive system (Single Bond 2) was applied. Feldspathic ceramic discs (VM7; 4-mm diameter, 3-mm thick) were luted with a dual-resin agent (RelyX ARC, 3M ESPE Dental Products, St. Paul, MN). After 24 hours, specimens were submitted to shear test on a universal testing machine. The data (MPa) were submitted to ANOVA and Dunnet's test (5%).Results: The means (+/- SD) obtained were (MPa): G1 (14 +/- 4.5), G2 (14.6 +/- 3.1), G3 (14 +/- 3.7), G4 (15.5 +/- 4.6), G5 (19.87 +/- 4.5), G6 (16.5 +/- 3.7), G7 (22.8 +/- 6.2), and G8 (18.9 +/- 5.4). SAA had a significant effect on bond strength (p = 0.0054). The effect of ET was not significant (p = 0.1519). G5 and G6 presented higher values than the other bleached groups (p < 0.05) and similar to G7 and G8 (p > 0.05).Conclusions: After NVB, adhesive luting to dentin is recommended after 7 days if sodium ascorbate has been applied prior to dentin hybridization.


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Aedes aegypti from the Brazilian cities of Sao Jose do Rio Preto (SJ) and Goiania (GO) were analyzed as to their esterase patterns and the results were compared with data obtained about 5 years before for SJ population. Esterase bands not detected in the previous study were now observed in mosquitoes from both SJ and GO populations, being the last considered a population resistant to insecticides. Other similarities between SJ and GO populations in this study, and some differences in comparison with the previous data on SJ were observed, involving, in addition to changes in band type, changes in frequency of mosquitoes expressing them and differential gene activation during development. As it is generally true for genetic features, changes in the esterase patterns are expected to be the result of factors such as selection by environmental conditions and genetic drift. In the present case, continuous use of insecticides aiming mosquito population size control in SJ by sanitary authorities could be involved in the observed changes. Changed esterases were classified as carboxylesterases and cholinesterases, which are enzymes already shown to take part in the development of resistance in several organisms. In addition, data obtained in the elapsed time by authorities responsible for the mosquito control has shown increasing insecticide resistance of SJ population mosquitoes parallel to increase in the total amount of esterases, reinforcing the mentioned possibility.


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The current thesis examines memory bias for state anxiety prior to academic achievement situations like writing an exam and giving a speech. The thesis relies on the reconstruction principle, which assumes that memories for past emotions are reconstructed rather than stored permanently and accurately. This makes them prone to memory bias, which is af-fected by several influencing factors. A major aim is to include four important influencing factors simultaneously. Early research on mood and emotional autobiographical memory found evidence for the existence of a propositional associative network (Bower, 1981; Col-lins & Loftus, 1975), leading to mood congruent recall. But empirical findings gave also strong evidence for the existence of mood incongruent recall for one’s own emotions, which was for example linked to mood regulation via mood repair (e.g. Clark & Isen, 1982), which seems to be associated to the personality traits extraversion and neuroticism (Lischetzke & Eid, 2006; Ng & Diener, 2009). Moreover, neuroticism and trait anxiety are related to rumination, which is seen as negative post-event-processing (e.g. Wells & Clark, 1997). Overall, the elapsed time since the emotional event happened should have an impact on recall of emotions. Following the affect infusion model by Robinson and Clore (2002a), the influence of personality on memory bias should increase over time. Therefore, three longitudinal studies were realized, using naturally occurring as well as laboratory settings. The used paradigm was equivalent in all studies. Subjects were asked about their actual state anxiety prior to an academic achievement situation. Directly after the situation, cur-rent mood and recall of former anxiety were assessed. The same procedure was repeated a few weeks later. Personality traits and post-event-processing were also assessed. The results suggest a need to have a differentiated view on predicting memory bias. Study 1 (N = 131) as well as study 3 (N = 53) found evidence for mood incongruent memory in the sense of mood repair and downward regulation as a function of personality. Rumination was found to cause stable overestimation of pre-event anxiety in study 2 (N = 141) as well as in study 3. Although the relevance of the influencing factors changed over time, an increasing relevance of personality could not consistently be observed. The tremendously different effects of the laboratory study 2 indicated that such settings are not appropriate to study current issues. Theoretical and psychotherapeutically relevant conclusions are drawn and several limitations are discussed.


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Despite recent developments in fixed-film combined biological nutrients removal (BNR) technology; fixed-film systems (i.e., biofilters), are still at the early stages of development and their application has been limited to a few laboratory-scale experiments. Achieving enhanced biological phosphorus removal in fixed-film systems requires exposing the micro-organisms and the waste stream to alternating anaerobic/aerobic or anaerobic/anoxic conditions in cycles. The concept of cycle duration (CD) as a process control parameter is unique to fixed-film BNR systems, has not been previously investigated, and can be used to optimise the performance of such systems. The CD refers to the elapsed time before the biomass is re-exposed to the same environmental conditions in cycles. Fixed-film systems offer many advantages over suspended growth systems such as reduced operating costs, simplicity of operation, absence of sludge recycling problems, and compactness. The control of nutrient discharges to water bodies, improves water quality, fish production, and allow water reuse. The main objective of this study was to develop a fundamental understanding of the effect of CD on the transformations of nutrients in fixed-film biofilter systems subjected to alternating aeration I no-aeration cycles A fixed-film biofilter system consisting of three up-flow biofilters connected in series was developed and tested. The first and third biofilters were operated in a cyclic mode in which the biomass was subjected to aeration/no-aeration cycles. The influent wastewater was simulated aquaculture whose composition was based on actual water quality parameters of aquacuture wastewater from a prawn grow-out facility. The influent contained 8.5 - 9:3 mg!L a111monia-N, 8.5- 8.7 mg/L phosphate-P, and 45- 50 mg!L acetate. Two independent studies were conducted at two biofiltration rates to evaluate and confirm the effect of CD on nutrient transformations in the biofilter system for application in aquaculture: A third study was conducted to enhance denitrification in the system using an external carbon- source at a rate varying from 0-24 ml/min. The CD was varied in the range of0.25- 120 hours for the first two studies and fixed at 12 hours for the third study. This study identified the CD as an important process control parameter that can be used to optimise the performance of full-scale fixed-film systems for BNR which represents a novel contribution in this field of research. The CD resulted in environmental conditions that inhibited or enhanced nutrient transformations. The effect of CD on BNR in fixed-film systems in terms of phosphorus biomass saturation and depletion has been established. Short CDs did not permit the establishment of anaerobic activity in the un-aerated biofilter and, thus, inhibited phosphorus release. Long CDs resulted in extended anaerobic activity and, thus, resulted in active phosphorus release. Long CDs, however, resulted in depleting the biomass phosphorus reservoir in the releasing biofilter and saturating the biomass phosphorus reservoir in the up-taking biofilter in the cycle. This phosphorus biomass saturation/depletion phenomenon imposes a practical limit on how short or long the CD can be. The length of the CD should be somewhere just before saturation or depletion occur and for the system tested, the optimal CD was 12 hours for the biofiltration rates tested. The system achieved limited net phosphorus removal due to the limited sludge wasting and lack of external carbon supply during phosphorus uptake. The phosphorus saturation and depletion reflected the need to extract phosphorus from the phosphorus-rich micro-organisms, for example, through back-washing. The major challenges of achieving phosphorus removal in the system included: (I) overcoming the deterioration in the performance of the system during the transition period following the start of each new cycle; and (2) wasting excess phosphorus-saturated biomass following the aeration cycle. Denitrification occurred in poorly aerated sections of the third biofilter and generally declined as the CD increased and as the time progressed in the individual cycle. Denitrification and phosphorus uptake were supplied by an internal organic carbon source, and the addition of an external carbon source (acetate) to the third biofilter resulted in improved denitrification efficiency in the system from 18.4 without supplemental carbon to 88.7% when the carbon dose reached 24 mL/min The removal of TOC and nitrification improved as the CD increased, as a result of the reduction in the frequency of transition periods between the cycles. A conceptual design of an effective fixed-film BNR biofilter system for the treatment of the influent simulated aquaculture wastewater was proposed based on the findings of the study.


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Addressing the Crew Scheduling Problem (CSP) in transportation systems can be too complex to capture all details. The designed models usually ignore or simplify features which are difficult to formulate. This paper proposes an alternative formulation using a Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) approach to the problem. The optimisation model integrates the two phases of pairing generation and pairing optimisation by simultaneously sequencing trips into feasible duties and minimising total elapsed time of any duty. Crew scheduling constraints in which the crew have to return to their home depot at the end of the shift are included in the model. The flexibility of this model comes in the inclusion of the time interval of relief opportunities, allowing the crew to be relieved during a finite time interval. This will enhance the robustness of the schedule and provide a better representation of real-world conditions.


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In vitro studies and mathematical models are now being widely used to study the underlying mechanisms driving the expansion of cell colonies. This can improve our understanding of cancer formation and progression. Although much progress has been made in terms of developing and analysing mathematical models, far less progress has been made in terms of understanding how to estimate model parameters using experimental in vitro image-based data. To address this issue, a new approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) algorithm is proposed to estimate key parameters governing the expansion of melanoma cell (MM127) colonies, including cell diffusivity, D, cell proliferation rate, λ, and cell-to-cell adhesion, q, in two experimental scenarios, namely with and without a chemical treatment to suppress cell proliferation. Even when little prior biological knowledge about the parameters is assumed, all parameters are precisely inferred with a small posterior coefficient of variation, approximately 2–12%. The ABC analyses reveal that the posterior distributions of D and q depend on the experimental elapsed time, whereas the posterior distribution of λ does not. The posterior mean values of D and q are in the ranges 226–268 µm2h−1, 311–351 µm2h−1 and 0.23–0.39, 0.32–0.61 for the experimental periods of 0–24 h and 24–48 h, respectively. Furthermore, we found that the posterior distribution of q also depends on the initial cell density, whereas the posterior distributions of D and λ do not. The ABC approach also enables information from the two experiments to be combined, resulting in greater precision for all estimates of D and λ.


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Evaluating the hazard potential of the Makran subduction zone requires understanding the previous records of the large earthquakes and tsunamis. We address this problem by searching for earthquake and tectonic proxies along the Makran Coast and linking those observations with the available constraints on historical seismicity and the tell-tale characteristics of sea floor morphology. The earthquake of Mw 8.1 of 1945 and the consequent tsunami that originated on the eastern part of the Makran are the only historically known hazardous events in this region. The seismic status of the western part of the subduction zone outside the rupture area of the 1945 earthquake remains an enigma. The near-shore shallow stratigraphy of the central part of Makran near Chabahar shows evidence of seismically induced liquefaction that we attribute to the distant effects of the 1945 earthquake. The coastal sites further westward around Jask are remarkable for the absence of liquefaction features, at least at the shallow level. Although a negative evidence, this possibly implies that the western part of Makran Coast region may not have been impacted by near-field large earthquakes in the recent past-a fact also supported by the analysis of historical data. On the other hand, the elevated marine terraces on the western Makran and their uplift rates are indicative of comparable degree of long-term tectonic activity, at least around Chabahar. The offshore data suggest occurrences of recently active submarine slumps on the eastern part of the Makran, reflective of shaking events, owing to the great 1945 earthquake. The ocean floor morphologic features on the western segment, on the contrary, are much subdued and the prograding delta lobes on the shelf edge also remain intact. The coast on the western Makran, in general, shows indications of progradation and uplift. The various lines of evidence thus suggest that although the western segment is potentially seismogenic, large earthquakes have not occurred there in the recent past, at least during the last 600 years. The recurrence period of earthquakes may range up to 1,000 years or more, an assessment based on the age of the youngest dated coastal ridge. The long elapsed time points to the fact that the western segment may have accumulated sufficient slip to produce a major earthquake.


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The Himalaya has experienced three great earthquakes during the last century1934 Nepal-Bihar, 1950 Upper Assam, and arguably the 1905 Kangra. Focus here is on the central Himalayan segment between the 1905 and the 1934 ruptures, where previous studies have identified a great earthquake between thirteenth and sixteenth centuries. Historical data suggest damaging earthquakes in A.D. 1255, 1344, 1505, 1803, and 1833, although their sources and magnitudes remain debated. We present new evidence for a great earthquake from a trench across the base of a 13m high scarp near Ramnagar at the Himalayan Frontal Thrust. The section exposed four south verging fault strands and a backthrust offsetting a broad spectrum of lithounits, including colluvial deposits. Age data suggest that the last great earthquake in the central Himalaya most likely occurred between A.D. 1259 and 1433. While evidence for this rupture is unmistakable, the stratigraphic clues imply an earlier event, which can most tentatively be placed between A.D. 1050 and 1250. The postulated existence of this earlier event, however, requires further validation. If the two-earthquake scenario is realistic, then the successive ruptures may have occurred in close intervals and were sourced on adjacent segments that overlapped at the trench site. Rupture(s) identified in the trench closely correlate with two damaging earthquakes of 1255 and 1344 reported from Nepal. The present study suggests that the frontal thrust in central Himalaya may have remained seismically inactive during the last similar to 700years. Considering this long elapsed time, a great earthquake may be due in the region.


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Northeast India and its adjoining areas are characterized by very high seismic activity. According to the Indian seismic code, the region falls under seismic zone V, which represents the highest seismic-hazard level in the country. This region has experienced a number of great earthquakes, such as the Assam (1950) and Shillong (1897) earthquakes, that caused huge devastation in the entire northeast and adjacent areas by flooding, landslides, liquefaction, and damage to roads and buildings. In this study, an attempt has been made to find the probability of occurrence of a major earthquake (M-w > 6) in this region using an updated earthquake catalog collected from different sources. Thereafter, dividing the catalog into six different seismic regions based on different tectonic features and seismogenic factors, the probability of occurrences was estimated using three models: the lognormal, Weibull, and gamma distributions. We calculated the logarithmic probability of the likelihood function (ln L) for all six regions and the entire northeast for all three stochastic models. A higher value of ln L suggests a better model, and a lower value shows a worse model. The results show different model suits for different seismic zones, but the majority follows lognormal, which is better for forecasting magnitude size. According to the results, Weibull shows the highest conditional probabilities among the three models for small as well as large elapsed time T and time intervals t, whereas the lognormal model shows the lowest and the gamma model shows intermediate probabilities. Only for elapsed time T = 0, the lognormal model shows the highest conditional probabilities among the three models at a smaller time interval (t = 3-15 yrs). The opposite result is observed at larger time intervals (t = 15-25 yrs), which show the highest probabilities for the Weibull model. However, based on this study, the IndoBurma Range and Eastern Himalaya show a high probability of occurrence in the 5 yr period 2012-2017 with >90% probability.


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In this paper we introduce four scenario Cluster based Lagrangian Decomposition (CLD) procedures for obtaining strong lower bounds to the (optimal) solution value of two-stage stochastic mixed 0-1 problems. At each iteration of the Lagrangian based procedures, the traditional aim consists of obtaining the solution value of the corresponding Lagrangian dual via solving scenario submodels once the nonanticipativity constraints have been dualized. Instead of considering a splitting variable representation over the set of scenarios, we propose to decompose the model into a set of scenario clusters. We compare the computational performance of the four Lagrange multiplier updating procedures, namely the Subgradient Method, the Volume Algorithm, the Progressive Hedging Algorithm and the Dynamic Constrained Cutting Plane scheme for different numbers of scenario clusters and different dimensions of the original problem. Our computational experience shows that the CLD bound and its computational effort depend on the number of scenario clusters to consider. In any case, our results show that the CLD procedures outperform the traditional LD scheme for single scenarios both in the quality of the bounds and computational effort. All the procedures have been implemented in a C++ experimental code. A broad computational experience is reported on a test of randomly generated instances by using the MIP solvers COIN-OR and CPLEX for the auxiliary mixed 0-1 cluster submodels, this last solver within the open source engine COIN-OR. We also give computational evidence of the model tightening effect that the preprocessing techniques, cut generation and appending and parallel computing tools have in stochastic integer optimization. Finally, we have observed that the plain use of both solvers does not provide the optimal solution of the instances included in the testbed with which we have experimented but for two toy instances in affordable elapsed time. On the other hand the proposed procedures provide strong lower bounds (or the same solution value) in a considerably shorter elapsed time for the quasi-optimal solution obtained by other means for the original stochastic problem.


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We present a scheme to generate clusters submodels with stage ordering from a (symmetric or a nonsymmetric one) multistage stochastic mixed integer optimization model using break stage. We consider a stochastic model in compact representation and MPS format with a known scenario tree. The cluster submodels are built by storing first the 0-1 the variables, stage by stage, and then the continuous ones, also stage by stage. A C++ experimental code has been implemented for reordering the stochastic model as well as the cluster decomposition after the relaxation of the non-anticipativiy constraints until the so-called breakstage. The computational experience shows better performance of the stage ordering in terms of elapsed time in a randomly generated testbed of multistage stochastic mixed integer problems.


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Part I

Regression analyses are performed on in vivo hemodialysis data for the transfer of creatinine, urea, uric acid and inorganic phosphate to determine the effects of variations in certain parameters on the efficiency of dialysis with a Kiil dialyzer. In calculating the mass transfer rates across the membrane, the effects of cell-plasma mass transfer kinetics are considered. The concept of the effective permeability coefficient for the red cell membrane is introduced to account for these effects. A discussion of the consequences of neglecting cell-plasma kinetics, as has been done to date in the literature, is presented.

A physical model for the Kiil dialyzer is presented in order to calculate the available membrane area for mass transfer, the linear blood and dialysate velocities, and other variables. The equations used to determine the independent variables of the regression analyses are presented. The potential dependent variables in the analyses are discussed.

Regression analyses were carried out considering overall mass-transfer coefficients, dialysances, relative dialysances, and relative permeabilities for each substance as the dependent variables. The independent variables were linear blood velocity, linear dialysate velocity, the pressure difference across the membrane, the elapsed time of dialysis, the blood hematocrit, and the arterial plasma concentrations of each substance transferred. The resulting correlations are tabulated, presented graphically, and discussed. The implications of these correlations are discussed from the viewpoint of a research investigator and from the viewpoint of patient treatment.

Recommendations for further experimental work are presented.

Part II

The interfacial structure of concurrent air-water flow in a two-inch diameter horizontal tube in the wavy flow regime has been measured using resistance wave gages. The median water depth, r.m.s. wave height, wave frequency, extrema frequency, and wave velocity have been measured as functions of air and water flow rates. Reynolds numbers, Froude numbers, Weber numbers, and bulk velocities for each phase may be calculated from these measurements. No theory for wave formation and propagation available in the literature was sufficient to describe these results.

The water surface level distribution generally is not adequately represented as a stationary Gaussian process. Five types of deviation from the Gaussian process function were noted in this work. The presence of the tube walls and the relatively large interfacial shear stresses precludes the use of simple statistical analyses to describe the interfacial structure. A detailed study of the behavior of individual fluid elements near the interface may be necessary to describe adequately wavy two-phase flow in systems similar to the one used in this work.


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Long-term settlement of tunnels has caused concerns about its influence on tunnel safety and serviceability. Aiming to investigate the long-term behaviour of tunnels against the background of Shanghai metro line, two cases of centrifuge modelling were conducted, with efforts to expose the mechanism affecting the consolidation of the ground. Evenly layered ground and transitional ground strata were set for each case separately and the settlement, lining load and pore water pressure were checked against elapsed time up to 20 years. The results verified some previous findings concerning the settlement and lining load development trend, however, it was also shown that the transitional ground made the tunnel response more complicated. The research is expected to provide some basis for further research on other affecting factors, such as lining permeability. © 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, London.


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The integration and application of a new multi-objective tabu search optimization algorithm for Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) problems are presented. The aim is to enhance the computational design process for real world applications and to achieve higher performance of the whole system for the four considered objectives. The described system combines the optimizer with a well established FSI solver which is based on the fully implicit, monolithic formuFlation of the problem in the Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian FEM approach. The proposed solver resolves the proposed uid-structure interaction benchmark which describes the self-induced elastic deformation of a beam attached to a cylinder in laminar channel ow. The optimized ow characteristics of the aforementioned geometrical arrangement illustrate the performance of the system in two dimensions. Special emphasis is given to the analysis of the simulation package, which is of high accuracy and is the core of application. The design process identifies the best combination of ow features for optimal system behavior and the most important objectives. In addition, the presented methodology has the potential to run in parallel, which will significantly speed-up the elapsed time. Finite Element Method (FEM), Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI), Multi-Ojective Tabu search (MOTS2). Copyright © 2013 Tech Science Press.