999 resultados para educational facility


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This study examines how awareness of the interior architecture of a building, specifically daylighing, affects students academic performance. Extensive research has proven that the use of daylighting in a classroom can significantly enhance students’ academic success. The problem statement and purpose of this study is to determine if student awareness of daylighting in their learning environment affects academic performance compared to students with no knowledge of daylighting. Research and surveys in existing and newly constructed high schools were conducted to verify the results of this study. These design ideas and concepts could influence the architecture and design industry to advocate construction and building requirements that incorporate more sustainable design teaching techniques.


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[Conceptual Sketch], untitled. Blue ink sketch on steno pad paper, 6x9 inches [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]


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[Conceptual Sketches], untitled. Ink sketches on two sides of graph paper, 8 1/2 x 11 inches [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]


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Die Dissertation befasst sich mit der Geschichte des Arbeitserziehungslagers (AEL) Breitenau, das 1940 von der Gestapostelle Kassel auf dem Gelände der Landesarbeitsanstalt Breitenau in Guxhagen gegründet wurde und bis zum Kriegsende bestand. Darüber hinaus wird auch der Frage nachgegangen, wie nach der NS-Zeit mit der Geschichte des Lagers, den Opfern und den Tätern umgegangen wurde. Die Dissertation ist in drei Teile gegliedert. Der erste Teil gibt einen Überblick über die Geschichte der Geheimen Staatspolizeistelle Kassel, der das Lager unterstand und die als zentrale Verfolgungsbehörde für den Regierungsbezirk Kassel zuständig war. Dabei wird vor allem aufgezeigt, wie die Gestapostelle Kassel entstanden ist, wie sie aufgebaut war und wer die Leiter und Mitarbeiter während des Zweiten Weltkrieges waren, die die Verfolgungsmaßnahmen organisierten und durchführten. Der zweite Teil der Dissertation befasst sich mit der eigentlichen Lagergeschichte. Breitenau war eines der ersten Arbeitserziehungslager überhaupt. Die Hauptfunktion bestand darin, ausländische Zwangsarbeiter und Zwangsarbeiterinnen, die sich dem Arbeitseinsatz widersetzt hatten, durch harte Bestrafung gefügig zu machen. Gleichzeitig wurden in das AEL aber auch deutsche und ausländische Gefangene eingewiesen, die aus politischen, rassischen, religiösen oder weltanschaulichen Gründen verhaftet worden waren. Das Lager unterstand zwar der Geheimen Staatspolizei Kassel, wurde aber von den Bediensteten der Landesarbeitsanstalt mit geleitet. Im Verlaufe des Zweiten Weltkrieges waren im AEL Breitenau etwa 8.300 überwiegend ausländische Schutzhaftgefangene inhaftiert, unter denen sich ca. 1.900 Frauen und 6.400 Männer befanden. Bei den Einweisungen wirkten neben der Gestapostelle Kassel und der Gestapostelle Weimar zahlreiche Orts- und Kreispolizeibehörden mit, wodurch ein flächendeckender Verfolgungsapparat entstand. Insgesamt lassen sich über 1.000 letzte Wohnorte von Gefangenen ermitteln. Die Haft- und Lebensbedingungen im Lager waren vor allem für die ausländischen Gefangenen besonders unmenschlich, und es gab mehrere Todesfälle. Nachweislich wurden mehr als 750 Gefangene in Konzentrationslager deportiert, was für viele den Tod bedeutete. Außerdem wurden mindestens 18 polnische Gefangene von Angehörigen der Gestapo Kassel erhängt und noch unmittelbar vor Kriegsende ein Massenmord an 28 Gefangenen verübt. Erst mit dem Einmarsch der amerikanischen Soldaten am Ostersamstag 1945 wurde das Arbeitserziehungslager Breitenau endgültig aufgelöst. Im dritten Teil der Dissertation wird der Frage des Umgangs mit dem damaligen Geschehen nachgegangen. Dabei lässt sich feststellen, dass die Täter und Mittäter von deutschen Spruchkammern und Gerichten gar nicht oder kaum bestraft wurden. Gleichzeitig wurden ihnen verschiedene Möglichkeiten geboten, sich in die Gesellschaft zu integrieren. Die ehemaligen Gefangenen hatten dagegen keinen Anspruch auf Entschädigung, und auch eine gesellschaftliche Würdigung wurde ihnen versagt. Erst seit den 90er Jahren trat hier eine Veränderung ein, die allerdings für viele Verfolgte zu spät kam. Die Geschichte des Arbeitserziehungslagers Breitenau war viele Jahre verdrängt worden. Das Gelände diente bis 1949 als Landesarbeitsanstalt, dann als geschlossenes Erziehungsheim, und seit 1974 besteht dort eine psychiatrische Einrichtung. Erst 1979 wurde durch ein Forschungsprojekt an der Gesamthochschule Kassel die NS-Geschichte „wiederentdeckt“ und 1984 die Gedenkstätte Breitenau eingerichtet, die als Gedenk- und Bildungsort an das damalige Geschehen erinnert.


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Planos de emergência bem sucedidos devem ser funcionais, realistas, amigos do utilizador e inteligíveis. Este estudo descritivo tem como objetivo analisar a implementação de Medidas de Autoproteção (que passou a ser obrigatória, em Portugal, desde 2009) durante um período de cinco anos, num grande complexo escolar ocupado por 500 funcionários e 3000 crianças/alunos. Este estabelecimento de ensino consiste em vários edifícios desde a creche ao ensino secundário e está classificado numa categoria de risco de incêndio muito elevada. Desde 2009 até 2012 foram realizadas sessões de formação destinadas aos alunos e funcionários, bem como ações de formação sobre combate a incêndios e evacuação para as equipas de segurança. Como os exercícios de evacuação são cruciais para testar o plano de emergência e familiarizar o pessoal com as tarefas, todos os anos são realizados Simulacros de Incêndio. A fim de avaliar a sua eficácia foram recolhidos dados através de observação não participante, fotos e vídeos. A gestão de emergência neste estabelecimento escolar evidenciou ir para além das exigências legais e, ao dar um bom exemplo, tanto na escola como na comunidade, contribuiu para aumentar a segurança dos alunos e das suas famílias. / Successful emergency plans must be functional, realistic, user-friendly and understandable. This descriptive study aims to analyse the implementation of Fire Self-Protection Measures (which became mandatory, in Portugal, since 2009) during a five-year period in a large school compound occupied by 500 employees and 3000 children/students. This educational facility consists of several buildings from nursery school to high school and it’s classified in a very high fire risk category. Since 2009 until 2012 we carried out training sessions for students and school staff, as well as training courses about fire fighting and evacuation, for safety teams. Because evacuation drills are crucial for testing the emergency plan and to familiarize personnel with tasks, each year we do properly conducted fire drills. In order to evaluate it’s effectiveness, we collected data through non-participant observation, photos and videos. The school emergency management has proven to go beyond the legal requirements and by setting a good example both in school and community, it enhances the safety of students and their families.


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Problem Statement: Classroom facilities developed as new construction or renovation projects for UT System institutions tend to be developed as individual, ad hoc project. There are significant opportunities for process improvement is establishing standard business processes for developing Smart Classroom, establishing design standards and referring to prototype facilities developed at other institutions. [See PDF for complete abstract]


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This paper describes current issues in chemotherapy nursing practice in rural and remote Australia. There is a trend to refer chemotherapy clients back to their rural and remote health facility for treatment from major oncology centres in Australia. However, it is increasingly apparent that the majority of nurses administering chemotherapy in smaller centres lack the theoretical and clinical knowledge to ensure optimum client outcomes and nurse/client safety. There are also issues unique to rural and remote life which will influence optimum chemotherapy service delivery. The research program described in the paper will ascertain the education requirements of rural and remote nurses administering chemotherapy and the design and delivery of a chemotherapy education package specific to the rural and remote context. Similar programs will ensure the best standards of chemotherapy practice in non-metropolitan areas by enhancing the practical and theoretical knowledge base of rural and remote nurses.


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This article reports the evaluative findings of an Early Psychosis Education Program (EPEP) designed to support parents caring for their child who was recently admitted to the psychiatric intensive care unit of an inpatient mental health care facility in Australia. The EPEP offered education on mental illness, treatment options, and medication, as well as information on the recovery model of care. The EPEP was facilitated by two RNs and was evaluated for educational effectiveness using a simple pre- and postevaluation questionnaire. The evaluation revealed two themes expressed by parents: "We didn't see it coming," and "Hopelessness and helplessness." The themes highlighted the parents' lack of mental health care knowledge prior to the EPEP, which had a significant impact on the parents' experiences and well-being. The evaluative findings highlighted a need for a nurse-led EPEP within the community. A community EPEP has the potential to strengthen the partnership between parents, families, and mental health service providers and to help with the provision of a recovery framework of care.


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The ways of incorporating newcoming students into schools and colleges have been at the center of debate in most OECD countries in recent years. In Spain, the set of measures developed for the reception of immigrant pupils in different Autonomous Communities has also been the subject of specific research, pointing out the similarities and contradictions between pedagogic discourses and school practices. This article takes into account these considerations and presents the reflections from the results of research on the Educational Welcome Facilities (and specifically the EBE) conducted during the school years 2008-2010. This device was created in Catalonia to attend newcomers before enrolling them in the school. It was a pilot project which took place in Vic and Reus for two consecutive years. The research of the EBE has enabled us to explain the relationship between educational assessment that schools made about this facility and reception processes that schools were implementing. The conclusions that emerge from this analysis allowed us to establish relationships between educational host practices of the seven centers analyzed with three different conceptual and educational frameworks of reception.


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Objective: To assess the effect of provision of free glasses on academic performance in rural Chinese children with myopia. Design: Cluster randomized, investigator masked, controlled trial.Setting 252 primary schools in two prefectures in western China, 2012-13. Participants: 3177 of 19 934 children in fourth and fifth grades (mean age 10.5 years) with visual acuity <6/12 in either eye without glasses correctable to >6/12 with glasses. 3052 (96.0%) completed the study.Interventions Children were randomized by school (84 schools per arm) to one of three interventions at the beginning of the school year: prescription for glasses only (control group), vouchers for free glasses at a local facility, or free glasses provided in class. Main outcome measures: Spectacle wear at endline examination and end of year score on a specially designed mathematics test, adjusted for baseline score and expressed in standard deviations. Results: Among 3177 eligible children, 1036 (32.6%) were randomized to control, 988 (31.1%) to vouchers, and 1153 (36.3%) to free glasses in class. All eligible children would benefit from glasses, but only 15% wore them at baseline. At closeout glasses wear was 41% (observed) and 68% (self reported) in the free glasses group, and 26% (observed) and 37% (self reported) in the controls. Effect on test score was 0.11 SD (95% confidence interval 0.01 to 0.21) when the free glasses group was compared with the control group. The adjusted effect of providing free glasses (0.10, 0.002 to 0.19) was greater than parental education (0.03, −0.04 to 0.09) or family wealth (0.01, −0.06 to 0.08). This difference between groups was significant, but was smaller than the prespecified 0.20 SD difference that the study was powered to detect. Conclusions: The provision of free glasses to Chinese children with myopia improves children’s performance on mathematics testing to a statistically significant degree, despite imperfect compliance, although the observed difference between groups was smaller than the study was originally designed to detect. Myopia is common and rarely corrected in this setting. Trial Registration: Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN03252665.


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Purpose: Online education has been growing rapidly, but has not had the benefit of the extensive teaching pedagogy development of traditional face-to-face teaching. This paper aims to provide a review of the current literature and present the results of a survey, conducted to determine the effectiveness of a graduate online subject. Design/methodology/approach: The literature was reviewed to identify measures of success and quality in online education delivery. These measures were then considered in relation to their application in practice via a case study based around a survey conducted at Deakin University in Australia. Findings: A total of 16 relevant measures of teaching quality were identified in the literature. Most measures had elements of bias and some were more generally applicable to online learning. The case study suggested that the value of computer mediated learning in an online environment was limited and that a combination of print and computer mediated conferencing performed better in more of the identified quality matrices. Practice implications: Online learning does not save teaching resources if standards of quality are maintained. It can be used to provide a remote teaching facility, provided it is backed up by resources such as printed study guides. For the subject evaluated, online mediated learning did not the provide the same quality of education. Originality/value: Whilst some research has been conducted in this area, no substantive grounded theory has been applied to postgraduate or fee-paying online education regimes. As a result, case studies of such applications can be very helpful in the design of future teaching systems.


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This article focuses on the tensions between national and international testing, educational policy and professionalism for middle school English teachers. I argue that state and federal government(s) are responding to the impact of Australia's falling results on the international testing in PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) through the usage of their own testing program, the National Assessment Program for Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). The publication of NAPLAN results on the MySchool website in a searchable and comparable form has been detrimental to many schools and has pushed these schools into "emergency mode", as they struggle to improve their scores. At the same time, the results from recent PISA examinations reveal extensive inequities in educational outcomes across Australia, as well as some consistent general trends in the Australian data. I use the metaphor of the hospital emergency department to explore this situation. Drawing on Sahlberg's (2011) notion of the Global Educational Reform Movement (GERM), I explore this metaphor becoming a pandemic. I draw on Gillborn and Youdell's (2000) usage of educational triage and cast different and multiple educational professionals playing the role of the triage nurse-the alternate federal and state government education ministers responding to international and state test results in triage; and principals of poor performing schools operating their school as though it is an emergency department; poor literacy results triaged Code Red receiving immediate focus and attention, but "treated" in terms of immediate survival and a focus on basic skills. I argue that the international testing provides better markers for how we are doing as a nation, and what might be done to improve our international standing with respect to our literacy scores. I argue that true gains in literacy and the development of more complex literacy skills are not made through triaging literacy through an emergency department, but through a long-term focus on school redesign.


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This descriptive, cross-sectional and quantitative study presents an analysis of knowledge acquired by mastectomized women concerning breast cancer after reading an educational handbook. The sample was composed of 125 women. Data were collected in a specialized cancer facility in three phases: preparatory, operational I and operational II. As to the knowledge acquired, the posttest showed an 11% increase in the number of correct answers compared to the pretest. The most frequent correct answer regarded a question asking the name of the surgery (97.60%) while the question concerning breast reconstruction obtained the lowest number of correct answers (58.40%). Answers to all the questions significantly improved in the posttest, with the exception of a question addressing breast reconstruction (p=0.754). The assessment of knowledge showed positive results after reading, suggesting that cognition is essential to understanding and adhering to guidance, thus the handbook is a favorable resource to be used in the rehabilitation of mastectomized women.


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Harley & Ellington, architects. W.E. Wood Co., contractor. Built from July 1940 to January 1942. Built jointly for the Engineering Society of Detroit and the University as an Extension Service facility in Detroit. Funded by the Horace H. and Mary A. Rackham Fund. Sculptures on exterior by Marshall Fredericks.


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Harley & Ellington, architect. W.E. Wood Co., contractor. Built from July 1940 to January 1942. Built jointly for the Engineering Society of Detroit and the University as an Extension Service facility in Detroit. Funded by the Horace H. and Mary A. Rackham Fund. Sculptures on exterior by Marshall Fredericks. Five gentlemen standing on building steps.