989 resultados para economic immigration


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La plupart des personnes qui émigrent au Québec le font à travers un processus administratif qui sélectionne celles qui sont estimées le plus capables de s’intégrer à la société québécoise et dont les compétences professionnelles sont le plus susceptibles d’être économiquement rentabilisées par le pays. Au terme de ce processus, ces personnes sélectionnées obtiennent la résidence permanente. Avant même leur entrée sur le territoire québécois, elles échangent des documents avec les ministères canadien et québécois de l’immigration et passent une entrevue de sélection avec un fonctionnaire, entre autres démarches. Une fois au Québec, elles poursuivent ce processus en suivant des cours de formation sur la culture et les valeurs québécoises. À l’appui d’une approche ethnographique, ce mémoire plonge dans l’expérience de quelques-uns de ces immigrants, pour comprendre la façon dont l’État s’actualise au cours de ses relations avec les individus. Ce travail rend compte de la manière dont, dans le cadre de procédures qui se développent sous une matrice d’hospitalité, l’attribution de la catégorie de « résident permanent » ainsi que les interactions face-à-face configurent un espace bureaucratique structuré par des références à la culture. À travers le processus de sélection, les individus deviennent ainsi les « eux » d’un « nous » Québécois ou Canadiens. Le désir d’intégrer ces immigrants devient réalité au prix de leur construction comme Autres.


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Brazil has demonstrated resilience in relation to the recent economic crises and has an auspicious development potential projected for the coming decades, which, linked to the globalization process, provides important opportunities for our people. Gradually we have established ourselves as one of the leading nations in the world and we have become a reference in questions linked to economic equilibrium, development, energy, agriculture and the environment. This international recognition favors the exchange of experiences with other cultures, governments and organizations, bringing with it the possibility of stimulating a dynamic process of development and innovation.


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Over the past 20 years, the economic landscape has changed dramatically in Spain, undergoing a growth explosion and a subsequent decline which has led to the current economic crisis. This growth has led to heavy immigration from both developed and developing countries, which provided skilled and unskilled labour. This article aims to analyze the impact of immigrant students at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, pondering the effect that the economic crisis is having and will have on this group, and evaluating the implementation of new plans of Bologna. We analyze the enrolment at the UPM and particularize to the Civil Engineering school (previous EUITOP), crossing with the effect of the economic crisis on foreign students. The exponential increase of foreign students, most of them from Latin American and born in Spain, and students of European countries that have started to register considerably from 2002 and 2003, lead us to consider a renewal in certain areas of learning, and to exploit the possibility of interaction with other countries so successful through the acquisition of transversal skills, as well as to guide and improve, support and integrate these groups at our university Keywords: knowledge, learning, Bologna, academic record


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by Isaac A. Hourwich.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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"April 1983."


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How immigration affects the labor market of the host country is a topic of major concern for many immigrant-receiving nations. Spain is no exception following the rapid increase in immigrant flows experienced over the past decade. We assess the impact of immigration on Spanish natives’ income by estimating the net immigration surplus accruing at the national level and at high immigrant-receiving regions while taking into account the imperfect substitutability of immigrant and native labor. Specifically, using information on the occupational densities of immigrants and natives of different skill levels, we develop a mapping of immigrant-to-native self-reported skills that reveals the combination of natives across skills that would be equivalent to an immigrant of a given self-reported skill level, which we use to account for any differences between immigrant self-reported skill levels and their effective skills according to the Spanish labor market. We find that the immigrant surplus amounts to 0.04 percent of GDP at the national level and it is even higher for some of the main immigrant-receiving regions, such as Cataluña, Valencia, Madrid, and Murcia.