999 resultados para ecologia populacional


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A pesquisa teve como objetivos caracterizar aspectos populacionais de Aegla franciscana Buckup & Rossi, 1977 que ocorre em corpos d'água do planalto sul-rio-grandense, onde foram analisados a distribuição de freqüência em classes de tamanho, a proporção sexual, o período reprodutivo através da freqüência de fêmeas ovígeras, o recrutamento e a fecundidade da espécie. As amostragens foram realizadas sazonalmente, no arroio Rolante, município de São Francisco de Paula, RS. Os eglídeos foram coletados com puçás, medidos e devolvidos ao arroio. Foram amostrados 1.322 exemplares, sendo 567 machos, 579 fêmeas e 176 animais com sexo indefinido. Machos e fêmeas foram agrupados em classes de comprimento do cefalotórax (CC), onde foi observada distribuição bimodal. A amplitude do comprimento do cefalotórax dos machos variou de 3,86 mm a 22,09 mm e o das fêmeas de 4,06 mm a 22,48 mm, sendo que os machos apresentaram tamanho mediano (10,36 mm) superior ao das fêmeas (9,89 mm). A proporção sexual foi de 1:1 (chi2 = 0,03; p>0,05). Na análise da proporção sexual, por classes de tamanho, observou-se que os machos são mais freqüentes nas classes superiores e as fêmeas nas classes intermediárias. O primeiro registro do surgimento de juvenis na população ocorreu no verão e de fêmeas ovígeras no outono, estas ocorrendo mais freqüentemente no inverno. As fêmeas ovígeras produzem em média 123,3 ± 47,8 ovos; observou-se correlação entre o comprimento do cefalotórax das fêmeas ovígeras e o número de ovos (r = 0,81).


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A presente dissertação de mestrado teve como objetivos verificar o efeito da inundação sobre os adultos de Efflagitatus freudei Pacheco, 1973 pelas marés de ressaca; caracterizar os tipos de túneis realizados pela espécie no substrato e descrever a dinâmica populacional de E. freudei, analisando a sua distribuição espacial e temporal em função de alguns parâmetros ambientais. Para tanto, foram realizadas amostragens e observações quinzenais na praia de Rondinha, Arroio do Sal, RS (29°29’55”S - 49°50’47”O), entre junho de 1999 e julho de 2000. Também foram realizados experimentos em laboratório. Os adultos apresentaram sobrevivência de 100% à inundação, entretanto apresentaram dois tipos de comportamento: permanecer dentro dos túneis ou abandonar a área inundada através de vôo. Foram encontrados três tipos de túneis: horizontais, verticais com uma saída e verticais com duas saídas. Em relação aos túneis verticais houve diferença na profundidade dos mesmos em relação ao estágio de desenvolvimento e à localização no perfil da praia. O padrão de distribuição da espécie variou durante o ano. No inverno os animais estavam retraídos à região superior da praia. Na primavera migraram para a região central da praia e colonizaram praticamente toda a faixa praial até o verão. No outono, a população voltou a subir para a região ocupada no inverno anterior. No inverno foram encontrados apenas adultos; os estágios imaturos surgiram na primavera e ocorreram até metade do outono. As densidades máximas para posturas e larvas foram encontradas na primavera; já para adultos e pupas, os valores máximos foram registrados no outono. A espécie mostrou-se extremamente adaptada à dinâmica da praia, através da construção de túneis efetivos na proteção de inundação e da capacidade de acompanhar as modificações da faixa praial.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Four areas are known as of frequent usage by Guiana dolphins (Sotalia guianensis) in the south coast of Rio Grande do Norte state, northeast Brazil: Tabatinga, Pipa, Lagoa de Guaraíras and Baia Formosa. This extension of 40 km of shoreline is under increasing anthropogenic impacts due to continuous development of the coastal areas and vessel traffic. The objective of this study was to investigate aspects of population biology and habitat use of the population of Sotalia guianensis in the south coast of Rio Grande do Norte. It was applied the photo-identification technique and posterior methods of capture-recapture for population estimation (POPAN extension in MARK). The distribution, movement and site fidelity of the dolphins were analyzed trough the geographic information system (GIS) and group characteristics and behavior trough non-parametric statistics. Field work was conducted on board a 10m motor vessel from March 2008 to March 2009. Photo-identification effort was 329h with 113h of direct observation of the dolphins. The population estimatives for each area: Tabatinga: 75 (63-92); Pipa 105 (88-129); Lagoa de Guaraíras: 27 (18-54) e Baia Formosa: 112 (89-129) individuals. Total population estimative was: 223 (192 a 297). High site fidelity was detected for only part of the population (<15%) as low site fidelity and transients individuals were also detected (>20%). It was observed frequent movements between Tabatinga, Lagoa de Guaraíras and Pipa, but not Baía Formosa. This suggests a division in two communities along this shore extension: one in Pipa and other in Baía Formosa. Group size was small, most groups with up to 10 dolphins. The areas were use intensively, only in Lagoa de Guaraíras dolphins were not seen in all field trips. Lagoa de Guaraíras is an area used by small groups exclusively for foraging. In Tabatinga and Pipa dolphins concentrated close to the shore, in the inner sector of the area and the main activity is also foraging. Significant larger groups were seen in socializing behavior but there was no difference in group size between the inner and external sectors of the area. The presence of calves and juveniles were significant greater in the inner areas of Tabatinga and Pipa, confirming the hypothesis that these beaches are also used for parental care. In Baia Formosa dolphins concentrated in the outer sector and foraging was also predominant. Significant larger groups were seen in the outer sector, mainly engaged in mixed behaviors of travel/foraging, possibly in some kind of group foraging. Calves and juveniles were significant more present in the outer sector where group size was also larger. In general there was no difference in area usage and period of the day. Sotalia guianensis has characteristics that make the species vulnerable to human activities such as small population concentrated in patches of suitable habitats restrict to coastal areas. We hope that this study bring new information for the species and help for the adequate management of the area in order to assure the presence of the dolphins as well as its behavior pattern and gene flow betweencommunities.


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The variation in the proportion of reproductive branches, fruit, and seed production of Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) R. Br. (Convolvulaceae) were evaluated at ten beaches on Santa Catarina Island, state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Three patches per beach of Ipomoea pes-caprae were monitored, involving two reproductive cycles. Ipomoea pes-caprae presented initially an average length of patches of 14 m, with 9.6 branches/m² and 39% of reproductive branches. The proportion of reproductive branches varied between the cycles, but there was not noticed an alternation of reproductive effort between the subsequent cycles. There was a reduction in the percentage of reproductive branches at six localities. In four beaches where Ipomoea pes-caprae populations declined, occurred reduction in the reproductive vigor, and in the seed production, being these declines associated to strong sea erosion. In another hand, in one beach with population increase, there were little reproductive branches due to the occurrence of young stolons. Four patches never maturated fruits, being three of these located at small beaches. The fruit and seed productions in the patches showed values up to 40 fruits/m² and up to 140 seeds/m², respectively. Populations with great seed production were localized in areas adjacent to great coastal plains, which may represent potential seed sources for areas with small seed production in the island.


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O conhecimento dos padrões de dispersão populacional de Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith), a mais importante praga do milho, no Brasil, é fundamental para o estabelecimento de técnicas eficientes de monitoramento e manejo. Este trabalho objetivou conhecer a distribuição espacial da praga na cultura. A distribuição espacial foi avaliada em cinco campos experimentais, de um hectare cada, divididos em 100 unidades experimentais, onde se avaliaram de cinco a dez plantas por parcela. Foi testado o ajuste das frequências observadas às esperadas, de acordo com as distribuições de Poisson, Binomial Negativa e Binomial Positiva. Spodoptera frugiperda ocorreu em elevados índices populacionais na área amostral, com correlação significativa entre a nota de injúria 3 e o número de lagartas médias, o que também ocorreu para o número de plantas infestadas com pelo menos uma lagarta média. Não houve correlação significativa entre a nota de injúria 3 e lagartas pequenas. O modelo que melhor se aproximou dos dados de distribuição da oviposição foi a Binomial Positiva, enquanto a disposição espacial de lagartas, atacando a espiga, foi descrita como aleatória. O modelo de distribuição Binomial Positiva foi o que melhor representou a distribuição espacial da população de plantas infestadas; a distribuição das lagartas de tamanho médio teve padrão de distribuição agregada.


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Este estudo explora a maturação de gametas e biometria de Phragmatopoma caudata Krøyer in Mörch, 1863 para endossar uma metodologia e oferecer uma técnica adequada para estudos que objetivam avaliar a ecologia populacional. A análise de correlação de Pearson confirmou a relação positiva (r = 0,90, P <0,0001) entre o comprimento do corpo e o comprimento da coroa opercular. Indivíduos com opercular crown < 0,9 mm podem ser considerados como juvenil devido à ausência de gametas. Portanto, utilizando-se o método aprovado para separar as classes de tamanho, a população dos recifes de P. caudata no Parque Estadual Xixová-Japuí (PEJX) na Baía de Santos, Estado de São Paulo, foi examinada durante dois anos, com o objetivo de analisar a densidade populacional e o padrão sazonal da classe juvenil. Em período de elevadas taxas de juvenis, a densidade populacional atingiu 128.115 ind./m², porém, a média foi 65.090±22.033 ind./m². As análises estatísticas (Kruskal-Wallis H = 18,475, p < 0,01) revelaram existir variação significativa na composição juvenil entre as estações chuvosa e seca. Apesar da presença de juvenis em meses de seca, as estações chuvosas contemplaram 92,1% dos juvenis amostrados. O padrão de juvenis observado pode estar relacionado com fatores biológicos (e.g. gametogênese e ciclo de vida) e abióticos (e.g. suprimento alimentar e correntes marinhas). Estes resultados destacam a necessidade de programas de monitoramento de longo prazo que integrem elementos ecológicos e abióticos, a fim de obter uma compreensão mais completa da ecologia desse poliqueta e ajudar a gerenciar a biodiversidade marinha do PEJX.


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Tourism in the Northeast of Brazil was introduced as an alternative economic development for the Region by federal promoting policies that focused primarily in structuring the local geographic area. With the completion of these structuring actions, mass tourism expanding the area, as well as spread actions based on cooperation and formalization of governance institutions. This study aimed to examine the relationship between the life cycle of the tourism product 'Coastal Cities of Natal and the cooperation strategies in a historical perspective. Thus was submitted to the life cycle of the tourism product 'Coastal Cities of Natal ; the major projects of tourism development were mapped, the existing cooperation strategies were characterized, and investigated the influence of the cooperation actions for the current stage of product. The specific theoretical support to tourism was built on the perspective of the Theory of Population Ecology, System of Tourism and Touristic Product Life Cycle. Regarding to cooperation the theoretical foundation addressed issues of strategy, New Forms and Collective Efficiency. The survey consisted of a causal descriptive study, using a case study. We used the qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches, and data collected by consulting of secondary data and semistructured interviews with twelve staff working in tourism in Natal. Results showed that the life cycle graph of product 'Coastal Cities of Natal is moving from one stage of growth to a stage of maturity, with a primary upward trend and with crises that are up over the graph. They have been mapped six of tourism development projects of relevance to the product: The Politics of Mega Projects, PRODETUR/NE, Municipalization National Program of Tourism, Regionalization Program, Urbanization Project Beach do Meio and Actions for the Promotion of Destiny. They have been identified sixty-four participating players in process of tourism development, which twenty were considered relevant to the respondents. The main strategies identified for cooperation were the consortium, collective strategy and clusters. Results indicated that co-operation strategies were adopted so that the benefits were obtained at the collective level, dedicated to the strengthening of Natal Destiny and its products. The main reasons were the need of cooperative marketing, international market entry and actions inducing the state. Finally, it was concluded that strategies for cooperation related to product life cycle 'Coastal Cities of Natal' as that work in the consolidation of projects for development of tourism, when the efficiency of collective action is achieved


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Tourism in the Northeast of Brazil was introduced as an alternative economic development for the Region by federal promoting policies that focused primarily in structuring the local geographic area. With the completion of these structuring actions, mass tourism expanding the area, as well as spread actions based on cooperation and formalization of governance institutions. This study aimed to examine the relationship between the life cycle of the tourism product 'Coastal Cities of Natal and the cooperation strategies in a historical perspective. Thus was submitted to the life cycle of the tourism product 'Coastal Cities of Natal ; the major projects of tourism development were mapped, the existing cooperation strategies were characterized, and investigated the influence of the cooperation actions for the current stage of product. The specific theoretical support to tourism was built on the perspective of the Theory of Population Ecology, System of Tourism and Touristic Product Life Cycle. Regarding to cooperation the theoretical foundation addressed issues of strategy, New Forms and Collective Efficiency. The survey consisted of a causal descriptive study, using a case study. We used the qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches, and data collected by consulting of secondary data and semistructured interviews with twelve staff working in tourism in Natal. Results showed that the life cycle graph of product 'Coastal Cities of Natal is moving from one stage of growth to a stage of maturity, with a primary upward trend and with crises that are up over the graph. They have been mapped six of tourism development projects of relevance to the product: The Politics of Mega Projects, PRODETUR/NE, Municipalization National Program of Tourism, Regionalization Program, Urbanization Project Beach do Meio and Actions for the Promotion of Destiny. They have been identified sixty-four participating players in process of tourism development, which twenty were considered relevant to the respondents. The main strategies identified for cooperation were the consortium, collective strategy and clusters. Results indicated that co-operation strategies were adopted so that the benefits were obtained at the collective level, dedicated to the strengthening of Natal Destiny and its products. The main reasons were the need of cooperative marketing, international market entry and actions inducing the state. Finally, it was concluded that strategies for cooperation related to product life cycle 'Coastal Cities of Natal' as that work in the consolidation of projects for development of tourism, when the efficiency of collective action is achieved


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This study aimed to evaluate the population ecology of Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris (Linnaeus, 1766) in two urban areas in the north of Paraná, an open and other protected by assessing the effects of these two different types of environments on the structure and dynamics of the population and its implications for conservation of the species. The monitoring of the populations were performed monthly between June 2014 and March 2015 in Jaboti Lake Park (Apucarana / PR) and Conservation Unit Parque Arthur Thomas (Londrina / PR). To conduct the survey population data was used the methodology of total census (direct counting of individuals).They were evaluated ecological parameters of the populations of capybaras, such as ecological density, abundance, age distribution and birth rate, as well as performed the analysis of the landscape. It was applied to analysis of variance (ANOVA) to test the differences between the averages of the abundance of each age group per year of observation, as well as the differences between the average ecological density over the years of observation. The standard relationship between the use of classes and land use in the landscape and the ecological parameters of the capybara populations was evaluated by Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The trend of variation of average abundance over time to Thomas Arthur Park revealed abrupt decrease of the population in a short period of time (2014 16 ± 9, 14 ± 1 and 2015 7±1) as well as ecological density in 2015 (0.05 ind./ha). On the other hand, the Jaboti Lake Park, showed an increase in absolute abundance, with marked recovery of the population in the same period (2014 38±8,30 and 2015 45±1,73) and coming up with an ecological density in 2015 (2 ind ./ha). The birth rate found Lake Park Jaboti was superior to Arthur Thomas Park, which had a negative rate between 2012 and 2015. The use and land cover analysis showed significant differences from the point of view of the relative contribution of landscape elements in the spatial heterogeneity. Arthur Thomas Park shows areas of dense vegetation and urban areas relatively higher than those observed in Jaboti Lake Park that revealed relatively higher proportions of the areas of agriculture / field and exposed soil. Thus, the present study revealed that the local population structure is directly related to the spatial characteristics of both studied landscapes, as can be seen by the greater abundance and density seen in Jaboti Lake Park compared to Arthur Thomas Park in recent years of study.