9 resultados para ebselen


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Interleukin-1 (IL-1) may be a mediator of β-cell damage in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). The IL-1 mechanism of action on insulin-producing cells probably includes activation of the transcription nuclear factor κB (NF-κB), increased transcription of the inducible form of nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and the subsequent production of nitric oxide (NO). Reactive oxygen intermediates, particularly H2O2, have been proposed as second messengers for NF-κB activation. In the present study, we tested whether ebselen (2-phenyl-1,2-benzisoselenazol-3(2H)-one), a glutathione peroxidase mimicking compound, could counteract the effects of IL-1β, H2O2 and alloxan in rat pancreatic islets and in the rat insulinoma cell line RINm5F (RIN cells). Some of these experiments were also reproduced in human pancreatic islets. Ebselen (20 μM) prevented the increase in nitrite production by rat islets exposed to IL-1β for 6 hr and induced significant protection against the acute inhibitory effects of alloxan or H2O2 exposure, as judged by the preserved glucose oxidation rates. However, ebselen failed to prevent the increase in nitrite production and the decrease in glucose oxidation and insulin release by rat islets exposed to IL-1β for 24 hr. Ebselen prevented the increase in nitrite production by human islets exposed for 14 hr to a combination of cytokines (IL-1β, tumor necrosis factor-α and interferon-γ). In RIN cells, ebselen counteracted both the expression of iNOS mRNA and the increase in nitrite production induced by 6 hr exposure to IL-β but failed to block IL-1β-induced iNOS expression following 24 hr exposure to the cytokine. Moreover, ebselen did not prevent IL-1β-induced NF-κB activation. As a whole, these data indicate that ebselen partially counteracts cytokine-induced NOS activation in pancreatic β-cells, an effect not associated with inhibition of NF-κB activation.


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The effects of an experimental model of hydrogen-peroxide-induced foot pad oedema on indices of oxidative damage to biomolecules have been investigated. We have demonstrated increased levels of fluorescent protein and lipid peroxides occurring in plasma at 24 and 48 h post-injection. In addition, a decrease in the degree of galactosylation of IgG was observed which kinetically related the degree of inflammation and to the increase in protein autofluorescence (a specific index of oxidative damage). The effects of ebselen, a novel organoselenium compound which protects against oxidative tissue injury in a glutathione-peroxidase-like manner, have also been examined in this model. Pretreatment of animals with a dose of 50 mg/kg ebselen afforded significant and selective protection against lipid peroxidation only. This effect may contribute to the anti-inflammatory effect of this agent in hydroperoxide-linked tissue damage.


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Abnormal development can lead to deficits in adult brain function, a trajectory likely underlying adolescent-onset psychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia. Developmental manipulations yielding adult deficits in rodents provide an opportunity to explore mechanisms involved in a delayed emergence of anomalies driven by developmental alterations. Here we assessed whether oxidative stress during presymptomatic stages causes adult anomalies in rats with a neonatal ventral hippocampal lesion, a developmental rodent model useful for schizophrenia research. Juvenile and adolescent treatment with the antioxidant N-acetyl cysteine prevented the reduction of prefrontal parvalbumin interneuron activity observed in this model, as well as electrophysiological and behavioral deficits relevant to schizophrenia. Adolescent treatment with the glutathione peroxidase mimic ebselen also reversed behavioral deficits in this animal model. These findings suggest that presymptomatic oxidative stress yields abnormal adult brain function in a developmentally compromised brain, and highlight redox modulation as a potential target for early intervention.


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Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), a proinflammatory cytokine, is considered an attractive therapeutic target in multiple inflammatory and autoimmune disorders. In addition to its known biologic activities, MIF can also function as a tautomerase. Several small molecules have been reported to be effective inhibitors of MIF tautomerase activity in vitro. Herein we employed a robust activity-based assay to identify different classes of novel inhibitors of the catalytic and biological activities of MIF. Several novel chemical classes of inhibitors of the catalytic activity of MIF with IC(50) values in the range of 0.2-15.5 microm were identified and validated. The interaction site and mechanism of action of these inhibitors were defined using structure-activity studies and a battery of biochemical and biophysical methods. MIF inhibitors emerging from these studies could be divided into three categories based on their mechanism of action: 1) molecules that covalently modify the catalytic site at the N-terminal proline residue, Pro(1); 2) a novel class of catalytic site inhibitors; and finally 3) molecules that disrupt the trimeric structure of MIF. Importantly, all inhibitors demonstrated total inhibition of MIF-mediated glucocorticoid overriding and AKT phosphorylation, whereas ebselen, a trimer-disrupting inhibitor, additionally acted as a potent hyperagonist in MIF-mediated chemotactic migration. The identification of biologically active compounds with known toxicity, pharmacokinetic properties, and biological activities in vivo should accelerate the development of clinically relevant MIF inhibitors. Furthermore, the diversity of chemical structures and mechanisms of action of our inhibitors makes them ideal mechanistic probes for elucidating the structure-function relationships of MIF and to further determine the role of the oligomerization state and catalytic activity of MIF in regulating the function(s) of MIF in health and disease.


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Os mecanismos envolvidos nas atividades toxicológicas e/ou farmacológicas dos compostos orgânicos de selênio são pouco conhecidos. Os compostos orgânicos de selênio (disseleneto de difenila e ebselen) e organotelúrio (ditelureto de difenila) foram alvo dos trabalhos realizados“in vitro”, neste estudo. Os compostos organocalcogênios apresentaram efeitos diversos sobre o influxo de 45Ca2+ medido em sinaptossomas de cérebro de rato, dependendo das condições e agentes despolarizantes usados. Ebselen, (PhSe)2 e (PhTe)2 alteram a captação de 45Ca2+ de maneira distinta quando expostos a aminopiridina ou KCl. Enquanto (PhTe)2 inibe a captação de cálcio em todas as condições experimentadas, (PhSe)2, apresenta este efeito apenas quando incubado em condições basais ou sob a ação de aminopiridina. Ebselen, por sua vez, aumenta a captação de cálcio em altas concentrações em condições basais e sob a ação de aminopiridina, porém, apresenta efeito inverso quando os sinaptossomas são despolarizados por KCl. Ebselen evitou a inibição da captação de 45Ca2+ “in vitro” provocada por cloreto de mercúrio(HgCl) em sinaptossomas de cérebro de rato em condições basais do ensaio, no entanto, ebselen não afetou a inibição da captação de glutamato “in vitro” por HgCl, indicando que ebselen pode atuar dependendo das proteínas-alvo consideradas.Os compostos de mercúrio, MeHg e HgCl, inibiram a captação de glutamato em córtex cerebral de ratos de 17 dias e ebselen reverteu somente o efeito do MeHg porém, não, o do HgCl. Disseleneto de difenila não alterou os parâmetros avaliados na exposição de ambos os compostos de mercúrio.Os compostos de mercúrio estudados provocaram a morte celular das fatias de córtex, porém, ebselen protegeu as fatias dos efeitos lesivos provocados por MeHg e não pelo HgCl.


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O Diabetes Mellitus é uma síndrome metabólica caracterizada por hiperglicemia crônica e, esta por sua vez, contribui para o desenvolvimento das complicações secundárias freqüentemente observadas nos pacientes diabeticos. O estresse oxidativo decorrente dessa hiperglicemia é um dos principais fatores envolvidos na fisiopatologia dessas complicações. Vários estudos comprovam o efeito nocivo in vivo e in vitro de concentrações altas de glicose sobre diferentes tecidos e órgãos. Enzimas sulfidrílicas como δ-aminolevulinato desidratase (δ-ALAD), lactato desidrogenase (LDH) e succinato desidrogenase (SDH), são altamente sensíveis a elementos pró-oxidantes. Uma freqüente coexistência entre Diabetes mellitus e porfiria tem sido observada em humanos e em animais experimentais, o que pode estar ligado à inibição da δ-ALA-D observada em diabéticos. Este estudo tem como objetivos induzir estresse oxidativo in vivo com exercício físico intenso ou dieta contendo altos níveis de sacarose e in vitro e com altas concentrações de açúcares redures e avaliar seus efeitos sobre os níveis de lipoperoxidação, fragilidade osmótica dos eritrócitos, atividade de enzimas antioxidantes (catalase e superóxido dismutase) e enzimas sulfidrílicas (δ-ALA-D, LDH e SDH), verificar o efeito de um antioxidante seleno-orgânico (ebselen) e a suplementação de selênio sobre a atividade destas enzimas, bem como avaliar o possível papel terapêutico do ebselen sobre a fragilidade osmótica dos eritrócitos. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo demonstram que eritrócitos de pessoas com diabetes descontrolado são mais sensíveis ao choque osmótico que eritrócitos de pacientes com diabetes controlado e eritrócitos de pessoas saudáveis. Além disso, uma função protetora do ebselen contra a fragilidade osmótica, indica que eritrócitos de pessoas com diabetes descontrolada estão expostos a um aumento na produção de radicais livres in vivo. O ebselen também apresentou propriedade de inibir a glicação in vitro. O exercício físico intenso associado à deficiência de selênio, é capaz de diminuir a atividade das enzimas sulfidrílicas. No entanto, exercício físico moderado de menor intensidade melhora a sencibilidade à insulina em camundongos com resistência à insulina, previne contra fatores nocivos comumente encontrados no diabetes como ganho de peso corporal e acúmulo de gordura abdominal não é capaz de afetar atividade da -ALA-D. Através dos 2 modelos experimentais utilizados, modelo de indução de peroxidação lipídica em eritrócitos incubados com concentrações elevadas de açúcares redutores in vitro e modelo de indução de resistência à insulina em animais treinados e sedentários, pode-se concluir que: A incubação de eritrócitos in vitro com altas concentrações de glicose ou frutose leva a um aumento na lipoperoxidação e contribui para a diminuição da atividade de enzimas tiólicas provavelmente por oxidação dos seus grupos –SH. O exercício físico associado com baixos níveis de selênio na dieta prejudica a atividade de enzimas tiólicas como -ALA-D e SDH. O exercício físico de intensidade moderada aumenta a sensibilidade à insulina em camundongos com resistência à insulina induzida pela dieta com sacarose e previne contra o ganho de peso corporal e aumento do índice de gordura abdominal.


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Für die Krebsentstehung sind nach heutigen Vorstellungen Mutationen in bestimmten Genen somatischer Zellen verantwortlich, die ihrerseits durch chemische Modifikationen der DNA (DNA-Schäden) verursacht werden. Von besonderem Interesse als DNA-schädigende Agentien sind reaktive Sauerstoffspezies (ROS), die endogen - wie z.B. in der Lipidperoxidation oder mitochondrialen Atmungskette - oder exogen - z.B. durch Arzneimittel oder andere aus der Umwelt stammende Chemikalien - gebildet werden können. Dem Schutz der DNA vor dieser Schädigung und ihren Folgen dienen antioxidative Systeme und DNA-Reparatur, deren Effizienz von verschiedenen Genen der Zelle abhängig ist. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Untersuchung des Einflusses bestimmter Faktoren auf die Bildung, Inhibierung (antioxidative Wirkung) und Reparatur oxidativer DNA-Schäden. Als Beispiel für exogene Stoffe, die zur Bildung oxidativer DNA-Schäden führen, wurden die Gyrasehemmer Ofloxacin und Norfloxacin nach Bestrahlung mit UV-360 untersucht. Unter Verwendung spezifischer DNA-Reparatur-endonukleasen als Sonden (Fpg-Protein, Endonuklease III, Endonuklease IV, Exonuklease III, T4 Endonuklease V) wurden spezifisch DNA-Modifikationen an zellfreier und zellulärer DNA quantifiziert. Es zeigte sich, daß es sich im Falle des Ofloxacins bei der ultimal mit der DNA reagierenden reaktiven Spezies um Hydroxylradikale handelt, während durch Norfloxacin Singulettsauerstoff entsteht. Durch Zusatz verschiedener Antioxidantien konnten diese Ergebnisse bestätigt werden. Im Gegensatz zu Hydroxylradikalen ist über die DNA-Schäden und Mutationen durch Alkoxyl-Radikale, die endogen bei der Lipidperoxidation entstehen, nichts bekannt. Die Substanz BCBT ([4-[(tert-Butyldioxy)carbonyl]benzyl]-triethyl-ammonium-chlorid) generiert Alkoxyl-Radikale. BCBT + UV-360 induzierte vorwiegend Fpg-sensitive Modifikationen, die durch Bestimmung mittels HPLC/ECD zu 83 ± 18% als 8-Hydroxyguanin identifiziert wurden. Der Vergleich des Einflusses der Zusätze tert-Butanol und Natriumazid auf die Schädigung mit BCBT mit anderen reaktiven Spezies zeigte klar, daß die Schädigung hier über Alkoxyl-Radikale verläuft. Die Analyse und Sequenzierung der durch BCBT induzierten Mutanten zeigte, daß vorwiegend GC->TA Transversionen gebildet werden, die auf 8-oxoG zurückzuführen sind. Auf der Ebene der Antioxidantien wurde der Einfluß des zelleigenen Glutathions untersucht. Mit der Depletion des Glutathion-Gehalts durch Vorbehandlung mit L-Buthionin-SR-sulfoximin (BSO) ging eine Erhöhung des Steady-State-Spiegels in den untersuchten AS52 Zellen einher. Selen ist ein wichtiges Spurenelement und u.a. Bestandteil von Glutathionperoxidasen (GPx). Um die Bedeutung von Selen bei der oxidativer DNA-Modifikationen bzw. deren Inhibierung zu untersuchen, wurden Natriumselenit und Ebselen eingesetzt. Ab einer Konzentration von 50 µM trat durch Natriumselenit eine Erhöhung des Steady-State-Spiegels auf (prooxidativer Effekt). Parallel mit der oxidativen Schädigung der DNA ist eine Erhöhung des zellulären Gehalts an Glutathion feststellbar. Ebselen bedingte in Konzentrationen bis 200 µM keine Erhöhung des Steady-State-Spiegels oder des Gehalts an reduziertem Glutathion. Beide Substanzen waren in der Lage, die durch sichtbares Licht und UV-B-Strahlung induzierten Einzelstrangbrüche zu reduzieren. Mikrokerne, die durch Schädigung mit den Agentien Kaliumbromat, Ro 19-8022 + Licht und Wasserstoffperoxid entstanden, waren ebenso durch Natriumselenit und Ebselen reduzierbar. In dieser Arbeit konnte ferner gezeigt werden, daß p53 keinen Einfluß auf die Reparatur UV-induzierter Modifikationen (Nukleotidexzisionsreparatur) und die Reparatur Fpg-sensitiver Modifikationen (Basenexzisionsreparatur) hat.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 17-β-estradiol (E2)-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) on the induction of mammary tumorigenesis. We found that ROS-induced by repeated exposures to 4-hydroxy-estradiol (4-OH-E2), a predominant catechol metabolite of E2, caused transformation of normal human mammary epithelial MCF-10A cells with malignant growth in nude mice. This was evident from inhibition of estrogen-induced breast tumor formation in the xenograft model by both overexpression of catalase as well as by co-treatment with Ebselen. To understand how 4-OH-E2 induces this malignant phenotype through ROS, we investigated the effects of 4-OH-E2 on redox-sensitive signal transduction pathways. During the malignant transformation process we observed that 4-OH-E2 treatment increased AKT phosphorylation through PI3K activation. The PI3K-mediated phosphorylation of AKT in 4-OH-E2-treated cells was inhibited by ROS modifiers as well as by silencing of AKT expression. RNA interference of AKT markedly inhibited 4-OH-E2-induced in vitro tumor formation. The expression of cell cycle genes, cdc2, PRC1 and PCNA and one of transcription factors that control the expression of these genes – nuclear respiratory factor-1 (NRF-1) was significantly up-regulated during the 4-OH-E2-mediated malignant transformation process. The increased expression of these genes was inhibited by ROS modifiers as well as by silencing of AKT expression. These results indicate that 4-OH-E2-induced cell transformation may be mediated, in part, through redox-sensitive AKT signal transduction pathways by up-regulating the expression of cell cycle genes cdc2, PRC1 and PCNA, and the transcription factor – NRF-1. In summary, our study has demonstrated that: (i) 4-OH-E2 is one of the main estrogen metabolites that induce mammary tumorigenesis and (ii) ROS-mediated signaling leading to the activation of PI3K/AKT pathway plays an important role in the generation of 4-OH-E2-induced malignant phenotype of breast epithelial cells. In conclusion, ROS are important signaling molecules in the development of estrogen-induced malignant breast lesions.