30 resultados para e-WOM


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As a consequence of greater computer-mediated consumer-to-consumer communication within the firm's marketing communications, there has been a growing need to understand these digital interactions more explicitly. That is, we still know little about the exact extrinsic and intrinsic motivations that drive electronic word-of-mouth. The purpose of the paper is to better understand why members within community-based websites develop a need to exchange and/or develop a social bond within the community. Questionnaire data were gathered from 147 members of an online beauty forum in Australia. The findings highlight that those members seeking problem-solving support in combination with elements of relaxation will be more inclined to exchange with other community members and develop a social bond within that community. Marketing managers can capitalise these findings by strengthening problem-solving support systems and creating environments where community members can also relax and unwind to increase the exchange between members and also increase the social bonds within the community.


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A acção promocional inesperada promovida pela cadeia de supermercados Pingo Doce do dia 1 de Maio de 2012 foi o ponto de partida para a recolha de dados acerca do passa-­‐palavra (WOM) gerado por esta campanha. Assim, a presente dissertação analisa o WOM neste contexto específico, adaptando a escala de medida de WOM validada por Goyette et al. (2010), pretendendo também compreender os factores que o determinam. Através de análise factorial confirmatória foi possível validar a escala considerando três constituintes do WOM: a intensidade, a valência positiva e o conteúdo. Foi ainda possível concluir que o factor intensidade é o que tem um maior impacto no WOM, sendo a valência positiva o que tem menor peso factorial. A análise dos factores antecedentes ao WOM e das características individuais dos respondentes, realizada posteriormente, permitiu ainda verificar se grupos de respondentes diferentes tinham comportamentos de WOM diferentes. Assim, concluiu-­‐ se que os antecedentes ao WOM (forma de conhecimento da campanha, comportamento de ida à loja no dia da campanha e mudança da opinião geral acerca do Pingo Doce) têm grande importância para explicar o WOM, a sua intensidade, a valência positiva e o seu conteúdo. Verificou-­‐se que diferentes grupos de respondentes têm valores significativamente diferentes relativamente a cada um destes factores latentes. Já no que toca às características individuais dos respondentes (género, idade e nível de escolaridade), verificou-­‐se que o seu impacto no WOM e nas dimensões consideradas não é tão significativo, continuando no entanto a estar associadas a estas. Neste caso, a idade e o nível de escolaridade dos respondentes são as características com maior impacto na caracterização do WOM e das suas dimensões.


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Purpose: This is a cross-national study which investigates changes in purchase intentions of UK versus Chinese consumers following exposure to successive e-WOM comments in the form of positive and negative user reviews for experience versus search products. Design/methodology/approach: A 2(e-WOM valence and order: negative vs. positive most recent) X 2(product type: experience vs. search) X 3(purchase intentions at t1, t2, t3) repeated measures factorial design is used to test a set of hypotheses developed from the literature. Findings: Chinese consumers are susceptible to recent e-WOM comments regardless of their valence, while UK consumers anchor on negative information regardless of the order in which it is acquired. This holds particularly for experience products. Originality/value: This cross-national study contributes to the scarce literature on the impact of e-WOM on consumer purchase decisions by comparing UK and Chinese consumers. We suggest that culture moderates the development of product evaluations following exposure to e-WOM.


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This project attempts to contribute to the various discourses within the black womanist tradition. In 1983, Alice Walker published her landmark collection of essays entitled In Search of Our Mother Gardens: Womanist Prose. At the outset of the volume, Walker defines the core concept of womanism. After a poetic four-part definition of the term womanist, Walker concludes by stating, 'womanist is to feminist as purple to lavender' (Phillips 19). Although this analogy is critically engaged, the scholarly discourse that emerged in response to Walker's proposition shapes the intellectual inner workings of this project. Certain established concepts (such as ancestral mediation or the laying on of hands) work in conjunction with my own concepts of 'wom(b)anism' and 'the communal womb' to frame the interpretive discussions throughout these pages. Wom(b)anism and the communal womb both emerge from the black feminist and womanist traditions, especially via the role of ancestral mediation but also within the contested discourses on womanism itself. I apply the two concepts (wom(b)anism and the communal womb) to my readings of Haile Gerima's Sankofa, Gloria Naylor's The Women of Brewster Place, and Gayl Jones' Corregidora. The relationship between the community and women's wombs across each of these texts construct a narrative that features ancestral mediation (or intervention), various acts of violence committed against women's bodies, and the complicated circumstances through which women heal themselves andtheir communities.


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore attitudes of consumers who engage with brands through Facebook "likes". It explores the extent to which these brands are self-expressive and examines the relationship between brand "liking" and brand outcomes. Brand outcomes include brand love and advocacy, where advocacy incorporates WOM and brand acceptance. Design/methodology/approach: Findings are presented from a survey of Facebook users who engage with a brand by "liking" it. Findings: Brands "liked" are expressive of the inner or social self. The study identifies a positive relationship between the self-expressive nature of brands "liked" and brand love. Consumers who engage with inner self-expressive brands are more likely to offer WOM for that brand. By contrast, consumers who engage with socially self-expressive brands are more likely to accept wrongdoing from a brand. Research limitations/implications: The research is exploratory and is limited to consumers who are engaged with a brand through "liking" it on the Facebook social network. Practical implications: The study offers suggestions for managers seeking to enhance brand engagement through Facebook "liking", and to encourage positive brand outcomes (such as WOM) among consumers already engaged with a brand on Facebook. Originality/value: This paper provides new insights into consumer brand engagement evidenced through Facebook "liking". It charts the relationship between "liked" self-expressive brands and brand love. Distinctions are drawn between brand outcomes among consumers who "like" for socially self-expressive reasons, and consumers who are brand engaged by "liking" to express their inner selves. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Purpose: This paper aims to present a cross-national study that investigates changes in purchase intentions of UK versus Chinese consumers following exposure to successive e-WOM comments in the form of positive and negative user reviews for experience versus search products. Design/methodology/approach: A 2(e-WOM valence and order: negative versus positive most recent)×2(product type: experience versus search)×3(purchase intentions at t 1, t 2, t 3) repeated-measures factorial design is used to test a set of hypotheses developed from the literature. Findings: Chinese consumers are susceptible to recent e-WOM comments regardless of their valence, while UK consumers anchor on negative information regardless of the order in which it is acquired. This holds particularly for experience products. Originality/value: This cross-national study contributes to the scarce literature on the impact of e-WOM on consumer purchase decisions by comparing UK and Chinese consumers. The authors suggest that culture moderates the development of product evaluations following exposure to e-WOM. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Purpose: Service research typically relates switching costs to customer loyalty, and portrays them as effective switching deterrents that engender harmful word-of-mouth (WOM). Rather than to customer loyalty, this paper aims to relate switching costs to consumer inertia, and show that while switching costs may result in customer retention, they can engender positive and negative WOM. This depends on whether the inertia stems from satisfaction or indifference. Design/methodology/approach: A mall-intercept survey investigated 518 customers' perceptions of their mobile phone service providers. Structural equation modelling fitted the data to the conceptual model. Findings: Switching costs deterred switching and engendered negative WOM, but only with low-inertia customers. With high-inertia customers, retention and WOM behaviours depended on whether the inertia stemmed from satisfaction or indifference. Satisfied customers with high switching costs tended to stay, gave more positive and less negative WOM. With indifferent customers, switching costs were unrelated to retention or WOM behaviours. Research limitations/implications: While they may be perceived negatively, switching costs can engender PWOM. Hence, research should not consider switching costs alone without considering the context that produces them. Practical implications: Service providers should segment their customers into low-inertia, high-inertia/satisfied and high-inertia/indifferent, and target each segment differently. By converting customers into the high-inertia/satisfied segment, service providers can make the best use of switching costs – not only in the traditional sense as a barrier to defection, but also as a way of generating positive WOM. Originality/value: This study is the first to consider the role of inertia with switching costs, positive WOM, and negative WOM. The findings suggest that past studies portraying switching costs as negative impediments that evoke only negative WOM might be misleading.


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A global, online quantitative study among 300 consumers of digital technology products found the most reliable information sources were friends, family or word of mouth (WOM) from someone they knew, followed by expert product reviews, and product reviews written by other consumers. The most unreliable information sources were advertising or infomercials, automated recommendations based on purchasing patterns or retailers. While a very small number of consumers evaluated products online, rating of products and online discussions were more frequent activities. The most popular social media websites for reviews were Facebook, Twitter, Amazon and e-Bay, indicating the importance of WOM in social networks and online media spaces that feature product reviews as it is the most persuasive piece of information in both online and offline social networks. These results suggest that ‘social customers’ must be considered as an integral part of a marketing strategy.


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Syftet med denna artikel är att systematisera och analysera litteratur som anknyter till word-of-mouth-kommunikation (hädanefter WOM). Med konsumentdominerad marknadskommunikation avses att konsumenterna sinsemellan oberoende av företaget söker och sprider marknadsinformation. Den enda motsvarande litteraturanalys som förefaller att finnas publicerad är fyrtio år gammal (Arndt 1967). Sedan dess har det tillkommit en ansenlig mängd företagsekonomisk forskning som tydligt avviker från Johan Arndts, vilken huvudsakligen baserade sig den beteendevetenskapliga litteraturen.


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Tämän pro gradu- tutkielman tavoitteena oli löytää kuluttajien palvelukokemukseen vaikuttavat tekijät lastenvaatteiden- ja tarvikkeiden -verkkokaupassa. Empiirinen tutkimus lähestyi aihetta netnografian avulla. Aineistoksi tähän tutkielmaan valittiin sosiaalisen median keskustelut. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen osa muodostui kolmesta aiheesta: verkko-ostamisesta ja palvelun laadusta, sosiaalisesta mediasta sekä word-of-mouth-viestinnästä. Verkko-ostamisessa käsiteltiin ostamisen eri vaiheet, kuluttajien motivaatiot verkosta ostamiseen, sekä siihen liittyvät riskit ja tarkasteltiin sähköisen palvelun laatua. Sosiaalinen media-luku kertoi sosiaalisen median käytöstä sekä eri medioista. Word-of-mouth-viestintä esitteli perinteisen word-of-mouth-viestinnän lisäksi sähköisen WOM-viestinnän ulottuvuudet. Empiirinen tutkimus oli laadullinen ja se toteutettiin netnografisesti. Netnografia on etnografiaan perustuva menetelmä, jota käytetään internet-aineistoissa. Aineiston analysoinnissa käytettiin teemoittelua. Aihetta lähestyttiin faktanäkökulmasta, eli tutkimuksessa oltiin kiinnostuneita niistä tosiasioista joita keskustelijat kertoivat. Aineisto kerättiin perhe-aiheisten lehtien keskustelupalstoilta sekä blogeista Google-haun avulla. Sosiaalisen median keskustelut valittiin aineistoksi, koska niistä uskottiin saatavan kaikkein totuudenmukaisinta tietoa, johon tutkijan kysymyksen asettelu ei vaikuta. Spontaanit keskustelut antavat erilaista tietoa kuin suoran kysymyksen vastaukset. Tutkimuksen tuloksena löytyi seitsemän teemaa, joita keskusteluissa käsiteltiin. Nämä ovat toimitus, palvelu, palautus ja normalisointi, ulkoasu ja toimivuus, hinta, maksaminen sekä tuotteet ja valikoima. Sen sijaan teorian pohjalta odotettavissa olleet turvallisuus ja yksityisyys eivät tulleet aineistosta lainkaan esiin. Erityisen huonona palveluna asiakkaat pitivät varastosaldojen paikkansapitämättömyyttä, hitaita toimituksia sekä epäystävällistä palvelua. Hyvää palvelua olivat nopeat toimitukset sekä yksilöllinen palvelu ja reklamaatioiden hyvä hoito.


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Flash memory is a leading storage media with excellent features such as random access and high storage density. However, it also faces significant reliability and endurance challenges. In flash memory, the charge level in the cells can be easily increased, but removing charge requires an expensive erasure operation. In this thesis we study rewriting schemes that enable the data stored in a set of cells to be rewritten by only increasing the charge level in the cells. We consider two types of modulation scheme; a convectional modulation based on the absolute levels of the cells, and a recently-proposed scheme based on the relative cell levels, called rank modulation. The contributions of this thesis to the study of rewriting schemes for rank modulation include the following: we

•propose a new method of rewriting in rank modulation, beyond the previously proposed method of “push-to-the-top”;

•study the limits of rewriting with the newly proposed method, and derive a tight upper bound of 1 bit per cell;

•extend the rank-modulation scheme to support rankings with repetitions, in order to improve the storage density;

•derive a tight upper bound of 2 bits per cell for rewriting in rank modulation with repetitions;

•construct an efficient rewriting scheme that asymptotically approaches the upper bound of 2 bit per cell.

The next part of this thesis studies rewriting schemes for a conventional absolute-levels modulation. The considered model is called “write-once memory” (WOM). We focus on WOM schemes that achieve the capacity of the model. In recent years several capacity-achieving WOM schemes were proposed, based on polar codes and randomness extractors. The contributions of this thesis to the study of WOM scheme include the following: we

•propose a new capacity-achievingWOM scheme based on sparse-graph codes, and show its attractive properties for practical implementation;

•improve the design of polarWOMschemes to remove the reliance on shared randomness and include an error-correction capability.

The last part of the thesis studies the local rank-modulation (LRM) scheme, in which a sliding window going over a sequence of real-valued variables induces a sequence of permutations. The LRM scheme is used to simulate a single conventional multi-level flash cell. The simulated cell is realized by a Gray code traversing all the relative-value states where, physically, the transition between two adjacent states in the Gray code is achieved by using a single “push-to-the-top” operation. The main results of the last part of the thesis are two constructions of Gray codes with asymptotically-optimal rate.


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This research intends to examine if there were significant differences on the brand engagement and on the electronic word of mouth (e-WOM)1 referral intention through Facebook between Generation X and Generation Y (also called millennials). Also, this study intends to examine if there are differences in the motivations that drive these generations to interact with brands through Facebook. Results indicated that Generation Y members consumed more content on Facebook brands’ pages than Generation X. Also, they were more likely to have an e-WOM referral intention as well as being more driven by brand affiliation and opportunity seeking. Finally, currently employed individuals were found to contribute with more content than students. This study fills the gap in the literature by addressing how marketing professionals should market their brand and interact and engage with their customers, based on customers’ generational cohort.


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Con la ayuda de fotografías de la vida diaria y ejemplos cotidianos, se explican de una forma sencilla, las fuerzas de la física que motivan que los objetos se muevan. Estas fuerzas son, empujar y arrastrar, pero también existen otras, como la gravedad que actúa sobre la Tierra, y la fricción. Por otra parte, se estudian los usos prácticos de ellas y su relación con el trabajo y las máquinas. La naturaleza tiene sus propias fuerzas de destrucción, cómo la lluvia y el viento.