995 resultados para durability testing
The paper addresses the quality of the interface and edge bonded joints in layers of cross-laminated timber (CLT) panels. The shear performance was studied to assess the suitability of two different adhesives, Polyurethane (PUR) and Phenol-Resorcinol-Formaldehyde (PRF), and to determine the optimum clamping pressure. Since there is no established testing procedure to determine the shear strength of the surface bonds between layers in a CLT panel, block shear tests of specimens in two different configurations were carried out, and further shear tests of edge bonded specimen in two configurations were performed. Delamination tests were performed on samples which were subjected to accelerated aging to assess the durability of bonds in severe environmental conditions. Both tested adhesives produced boards with shear strength values within the edge bonding requirements of prEN 16351 for all manufacturing pressures. While the PUR specimens had higher shear strength values, the PRF specimens demonstrated superior durability characteristics in the delamination tests. It seems that the test protocol introduced in this study for crosslam bonded specimens, cut from a CLT panel, and placed in the shearing tool horizontally, accurately reflects the shearing strength of glue lines in CLT.
Fly ash and silica fume are two pozzolans that have been widely used for improved concrete strength and durability. Silica fume displays a greater pozzolanic reactivity than fly ash primarily due to its finer particle size. The reactivity of fly ash can be improved by reducing its particle size distribution. This paper discusses the fresh and hardened properties of concrete made with an ultra-fine fly ash (UFFA) produced by air classification. Durability testing for chloride diffusivity, rapid chloride permeability, alkali-silica reaction (ASR), and sulfate attack was also conducted It was found that at a given workability and water content, concrete containing UFFA could be produced with only 50% of the high-range water-reducer dosage required for comparable silica fume concrete. Similar early strengths and durability measures as silica fume concrete were observed when a slightly higher dosage of UFFA was used with a small reduction (10%) in water content.
This paper could be consider seminal in the Civil Engineering field as it describes the first application of these sensors to a complex durability and management issue. For this reason it is potentially controversial as it requires Civil Engineers to re-evaluate the nature and scale of durability testing.
Best concrete research paper by a student - Research has shown that the cost of managing structures puts high strain on the infrastructure budget, with
estimates of over 50% of the European construction budget being dedicated to repair and maintenance. If reinforced concrete
structures are not suitably designed and adequately maintained, their service life is compromised, resulting in the full economic
value of the investment not realised. The issue is more prevalent in coastal structures as a result of combinations of aggressive
actions, such as those caused by chlorides, sulphates and cyclic freezing and thawing.
It is a common practice nowadays to ensure durability of reinforced concrete structures by specifying a concrete mix and a
nominal cover at the design stage to cater for the exposure environment. This in theory should produce the performance required
to achieve a specified service life. Although the European Standard EN 206-1 specifies variations in the exposure environment,
it does not take into account the macro and micro climates surrounding structures, which have a significant influence on their
performance and service life. Therefore, in order to construct structures which will perform satisfactorily in different exposure
environments, the following two aspects need to be developed: a performance based specification to supplement EN 206-1
which will outline the expected performance of the structure in a given environment; and a simple yet transferrable procedure
for assessing the performance of structures in service termed KPI Theory. This will allow the asset managers not only to design
structures for the intended service life, but also to take informed maintenance decisions should the performance in service fall
short of what was specified. This paper aims to discuss this further.
O presente trabalho tem a finalidade de verificar o comportamento do concreto de cimento Portland Branco com adição de metacaulim e sílica ativa, avaliando o comportamento mecânico, a absorção de água e o nível de porosidade e durabilidade em concretos com este aglomerante. Para isso, foram realizados ensaios no estado plástico (consistência e massa específica) e endurecido (resistência à compressão axial, resistência à tração por compressão diametral, módulo de elasticidade, absorção de água, penetração de cloretos e carbonatação). Foram realizadas avaliações de sua resistência à compressão axial e à tração por compressão dimetral nas idades de 7 e 28 dias através do método IPT/EPUSP que utiliza os traços 1:5, 1:3,5 e 1:6,5. O módulo de elasticidade aos 28 dias. Além destes foi avaliada a permeabilidade por meio de ensaio de absorção; durabilidade através do ensaio acelerado de cloretos e da carbonatação; a porosidade foi verificada com a realização da microscopia eletrônica de varredura. De maneira geral, verificou-se que mesmo a resistência dos concretos de menor proporção agregado/aglomerante (traço pobre), está acima das resistências mais usuais na região metropolitana de Belém que é em torno de 25 a 30 MPa, visto que o cimento branco utilizado é o estrutural, por isso, justifica-se o alcance destes valores mesmo com traço pobre. Com relação à permeabilidade, os resultados demonstraram que assim como a resistência, esta é dependente do tipo de cimento empregado e das adições utilizadas. Os valores mais elevados de permeabilidade foram obtidos nos concretos referência (sem adição). Para estudar a porosidade viu-se que concreto referência apresenta-se menos compacto e com mais poros perceptíveis, principalmente os com maiores proporções agregado/aglomerante. Já nas micrografias dos concretos CMT e CSA, é possível observar uma menor quantidade de poros na região ocupada pela pasta Por fim, foi feita uma comparação das propriedades mecânicas, capacidade de absorção de água e porosidade do Cimento Portland Branco (CPB).
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS
Desde mediados de la década de los 80 se está investigando sobre el hormigón autocompactante. Cada día, su uso en el mundo de la construcción es más común debido a sus numerosas ventajas como su excelente fluidez ya que puede fluir bajo su propio peso y llenar encofrados con formas complicadas y muy armados sin necesidad de compactaciones internas o externas. Por otra parte, la búsqueda de materiales más resistentes y duraderos, ha dado lugar a la incorporación de adiciones en materiales a base de cemento. En las últimas dos décadas, los ensayos con los nanomateriales, ha experimentado un gran aumento. Los resultados hasta ahora obtenidos pueden asumir no sólo un aumento en la resistencia de estos materiales, pero un cambio es su funcionalidad. Estas nanopartículas, concretamente la nanosílice, no sólo mejoran sus propiedades mecánicas y especialmente sus propiedades durables, sino que pueden implicar un cambio sustancial en las condiciones de uso y en su ciclo de vida. Este trabajo tiene como principal objetivo el estudio de las propiedades mecánicas, características microestructurales y durables de un hormigón autocompactante cuando se le agrega como adición nanosílice, microsílice y mezcla binarias de ambas, como adición al cemento. Para ello se han realizado 10 mezclas de hormigón. Se utilizó como referencia un hormigón autocompactante obtenido con cemento, caliza, árido, aditivo modificador de viscosidad Se han fabricado tres hormigones con la misma dosificación pero con diferentes contenidos de nanosílice. 2,5%, 5% y 7,5% Tres dosificaciones con adición de microsílice 2,5%, 5% y 7,5% y las tres restantes con mezclas binarias de nanosílice y microsílice con respectivamente2,5%-2,5%, 5%-2,5% y 2,5%-5%, sobre el peso del cemento. El contenido de superplastificante se modificó para conseguir las características de autocompactabilidad. Para observar los efectos de las adiciones añadidas al hormigón, se realiza una extensa campaña experimental. En ella se evaluaron en primer lugar, las características de autocompactabilidad del material en estado fresco, mediante los ensayos prescritos en la Instrucción Española del hormigón estructural EHE 08. Las propiedades mecánicas fueron evaluadas con ensayos de resistencia a compresión, resistencia a tracción indirecta y módulo de elasticidad. Las características microestructurales fueron analizadas mediante porosimetría por intrusión de mercurio, el análisis termogravimétrico y la microscopía electrónica de barrido. Para el estudio de la capacidad durable de las mezclas se realizaron ensayos de resistividad eléctrica, migración de cloruros, difusión de cloruros, carbonatación acelerada, absorción capilar y resistencia al hielo-deshielo. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que la acción de las adiciones genera mejoras en las propiedades resistentes del material. Así, la adición de nanosílice proporciona mayores resistencias a compresión que la microsílice, sin embargo las mezclas binarias con bajas proporciones de adición producen mayores resistencias. Por otra parte, se observó mediante la determinación de las relaciones de gel/portlandita, que las mezclas que contienen nanosílice tienen una mayor actividad puzolánica que las que contienen microsílice. En las mezclas binarias se obtuvo como resultado que mientras mayor es el contenido de nanosílice en la mezcla mayor es la actividad puzolánica. Unido a lo anteriormente expuesto, el estudio de la porosidad da como resultado que la adición de nanosílice genera un refinamiento del tamaño de los poros mientras que la adición de microsílice disminuye la cantidad de los mismos sin variar el tamaño de poro medio. Por su parte, en las micrografías, se visualizó la formación de cristales procedentes de la hidratación del cemento. En ellas, se pudo observar, que al adicionar nanosílice, la velocidad de hidratación aumenta al aumentar la formación de monosulfoaluminatos con escasa presencia de etringita. Mientras que en las mezclas con adición de microsílice se observan mayor cantidad de cristales de etringita, lo que confirma que la velocidad de hidratación en estos últimos fue menor. Mediante el estudio de los resultados de las pruebas de durabilidad, se observó que no hay diferencias significativas entre el coeficiente de migración de cloruros y el coeficiente de difusión de cloruros en hormigones con adición de nano o microsílice. Aunque este coeficiente es ligeramente menor en mezclas con adición de microsílice. Sin embargo, en las mezclas binarias de ambas adiciones se obtuvo valores de los coeficientes de difusión o migración de cloruros inferiores a los obtenidos en mezclas con una única adición. Esto se evidencia en los resultados de las pruebas de resistividad eléctrica, de difusión de cloruros y de migración de cloruros. Esto puede ser debido a la suma de los efectos que producen el nano y micro adiciones en la porosidad. El resultado mostró que nanosílice tiene un papel importante en la reducción de los poros y la microsílice disminuye el volumen total de ellos. Esto permite definir la vida útil de estos hormigones a valores muy superiores a los exigidos por la EHE-08, por lo que es posible reducir, de forma notable, el recubrimiento exigido en ambiente de alta agresividad asegurando un buen comportamiento en servicio. Por otra parte, la pérdida de masa debido a los ciclos de congelación-descongelación es significativamente menor en los hormigones que contienen nanosílice que los que contienen microsílice. Este resultado está de acuerdo con el ensayo de absorción capilar. De manera general, se puede concluir que son las mezclas binarias y más concretamente la mezcla con un 5% de nanosílice y 2,5% de microsílice la que presenta los mejores resultados tanto en su comportamiento resistente con en su comportamiento durable. Esto puede ser debido a que en estas mezclas la nanosílice se comporta como un núcleo de activación de las reacciones puzolánicas rodeado de partículas de mayor tamaño. Además, el extraordinario comportamiento durable puede deberse también a la continuidad en la curva granulométrica por la existencia de la microsílice, el filler calizo, el cemento, la arena y la gravilla con tamaños de partículas que garantice mezclas muy compactas que presentan elevadas prestaciones. Since the middle of the decade of the 80 is being investigated about self-consolidating concrete. Every day, its use in the world of construction is more common due to their numerous advantages as its excellent fluidity such that it can flow under its own weight and fill formworks with complicated shapes and congested reinforcement without need for internal or external compactions. Moreover, the search for more resistant and durable materials, has led to the incorporation of additions to cement-based materials. In the last two decades, trials with nanomaterials, has experienced a large increase. The results so far obtained can assume not only an increase in the resistance of these materials but a change is its functionality. These nano particles, particularly the nano silica, not only improve their mechanical properties and especially its durable properties, but that may imply a substantial change in the conditions of use and in their life cycle. This work has as its main objective the study of the mechanical properties, the microstructural characteristics and durability capacity in one self-compacting concrete, when added as addition to cement: nano silica, micro silica o binary mixtures of both. To this effect, 10 concrete mixes have been made. As reference one with a certain amount of cement, limestone filler, viscosity modifying additive and water/binder relation. Furthermore they were manufactured with the same dosage three mix with addition of 2.5%, 5% and 7.5% of nano silica by weight of cement. Other three with 2.5%, 5% and 7.5% of micro silica and the remaining three with binary mixtures of 2.5%-2.5%, 5%-2.5% and 2.5%-5% of silica nano-micro silica respectively, b weight of cement, varying only the amount of superplasticizer to obtain concrete with characteristics of self-compactability. To observe the effects of the additions added to the concrete, an extensive experimental campaign was performed. It assessed, first, the characteristics of self-compactability of fresh material through the tests prescribed in the Spanish Structural Instruction Concrete EHE 08. The mechanical properties were evaluated by compression strength tests, indirect tensile strength and modulus of elasticity. The microstructural properties were analyzed by mercury intrusion porosimetry, thermogravimetric analysis and scanning electron microscopy. To study the durability, were performed electrical resistivity tests, migration and diffusion of chlorides, accelerated carbonation, capillary suction and resistance to freeze-thaw cycles. The results show that the action of the additions generates improvements in the strength properties of the material. Specifically, the addition of nano silica provides greater resistance to compression that the mix with micro silica, however binary mixtures with low addition rates generate higher strengths. Moreover, it was observed by determining relationships gel/portlandite, that the pozzolanic activity in the mixtures with nano silica was higher than in the mixtures with micro silica. In binary mixtures it was found that the highest content of nano silica in the mix is the one with the highest pozzolanic activity. Together with the foregoing, the study of the porosity results in the mixture with addition of nano silica generates a refinement of pore size while adding micro silica decreases the amount thereof without changing the average pore size. On the other hand, in the micrographs, the formation of crystals of cement hydration was visualized. In them, it was observed that by adding nano silica, the speed of hydration increases with increasing formation monosulfoaluminatos with scarce presence of ettringite. While in mixtures with addition of micro silica, ettringite crystals are observed, confirming that the hydration speed was lower in these mixtures. By studying the results of durability testing, it observed that no significant differences between the coefficient of migration of chlorides and coefficient of diffusion of chlorides in concretes with addition of nano or micro silica. Although this coefficient is slightly lower in mixtures with addition of micro silica. However, in binary mixtures of both additions was obtained values of coefficients of difusion o migration of chlorides lower than those obtained in mixtures with one of the additions. This is evidenced by the results of the tests electrical resistivity, diffusion of chlorides and migration of chlorides. This may be due to the sum of the effects that produced the nano and micro additions in the porosity. The result showed that nano silica has an important role in the pores refining and the micro silica decreases the total volume of them. This allows defining the life of these concretes in values to far exceed those required by the EHE-08, making it possible to reduce, significantly, the coating required in highly aggressive environment and to guarantee good behavior in service. Moreover, the mass loss due to freeze-thaw cycles is significantly lower in concretes containing nano silica than those containing micro silica. This result agrees with the capillary absorption test. In general, one can conclude that the binary mixture and more specifically the mixture with 5% of nano silica and 2.5% silica fume is which presents the best results in its durable behavior. This may be because in these mixtures, the nano silica behaves as cores activation of pozzolanic reactions. In addition, the durable extraordinary behavior may also be due to the continuity of the grading curve due to existence of micro silica, limestone filler, cement, sand and gravel with particle sizes that guarantees very compact mixtures which have high performance.
Novel methods for in situ testing and monitoring of the durability of reinforced concrete structures