391 resultados para duodenogastric reflux


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar as lesões proliferativas que se desenvolvem na mucosa gástrica de ratos Wistar após modelo específico de refluxo duodeno-gástrico. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 75 ratos adultos machos divididos em três grupos experimentais: o grupo I (controle) submetido a gastrotomia na parede posterior do estômago glandular (25 animais); o grupo II (RDG), foi submetido a gastrojejunoanastomose látero-lateral na parede posterior do estômago glandular (25 animais) e o grupo III (RDG-P) submetido a gastrojejunoanastomose látero-lateral na parede posterior do estômago glandular, com secção e fechamento da alça (25 animais). Os animais foram observados durante 36 semanas, após o que foram realizados estudos macroscópicos e microscópicos da anastomose gastrojejunal, da região pré-pilórica e região escamosa do estômago. RESULTADOS: Os animais do Grupo I não apresentaram nenhum tipo de lesão. No grupo II observou-se 40% de lesões do tipo hiperplasia adenomatosa na anastomose e 12% de hiperplasia escamosa. No grupo III obteve-se 40% de hiperplasia adenomatosa na mucosa pré-pilórica, 72 % de hiperplasia adenomatosa na mucosa da anastomose, 20% de hiperplasia escamosa e 12 % de adenocarcinoma. CONCLUSÕES: O refluxo duodeno-gástrico induz a alta freqüência de lesões proliferativas na mucosa adjacente à anastomose gastrojejunal ou na mucosa pré-pilórica e o adenocarcinoma é um evento raro neste modelo experimental.


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PURPOSE:To assess whether late introduction of a specific COX-2 inhibitor (Meloxicam) can treat and/or prevent the progression of tumors in the stomach of rats submitted to duodenogastric reflux. METHODS: Seventy five male Wistar rats, weighing 150 grams, were submitted to the induction of duodenogastric reflux through the pylorus. At 36 weeks of follow-up were established three experimental groups: DGR36 sacrificed immediately, DGR54 and DGR54MLX both sacrificed at 54th week of follow-up . The animals of the latter group were fed with a rat chow premixed with Meloxicam (2.0 mg/ kg feed; 0.3 mg / kg bw / day) and the other two with standard rat chow. The lesions found in the pyloric mucosa and gastrojejunal anastomosis were analyzed macroscopically and histologically. For statistical analysis was adjusted a generalized linear model assuming a binomial distribution with LOGIT link function. RESULTS: No significant differences were found when comparing the incidences of benign tumor lesions (Adenomatous Hyperplasia), p=0.4915, or malignant (Mucinous Adenocarcinoma), p=0.2731, among groups. CONCLUSION: Late introduction of specific COX-2 inhibitor (Meloxicam) did not treat and was not able to prevent the progression of tumoral lesions induced by duodenogastric reflux in the rat stomachs.


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Purpose: to investigate if combining VT to DGR through the pylorus can modulate the biological behavior of PL induced by DGR and to verify if TV alone can induce morphologic lesions in the gastric mucosa. Methods: 62 male Wistar rats were assigned to four groups: 1 - Control (CT) gastrotomy; 2 - Troncular Vagotomy (TV) plus gastrotomy; 3 - Duodenogastric reflux through the pylorus (R) and 4 - Troncular vagotomy plus DGR (RTV). The animals were killed at the 54 week of the experiment. DGR was obtained by anastomosing a proximal jejunal loop to the anterior gastric wall. TV was performed through isolation and division of the vagal trunks. Gastrotomy consisted of 1 cm incision at the anterior gastric wall. PL were analyzed gross and histologically in the antral mucosa, at the gastrojejunal stoma and at the squamous portion of the gastric mucosa. Results: Groups R and RTV developed exophytic lesions in the antral mucosa (R=90.9%; RTV=100%) and at the gastrojejunal stoma (R=54.54%; RTV=63.63%). Histologically they consisted of proliferative benign lesions, without cellular atypias, diagnosed as adenomatous hyperplasia. Both groups exposed to DGR presented squamous hyperplasia at the squamous portion of the gastric mucosa (R= 54.5%; RTV= 45.4%). TV, alone, did not induce gross or histological alterations in the gastric mucosa. TV did note change the morphologic pattern of the proliferative lesions induced by DGR. Conclusions: DGR induces the development of PL in the pyloric mucosa and at the gastrojejunal stoma. TV does not change the morphologic pattern of the proliferative lesions induced by DGR. TV alone is not able to induce morphologic lesions in the gastric mucosa.


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Purpose: To investigate the combined effects of reflux of duodenal contents through the pylorus and treatment with N-methyl-N'-nitro-nitrosoguanidine ( MNNG) on the development of lesions in the glandular stomach, at the gastrojejunal anastomosis and in the forestomach of rats. Methods: Eighty Male Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups: G1: MNNG + Reflux, G2: Reflux, G3: MNNG and G4: Gastrostomy. MNNG was given in the drinking water ( 100 mg/ml) for 12 weeks and then two groups ( G1 and G2) were submitted to a gastrojejunal anastomosis followed by section of the afferent loop and suture of both stumps to allow reflux of duodenal contents through the pylorus. The animals were sacrificed 18 and 36 weeks after surgery. The lesions obtained in the antral mucosa, at the gastrojejunal anastomosis and in the forestomach were analysed histologically. Results: Duodenal reflux induced proliferative lesions at both glandular and squamous mucosa of the stomach. In the antrum, adenomatous hyperplasia (AH) was observed in 20% and 50% of the animals at the 18(th) and 36(th) weeks respectively. Aditionally 85% of the animals presented AH at the gastrojejunal anastomosis and 60% developed squamous hyperplasia at the squamous portion of the stomach. MNNG treatment plus duodenal reflux enhanced the development of malignant tumors at both glandular and squamous mucosa, since there were 30% of antral adenocarcinomas and 45% of squamous carcinomas at the 18th week and the frequency of these malignant tumors rose to 50% in the antrum and 65% in the squamous mucosa at the 36th week. Conclusion: The reflux of duodenal contents through the pylorus enhanced the development of proliferative lesions, benign and malignant, in the glandular stomach and in the forestomach of rats.


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O Helicobacter pylori, é tido como o principal fator de risco para o carcinoma gástrico. Diferentes estudos experimentais em animais procuram relacionar essa carcinogênese a outros fatores carcinógenos sem sucesso. Neste estudo, procurou-se avaliar-se em ratos, se há correlação entre o refluxo duodenogástrico, o Helicobacter pylori e o desenvolvimento do câncer gástrico ou de seus precursores. Para tal, realizou-se nos três grupos de ratos (n de dez por grupo) as técnicas de: piloroplastia precedida de infecção, gastrectomia subtotal precedida de infecção e um grupo no qual foi praticada apenas a infecção. Apois seis meses, analisou-se as alterações da mucosa, comparando-se os três grupos. As alterações da mucosa pesquisadas foram as seguintes: gastrites, metaplasias, displasias e neoplasias epiteliais. Ao término do estudo, foi encontrado, no grupo submetido a piloroplastia precedida de infecção um alto percentual de alterações epiteliais. Conclui-se que, no rato, a operação de piloroplastia, levou ao maior desenvolvimento da população do Helicobacter pylori, que se relaciona com as lesões pré- malignas e o adenocarcinoma gástrico.


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It has been proposed that duodenogastric reflux may be the basic underlying mechanism which gives rise to symptoms of flatulent dyspepsia. Fasting and postprandial gastric juice bile acid concentrations were measured in patients with flatulent dyspepsia with and without gall bladder disease and postcholecystectomy. There were 13 patients with gall bladder disease, 12 with normal gall bladders and 13 postcholecystectomy. Gastric juice was obtained by intubation. Bile acid concentrations were compared with 21 controls and 15 asymptomatic subjects with gall bladder disease. For 21 patients with gall bladder disease who underwent cholecystectomy, levels were again assessed postoperatively to allow correlation with outcome. The occurrence of reflux and the resultant gastric juice bile acids did not correlate with symptoms. Concentrations postcholecystectomy, including asymptomatic subjects were significantly higher than controls (p less than 0.01). It is concluded that limited duodenogastric reflux is common and need not be associated with symptoms even when the resultant intra-gastric concentrations are higher than normal.


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La obesidad es un problema de salud global siendo la cirugía bariatrica el mejor tratamiento demostrado. El Bypass gástrico (BGYR) es el método más utilizado que combina restricción y malabsorcion; sin embargo los procedimientos restrictivos se han popularizado recientemente. La Gastro-gastroplastia produce restricción gástrica reversible por medio de un pouch gástrico con anastomosis gastrogástrica y propusimos su evaluación Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo no randomizado que evaluó archivos de pacientes con GG y BGYR laparoscópicos entre febrero de 2008 y Abril de 2011 Resultados: 289 pacientes identificados: 180 GG y 109 BGYR de los cuales 138 cumplieron criterios de inclusión, 77 (55.8%) GG y 61 (44,2%) BGYR, 18 (13%) hombres y 120 (87%) mujeres. Para GG la mediana del peso inicial fue 97,15 (± 17,3) kg, IMC inicial de 39,35 (± 3,38) kg/m2 y exceso de peso de 37,1 (±11,9). La mediana de IMC a los 1, 6 y 12 meses fue 34,8 (±3,58) kg/m2, 30,81 (±3,81) kg/m2, 29,58 (±4,25) kg/m2 respectivamente. La mediana de % PEP 1, 6 y 12 meses fue 30,9 (±14,2) %, 61,88 (±18,27) %, 68,4 (±19,64) % respectivamente. Para BGYR la mediana del peso inicial fue 108,1 (± 25,4) kg, IMC inicial 44,4 (± 8,1) y exceso de peso de 48,4 (±15,2) %. La mediana de IMC a los 1, 6 y 12 meses fue 39 (±7,5) kg/m2, 33,31 (±4,9) kg/m2, 30,9 (±4,8) kg/m2 respectivamente. La mediana de % PEP 1, 6 y 12 meses fue 25,9 (±12,9) %, 61,87 (±18,62) %, 71,41 (±21,09) % respectivamente. Seguimiento a un año Conclusiones: La gastro-gastroplastia se plantea como técnica restrictiva, reversible, con resultados óptimos en reducción de peso y alternativa quirúrgica en pacientes con obesidad. Son necesarios estudios a mayor plazo para demostrar mantenimiento de cambios en el tiempo


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La obesidad es un problema de salud global siendo la cirugía bariatrica el mejor tratamiento demostrado. El Bypass Gástrico (BGYR) es el método más utilizado que combina restricción y malabsorcion; sin embargo los procedimientos restrictivos se han popularizado recientemente. La Gastro-gastroplastia produce restricción gástrica reversible por medio de un pouch gástrico con anastomosis gastrogástrica y propusimos su evaluación Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo no randomizado que evaluó archivos de pacientes con GG y BGYR laparoscópicos entre Febrero de 2008 y Abril de 2011 Resultados: 289 pacientes identificados: 180 GG y 109 BGYR de los cuales 138 cumplieron criterios de inclusión, 77 (55.8%) GG y 61 (44,2%) BGYR, 18 (13%) hombres y 120 (87%) mujeres. Para GG la mediana del peso inicial fue 97,15 (± 17,3) kg, IMC inicial de 39,35 (± 3,38) kg/m2 y exceso de peso de 37,1 (±11,9). La mediana de IMC a los 1, 6 y 12 meses fue 34,8 (±3,58) kg/m2, 30,81 (±3,81) kg/m2, 29,58 (±4,25) kg/m2 respectivamente. La mediana de % PEP 1, 6 y 12 meses fue 30,9 (±14,2) %, 61,88 (±18,27) %, 68,4 (±19,64) % respectivamente. Para BGYR la mediana del peso inicial fue 108,1 (± 25,4) kg, IMC inicial 44,4 (± 8,1) y exceso de peso de 48,4 (±15,2) %. La mediana de IMC a los 1, 6 y 12 meses fue 39 (±7,5) kg/m2, 33,31 (±4,9) kg/m2, 30,9 (±4,8) kg/m2 respectivamente. La mediana de % PEP 1, 6 y 12 meses fue 25,9 (±12,9) %, 61,87 (±18,62) %, 71,41 (±21,09) % respectivamente. Seguimiento a un año. Conclusiones: La gastro-gastroplastia se plantea como técnica restrictiva, reversible, con resultados óptimos en reducción de peso y alternativa quirúrgica en pacientes con obesidad. Son necesarios estudios a mayor plazo para demostrar mantenimiento de cambios en el tiempo.


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Objetivo: Estudar o desenvolvimento de lesões proliferativas na mucosa gástrica de ratos Wistar submetidos ao refluxo duodeno-gástrico (RDG) através do piloro e, também, avaliar os efeitos da interrupção do RDG sobre o desenvolvimento das mesmas. Métodos: Constituíram-se três grupos experimentais: No CT (n = 20) os ratos foram submetidos a uma gastrotomia; nos grupos RDG54 (n = 16) e RDG36 (n = 14) realizou-se a indução do RDG e, somente no último, interrompeu-se o RDG após 36 semanas. O RDG foi obtido através da realização de anastomose entre o jejuno proximal e a parede gástrica anterior, seguido por secção completa e fechamento das bocas distal e proximal do jejuno a cerca de 1cm antes do início da gastroenteroanastomose. Na 54ª semana do seguimento, todos os ratos foram submetidos à eutanásia. Resultados: Diagnosticaram-se três tipos de lesões proliferativas: na mucosa glandular, a hiperplasia adenomatosa e o adenocarcinoma e, no epitélio escamoso, a hiperplasia escamosa. No grupo CT, não se diagnosticaram lesões proliferativas. Na região da mucosa pilórica dos grupos RDG54 e RDG36, a incidência da hiperplasia adenomatosa foi, respectivamente, de 68,75% e 50% (p > 0,30), enquanto na região da gastroenteroanastomose, de 43,75% no RDG54 e 85,71% no RDG36 (p < 0,05). No epitélio escamoso, a incidência da hiperplasia escamosa no RDG54 e RDG36 foi, respectivamente, de 62,5% e 14,2% (p < 0,001). O adenocarcinoma foi diagnosticado na região da anastomose de uma única peça histológica do RDG54. Através de um sistema de análise digital, determinaram-se as áreas da hiperplasia adenomatosa. Na região da mucosa pilórica, obteve-se mediana de 8,583mm² no RDG54 e de 0,2690mm² no RDG36 (p < 0,001). Na gastroenteroanastomose, obteve-se zero no RDG54 e 0,5295mm² no RDG36 (p > 0,50). Conclusões: O RDG propiciou o desenvolvimento de lesões proliferativas, predominantemente benignas. A interrupção do RDG refreou o crescimento da área da hiperplasia adenomatosa na mucosa pilórica e diminuiu a incidência da hiperplasia escamosa. Na região da gastroenteroanastomose, o procedimento cirúrgico favoreceu a manutenção do processo prolifera tivo, mesmo após a interrupção do RDG através do piloro.


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Objective There are no objective ambulatory studies on the temporal relationship between reflux and cough in children. Commercial pHmetry loggers have slow capture rates (0.25 Hz) that limit objective quantification of reflux and cough. The authors aimed to evaluate if there is a temporal association between cough and acid pH in ambulatory children with chronic cough. setting and patients The authors studied children (aged <14 years) with chronic cough, suspected of acid reflux and considered for pHmetry using a specifically built ambulatory pHmetry–cough logger that enabled the simultaneous ambulatory recording of cough and pH with a fast (10 Hz) capture rate. Main outcome measures Coughs within (before and after) 10, 30, 60 and 120 s of a reflux episode (pH<4 for >0.5 s). Results Analysis of 5628 coughs in 20 children. Most coughs (83.9%) were independent of a reflux event. Cough–reflux (median 19, IQR 3–45) and reflux–cough (24.5, 13–51) sequences were equally likely to occur within 120 s. Within the 10 and 30 s time frame, reflux–cough (10 s=median 2.5, IQR 0–7.25; 30 s=6.5, 1.25–22.25) sequences were significantly less frequent than reflux–no cough (10 s=27, IQR 15–65; 30 s=24.5, 14.5–55.5) sequences, (p=0.0001 and p=0.001, respectively). No differences were found for 60 and 120 s time frame. Cough–reflux sequence (median 1.0, IQR 0–8) within 10 s was significantly less (p=0.0001) than no cough–reflux sequences (median 29.5, 15–67), within 30 s (p=0.006) and 60 s (p=0.048) but not within 120 s (p=0.47). Conclusions In children with chronic cough and suspected of having gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, the temporal relationship between acid reflux and cough is unlikely causal.


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Background There are no prospective studies that have examined for chronic cough in children without lung disease but with gastroesophageal reflux (GER). In otherwise healthy children undergoing flexible upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (esophago-gastroscopy), the aims of the study were to (1) define the frequency of cough in relation to symptoms of GER, (2) examine if children with cough and reflux esophagitis (RE) have different airway cellularity and microbiology in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) when compared to those without. Methods Data specific for chronic cough (>4-weeks), symptoms of GER and cough severity were collected. Children aged <16-years (n = 150) were defined as 'coughers' (C+) if a history of cough in association with their GER symptoms was elicited before BAL were obtained during elective esophago-gastroscopy. Presence of esophagitis on esophageal biopsies was considered reflux esophagitis positive (E+). Results C+ (n = 69) were just as likely as C- (n = 81) to have esophagitis, odds ratio 0.87 (95%CI 0.46, 1.7). Median neutrophil percentage in BAL was significantly different between groups; highest in C+E- (7, IQR 28) and lowest in C-E+ (5, IQR 6). BAL positive bacterial culture occurred in 20.7% and were more likely present in current coughers (OR 3.37, 95%CI 1.39, 8.08). Airway neutrophilia (median 20%, IQR 34) was significantly higher in those with BAL positive bacterial cultures than those without (5%, 4; p = 0.0001). Conclusion In children without lung disease, the common co-existence of cough with symptoms of GER is independent of the occurrence of esophagitis. Airway neutrophilia when present in these children is more likely to be related to airway bacterial infection and not to esophagitis.


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Aim: Dipalmitoylphosphatidycholine (DPPC) is the characteristic and main constituent of surfactant. Adsorption of surfactant to epithelial surfaces may be important in the masking of receptors. The aims of the study were to (i) compare the quantity of free DPPC in the airways and gastric aspirates of children with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GORD) to those without and (ii) describe the association between free DPPC levels with airway cellular profile and capsaicin cough sensitivity. Methods: Children aged <14 years were defined as 'coughers' if a history of cough in association with their GORD symptoms was elicited before gastric aspirates and nonbronchoscopic bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) were obtained during elective flexible upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. GORD was defined as histological presence of reflux oesophagitis. Spirometry and capsaicin cough-sensitivity test was carried out in children aged >6 years before the endoscopy. Results: Median age of the 68 children was 9 years (interquartile range (IQR) 7.2). Median DPPC level in BAL of children with cough (72.7 μg/mL) was similar to noncoughers (88.5). There was also no significant difference in DPPC levels in both BAL and gastric aspirates of children classified according to presence of GORD. There was no correlation between DPPC levels and cellular counts or capsaicin cough-sensitivity outcome measures. Conclusion: We conclude that free DPPC levels in the airways and gastric aspirate is not influenced by presence of cough or GORD defined by histological presence of reflux oesophagitis. Whether quantification of adsorbed surfactant differs in these groups remain unknown. Free DPPC is unlikely to have a role in masking of airway receptors. © 2006 Royal Australasian College of Physicians.


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Background: Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GORD) can cause respiratory disease in children from recurrent aspiration of gastric contents. GORD can be defined in several ways and one of the most common method is presence of reflux oesophagitis. In children with GORD and respiratory disease, airway neutrophilia has been described. However, there are no prospective studies that have examined airway cellularity in children with GORD but without respiratory disease. The aims of the study were to compare (1) BAL cellularity and lipid laden macrophage index (LLMI) and, (2) microbiology of BAL and gastric juices of children with GORD (G+) to those without (G-). Methods: In 150 children aged <14-years, gastric aspirates and bronchoscopic airway lavage (BAL) were obtained during elective flexible upper endoscopy. GORD was defined as presence of reflux oesophagitis on distal oesophageal biopsies. Results: BAL neutrophil% in G- group (n = 63) was marginally but significantly higher than that in the G+ group (n = 77), (median of 7.5 and 5 respectively, p = 0.002). Lipid laden macrophage index (LLMI), BAL percentages of lymphocyte, eosinophil and macrophage were similar between groups. Viral studies were negative in all, bacterial cultures positive in 20.7% of BALs and in 5.3% of gastric aspirates. BAL cultures did not reflect gastric aspirate cultures in all but one child. Conclusion: In children without respiratory disease, GORD defined by presence of reflux oesophagitis, is not associated with BAL cellular profile or LLMI abnormality. Abnormal microbiology of the airways, when present, is not related to reflux oesophagitis and does not reflect that of gastric juices. © 2005 Chang et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Objective: Sleep disturbance in gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) in infants and young children has not been systematically studied nor has this manifestation been compared with population norms. Methods: Sleep patterns of 102 infants and children aged 1 to 36 months with and without GORD, defined by pH monitoring, were analysed using the same questionnaire as in recent studies of normal sleep behaviour in this age range. Main outcome measures included time taken to settle at night, the number of night time wakenings requiring parental intervention, day time sleep patterns and parents problems with their childs' sleep behaviour. Results: Compared with the population norms (n=3102), those with GORD (n=76) had greater prevalence of night time waking >3/night (50% vs 13% aged 3-12 months; 60% vs 10% aged 12-24 months, P<0.001), requirement of parental intervention (82% vs 55% aged 3-12 months, P < 0.05; 92% vs 55% aged 12-24 months, P < 0.001), significantly delayed onset of sleeping through the night, and greater prevalence of daytime sleep beyond 24 months. Similar but less striking differences were seen comparing those with (n = 76) and without GORD (n = 26). Conclusions: Sleep interruption occurs more frequently in infants and children with GORD than population norms. Objective evaluation of infants and children with sleep disturbance after the age of 3 months may avoid unnecessary over or under diagnosis of GORD. Systematic investigation of the contribution of GORD to sleep disturbance in infants and young children is warranted


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Chronic venous disease (CVD), including uncomplicated varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency, is one of the most common medical conditions in the Western world. The central feature of CVD is venous reflux, which may be primary, congenital, or result from an antecedent event, usually an acute deep venous thrombosis (DVT). When the history of DVT is clear, the clinical manifestations of secondary CVD are commonly referred to as the post-thrombotic syndrome. Regardless of the underlying etiology, the final pathway leading to symptoms is ambulatory venous hypertension. The spectrum of symptoms and signs of CVD ranges from minor cosmetic problems to venous ulceration, which results in considerable morbidity and increased medical costs. Aims of this study were to evaluate the outcome of superficial venous surgery performed with or without preoperative duplex evaluation and venous marking with hand-held doppler, to assess short-term outcome of ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy in patients with axial superficial venous incompetence, as well as to compare reflux patterns after catheter-directed and systemic thrombolysis of deep ileofemoral venous thrombosis, and to evaluate the long-term outcome of deep venous reconstructions for severe chronic venous insufficiency. The study consists of five separate retrospective projects and includes 315 patients. Of this, 133 patients had undergone superficial venous surgery 2 to 5 years earlier according to preoperative duplex examination and venous marking, or according to clinical evaluation alone, or to a written plan without venous marking. A total of 112 patients had undergone ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy 5.5 to 16.5 months before. In addition, 32 patients had received either catheter-directed or systemic thrombolysis for DVT 2 to 3 years earlier, and 38 patients had undergone deep venous reconstructions 2 to 7 years earlier. In the present studies, some venous reflux was present postoperatively irrespective of the method of evaluation or ablation of the reflux. It seemed, however, that preoperative examination with duplex ultrasound and marking of reflux sites before the operation by the operating surgeon improves the outcome of superficial venous surgery. Ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy is effective in elimination of venous reflux in selected cases in short-term follow-up. Catheter-directed thrombolysis for deep iliofemoral venous thrombosis reduces later reflux and most probably the development of post-thrombotic syndrome as well. The outcome of deep venous reconstructions, especially for post-thrombotic deep venous incompetence, is poor. Thus, prevention of valvular damage by active treatment of deep venous thrombosis is important.