989 resultados para drying conditions


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Bovine intestine samples were heat pump fluidized bed dried at atmospheric pressure and at temperatures below and above the material freezing points equipped with a continuous monitoring system. The investigation of the drying characteristics has been conducted in the temperature range -10~25oC and the airflow in the range 1.5~2.5 m/s. Some experiments were conducted as a single temperature drying experiments and others as two stage drying experiments employing two temperatures. An Arrhenius-type equation was used to interpret the influence of the drying air parameters on the effective diffusivity, calculated with the method of slopes in terms of energy activation, and this was found to be sensitivity of the temperature. The effective diffusion coefficient of moisture transfer was determined by Fickian method using uni-dimensional moisture movement in both moisture, removal by evaporation and combined sublimation and evaporation. Correlations expressing the effective moisture diffusivity and drying temperature are reported.


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In order to establish the influence of the drying air characteristics on the drying performance and fluidization quality of bovine intestine for pet food, several drying tests have been carried out in a laboratory scale heat pump assisted fluid bed dryer. Bovine intestine samples were heat pump fluidized bed dried at atmospheric pressure and at temperatures below and above the materials freezing points, equipped with a continuous monitoring system. The investigation of the drying characteristics have been conducted in the temperature range −10 to 25 ◦C and the airflow in the range 1.5–2.5 m/s. Some experiments were conducted as single temperature drying experiments and others as two stage drying experiments employing two temperatures. An Arrhenius-type equation was used to interpret the influence of the drying air temperature on the effective diffusivity, calculated with the method of slopes in terms of energy activation, and this was found to be sensitive to the temperature. The effective diffusion coefficient of moisture transfer was determined by the Fickian method using uni-dimensional moisture movement in both moisture, removal by evaporation and combined sublimation and evaporation. Correlations expressing the effective moisture diffusivity and drying temperature are reported. Bovine particles were characterized according to the Geldart classification and the minimum fluidization velocity was calculated using the Ergun Equation and generalized equation for all drying conditions at the beginning and end of the trials. Walli’s model was used to categorize stability of the fluidization at the beginning and end of the dryingv for each trial. The determined Walli’s values were positive at the beginning and end of all trials indicating stable fluidization at the beginning and end for each drying condition.


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Cells are the fundamental building block of plant based food materials and many of the food processing born structural changes can fundamentally be derived as a function of the deformations of the cellular structure. In food dehydration the bulk level changes in porosity, density and shrinkage can be better explained using cellular level deformations initiated by the moisture removal from the cellular fluid. A novel approach is used in this research to model the cell fluid with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) and cell walls with Discrete Element Methods (DEM), that are fundamentally known to be robust in treating complex fluid and solid mechanics. High Performance Computing (HPC) is used for the computations due to its computing advantages. Comparing with the deficiencies of the state of the art drying models, the current model is found to be robust in replicating drying mechanics of plant based food materials in microscale.


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The optical, structural and electrical properties of poly(3,4- ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(4-styrenesulfonic acid) (PEDOT:PSS) thin films printed by roll-to-roll gravure have been investigated. Corona treatment has been applied to enhance the adhesion of PEDOT:PSS on PolyEthylene Terephthalate (PET) web. It has been found that there was a stronger in-depth surface modification of PET with the increase of corona efficiency; however, the adhesion of PEDOT:PSS was not actually affected. Also, Spectroscopic Ellipsometry and Atomic Force Microscopy have been used to extract information on the mechanisms that define PEDOT:PSS properties. The increase of the drying temperature of the PEDOT:PSS films has been found to reduce the remaining water inside the films and lead to the decrease of the PEDOT:PSS particles size. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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ABSTRACT: Polyaniline was synthesized by using ammonium persulfate initiator in the presence of 1M HC1. It was dried under different drying conditions like room temperature drying (for 48 h), oven drying (at 50-60°C for 8 h under a vacuum), and vacuum drying (at room temperature for 16 h). The conductivities of these samples were measured at microwave frequencies. These samples were also pelletized and the measurements were repeated. The cavity perturbation technique was used for the study.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Degradation kinetics of food constituents may be related to the matrix molecular mobility by glass transition temperature. Our objective was to test this approach to describe ascorbic acid degradation during drying of persimmons in an automatically controlled tray dryer with temperatures (40 to 70 degrees C) and air velocities (0.8 to 2.0 m/s) varying according a second order central composite design. The Williams-Landel-Ferry model was satisfactorily adjusted to degradation curves for both control strategies adopted-constant air temperature and temperature fixed inside the fruit. Degradation rates were higher at higher drying temperatures, independent of the necessary time to attain the desired moisture content.


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Rheological properties of rehydrated prunes were obtained applying compression-relaxation tests by using a Texture Analyzer TAXT2i. A mathematical development was adopted to determine the stress and area, along the deformation. Experimental data of stress versus time was fitted by using three different rheological models: generalized Maxwell, Normand & Peleg and Maxwell. Results showed that generalized Maxwell model can be used to describe the viscoelastic behavior of the samples. The rheological parameters obtained indicated that prunes exhibited elastic behavior more pronounced at low moisture content and drying air temperature. At high moisture content and temperature the sample became a more viscous and less rigid.


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Windrowed pyrethrum stems were air dried under a range of storage conditions to examine whether the current commercial practice of drying crop material is conducive to pyrethrins' degradation. Crop material was stored for up to 12 days in a commercial windrow, a shed receiving indirect light or a dark, 5 degrees C cool-room. Analysis of pyrethrins extracted from flowers of all treatments demonstrated that pyrethrins were not degrading in windrowed crops, plant material stored in the shed or in the 5 degrees C cool-room. The small differences obtained in pyrethrins content among the treatments can be explained by the natural variation in pyrethrins content of pyrethrum crops. The observation that the achenes were unchanged during this drying period supported the pyrethrins analysis. These results demonstrate that pyrethrins in planta do not degrade as rapidly as extracted pyrethrins. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Experiments on atmospheric two-stage fluidized bed drying of bovine intestines with heat pump were carried out. The investigation covers innovative fluidized bed heat pump drying of bovine intestines. The two-stage drying consists of atmospheric moisture sublimation immediately followed by evaporation. Studies were done to establish the influence of the drying condition on the drying characteristics and product quality of bovine intestines and properties focusing on kinetics, diffusion, and color. The investigation of the drying characteristics has been conducted during moisture removal by evaporation and combined sublimation and evaporation. The effect of drying temperature on the drying constants was determined by fitting the experimental data using regression analysis techniques. The investigation revealed that the drying kinetics is most significantly affected by temperature. Correlations expressing the drying constants and effective moisture diffusivity dependence on the drying conditions are reported.


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Two varieties of grapes, white grape and red grape grown in the Campania region of Italy were selected for the study of drying characteristics. Comparisons were made with treated and untreated grapes under constant drying condition of 50o C in a conventional drying system. This temperature was selected to represent farm drying conditions. Grapes were purchased from a local market from the same supplier to maintain the same size of grapes and same properties. An abrasive physical treatment was used as pretreatment. The drying curves were constructed and drying kinetics was calculated using several commonly available models. It was found that treated samples show better drying characteristics than untreated samples. The objective of this study is to obtain drying kinetics which can be used to optimize the drying operations in grape drying.


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In this research fluidization behavior of cubical Bovine intestine samples was studied. Bovine intestine samples were heat pump dried at atmospheric pressure and at emperatures below and above the material freezing points. Experiments were conducted to study fluidization characteristics and drying kinetics at different drying conditions. Bovine particles were characterized according to Geldart classification and minimum fluidization velocity was calculated using Ergun Equation and generalized equation for all drying conditions at the beginning of the trials and end of the trials. Walli’s model was used to categorize stability of the fluidization at the beginning and end of the drying for each trial. Walli’s values determined were positive at the beginning and end of all trials indicating stable fluidisation at the beginning and end for each drying condition.


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Two varieties of grapes, white grape and red grape grown in the Campania region of Italy were selected for the study of drying characteristics, moisture diffusion, quality changes (colour) and shrinkage behaviour. Comparisons were made with treated and untreated grapes under constant drying condition of 50o C in a conventional drying system. This temperature was selected to represent farm drying conditions. Grapes were purchased from a local market from the same supplier to maintain the same size of grapes and same properties. An abrasive physical treatment was used as pretreatment. The drying curves were constructed and drying kinetics was calculated using several commonly available models. It was found that treated samples shows better drying characteristics than untreated samples. The objective of this study is to obtain drying kinetics which can be used to optimize the drying operations in grape drying.


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Two varieties of grapes, white grape and red grape grown in the Campania region of Italy were selected for the study of drying characteristics, moisture diffusion, quality changes (colour) and shrinkage behaviour. Comparisons were made with treated and untreated grapes under constant drying condition of 50o C in a conventional drying system. This temperature was selected to represent farm drying conditions. Grapes were purchased from a local market from the same supplier to maintain the same size of grapes and same properties. An abrasive physical treatment was used as pretreatment. The drying curves were constructed and drying kinetics was calculated using several commonly available models. It was found that treated samples shows better drying characteristics than untreated samples. The objective of this study is to obtain drying kinetics which can be used to optimize the drying operations in grape drying.


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Heilkräuter sind während des Trocknungsprozesses zahlreichen Einflüssen ausgesetzt, welche die Qualität des Endproduktes entscheidend beeinflussen. Diese Forschungsarbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Trocknung von Zitronenmelisse (Melissa officinalis .L) zu einem qualitativ hochwertigen Endprodukt. Es werden Strategien zur Trocknung vorgeschlagen, die experimentelle und mathematische Aspekte mit einbeziehen, um bei einer adäquaten Produktivität die erforderlichen Qualitätsmerkmale im Hinblick auf Farbeänderung und Gehalt an ätherischen Ölen zu erzielen. Getrocknete Zitronenmelisse kann zurzeit, auf Grund verschiedener Probleme beim Trocknungsvorgang, den hohen Qualitätsanforderungen des Marktes nicht immer genügen. Es gibt keine standardisierten Informationen zu den einzelnen und komplexen Trocknungsparametern. In der Praxis beruht die Trocknung auf Erfahrungswerten, bzw. werden Vorgehensweisen bei der Trocknung anderer Pflanzen kopiert, und oftmals ist die Trocknung nicht reproduzierbar, oder beruht auf subjektiven Annäherungen. Als Folge dieser nicht angepassten Wahl der Trocknungsparameter entstehen oftmals Probleme wie eine Übertrocknung, was zu erhöhten Bruchverlusten der Blattmasse führt, oder eine zu geringe Trocknung, was wiederum einen zu hohen Endfeuchtegehalt im Produkt zur Folge hat. Dies wiederum mündet zwangsläufig in einer nicht vertretbaren Farbänderung und einen übermäßigen Verlust an ätherischen Ölen. Auf Grund der unterschiedlichen thermischen und mechanischen Eigenschaften von Blättern und Stängel, ist eine ungleichmäßige Trocknung die Regel. Es wird außerdem eine unnötig lange Trocknungsdauer beobachtet, die zu einem erhöhten Energieverbrauch führt. Das Trocknen in solaren Tunneln Trocknern bringt folgendes Problem mit sich: wegen des ungeregelten Strahlungseinfalles ist es schwierig die Trocknungstemperatur zu regulieren. Ebenso beeinflusst die Strahlung die Farbe des Produktes auf Grund von photochemischen Reaktionen. Zusätzlich erzeugen die hohen Schwankungen der Strahlung, der Temperatur und der Luftfeuchtigkeit instabile Bedingungen für eine gleichmäßige und kontrollierbare Trocknung. In Anbetracht der erwähnten Probleme werden folgende Forschungsschwerpunkte in dieser Arbeit gesetzt: neue Strategien zur Verbesserung der Qualität werden entwickelt, mit dem Ziel die Trocknungszeit und den Energieverbrauch zu verringern. Um eine Methodik vorzuschlagen, die auf optimalen Trocknungsparameter beruht, wurden Temperatur und Luftfeuchtigkeit als Variable in Abhängigkeit der Trocknungszeit, des ätherischer Ölgehaltes, der Farbänderung und der erforderliche Energie betrachtet. Außerdem wurden die genannten Parametern und deren Auswirkungen auf die Qualitätsmerkmale in solaren Tunnel Trocknern analysiert. Um diese Ziele zu erreichen, wurden unterschiedliche Ansätze verfolgt. Die Sorption-Isothermen und die Trocknungskinetik von Zitronenmelisse und deren entsprechende Anpassung an verschiedene mathematische Modelle wurden erarbeitet. Ebenso wurde eine alternative gestaffelte Trocknung in gestufte Schritte vorgenommen, um die Qualität des Endproduktes zu erhöhen und gleichzeitig den Gesamtenergieverbrauch zu senken. Zusätzlich wurde ein statistischer Versuchsplan nach der CCD-Methode (Central Composite Design) und der RSM-Methode (Response Surface Methodology) vorgeschlagen, um die gewünschten Qualitätsmerkmalen und den notwendigen Energieeinsatz in Abhängigkeit von Lufttemperatur und Luftfeuchtigkeit zu erzielen. Anhand der gewonnenen Daten wurden Regressionsmodelle erzeugt, und das Verhalten des Trocknungsverfahrens wurde beschrieben. Schließlich wurde eine statistische DOE-Versuchsplanung (design of experiments) angewandt, um den Einfluss der Parameter auf die zu erzielende Produktqualität in einem solaren Tunnel Trockner zu bewerten. Die Wirkungen der Beschattung, der Lage im Tunnel, des Befüllungsgrades und der Luftgeschwindigkeit auf Trocknungszeit, Farbänderung und dem Gehalt an ätherischem Öl, wurde analysiert. Ebenso wurden entsprechende Regressionsmodelle bei der Anwendung in solaren Tunneltrocknern erarbeitet. Die wesentlichen Ergebnisse werden in Bezug auf optimale Trocknungsparameter in Bezug auf Qualität und Energieverbrauch analysiert.