69 resultados para drillhole
O trabalho teve como escopo a caracterização geológica, em termos estruturais e estratigráficos, do sistema petrolífero responsável pela ocorrência de óleos encontrados na Formação Rio Bonito, na região carbonífera de Santa Catarina. Atualmente, especula-se que a assinatura geoquímica destes óleos relaciona-se à Formação Irati associado a um modelo não convencional de geração, vinculando a maturação térmica à intrusão de diabásio, devido a um soterramento insuficiente da rocha geradora. Como a Formação Irati encontra-se posicionada estratigraficamente acima da Formação Rio Bonito, o sistema está associado a um forte controle estrutural para o modelo de migração. A preparação de um mapa geológico integrado para a área de estudo envolvendo dados geológicos de campo, dados aeromagnetométricos e informações de furos de sondagem permitiu um entendimento mais aprofundado do arcabouço tectônico-estratigráfico da região. Seções geológicas mostraram a presença de falhas de grandes rejeitos que promoveram um sistema de Horsts e Grabens relacionados às NE-SW e secundariamente a falhas E-W, que permitiram a colocação da Formação Irati em contato lateral ou em um posicionamento abaixo da Formação Rio Bonito. A partir das seções cronoestratigráficas elaboradas foi possível reconhecer prováveis selos, trapas estratigráficos e estruturais, associados ao sistema petrolífero Irati-Rio Bonito. A análise geoquímica (isótopos e biomarcadores) dos óleos coletados na Formação Rio Bonito apontaram que os mesmos estão associadas aos folhelhos do Membro Assistência da Formação Irati, por possuírem uma razão pristano/fitano menor que 1, gamacerano, e a presença de isoprenóides pentametileicosano (i-25) e esqualano (i-30). A partir de análises geoquímicas realizadas em extratos orgânicos extraídos de folhelhos da Formação Irati intrudidos por diabásio, obteve-se valores da relação entre biomarcadores correspondentes e valores de Ro que indicam que foi alcançado o pico de geração de óleo. Contudo, não há registro na área de estudo de um soterramento suficiente que favorecesse essa situação, levando-nos, assim, a acreditar em um modelo de geração não convencional, por meio da intrusão de diabásio nas rochas geradoras. O arcabouço estrutural e os óleos estudados na região sugerem um processo migratório de sudoeste para o nordeste, ao longo de um sistema de falhas NE-SW, encontradas na região, que foram geradas anteriormente ou concomitantemente ao derrame basáltico associado à Formação Serra Geral.
The unique geologic, geomorphic and climatic conditions of southeast Tibet have made the region to develop the multi-style and frequently occurring geologic hazards, especially the collapses and landslides and debris flows along the section of Ranwu-Lulang in Sichuan-Tibet highway. However, most of those geologic hazards have close relationship with the loose accumulations. That is, the loose accumulations are the main carrier of most geologic hazards. Thereof, the huge-thick accumulations along the highway is regarded as the objective in the thesis to study the geologic background, hazarding model and mitigation methods comprehensively, based on the multi-disciplinary theories and former materials. First of all, in the paper, based on field engineering geologic investigations, the genetic type and the characteristics of spatiotemporal distribution of the huge-thick loose accumulations along the highway, have been analysized from the factors of regional geology and geomorphy and climate, as well as the coupling acting of those factors with inoculation and eruption of the loose accumulations geologic hazards. The huge-thick loose accumulations has complex genetic types and specific regulations of spatiotemporal distribution, closely controlled by the outer environment of the region. The accumulations are composed of earth and boulder, with disorder structure and poor sorting, specific forming environments and depositing conditions. And its physical and mechanic properties are greatly distinguished from rock and common earth inland. When Sichuan-Tibet highway was firstly constructed along the north bank of Purlung Tsangpo River, the huge-thick loose accumulations was cut into many high and steep slopes. Through the survey to the cut-slopes and systematic investigation to their failures, the combination of height and angle of the accumulations slope has been obtained. At the same time, the types of genetic structure of those cut-slopes are also analysized and concluded, as well as their failure models. It is studied in the paper that there are piaster, duality, multielement and complexity types in genetic structure, and rip-dump-repose, rip-shear-slip and weathering-flake types in failure models. Moreover, it is briefly introduced present engineering performance methods and techniques dealing with the deformation and failure of the accumulations cut-slope. It is also suggested that several new techniques of slope enforcement and the method of landslide and rockfall avoiding should be applied. The research of high and steep cut-slope along the highway has broadened the acknowledgement of the combination of cut-slope height and angle. Especially, the dissertation also has made the monographic studies about the geologic background and hazarding models and prevention methods of some classic but difficult accumulations geologic hazards. They are: (1) Research of the engineering geologic background of the 102 landslide group and key problems about the project of tunnel. The 102 landslide group is a famous accumulational one composed of glacial tills and glaciofuvial deposit. The tunnel project is a feasible and optional one which can solve the present plight of “sliding after just harnessing” in the 102 section. Based on the glacial geomorphy and its depositing character, distribution of seepage line, a few drillhole materials and some surveying data, the position of contact surface between gneiss and accumulations has been recognized, and the retreating velocities of three different time scales (short, medium and long term) have been approximately calculated, and the weathering thickness of gneiss has also been estimated in the paper. On the basis of above acknowledgement, new engineering geomechnic mode is established. Numerical analysis about the stability of the No.2 landslide is done by way of FLAC program, which supplies the conclusion that the landslide there develops periodically. Thereof, 4 projects of tunnel going through the landslide have been put forwards. Safety distance of the tunnel from clinohefron has been numerically analysized. (2) Research of the geologic setting and disaster model and hazard mitigation of sliding-sand-slope. From the geologic setting of talus cone, it is indicated that the sliding-sand-slope is the process of the re-transportation and re-deposit of sand under the gravity action and from the talus cone. It is the failure of the talus cone essentially. The layering structure of the sliding-sand-slope is discovered. The models of movement and failure of the sliding-sand-slope has been put forwards. The technique, “abamurus+grass-bush fence+degradable culture pan”, is suggested to enforcement and green the sliding-sand-slope. (3) Characteristics and hazarding model and disaster mitigation of debris flow. The sources of solid material of three oversize debris flows have been analysized. It is found that a large amount of moraine existing in the glacial valley and large landslide dam-break are the two important features for oversize debris flow to be taken place. The disaster models of oversize and common debris flows have been generalized respectively. The former model better interpret the event of the Yigong super-large landslide-dam breaking. The features of common debris flow along the highway section, scouring and silting and burying and impacting, are formulated carefully. It is suggested that check dam is a better engineering structure to prevent valley from steeply scouring by debris flow. Moreover, the function of check dam in enforcing the slope is numerically calculated by FLAC program. (4) Songzong ancient ice-dammed lake and its slope stability. The lacustrine profile in Songzong landslide, more than 88 meters thick, is carefully described and measured. The Optical Simulated Luminescence (OSL) ages in the bottom and top of the silty clay layer are 22.5±3.3 kaB.P., 16.1±1.7 kaB.P., respectively. It is indicated by the ages that the lacustrine deposits formed during the Last Glacial Maximum ranging from 25ka B.P. to 15ka B.P. The special characteristics of the lacustrine sediment and the ancient lake line in Songzong basin indicated that the lacustrine sediment is related to the blocking of the Purlung Tsangpo River by the glacier in Last Glacial Maximum from Dongqu valley. The characteristics of the lacustrine profile also indicate that the Songzong ice-dammed lake might run through the Last Glacial Maximum. Two dimensional numerical modeling and analysis are done to simulate the slope stability under the conditions of nature and earthquake by FLAC program. The factor of safety of the lacusrtine slope is 1.04, but it will take place horizontal flow under earthquake activity due to the liquefaction of the 18.33 m silt layer. The realign to prevent the road from landslide is suggested.
A total of 167 samples distubuted throughout the CRP-3 drillhole from 5.77 to 787.68 mbsf and representing fine to coarse sandstones have been analysed by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) Bulk sample geochemistry (major and trace elements) indicates a dominant provenance of detritus from the Ferrar Supergroup in the uppermost 200 mbsf of the core. A markedly increased contribution from the Beacon sandstones is recognized below 200 mbsf and down to 600 mbsf. In the lower part of CRP-3, down to 787.68 mbsf, geochemical evidence for influxes of Ferrar materials is again recorded. On the basis of preliminary magnetostratigraphic data reported for the lower 447 mbsf of the drillhole, we tentatively evaluated the main periodicities modulating the geochemical records. Our results identify a possible influence of the precession, obliquity and long-eccentricity astronomical components (21, 41, and 400 ky frequency bands) on the deposition mechanisms of the studied glaciomarine sediments.
Geochemical data are presented for samples from strata, mainly of Miocene age, in the Cape Roberts-1 core (western McMurdo Sound, Antarctica) to assess the sediment provenance. Bulk (major and trace element) chemistry together with bulk mineralogy of fine-grained sandstones, siltstones, mudstones, and diamictites indicate that chemical alteration of source materials, fractionation due to sedimentary sorting, and diagenetic effects were not significant in the Cape Roberts sediment history. Relevant geochemical parameters are consistent with the Cape Roberts sediments being derived mainly from the crystalline basement and the Beacon Supergroup. On the basis of element distributions, an additional contribution from the Ferrar Dolerite and, mainly above about 60 m, influxes of detritus derived from basanitic to intermediate members of the McMurdo Volcanic Group are recognised.
Strontium isotope stratigraphy was used to date five discrete horizons within CRP-1. Early and late Quaternary (0.87-1.3 Ma and 0-0.67 Ma respectively) age sediments overlie a major sequence boundary at 43.15 meters below sea floor (mbsf). This hiatus is estimated to account for ~16 m.y. of missing section. Early Miocene (16.6-~20.8-25 Ma) age deposits below this boundary are in turn cut by multiple erosion surface representing hiatus is of between 0.2 and 1.2 m.y. Estimated minimum sedimentation rates range between 0.9 and 2.8 cm/k.y. in the Quaternary, and 1.5 and 6.4 cm/ky in the lower Miocene.
Strontium isotope stratigraphy was used to date 16 discrete horizons within the CRP-2/2A drillhole. Reworked Quaternary (<1.7 Ma) and possible Pliocene (<2.4 Ma) sediments overlie a major sequence boundary at 25.92 meters below sea floor (mbsf). This hiatus is estimated to account for c. 16 Myr of missing section. Early Miocene to ?earliest Oligocene (c. 18.6 to >31 Ma) deposits below this boundary were cut by multiple erosion surfaces of uncertain duration. Strontium isotope ages are combined with 40Ar/39Ar dates, diatom and calcareous nannofossil datum and a palaeomagnetic polarity zonation, to produce an age model for the core.
The Cenozoic Victoria Land Basin (VLB) stratigraphic section penetrated by CRP-3 is mostly of Early Oligocene age. It contains an array of lithofacies comprising fine-grained mudrocks, interlaminated and interbedded mudrocks/sandstones, mud-rich and mud-poor sandstones, conglomerates and diamctites that are together interpreted as the products of shallow marine to possibly non-marine environments of deposition, affected by the periodic advance and retreat of tidewater glaciers. This lithofacies assemblage can be readily rationalised using the facies scheme designed originally for CRP-2/2A, and published previously. The uppermost 330 metres below sea floor (mbsf) shows a cyclical arrangement of lithofacies also similar to that recognised throughout CRP-2/2A, and interpreted to reflect cyclical variations in relative sea-level driven by ice volume fluctuations ('Motif A'). Between 330 and 480 mbsf, a series of less clearly cyclical units, generally fining-upward but nonetheless incorporating a significant subset of the facies assemblage, has been identified and noted in the Initial Report as 'Motif B' Below 480 mbsf, the section is arranged into a repetitive succession of fining-upward units, each of which comprises dolerite clast conglomerate at the base passing upward into relatively thick intervals of sandstones. The cycles present down 480 mbsf are defined as sequences, each interpreted to record cyclical variation of relative sea-level. The thickness distribution of sequences in CRP-3 provides some insights into the geological variables controlling sediment accumulation in the Early Oligocene section. The uppermost part of the section in CRP-3 comprises two or three thick, complete sequences that show a broadly symmetrical arrangement of lithofacies (similar to Sequences 9-11 in CRP-2/2A). This suggests a period of relatively rapid tectonic subsidence, which allowed preservation of the complete facies cycle. Below Sequence 3, however, is a considerable interval of thin, incomplete and erosionally truncated sequences (4-23), which incorporates both the remainder of Motif A sequences and all Motif B sequences recognised. The thinner and more truncated sequences suggest sediment accumulation under conditions of reduced accommodation, and given the lack of evidence for glacial conditions (see Powell et al., this volume) tends to argue for a period of reduced tectonic subsidence. The section below 480 mbsf consists of a series of fining-upward, conglomerate to sandstone intervals which cannot be readily interpreted in terms of relative sea-level change. A relatively mudrock-rich interval above the basal conglomerate/breccia (782-762 mbsf) may record initial flooding of the basin during early rift subsidence. The lithostratigraphy summarised above has been linked to seismic reflection data using depth conversion techniques (Henrys et al., this volume). The three uppermost reflectors ('o', 'p' and 'q') correlate to the package of thick sequences 1-3, and several deeper reflectors can also be correlated to sequence boundaries. The package of thick Sequences 1-3 shows a sheet-like cross-sectional geometry on seismic reflection lines, unlike the similar package recognised in CRP-2/2A.
A suite of petrophysical properties - velocity, resistivity, bulk density, porosity, and matrix density - was measured on 88 core plugs from the CRP-3 drillhole. Core-plug bulk densities were used to recalibrate both whole-core and downhole bulk density logs. Core-plug measurements of matrix density permit conversion of the whole-core and downhole bulk density logs to porosity. Both velocity and formation factor (a normalized measure of resistivity) are strongly correlated with porosity. The velocity/porosity pattern is similar to that for the lower part of CRP-2A and is consistent with the empirical relationship for sandstones. Core-plug and whole-core measurements of P-wave velocity at atmospheric pressure exhibit excellent agreement. Measurements of velocity as a function of pressure indicate a significantly higher velocity sensitivity to pressure than has been observed at CRP-1 and CRP-2A; rebound or presence of microcracks at CRP-3 may be responsible. The percentage difference between velocities at in situ pressures and atmospheric pressures increases downhole from 0% at the seafloor to 9% at the bottom. This pattern can be used to correct whole-core velocity data, measured at atmospheric pressure, to in situ velocities for depth-to-time conversion and associated comparison to the seismic profile across the drillsite
Cape Roberts drillhole CRP-3 in the northern part of McMurdo Sound (Ross Sea, Antarctica) targeted the western margin of the Victoria Land basin to investigate Neogene to Palaeogene climatic and tectonic history by obtaining continuous core and downhole logs (Cape Roberts Science Team, 2000). The CRP-3 drillhole extended to 939.42 mbsf (meters below seafloor) at a water depth of 297 m. The first downhole measurements after drilling were the temperature and salinity logs. Both were measured at the beginning and at the end of each of the three logging phases. Although an equilibrium temperature state may not have been fully reached after drilling, the temperature and salinity profiles seem to be scarcely disturbed. The average overall temperature gradient calculated from all temperature measurements is 28.5 K/km; remarkably lower than the temperature gradients found in other boreholes in the western Ross See and the Transantarctic Mountains. Anomalies in the salinity profiles at the beginning of each logging phase were no longer present at the end of the corresponding logging phase. This pattern indicates that drilling mud invaded the formation during drilling operations and flowed back into the borehole after drilling ceased. Thus, zones of temperature and salinity anomalies identify permeable zones in the formation and may be pathways for fluid flow. Radiogenic heat production, calculated from the radionuclide contents, is relatively low, with average values between 0.5 and 1.0 pW/m3. The highest values (up to 2 µW/m3) were obtained for the lower part of the Beacon Sandstone below 855 mbsf. The heat flow component due to radiogenic heat production integrated over the entire borehole is 0.7 mW/m2. Thermal conductivities range from 1.3 to 3 W/mK with an average value of 2.1 W/mK over the Tertiary section. Together with the average temperature gradient of 28.5 K/km this yields an average heat flow value of 60 mW/m2.
Mixed assemblages of Pliocene and Quaternary foraminifera occur within the Quaternary succession of the CRP-1 drillhole. Pliocene foraminifera are not present in the lowermost Unit 4.1. are rare in Unit 3.1 and 2.3, are relatively common in Units 2.2 and 2.1, and are absent in Unit 1.1. Fifteen and twelve species were documented in two of the samples from Units 2.2 and 2.1 respectively. A census count of foraminifera in a sample at 26.89 mbsf (Unit 2.2) indicated that 39% of the tests were from a Pliocene source, with the remaining 61% tests assigned to the in situ Quaternary assemblage. There appears to be a close correlation between the stratigraphic distribution of ice-rafted sediments and the test number and diversity of Pliocene taxa. It is concluded that Pliocene assemblages were not derived from submarine outcrops on Roberts Ridge, but are more likely to have been rafted to the site via major trunk valley drainage systems such as operated within the Mackay and Ferrar glacial valleys. The co-occurrence of marine biota (including foraminifera), fossil wood, pollen, and igneous clasts in the Quaternary succession of CRP-l, points to the marine and terrestrial facies of the Pliocene Sirius Group as a likely source. A major episode of erosion and transport of sediment into the offshore marine basins at about ~1 Ma may have been triggered by dynamism in the ice sheet-glacier system, an episode of regional uplift in the Transantarctic Mountains, sea level oscillations and associated changes in the land-to-sea drainage baselines, or some combination of these factors.
Foraminifera are examined in twenty-six samples from a 44 metre succession of Quaternary glacial sediments recovered from the CRP-1 drillhole on Roberts Ridge, southwestern Ross Sea, Antarctica. In situ marine assemblages were documented in at least three of the six lithostratigraphic units, and it is likely that the remaining three interbedded diamicton units are also marine in origin. Peak foraminiferal diversities are documented in Unit 3.1 (73 species) and Unit 2.2 (32 species). Calcareous benthics dominate the assemblages, but may be accompanied by abundant occurrences of the planktonic Neogloboquadrina pachyderma. Low diversity agglutinated faunas appear in the uppermost strata of Units 4.1 and 2.2. A close relationship between lithofacics and foraminiferal biofacies points to marine environments that alternated between proximity to and distance from active glaciers and iceshelf fronts, with associated variations in salinity, sea-surface ice cover and the levels of rainout from debris-laden ice.
An 823 m thick glaciomarine Cenozoic section sitting unconformably on the Lower Devonian Beacon Supergroup was recovered in CRP-3. This paper reviews the chronostratigraphical constraints for the Cenozoic section. Between 3 and 480.27 mbsf 23 unconformity bounded cycles of sediment were recorded. Each unconformity is thought to represent a hiatus of uncertain duration. Four magnetozones have been recognised from the Cenozoic section. The record is complex with several 'tiny wiggles'' recorded throughout. Biostratigraphical or Sr ages, which could be used to link these magnetozones to the magnetic polarity time scale are restricted to the upper 190 m of sediment. Two diatom datums (Cavitatus jouseanus at 48.9 mbsf and Rhizosolenica antarctica at 68.60 mbsf), together with five Sr-isotope dates derived from molluscan fragments taken from between 10.88 and 190.29 mbsf indicate an early Oligocene (c. 31 Ma) age for this interval. The appearance of a new species of the bivalve ?Adamussium at about 325 mbsf, suggests that the Oligocene age can be extended down to this level. This confirms that the dominantly reversed magnetozone (RI), recorded down to about 340 mbsf, is Chron C12r. The ages imply high sedimentation rates and only minimal time gaps at the sequence boundaries. Below 340 mbsf there are no independent datums to guide the correlation of the magnetozones to the magnetic polarity time scale. However, the absence of in situ dinocysts attributable to Transantarctic Flora, if not a result of environmental control, limits the age of the base of the hole to between c. 33.5 and 35 Ma.