970 resultados para document image analysis


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Precise, up-to-date and increasingly detailed road maps are crucial for various advanced road applications, such as lane-level vehicle navigation, and advanced driver assistant systems. With the very high resolution (VHR) imagery from digital airborne sources, it will greatly facilitate the data acquisition, data collection and updates if the road details can be automatically extracted from the aerial images. In this paper, we proposed an effective approach to detect road lane information from aerial images with employment of the object-oriented image analysis method. Our proposed algorithm starts with constructing the DSM and true orthophotos from the stereo images. The road lane details are detected using an object-oriented rule based image classification approach. Due to the affection of other objects with similar spectral and geometrical attributes, the extracted road lanes are filtered with the road surface obtained by a progressive two-class decision classifier. The generated road network is evaluated using the datasets provided by Queensland department of Main Roads. The evaluation shows completeness values that range between 76% and 98% and correctness values that range between 82% and 97%.


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We describe the design and evaluation of a platform for networks of cameras in low-bandwidth, low-power sensor networks. In our work to date we have investigated two different DSP hardware/software platforms for undertaking the tasks of compression and object detection and tracking. We compare the relative merits of each of the hardware and software platforms in terms of both performance and energy consumption. Finally we discuss what we believe are the ongoing research questions for image processing in WSNs.


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Road features extraction from remote sensed imagery has been a long-term topic of great interest within the photogrammetry and remote sensing communities for over three decades. The majority of the early work only focused on linear feature detection approaches, with restrictive assumption on image resolution and road appearance. The widely available of high resolution digital aerial images makes it possible to extract sub-road features, e.g. road pavement markings. In this paper, we will focus on the automatic extraction of road lane markings, which are required by various lane-based vehicle applications, such as, autonomous vehicle navigation, and lane departure warning. The proposed approach consists of three phases: i) road centerline extraction from low resolution image, ii) road surface detection in the original image, and iii) pavement marking extraction on the generated road surface. The proposed method was tested on the aerial imagery dataset of the Bruce Highway, Queensland, and the results demonstrate the efficiency of our approach.


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Texture analysis and textural cues have been applied for image classification, segmentation and pattern recognition. Dominant texture descriptors include directionality, coarseness, line-likeness etc. In this dissertation a class of textures known as particulate textures are defined, which are predominantly coarse or blob-like. The set of features that characterise particulate textures are different from those that characterise classical textures. These features are micro-texture, macro-texture, size, shape and compaction. Classical texture analysis techniques do not adequately capture particulate texture features. This gap is identified and new methods for analysing particulate textures are proposed. The levels of complexity in particulate textures are also presented ranging from the simplest images where blob-like particles are easily isolated from their back- ground to the more complex images where the particles and the background are not easily separable or the particles are occluded. Simple particulate images can be analysed for particle shapes and sizes. Complex particulate texture images, on the other hand, often permit only the estimation of particle dimensions. Real life applications of particulate textures are reviewed, including applications to sedimentology, granulometry and road surface texture analysis. A new framework for computation of particulate shape is proposed. A granulometric approach for particle size estimation based on edge detection is developed which can be adapted to the gray level of the images by varying its parameters. This study binds visual texture analysis and road surface macrotexture in a theoretical framework, thus making it possible to apply monocular imaging techniques to road surface texture analysis. Results from the application of the developed algorithm to road surface macro-texture, are compared with results based on Fourier spectra, the auto- correlation function and wavelet decomposition, indicating the superior performance of the proposed technique. The influence of image acquisition conditions such as illumination and camera angle on the results was systematically analysed. Experimental data was collected from over 5km of road in Brisbane and the estimated coarseness along the road was compared with laser profilometer measurements. Coefficient of determination R2 exceeding 0.9 was obtained when correlating the proposed imaging technique with the state of the art Sensor Measured Texture Depth (SMTD) obtained using laser profilometers.


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Trees, shrubs and other vegetation are of continued importance to the environment and our daily life. They provide shade around our roads and houses, offer a habitat for birds and wildlife, and absorb air pollutants. However, vegetation touching power lines is a risk to public safety and the environment, and one of the main causes of power supply problems. Vegetation management, which includes tree trimming and vegetation control, is a significant cost component of the maintenance of electrical infrastructure. For example, Ergon Energy, the Australia’s largest geographic footprint energy distributor, currently spends over $80 million a year inspecting and managing vegetation that encroach on power line assets. Currently, most vegetation management programs for distribution systems are calendar-based ground patrol. However, calendar-based inspection by linesman is labour-intensive, time consuming and expensive. It also results in some zones being trimmed more frequently than needed and others not cut often enough. Moreover, it’s seldom practicable to measure all the plants around power line corridors by field methods. Remote sensing data captured from airborne sensors has great potential in assisting vegetation management in power line corridors. This thesis presented a comprehensive study on using spiking neural networks in a specific image analysis application: power line corridor monitoring. Theoretically, the thesis focuses on a biologically inspired spiking cortical model: pulse coupled neural network (PCNN). The original PCNN model was simplified in order to better analyze the pulse dynamics and control the performance. Some new and effective algorithms were developed based on the proposed spiking cortical model for object detection, image segmentation and invariant feature extraction. The developed algorithms were evaluated in a number of experiments using real image data collected from our flight trails. The experimental results demonstrated the effectiveness and advantages of spiking neural networks in image processing tasks. Operationally, the knowledge gained from this research project offers a good reference to our industry partner (i.e. Ergon Energy) and other energy utilities who wants to improve their vegetation management activities. The novel approaches described in this thesis showed the potential of using the cutting edge sensor technologies and intelligent computing techniques in improve power line corridor monitoring. The lessons learnt from this project are also expected to increase the confidence of energy companies to move from traditional vegetation management strategy to a more automated, accurate and cost-effective solution using aerial remote sensing techniques.


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An automatic approach to road lane marking extraction from high-resolution aerial images is proposed, which can automatically detect the road surfaces in rural areas based on hierarchical image analysis. The procedure is facilitated by the road centrelines obtained from low-resolution images. The lane markings are further extracted on the generated road surfaces with 2D Gabor filters. The proposed method is applied on the aerial images of the Bruce Highway around Gympie, Queensland. Evaluation of the generated road surfaces and lane markings using four representative test fields has validated the proposed method.


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True stress-strain curve of railhead steel is required to investigate the behaviour of railhead under wheel loading through elasto-plastic Finite Element (FE) analysis. To reduce the rate of wear, the railhead material is hardened through annealing and quenching. The Australian standard rail sections are not fully hardened and hence suffer from non-uniform distribution of the material property; usage of average properties in the FE modelling can potentially induce error in the predicted plastic strains. Coupons obtained at varying depths of the railhead were, therefore, tested under axial tension and the strains were measured using strain gauges as well as an image analysis technique, known as the Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). The head hardened steel exhibit existence of three distinct zones of yield strength; the yield strength as the ratio of the average yield strength provided in the standard (σyr=780MPa) and the corresponding depth as the ratio of the head hardened zone along the axis of symmetry are as follows: (1.17 σyr, 20%), (1.06 σyr, 20%- 80%) and (0.71 σyr, > 80%). The stress-strain curves exhibit limited plastic zone with fracture occurring at strain less than 0.1.


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Microvessel density (MVD) is a widely used surrogate measure of angiogenesis in pathological specimens and tumour models. Measurement of MVD can be achieved by several methods. Automation of counting methods aims to increase the speed, reliability and reproducibility of these techniques. The image analysis system described here enables MVD measurement to be carried out with minimal expense in any reasonably equipped pathology department or laboratory. It is demonstrated that the system translates easily between tumour types which are suitably stained with minimal calibration. The aim of this paper is to offer this technique to a wider field of researchers in angiogenesis.


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Quantitative determination of modification of primary sediment features, by the activity of organisms (i.e., bioturbation) is essential in geosciences. Some methods proposed since the 1960s are mainly based on visual or subjective determinations. The first semiquantitative evaluations of the Bioturbation Index, Ichnofabric Index, or the amount of bioturbation were attempted, in the best cases using a series of flashcards designed in different situations. Recently, more effective methods involve the use of analytical and computational methods such as X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography; these methods are complex and often expensive. This paper presents a compilation of different methods, using Adobe® Photoshop® software CS6, for digital estimation that are a part of the IDIAP (Ichnological Digital Analysis Images Package), which is an inexpensive alternative to recently proposed methods, easy to use, and especially recommended for core samples. The different methods — “Similar Pixel Selection Method (SPSM)”, “Magic Wand Method (MWM)” and the “Color Range Selection Method (CRSM)” — entail advantages and disadvantages depending on the sediment (e.g., composition, color, texture, porosity, etc.) and ichnological features (size of traces, infilling material, burrow wall, etc.). The IDIAP provides an estimation of the amount of trace fossils produced by a particular ichnotaxon, by a whole ichnocoenosis or even for a complete ichnofabric. We recommend the application of the complete IDIAP to a given case study, followed by selection of the most appropriate method. The IDIAP was applied to core material recovered from the IODP Expedition 339, enabling us, for the first time, to arrive at a quantitative estimation of the discrete trace fossil assemblage in core samples.


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Most of the existing algorithms for approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) assume that it is feasible to simulate pseudo-data from the model at each iteration. However, the computational cost of these simulations can be prohibitive for high dimensional data. An important example is the Potts model, which is commonly used in image analysis. Images encountered in real world applications can have millions of pixels, therefore scalability is a major concern. We apply ABC with a synthetic likelihood to the hidden Potts model with additive Gaussian noise. Using a pre-processing step, we fit a binding function to model the relationship between the model parameters and the synthetic likelihood parameters. Our numerical experiments demonstrate that the precomputed binding function dramatically improves the scalability of ABC, reducing the average runtime required for model fitting from 71 hours to only 7 minutes. We also illustrate the method by estimating the smoothing parameter for remotely sensed satellite imagery. Without precomputation, Bayesian inference is impractical for datasets of that scale.


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The application of robotics to protein crystallization trials has resulted in the production of millions of images. Manual inspection of these images to find crystals and other interesting outcomes is a major rate-limiting step. As a result there has been intense activity in developing automated algorithms to analyse these images. The very first step for most systems that have been described in the literature is to delineate each droplet. Here, a novel approach that reaches over 97% success rate and subsecond processing times is presented. This will form the seed of a new high-throughput system to scrutinize massive crystallization campaigns automatically. © 2010 International Union of Crystallography Printed in Singapore-all rights reserved.


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The inverse temperature hyperparameter of the hidden Potts model governs the strength of spatial cohesion and therefore has a substantial influence over the resulting model fit. The difficulty arises from the dependence of an intractable normalising constant on the value of the inverse temperature, thus there is no closed form solution for sampling from the distribution directly. We review three computational approaches for addressing this issue, namely pseudolikelihood, path sampling, and the approximate exchange algorithm. We compare the accuracy and scalability of these methods using a simulation study.


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The efficacy of the multifractal spectrum as a tool for characterizing images has been studied. This spectrum has been computed for digitized images of the nucleus of human cervical cancer cells and it was observed that the entire spectrum is almost fully reproduced for a normal cell while only the right half (q<0) of the spectrum is reproduced for a cancerous cell. Cells in stages in between the two extremes show a shortening of the left half of the spectrum proportional to their condition. The extent of this shortening has been found to be sufficient to permit a classification between three classes of cells at varying distances from a basal cancerous layer-the superficial cells, the intermediate cells and the parabasal cells. This technique may be used for automatic screening of the population while also indicating the stage of malignancy