982 resultados para dissolution of geological matrix


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The main variables found on procedure of the dissolution silicate rocks using acid dissolution in teflon open vessel for analysis of micro elements by ICP-AES has been determined. The results obtained for some samples showed strong dependence of the rock mineralogical composition, then it was recommended an alkaline fusion step after acid dissolution. The decomposition procedure use 20 mi of an acid mixture of HF:HNO3 in the proportion 3:1 for a fraction of 250 mg pulverized sample. The recommended temperatures were 60 degrees C for attack and 90 degrees C for acid volatilization. The fusion step with 50 mg LiBO2 at 1000 degrees C may be used if non-attacked residue is observed in the solution. The whole time was 6 h per sample. Nine types os silicate rocks that show mineralogical and chemical different compositions were chosen for obtaining the optimization of the variables. The elements used were Ce, Y, Yb and Zr. In addition, ultrassonic nebulization has been used. The percentual standard deviations obtained for five determinations were 0.7 and 1.4 for triplicate samples. The mineralogical and textural information from the petrographical analysis of the samples indicated the need of increasing the fusion step on the optimized procedure.


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Using the surface forces apparatus, which can measure small changes in thickness occurring even at essentially geological timescales, we have measured dissolution of quartz sheets when pressed against muscovite mica surfaces in aqueous electrolyte solution, but no dissolution is observed under dry conditions. It is postulated that the dissolved quartz may reprecipitate outside the contact junction as a fragile silica gel, which could be the main factor limiting the rate of further dissolution.


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This study shows that light exposure of flocculent material (floc) from the Florida Coastal Everglades (FCE) results in significant dissolved organic matter (DOM) generation through photo-dissolution processes. Floc was collected at two sites along the Shark River Slough (SRS) and irradiated with artificial sunlight. The DOM generated was characterized using elemental analysis and excitation emission matrix fluorescence coupled with parallel factor analysis. To investigate the seasonal variations of DOM photo-generation from floc, this experiment was performed in typical dry (April) and wet (October) seasons for the FCE. Our results show that the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) for samples incubated under dark conditions displayed a relatively small increase, suggesting that microbial processes and/or leaching might be minor processes in comparison to photo-dissolution for the generation of DOM from floc. On the other hand, DOC increased substantially (as much as 259 mgC gC−1) for samples exposed to artificial sunlight, indicating the release of DOM through photo-induced alterations of floc. The fluorescence intensity of both humic-like and protein-like components also increased with light exposure. Terrestrial humic-like components were found to be the main contributors (up to 70%) to the chromophoric DOM (CDOM) pool, while protein-like components comprised a relatively small percentage (up to 16%) of the total CDOM. Simultaneously to the generation of DOC, both total dissolved nitrogen and soluble reactive phosphorus also increased substantially during the photo-incubation period. Thus, the photo-dissolution of floc can be an important source of DOM to the FCE environment, with the potential to influence nutrient dynamics in this system.


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We investigated the influence of solar radiation on the transfer of organic matter from the particulate to dissolved phase during resuspension of coastal sediments collected from seven sites across Florida Bay (organic carbon values ranged from 2% to 9% by weight). Sediments were resuspended in oligotrophic seawater for 48 h in 1-liter quartz flasks in the dark and under simulated solar radiation (SunTest XLS+) at wet weight concentrations of 100 mg L21 and 1 g L21 (dry weights ranged from 27 to 630 mg L21). There were little to no dissolved organic carbon (DOC) increases in dark resuspensions, but substantial DOC increases occurred in irradiated resuspensions. DOC levels increased 4 mg C L21 in an irradiated 1 g L21 suspension (dry weight 400 mg L21) of an organic-rich (7% organic carbon) sediment. At a particle load commonly found in coastal waters (dry weight 40 mg L21), an irradiated suspension of the same organic-rich sediment produced 1 mg C L21. DOC increases in irradiated resuspensions were well-correlated with particulate organic carbon (POC) added. Photodissolution of POC ranged from 6% to 15% at high sediment levels and 10% to 33% at low sediment levels. Parallel factor analysis modeling of excitation-emission matrix fluorescence data (EEM PARAFAC) suggested the dissolved organic matter (DOM) produced during photodissolution included primarily humic-like components and a less important input of protein-like components. Principal component analysis (PCA) of EEM data revealed a marked similarity in the humic character of photodissolved DOM from organic-rich sediments and the humic character of Florida Bay waters.


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Dissolution of non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) or gases into groundwater is a key process, both for contamination problems originating from organic liquid sources, and for dissolution trapping in geological storage of CO2. Dissolution in natural systems typically will involve both high and low NAPL saturations and a wide range of pore water flow velocities within the same source zone for dissolution to groundwater. To correctly predict dissolution in such complex systems and as the NAPL saturations change over time, models must be capable of predicting dissolution under a range of saturations and flow conditions. To provide data to test and validate such models, an experiment was conducted in a two-dimensional sand tank, where the dissolution of a spatially variable, 5x5 cm**2 DNAPL tetrachloroethene source was carefully measured using x-ray attenuation techniques at a resolution of 0.2x0.2 cm**2. By continuously measuring the NAPL saturations, the temporal evolution of DNAPL mass loss by dissolution to groundwater could be measured at each pixel. Next, a general dissolution and solute transport code was written and several published rate-limited (RL) dissolution models and a local equilibrium (LE) approach were tested against the experimental data. It was found that none of the models could adequately predict the observed dissolution pattern, particularly in the zones of higher NAPL saturation. Combining these models with a model for NAPL pool dissolution produced qualitatively better agreement with experimental data, but the total matching error was not significantly improved. A sensitivity study of commonly used fitting parameters further showed that several combinations of these parameters could produce equally good fits to the experimental observations. The results indicate that common empirical model formulations for RL dissolution may be inadequate in complex, variable saturation NAPL source zones, and that further model developments and testing is desirable.


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Over the last decade, Ionic Liquids (ILs) have been used for the dissolution and derivatization of isolated cellulose. This ability of ILs is now sought for their application in the selective dissolution of cellulose from lignocellulosic biomass, for the manufacture of cellulosic ethanol. However, there are significant knowledge gaps in the understanding of the chemistry of the interaction of biomass and ILs. While imidazolium ILs have been used successfully to dissolve both isolated crystalline cellulose and components of lignocellulosic biomass, phosphonium ILs have not been sufficiently explored for the use in dissolution of lignocellulosic biomass. This thesis reports on the study of the chemistry of sugarcane bagasse with phosphonium ILs. Qualitative and quantitative measurements of biomass components dissolved in the phosphonium ionic liquids (ILs), trihexyltetradecylphosphonium chloride ([P66614]Cl) and tributylmethylphosphonium methylsulphate ([P4441]MeSO4) are obtained using attenuated total reflectance-Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR). Absorption bands related to cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin dissolution monitored in situ in biomass-IL mixtures indicate lignin dissolution in both ILs and some holocellulose dissolution in the hydrophilic [P4441]MeSO4. The kinetics of lignin dissolution reported here indicate that while dissolution in the hydrophobic IL [P66614]Cl appears to follow an accepted mechanism of acid catalysed β-aryl ether cleavage, dissolution in the hydrophilic IL [P4441]MeSO4 does not appear to follow this mechanism and may not be followed by condensation reactions (initiated by reactive ketones). The quantitative measurement of lignin dissolution in phosphonium ILs based on absorbance at 1510 cm-1 has demonstrated utility and greater precision than the conventional Klason lignin method. The cleavage of lignin β-aryl ether bonds in sugarcane bagasse by the ionic liquid [P66614]Cl, in the presence of catalytic amounts of mineral acid. (ca. 0.4 %). The delignification process of bagasse is studied over a range of temperatures (120 °C to 150 °C) by monitoring the production of β-ketones (indicative of cleavage of β-aryl ethers) using FTIR spectroscopy and by compositional analysis of the undissolved fractions. Maximum delignification is obtained at 150 °C, with 52 % of lignin removed from the original lignin content of bagasse. No delignification is observed in the absence of acid which suggests that the reaction is acid catalysed with the IL solubilising the lignin fragments. The rate of delignification was significantly higher at 150 °C, suggesting that crossing the glass transition temperature of lignin effects greater freedom of rotation about the propanoid carbon-carbon bonds and leads to increased cleavage of β-aryl ethers. An attempt has been made to propose a probable mechanism of delignifcation of bagasse with the phosphonuim IL. All polymeric components of bagasse, a lignocellulosic biomass, dissolve in the hydrophilic ionic liquid (IL) tributylmethylphosphonium methylsulfate ([P4441]MeSO4) with and without a catalytic amount of acid (H2SO4, ca. 0.4 %). The presence of acid significantly increases the extent of dissolution of bagasse in [P4441]MeSO4 (by ca. 2.5 times under conditions used here). The dissolved fractions can be partially recovered by the addition of an antisolvent (water) and are significantly enriched in lignin. Unlike acid catalysed dissolution in the hydrophobic IL tetradecyltrihexylphosphonium chloride there is little evidence of cleavage of β-aryl ether bonds of lignin dissolving in [P4441]MeSO4 (with and without acid), but this mechanism may play some role in the acid catalysed dissolution. The XRD of the undissolved fractions suggests that the IL may selectively dissolve the amorphous cellulose component, leaving behind crystalline material.