983 resultados para discursive pracitices [práticas discursivas]
The research aimed at analysing the political and discursive practices of the metanarrative of employability in the contemporary organizational field, heading for the understanding of the social and micropolitical devices which happen to produce some especific kinds of subjectivities within organizations. From a post-modern epistemological perspective (Weltanshauung), the research focused on the issues concerning the production of subjectivities in the existing organizational society beyond the traditional theoretical standpoints whose common assumptions are due to the modernist approaches of organizational analysis. A deconstructive theoretical approach was emphasized across the whole text and it was mainly inspired and intellectually based upon Michel Foucault's genealogical démarche. His original conceptualization of power-knowledge relations informed the development of a methodology so as to analyse the discursive practices which determine many of the human resources policies concerning employability. The main thesis presented employability as a grand-device of micropolitical control towards the production of subjectivities whose main operation technologies are: an economic modernizing rhetoric, a moralistic dietetics and an instrumental education. Several discursive fragments from different academicists, journalists and some authors from the managerial litterature were taken into account so as to carefully deconstruct their speeches. This analysis revealed the mechanisms of production of pasteurized, mercantile and erratic subjectivities. Some inquietudes of heuristic nature are featured in the domain of organizational, psychological, sociological and political perspectives heading for new studies.
This work is inserted to Applied Linguistic studies, concerned to the understanding that language is a social practice, bringing a qualitative research, discussing essential aspects that involve the subject and his/her discursive practice: signification and valuation. Due to this, we have elected as subject study, the sense and values attributed to the verbs make out and date searched on the articles written in the Vestibular 2005 process promoted by the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), that had the following instruction: In a relationship, is it better make out , just date , or, both, make out and date ? This research is based on the Circle of Bakhtin s dialogic theory, as well as in the notions of instability in the affective relationships nowadays and in the individualization and multiplicity of contemporaneous subjectivity. Those papers are important to analyze the meaning and values that the verbs make out and date present, nowadays, as expressions of an affective relationship and how this situation can interfere in the positions of subjectivity in a formal instance as a vestibular. Those textual productions reflect those relationships, confronting temporary ones, whose discuss is marked, in general, by social voices that evaluate to make out negatively and to date positively
This research investigates the discursive constitution of identities; in spe-cial, it aim to problematize women identities constitution, pointing discursive prac-tices and power relations which involve them. The interviewed subjects had been adult women who had resumed their school trajectory, after certain period without frequenting educational establishments. Aware of that those identities can be per-ceived through the observations of the discursive practices, we question: which discursive practices and power relations involve and constitute those women? Which identity positionings they take through the discursive practices and power relations that include them and that are identified in their stories? Which linguistic marks characterize, in the speech of those women, forms of resistance in the con-stitution of identities? We intend to investigate the constitution of woman identities in the contemporanity; pointing discursive practices and power relations which in-volve women that converge to their identity constitution; exploring in the linguistic materiality effects of senses that emanate of the discursive practices and power relations which involve the collaborators in the identity constitution in private and public spaces. Research corpus is composed by stories of life granted by three women, collected through semidirected interview between 2004 and 2005. To ana-lyze the data, we base in authors as Pêcheux (1993; 2002), Foucault (1979; 1988; etc.), Butler (2003), Scott (1992; 1995), Hall (2000; 2004; 2005), Bauman (1999; 2005), among others that problematize questions as discourse, identity, social gender, power and its interfaces. The life stories had allowed to analyze: the gen-der identity constitution from discursive practices and relations of forces lived in the familiar scenery; assumed identity positionings from discursive practices in globalized urban contexts; power positions in the domestic and extradomestic sphere and new identity positionings
This present thesis has the object to study the discursive constitution the teacher s subjectivities of practice permeating the sections of the magazine Nova Escola between the years 2000-2005. Problematizes how the teacher s subjectivities are produced facing the discourse of truth, which effects establishes a program for autonomist professional development in a perspective of neo-liberal governmentality. Then from this uneasiness arises some requisite questions: in the new century how teacher s subjectivities are discursively produced in magazine s sections Nova Escola during those five years of governmentality? In which perspective the discourses throughout government documents in related with professional development reflect in the linguistic-discursive repertories adopted by Nova Escola? How the experts belonging to the cadre from and/or guests from the magazine, seeking equip discursive the teacher s subjectivities for the XXI Century? Therefore, this paper objective is to examine the linguistics strategies used to produce these subjectivities at magazine s sections, what it admittedly teaches another method how to be teacher; and also it analyzes the discursive practices that compound and set boundaries to the autonomist professional development proposed by sections the magazine; describe technologies used by experts to equip and conduct of conduct the teacher to govern the self. This research is inserted theoretically in the field of Applied Linguistis, to the Cultural Studies and about the contribution of Michel Foucault s theories and methodologically in the perspective discursive interpretative. The results seek to show that the teacher s subjectivities are produced by many technologies of the self, traversed by government discourses and ratified by discursive practices of the magazine s experts. That discourse, without any oppressing or authoritarian connotation, opens space for practice of Freedom and self guiding to both constitute the subjectivity process of the teacher in the XXI Century s path
The study object of this thesis is the process of affirmation, (re)construction and (re)signification of the black identities in the discourses which cross the samba-enredo of African theme of the samba schools belonging to the elite group from the carioca carnival, in the period from 1960 and 2007. The main question which guides this research is the following: How does this discursive process occur and which are the possible effects resulting from it? This research aims to understand, through interpretation gestures of such discourses and from those which undergo the interview statements and the answers given to the questionnaires applied to spectators and parade exhibiters of these samba schools, in what way the negritude conception and the citizenship practice of the black Brazilian people, especially those from Rio de Janeiro, can be affected by the meaning production circulating in the discursive practices of these sambas. The research was theoretically related to the Applied Linguistics, however it articulates theories originated from Cultural Studies and Ethnic-racial Studies as well as it presents some theoretical and methodological fundamentals from the Discourse Analysis of French line. As concerns the methodology, it is of interpretative, qualitative basis with procedures of discursive character. The interview analysis did not reveal, as consequence of the discourses circulating in the sambas, a direct involvement of the black people who were interviewed in struggle for their citizenship practice, but it pointed out sliding of meaning in regard to the negritude emergence
This work discuss about the transformation of public space, based on the recent challenges imposed by communication practices that are renewed and recopying of the sociocultural contexts of everyday life. The study presents theoretical and empirical reports of regional political blogs. In this issue, it looks for understand the political participation in the Internet space, examining the reconfigurations that accompany social relations and new forms of interaction that are merged in the media scene. The ambience of the study limits comments of readers in two political blogs in Rio Grande do Norte, Território Livre, and Thaisa Galvão. The observation concerns about the democratic participation of citizens in matters of collective interest, during the 2010 election. The analysis update the debate on democratic discussion and conversation everyday, trying to grasp changes in social practices in virtual platforms. From this perspective, the work restores some conceptual notions that involve the public places, identifying the changes that appear in the virtual and traditional spheres, with the emergence of new places of conversations, from the Internet usage. Are also compared to similarities and differences between the two elements of the analysis. It is possible, therefore, the communication process of the two discursive spaces with ideas from the public sphere, trying to analyze the duality between public, private, and political participation in these virtual places
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior (CAPES)
Práticas discursivas sobre o homoerotismo e docência são objetos de desejo nesta Tese produzida a partir do trabalho com narrativas docentes. Ao adotar-se uma investida em jogos discursivos subversivos que desmargeiam os centros e povoam as periferias na produção epistemológica, adveio perscrutar sobre docência e diferença e procurar em narrativas a produção da performatividade homoerótica na experiência do ensino superior. No encalce deste intento, rastros levaram ao pós-estruturalismo como teorização da diferença na busca de composições em devires e conduziram à produção de uma escritura que ocorre em uma conjunção epistemológica que considera a sua fragmentação, inconstância, deslizamentos e interpelamentos arquitetados enquanto tirocÃnios discursivos, orientados, e por vezes desorientados, por entendimentos deleuzianos e foucaultianos. Nas linhas de fuga dessas orientações se investe em uma experiência de escritura cartográfica multiplicadora de acontecimentos em jogos intensos de processualidades e experimentações para produzir uma poética da escrita com invenções, contos, poesias, devaneios e divagações. Atravessa o estudo a compreensão da experiência homoerótica na docência enquanto lugar da abjeção virtualizado e atualizado num continuum de problematizações e recolocações, achados e criações. A experiência homoerótica na docência opera, portanto, como um espaço móvel, provocativo, perturbador, instável e fronteiriço, atravessado por práticas discursivas que lhe imprimem governamento, performatividade e desproblematização, porém, lugar de onde emerge a possibilidade de dissensos. Por isso, quando o contrassenso da significação se instala no sÃtio da experiência docente, as performances são deslocadas e passam a operar de forma produtiva forjando sujeitos fronteiras, entre/através, na travessia de dois lugares simbólicos – o homoerotismo e a docência.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Este artigo apresenta o movimento construcionista como uma perspectiva crÃtica em Psicologia Social que propõe compreender os processos de institucionalização que tornaram certos acontecimentos essencializados. Para tanto, enfoca o estudo das práticas discursivas, considerando a linguagem como prática que provoca efeitos. Essa perspectiva possibilita estudos que focalizam acontecimentos na interface entre os usos da linguagem e as condições de sua produção e veiculação. O movimento indica que é necessário direcionar pesquisas para os regimes de verdade que as práticas discursivas sustentam ou rompem e, também, para as relações de poder que controlam, selecionam e organizam os enunciados.
This research aims to study the constitution of subjectivities in discursive practices included in imagistic and verbal texts of tattoos. Seeks to grasp the effects of meanings which translate emotions, experiences and disaffection that marked and / or transformed the lives of tattooed subjects. This thesis was anchored in Foucault's theories (1990, 2010, 2012) that address ways of subjectivity from the writing itself, transgression technologies as overshoot, opening new possibilities for discursive subject producing care of itself. Still notions from this analysis of French discourse (AD), as interdiscourse and discursive memory are used. The nature of qualitative research intends to contribute to the understanding of discourse as social practice constitutive of meaning in ways of being of the subject, as well as production of discourses about social norms. The corpus is composed of testimonials and imagistic and verbal texts of five subjects, among the ten respondents who tattooed experiences in the skin. The results show data demonstrating the constitution itself through lived experiences and printed on the skin. The meanings generated in the skin are types of subjectivities that reflect happiness, resilience, protection and immortality. We conclude that our subjects are positioned discursively in order to rebuild their bodies and experiences as necessary and that the images and statements recorded in bodies produce effects felt around the reflection about the ways of life and the existence choices of each one of the tattooed subjects.
The present study had the objective to identify to the Social Representations of the professionals of medicine and nursing superior level of the Program Health of the Family concerning the assistance for the gestation. The research was qualitative under the optics of the Theory of the Social Representations of Serge Moscovici, of the Central Nucleus of Jean-Claude Abric and of the Analysis of Content of Laurence Bardin. We worked with the following instruments for the collection of data: Questionnaires, with social-demographic data; Free association of Words, with the inductive terms Pregnancy, Assistance for Gestation and Care; Production of mental image and half-structuralized Interview, with the following question: What does the assistance for the gestation represent for you? . We interviewed all the professionals of nursing and medicine of the Program Health of the Family in the city of Santa Cruz /RN (ten for each profession) in the period of February and March of 2007. From the analysis of the social-demographics data, we respectively identified the following percentages for nursing and medicine: the feminine sex for nursing predominated (90%); the age between 24 and 33 (70 and 60%); the religion catholic (80 and 50%) and 50% of the two groups has up to two years of formation and work in the score of the research. The analysis of the others instruments resulted in two categories: Institutionalized vision and Vision of the Common-sense. In the free association of words, the category institutionalized vision is configured as Central Nucleus and of the common sense one as nucleus Peripheral, demonstrating that the Social Representations of the assistance for the gestation attendance are in the universes consensual. In the mental images, we identified to this same construction. In the content of the interviews, the institutionalized vision is permeated by the responsibility of making and the availability of having - assistance for the gestation is recommended by the Health department and necessary genders - while the vision of the common-sense can be represented by the category sort, whose role of professionals of the assistance for the gestation is to strengthen the responsibility for the woman of a maternity socially constructed. In short, the analyzed speeches reflect that, to the knowledge acquired in the academy, are incorporated in the knowledge of the daily professional, and conducted by popular myths. Medicine and nursing recognize the importance of the attendance in such a way for the chance to educate the women for the maternity as for the possibility to prevent complications, but in its speeches they had excluded from this process the masculine figure. We conclude that the meaning of the inductive term take care, part of the common-sense and is incorporated the institutionalized speech to humanize the assistance. However, the pregnancy ceases from being seen in its natural biological direction and starts to be analyzed as a moment of fragility and predisposition the illnesses. Finally, the social nursing and the central nucleus representations for the assistance in gestation for medicine is anchored in the speeches institutionalized and of the common-sense, reflecting the concern in establishing a humanized assistance with quality
Esta es una pesquisa de naturaleza cualitativa de abordaje socio-histórico, con procedimientos etnográficos. Tiene como temática prácticas a constitución de subjetividades en relaciones interdiscursivas entre los discursos propalados por la Medicina Legal con prácticas discursivas de futuros(as) profesionales de la educación. En consecuencia de ese objeto de investigación, establecemos como cuestión central: ¿en qué medida prácticas discursivas producidas por la Medicina Legal producen sentidos en enunciados de alumnos y alumnas del curso de PedagogÃa de UFRN, de modo a constituir subjetividades pautadas por el trastorno, por la anormalidad y por la enfermedad? En ese sentido, el objetivo de este trabajo es analizar prácticas discursivas institucionalizadas que constituyen subjetividades del género y sexualidad pautadas por efectos de sentidos que traducen las sexualidades disidentes como trastorno, perversión y anormalidad. Como herramientas teórico-analÃticas actualizamos, principalmente, algunas reflexiones de Michel Foucault concernientes a la temática del biopoder y de la disciplina, algunas teorizaciones advenidas de los estudios Queer y nociones del Análisis del Discurso de lÃnea francesa, como el discurso, memoria discursiva e interdiscurso. Los resultados de esta pesquisa demuestran que las subjetividades son constituidas en un proceso que alÃa el lenguaje de prácticas médicas, cientÃficas, al habla de nuestros(as) colaboradores(as), en una relación interdiscursiva. AsÃ, las subjetividades se constituyen pautadas por la anormalidad, por el trastorno, por la medicalización de las conductas y de los deseos. TodavÃa, percibimos el cruce de conductas biopolÃticas y disciplinarizadoras en ese proceso de constitución de subjetividades, por medio de sanciones y posibles perjuicios que esos individuos anormales causan a la sociedad, justificadas tanto por los discursos de la Medicina Legal, como de los(as) colaboradores(as) de la pesquisa.