993 resultados para discrimination factor


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Measurement of discrimination against 18O during dark respiration in plants is currently accepted as the only reliable method of estimating the partitioning of electrons between the cytochrome and alternative pathways. In this paper, we review the theory of the technique and its application to a gas-phase system. We extend it to include sampling effects and show that the isotope discrimination factor, D, is calculated as –dln(1 + δ)/dlnO*, where δ is isotopic composition of the substrate oxygen and O*=[O2]/[N2] in a closed chamber containing tissue respiring in the dark. It is not necessary to integrate the expression but, if the integrated form is used, the resultant regression should not be constrained through the origin. This is important since any error in D will have significant effects on the estimation of the flux of electrons through the two pathways.


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Breeding in the high Arctic is time constrained and animals should therefore start with their annual reproduction as early as possible. To allow for such early reproduction in migratory birds, females arrive at the breeding grounds either with body stores or they try to rapidly develop their eggs after arrival using local resources. Svalbard breeding barnacle geese Branta leucopsis have to fly non-stop for about 1100 km from their last continental staging site to the archipelago making the transport of body stores costly. However, environmental conditions at the breeding grounds are highly unpredictable favouring residual body stores allowing for egg production after arrival on the breeding grounds. We estimated the reliance on southern continental resources, i.e. body stores for egg formation, in barnacle geese using stable isotope ratios in the geese's forage along the flyway and in their eggs. Females adopted mixed breeding strategies by using southern resources as well as local resources to varying extents for egg formation. Southern capital in lipid-free yolk averaged 41% (range: 23-65%), early laid eggs containing more southern capital than eggs laid late in the season. Yolk lipids and albumen did not vary over time and averaged a southern capital proportion of 54% (range: 32-73%) and 47% (range: 25-88%), respectively. Our findings indicate that female geese vary the use of southern resources when synthesizing their eggs and this allocation also varies among egg tissues. Their mixed and flexible use of distant and local resources potentially allows for adaptive adjustments to environmental conditions encountered at the archipelago just before breeding.


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Proofreading/editing in protein synthesis is essential for accurate translation of information from the genetic code. In this article we present a theoretical investigation of efficiency of a kinetic proofreading mechanism that employs hydrolysis of the wrong substrate as the discriminatory step in enzyme catalytic reactions. We consider aminoacylation of tRNA(Ile) which is a crucial step in protein synthesis and for which experimental results are now available. We present an augmented kinetic scheme and then employ methods of stochastic simulation algorithm to obtain time dependent concentrations of different substances involved in the reaction and their rates of formation. We obtain the rates of product formation and ATP hydrolysis for both correct and wrong substrates (isoleucine and valine in our case, respectively), in single molecular enzyme as well as ensemble enzyme kinetics. The present theoretical scheme correctly reproduces (i) the amplitude of the discrimination factor in the overall rates between isoleucine and valine which is obtained as (1.8x10(2)).(4.33x10(2)) = 7.8x10(4), (ii) the rates of ATP hydrolysis for both Ile and Val at different substrate concentrations in the aminoacylation of tRNA(Ile). The present study shows a non-michaelis type dependence of rate of reaction on tRNA(Ile) concentration in case of valine. The overall editing in steady state is found to be independent of amino acid concentration. Interestingly, the computed ATP hydrolysis rate for valine at high substrate concentration is same as the rate of formation of Ile-tRNA(Ile) whereas at intermediate substrate concentration the ATP hydrolysis rate is relatively low. We find that the presence of additional editing domain in class I editing enzyme makes the kinetic proofreading more efficient through enhanced hydrolysis of wrong product at the editing CP1 domain.


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In this paper, we report a breakthrough result on the difficult task of segmentation and recognition of coloured text from the word image dataset of ICDAR robust reading competition challenge 2: reading text in scene images. We split the word image into individual colour, gray and lightness planes and enhance the contrast of each of these planes independently by a power-law transform. The discrimination factor of each plane is computed as the maximum between-class variance used in Otsu thresholding. The plane that has maximum discrimination factor is selected for segmentation. The trial version of Omnipage OCR is then used on the binarized words for recognition. Our recognition results on ICDAR 2011 and ICDAR 2003 word datasets are compared with those reported in the literature. As baseline, the images binarized by simple global and local thresholding techniques were also recognized. The word recognition rate obtained by our non-linear enhancement and selection of plance method is 72.8% and 66.2% for ICDAR 2011 and 2003 word datasets, respectively. We have created ground-truth for each image at the pixel level to benchmark these datasets using a toolkit developed by us. The recognition rate of benchmarked images is 86.7% and 83.9% for ICDAR 2011 and 2003 datasets, respectively.


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The fluid component of blood is widely used in ecophysiological investigations, including measures of immune function and stable isotope ecology. After blood collection, delayed separation of blood extracellular fluids from red blood cells is known to affect the concentration of a wide range of biochemical compounds in the resulting fluid, as does prevention of clotting (producing plasma) when compared with blood allowed to clot (producing serum). One challenge when investigating immune function and stable isotope ecology, therefore, is discriminating variation because of the effect of the biological factors of interest from potential methodological artefacts. This study assesses how seven widely used measures of immune function and stable isotope composition respond both to delayed separation of the cellular and fluid components and to the clotting of blood samples from two species of waterfowl. Samples that remained uncentrifuged for up to 12 h did not differ from those centrifuged within 15 min of sampling from the same individuals, indicating that samples from a wide range of field conditions may remain highly comparable. However, the outcome of three of the four immunological assays and two of the three isotopic analyses was highly dependent on the type of fluid, with higher immunological activity and higher relative concentrations of heavy carbon and total nitrogen in plasma compared to serum. Researchers interested in immune function and stable isotope ecology may obtain the most useful results by ensuring that they use a single fluid type in their investigations.


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Dietary studies of marine species constitute an important key to improve the understanding of its biology and of its role in the ecosystem. Thus, prey-predator relationships structure and determine population dynamics and the trophic network at the ecosystem scale. Among the major study sites, the marine ecosystem is submitted to natural and anthropogenic constraints. In the North-Eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean, the Bay of Biscay is a large open area surrounded South by Spain and East by France. This bay is an historic place of intense fishery activities for which the main small pelagic species targeted are the pilchard, Sardina pilchardus and the anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus. The aim of this work is to analyze the trophic ecology of these two small pelagic fish in spring in the Bay of Biscay. To do this, a first section is devoted to their prey composed by the mesozooplanktonic compartment, through a two-fold approach: the characterization of their spatio-temporal dynamics during the decade 2003-2013 and the measurement of their energetic content in spring. For this season, it appears that all prey types are not worth energetically and that the Bay of Biscay represents a mosaic of dietary habitat. Moreover, the spring mesozooplankton community presents a strong spatial structuration, a temporal evolution marked by a major change in abundance and a control by the microphytoplankton biomass. The second section of this work is relative to a methodological approach of the trophic ecology of S. pilchardus and E. encrasicolus. Three different trophic tracers have been used: isotopic ratios of carbon and nitrogen, parasitological fauna and mercury contamination levels. To improve the use of the first of these trophic tracers, an experimental approach has been conducted with S. pilchardus to determine a trophic discrimination factor. Finally, it appears that the use of these three trophic tracers has always been permitted to highlight a temporal variability of the relative trophic ecology of these fish. However, no spatial dynamics could be identified through these three trophic tracers.


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Background There are few data regarding the effectiveness of remote monitoring for older people with heart failure. We conducted a post-hoc sub-analysis of a previously published large Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis of relevant randomized controlled trials to determine whether structured telephone support and telemonitoring were effective in this population. Methods A post hoc sub-analysis of a systematic review and meta-analysis that applied the Cochrane methodology was conducted. Meta-analyses of all-cause mortality, all-cause hospitalizations and heart failure-related hospitalizations were performed for studies where the mean or median age of participants was 70 or more years. Results The mean or median age of participants was 70 or more years in eight of the 16 (n=2,659/5,613; 47%) structured telephone support studies and four of the 11 (n=894/2,710; 33%) telemonitoring studies. Structured telephone support (RR 0.80; 95% CI=0.63-1.00) and telemonitoring (RR 0.56; 95% CI=0.41-0.76) interventions reduced mortality. Structured telephone support interventions reduced heart failure-related hospitalizations (RR 0.81; 95% CI=0.67-0.99). Conclusion Despite a systematic bias towards recruitment of individuals younger than the epidemiological average into the randomized controlled trials, older people with heart failure did benefit from structured telephone support and telemonitoring. These post-hoc sub-analysis results were similar to overall effects observed in the main meta-analysis. While further research is required to confirm these observational findings, the evidence at hand indicates that discrimination by age alone may be not be appropriate when inviting participation in a remote monitoring service for heart failure.


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The ectrodactyly-ectodermal dysplasiaclefting syndrome is a rare autosomal dominant disorder caused by heterozygous mutations in the p63 gene, a transcription factor belonging to the p53 family. The majority of cases of ectrodactyly-ectodermal dysplasia syndrome are caused by de novo mutations and are therefore sporadic in approximately 60% of patients. The substitution of arginine to histidine (R279H), due to a c.836G>A mutation in exon 7 of the p63 gene, represents 55% of the identified mutations and is considered a mutational hot spot. A quantitative and sensitive real-time PCR was performed to quantify both wild-type and R279H alleles in DNA extracted from peripheral blood and RNA from cultured epithelial cells. Standard curves were constructed for both wild-type and mutant probes. The sensitivity of the assay was determined by generating serial dilutions of the DNA isolated from heterozygous patients (50% of alleles mutated) with wild-type DNA, thus obtaining decreasing percentages of p63 R279H mutant allele (50%, 37.5%, 25%, 12.5%, 10%, 7.5%, 5%, 2.5%, and 0.0%). The assay detected up to 1% of the mutant p63. The high sensitivity of the assay is of particular relevance to prenatal diagnosis and counseling and to detect therapeutic effects of drug treatment or gene therapy aimed at reducing the amount of mutated p63. © 2012 American Society for Investigative Pathology and the Association for Molecular Pathology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Although only addressed by EU law from 2000, age discrimination has been the theme of quite a few cases before the Court of Justice, with a high proportion decided by the Grand Chamber recently. This is due to the conceptual and theoretical challenges that a prohibition to use age as differentiating factor poses. After all, age has been an important stratifier used to synchronize life courses through welfare State regimes in Europe. Partly due to these traditions, there are stereotypes associated with old age, and young age, that in turn lead to disadvantage in employment. For the same reason, age discrimination frequently intersects with discrimination on other grounds, such as sex, race or disability. EU legislation on age discrimination has sought to accommodate the traditional role of age in employment policy by allowing wider justifications than for other forms of discrimination. This leads to contradictions within the larger field of discrimination law, which may even threaten to dilute its efficiency. This article analyses how recent case law of the Court of Justice, and in particular its Grand Chamber, deals with the theoretical challenges posed by these conflicting demands on age discrimination and on discrimination law at large.


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Context Medical students can have difficulty in distinguishing left from right. Many infamous medical errors have occurred when a procedure has been performed on the wrong side, such as in the removal of the wrong kidney. Clinicians encounter many distractions during their work. There is limited information on how these affect performance. 
Objectives Using a neuropsychological paradigm, we aim to elucidate the impacts of different types of distraction on left–right (LR) discrimination ability. 
Methods Medical students were recruited to a study with four arms: (i) control arm (no distraction); (ii) auditory distraction arm (continuous ambient ward noise); (iii) cognitive distraction arm (interruptions with clinical cognitive tasks), and (iv) auditory and cognitive distraction arm. Participants’ LR discrimination ability was measured using the validated Bergen Left–Right Discrimination Test (BLRDT). Multivariate analysis of variance was used to analyse the impacts of the different forms of distraction on participants’ performance on the BLRDT. Additional analyses looked at effects of demographics on performance and correlated participants’ self-perceived LR discrimination ability and their actual performance. 
Results A total of 234 students were recruited. Cognitive distraction had a greater negative impact on BLRDT performance than auditory distraction. Combined auditory and cognitive distraction had a negative impact on performance, but only in the most difficult LR task was this negative impact found to be significantly greater than that of cognitive distraction alone. There was a significant medium-sized correlation between perceived LR discrimination ability and actual overall BLRDT performance. 
Distraction has a significant impact on performance and multifaceted approaches are required to reduce LR errors. Educationally, greater emphasis on the linking of theory and clinical application is required to support patient safety and human factor training in medical school curricula. Distraction has the potential to impair an individual's ability to make accurate LR decisions and students should be trained from undergraduate level to be mindful of this.


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The European Court of Justice has held that as from 21 December 2012 insurers may no longer charge men and women differently on the basis of scientific evidence that is statistically linked to their sex, effectively prohibiting the use of sex as a factor in the calculation of premiums and benefits for the purposes of insurance and related financial services throughout the European Union. This ruling marks a sharp turn away from the traditional view that insurers should be allowed to apply just about any risk assessment criterion, so long as it is sustained by the findings of actuarial science. The naïveté behind the assumption that insurers’ recourse to statistical data and probabilistic analysis, given their scientific nature, would suffice to keep them out of harm’s way was exposed. In this article I look at the flaws of this assumption and question whether this judicial decision, whilst constituting a most welcome landmark in the pursuit of equality between men and women, has nonetheless gone too far by saying too little on the million dollar question of what separates admissible criteria of differentiation from inadmissible forms of discrimination.


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In rapid scan Fourier transform spectrometry, we show that the noise in the wavelet coefficients resulting from the filter bank decomposition of the complex insertion loss function is linearly related to the noise power in the sample interferogram by a noise amplification factor. By maximizing an objective function composed of the power of the wavelet coefficients divided by the noise amplification factor, optimal feature extraction in the wavelet domain is performed. The performance of a classifier based on the output of a filter bank is shown to be considerably better than that of an Euclidean distance classifier in the original spectral domain. An optimization procedure results in a further improvement of the wavelet classifier. The procedure is suitable for enhancing the contrast or classifying spectra acquired by either continuous wave or THz transient spectrometers as well as for increasing the dynamic range of THz imaging systems. (C) 2003 Optical Society of America.