995 resultados para discrete phase spaces
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The von Neumann-Liouville time evolution equation is represented in a discrete quantum phase space. The mapped Liouville operator and the corresponding Wigner function are explicitly written for the problem of a magnetic moment interacting with a magnetic field and the precessing solution is found. The propagator is also discussed and a time interval operator, associated to a unitary operator which shifts the energy levels in the Zeeman spectrum, is introduced. This operator is associated to the particular dynamical process and is not the continuous parameter describing the time evolution. The pair of unitary operators which shifts the time and energy is shown to obey the Weyl-Schwinger algebra. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Using the flexibility and constructive definition of the Schwinger bases, we developed different mapping procedures to enhance different aspects of the dynamics and of the symmetries of an extended version of the two-level Lipkin model. The classical limits of the dynamics are discussed in connection with the different mappings. Discrete Wigner functions are also calculated. © 1995.
The main aspects of a discrete phase space formalism are presented and the discrete dynamical bracket, suitable for the description of time evolution in finite-dimensional spaces, is discussed. A set of operator bases is defined in such a way that the Weyl-Wigner formalism is shown to be obtained as a limiting case. In the same form, the Moyal bracket is shown to be the limiting case of the discrete dynamical bracket. The dynamics in quantum discrete phase spaces is shown not to be attained from discretization of the continuous case.
We show how mapping techniques inherent to N2-dimensional discrete phase spaces can be used to treat a wide family of spin systems which exhibits squeezing and entanglement effects. This algebraic framework is then applied to the modified Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick (LMG) model in order to obtain the time evolution of certain special parameters related to the Robertson- Schrödinger (RS) uncertainty principle and some particular proposals of entanglement measure based on collective angular-momentum generators. Our results reinforce the connection between both the squeezing and entanglement effects, as well as allow to investigate the basic role of spin correlations through the discrete representatives of quasiprobability distribution functions. Entropy functionals are also discussed in this context. The main sequence correlations → entanglement → squeezing of quantum effects embraces a new set of insights and interpretations in this framework, which represents an effective gain for future researches in different spin systems. © 2013 World Scientific Publishing Company.
An extended Weyl-Wigner transformation which maps operators onto periodic discrete quantum phase space representatives is discussed in which a mod N invariance is explicitly implemented. The relevance of this invariance for the mapped expression of products of operators is discussed. © 1992.
Following the discussion-in state-space language-presented in a preceding paper, we work on the passage from the phase-space description of a degree of freedom described by a finite number of states (without classical counterpart) to one described by an infinite (and continuously labelled) number of states. With this it is possible to relate an original Schwinger idea to the Pegg-Barnett approach to the phase problem. In phase-space language, this discussion shows that one can obtain the Weyl-Wigner formalism, for both Cartesian and angular coordinates, as limiting elements of the discrete phase-space formalism.
We introduce three area preserving maps with phase space structures which resemble circle packings. Each mapping is derived from a kicked Hamiltonian system with one of the three different phase space geometries (planar, hyperbolic or spherical) and exhibits an infinite number of coexisting stable periodic orbits which appear to ‘pack’ the phase space with circular resonances.
An approach featuring s-parametrized quasiprobability distribution functions is developed for situations where a circular topology is observed. For such an approach, a suitable set of angle - angular momentum coherent states must be constructed in an appropriate fashion.
In this paper, we address the problem of robust information embedding in digital data. Such a process is carried out by introducing modifications to the original data that one would like to keep minimal. It assumes that the data, which includes the embedded information, is corrupted before the extraction is carried out. We propose a principled way to tailor an efficient embedding process for given data and noise statistics. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005.
Time evolution of the Wigner function in discrete quantum phase space for a soluble quasi-spin model
The discrete phase space approach to quantum mechanics of degrees of freedom without classical counterparts is applied to the many-fermions/quasi-spin Lipkin model. The Wi:ner function is written for some chosen states associated to discrete angle and angular momentum variables, and the rime evolution is numerically calculated using the discrete von Neumnnn-Liouville equation. Direct evidences in the lime evolution of the Wigner function are extracted that identify a tunnelling effect. A connection with a SU(2)-based semiclassical continuous approach to the Lipkin model is also presented.
In recent years, an approach to discrete quantum phase spaces which comprehends all the main quasiprobability distributions known has been developed. It is the research that started with the pioneering work of Galetti and Piza, where the idea of operator bases constructed of discrete Fourier transforms of unitary displacement operators was first introduced. Subsequently, the discrete coherent states were introduced, and finally, the s-parametrized distributions, that include the Wigner, Husimi, and Glauber-Sudarshan distribution functions as particular cases. In the present work, we adapt its formulation to encompass some additional discrete symmetries, achieving an elegant yet physically sound formalism.
Direct imaging of extra-solar planets in the visible and infrared region has generated great interest among scientists and the general public as well. However, this is a challenging problem. Diffculties of detecting a planet (faint source) are caused, mostly, by two factors: sidelobes caused by starlight diffraction from the edge of the pupil and the randomly scattered starlight caused by the phase errors from the imperfections in the optical system. While the latter diffculty can be corrected by high density active deformable mirrors with advanced phase sensing and control technology, the optimized strategy for suppressing the diffraction sidelobes is still an open question. In this thesis, I present a new approach to the sidelobe reduction problem: pupil phase apodization. It is based on a discovery that an anti-symmetric spatial phase modulation pattern imposed over a pupil or a relay plane causes diffracted starlight suppression sufficient for imaging of extra-solar planets. Numerical simulations with specific square pupil (side D) phase functions, such as ... demonstrate annulling in at least one quadrant of the diffraction plane to the contrast level of better than 10^12 with an inner working angle down to 3.5L/D (with a = 3 and e = 10^3). Furthermore, our computer experiments show that phase apodization remains effective throughout a broad spectrum (60% of the central wavelength) covering the entire visible light range. In addition to the specific phase functions that can yield deep sidelobe reduction on one quadrant, we also found that a modified Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm can help to find small sized (101 x 101 element) discrete phase functions if regional sidelobe reduction is desired. Our simulation shows that a 101x101 segmented but gapless active mirror can also generate a dark region with Inner Working Distance about 2.8L/D in one quadrant. Phase-only modulation has the additional appeal of potential implementation via active segmented or deformable mirrors, thereby combining compensation of random phase aberrations and diffraction halo removal in a single optical element.
Quasi-birth-and-death (QBD) processes with infinite “phase spaces” can exhibit unusual and interesting behavior. One of the simplest examples of such a process is the two-node tandem Jackson network, with the “phase” giving the state of the first queue and the “level” giving the state of the second queue. In this paper, we undertake an extensive analysis of the properties of this QBD. In particular, we investigate the spectral properties of Neuts’s R-matrix and show that the decay rate of the stationary distribution of the “level” process is not always equal to the convergence norm of R. In fact, we show that we can obtain any decay rate from a certain range by controlling only the transition structure at level zero, which is independent of R. We also consider the sequence of tandem queues that is constructed by restricting the waiting room of the first queue to some finite capacity, and then allowing this capacity to increase to infinity. We show that the decay rates for the finite truncations converge to a value, which is not necessarily the decay rate in the infinite waiting room case. Finally, we show that the probability that the process hits level n before level 0 given that it starts in level 1 decays at a rate which is not necessarily the same as the decay rate for the stationary distribution.
Understanding the behavior of c omplex composite materials using mixing procedures is fundamental in several industrial processes. For instance, polymer composites are usually manufactured using dispersion of fillers in polymer melt matrices. The success of the filler dispersion depends both on the complex flow patterns generated and on the polymer melt rheological behavior. Consequently, the availability of a numerical tool that allow to model both fluid and particle would be very useful to increase the process insight. Nowadays there ar e computational tools that allow modeling the behavior of filled systems, taking into account both the behavior of the fluid (Computational Rheology) and the particles (Discrete Element Method). One example is the DPMFoam solver of the OpenFOAM ® framework where the averaged volume fraction momentum and mass conservation equations are used to describe the fluid (continuous phase) rheology, and the Newton’s second law of motion is used to compute the particles (discrete phase) movement. In this work the refer red solver is extended to take into account the elasticity of the polymer melts for the continuous phase. The solver capabilities will be illustrated by studying the effect of the fluid rheology on the filler dispersion, taking into account different fluid types (generalized Newtonian or viscoelastic) and particles volume fraction and size. The results obtained are used to evaluate the relevance of considering the fluid complex rheology for the prediction of the composites morphology