992 resultados para disadvantaged populations


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Introduction. The prevalence of overweight and obesity has increased sharply for both adults and children, particularity in disadvantaged populations. Changes in dietary habits are small; however applying behavior-change principles has been associated with weight loss and preventing weight gain. This article will review studies targeting economically disadvantaged and/or communities of color incorporating the Transtheoretical Model of Change (TTM).^ Methods. Inclusion criteria were established. Descriptions of characteristics of the reviewed study interventions are included.^ Results. The search yielded a total of 23 articles identified through the electronic database PubMed that included Transtheoretical Model of Change (TTM) interventions regarding diet and/or nutrition, physical activity and/or exercise in disadvantaged populations. Thirteen study interventions centered solely on diet modification, five focused only on physical activity, and five concentrated on a combination of both. The preponderance of studies targeted WIC and urban recipients.^ Discussion/Conclusion. Although the majority of intervention studies supported the use of the Transtheoretical Model of Change (TTM) for weight loss and preventing weight gain, researchers noted that challenges still exist and further interventions are needed.^


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Background: There is growing recognition that the urban built environment influences physical activity at the population level, although the effects on disadvantaged groups are less well understood. Using the examples of open/green space and street connectivity, this paper explores whether enhancements to the built environment have potential for addressing physical activity-related health inequalities among Mori, Pacific and low income communities in New Zealand.

Method: A high-level review of the international literature relating open space and street connectivity to physical activity and/or related health outcomes at a population level was completed. Consideration was given to whether these features of the built environment have a disproportionate effect on disadvantaged populations.

Results: Findings from international studies suggest that open space and street connectivity have a beneficial effect on physical activity. Enhancing the built environment may be particularly advantageous for improving physical activity levels among disadvantaged populations.

Conclusion: It is likely that open space and street connectivity have a positive effect on physical activity behaviour; however due to the cross-sectional nature of existing research and the paucity of research among disadvantaged populations definitive conclusions about the effect in these populations cannot be made. Further research is required (e.g. natural experiments or quasi experimental research designs) to determine the effect of changing the environment on physical activity and obesity.


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Around the world, particularly in North America and Australia, urban sprawl combined with low density suburban development has caused serious accessibility and mobility problems, especially for those who do not own a motor vehicle or have access to public transportation services. Sustainable urban and transportation development is seen crucial in solving transportation disadvantage problems in urban settlements. However, current urban and transportation models have not been adequately addressed unsustainable urban transportation problems that transportation disadvantaged groups overwhelmingly encounter, and the negative impacts on the disadvantaged have not been effectively considered. Transportation disadvantaged is a multi-dimensional problem that combines demographic, spatial and transportation service dimensions. Nevertheless, most transportation models focusing on transportation disadvantage only employ demographic and transportation service dimensions and do not take spatial dimension into account. This paper aims to investigate the link between sustainable urban and transportation development and spatial dimension of the transportation disadvantage problem. The paper, for that purpose, provides a thorough review of the literature and identifies a set of urban, development and policy characteristics to define spatial dimension of the transportation disadvantage problem. This paper presents an overview of these urban, development and policy characteristics that have significant relationships with sustainable urban and transportation development and travel inability, which are also useful in determining transportation disadvantaged populations.


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This research paper aims to develop a method to explore the travel behaviour differences between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged populations. It also aims to develop a modelling approach or a framework to integrate disadvantage analysis into transportation planning models (TPMs). The methodology employed identifies significantly disadvantaged groups through a cluster analysis and the paper presents a disadvantage-integrated TPM. This model could be useful in determining areas with concentrated disadvantaged population and also developing and formulating relevant disadvantage sensitive policies. (a) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E214666.


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To investigate the associations between sociodemographic factors and both diet indicators and food security among socio-economically disadvantaged populations in two different (national) contextual settings.

Logistic regression was used to determine cross-sectional associations between nationality, marital status, presence of children in the household, education, employment status and household income (four low income categories) with daily fruit and vegetable consumption, low-fat milk consumption and food security.

Socio-economically disadvantaged neighbourhoods in the UK and Australia.

Two samples of low-income women from disadvantaged neighbourhoods: (i) in the UK, the 2003–05 Low Income Diet and Nutrition Survey (LIDNS; n 643); and (ii) in Australia, the 2007–08 Resilience for Eating and Activity Despite Inequality (READI; n 1340).

The influence of nationality, marital status and children in the household on the dietary outcomes varied between the two nations. Obtaining greater education qualifications was the most telling factor associated with healthier dietary behaviours. Being employed was positively associated with low-fat milk consumption in both nations and with fruit consumption in the UK, while income was not associated with dietary behaviours in either nation. In Australia, the likelihood of being food secure was higher among those who were born outside Australia, married, employed or had a greater income, while higher income was the only significant factor in the UK.

The identification of factors that differently influence dietary behaviours and food security in socio-economically disadvantaged populations in the UK and Australia suggests continued efforts need to be made to ensure that interventions and policy responses are informed by the best available local evidence.


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The health of an individual is determined by the interaction of genetic and individual factors with wider social and environmental elements. Public health approaches to improving the health of disadvantaged populations will be most effective if they optimise influences at each of these levels, particularly in the early part of the life course. In order to better ascertain the relative contribution of these multi-level determinants there is a need for robust studies, longitudinal and prospective in nature, that examine individual, familial, social and environmental exposures. This paper describes the study background and methods, as it has been implemented in an Australian birth cohort study, Environments for Healthy Living (EFHL): The Griffith Study of Population Health. EFHL is a prospective, multi-level, multi-year longitudinal birth cohort study, designed to collect information from before birth through to adulthood across a spectrum of eco-epidemiological factors, including genetic material from cord-blood samples at birth, individual and familial factors, to spatial data on the living environment. EFHL commenced the pilot phase of recruitment in 2006 and open recruitment in 2007, with a target sample size of 4000 mother/infant dyads. Detailed information on each participant is obtained at birth, 12-months, 3-years, 5-years and subsequent three to five yearly intervals. The findings of this research will provide detailed evidence on the relative contribution of multi-level determinants of health, which can be used to inform social policy and intervention strategies that will facilitate healthy behaviours and choices across sub-populations.


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Research in disadvantaged populations demonstrates that the effect of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) programs can reach into adulthood and influence a wide range of achievement and social well-being outcomes. In English-speaking developed economies, these findings have sparked new perceptions of the role ECEC programs play in both the public and private sphere. Programs that achieve improved learning and social well-being for children are seen as an investment for both individuals and society. Yet, the empirical understanding of what programs best deliver positive outcomes across the diversity of social contexts is limited. A key research task is to identify the forms of ECEC that are most effective in delivering enduring and broad positive outcomes for all children. This article explores changing policy conceptualizations of ECEC, the outcome goals of ECEC, and directions for research in identifying quality in ECEC programs.


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Unhealthy diets contribute at least 14% to Australia's disease burden and are driven by ‘obesogenic’ food environments. Compliance with dietary recommendations is particularly poor amongst disadvantaged populations including low socioeconomic groups, those living in rural/remote areas and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. The perception that healthy foods are expensive is a key barrier to healthy choices and a major determinant of diet-related health inequities. Available state/regional/local data (limited and non-comparable) suggests that, despite basic healthy foods not incurring GST, the cost of healthy food is higher and has increased more rapidly than unhealthy food over the last 15 years in Australia. However, there were no nationally standardised tools or protocols to benchmark, compare or monitor food prices and affordability in Australia. Globally, we are leading work to develop and test approaches to assess the price differential of healthy and less-healthy (current) diets under the food price module of the International Network for Food and Obesity/non-communicable diseases (NCDs) Research, Monitoring and Action Support (INFORMAS). This presentation describes contextualization of the INFORMAS approach to develop standardised Australian tools, survey protocols and data collection and analysis systems. The ‘healthy diet basket’ was based on the Australian Foundation Diet, 1 The ‘current diet basket’ and specific items included in each basket, were based on recent national dietary survey data.2 Data collection methods were piloted. The final tools and protocols were then applied to measure the price and affordability of healthy and less healthy (current) diets of different household groups in diverse communities across the nation. We have compared results for different geographical locations/population subgroups in Australia and assessed these against international INFORMAS benchmarks. The results inform the development of policy and practice, including those relevant to mooted changes to the GST base, to promote nutrition and healthy weight and prevent chronic disease in Australia.


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Since 2008, Western countries are going through a deep economic crisis whose health impacts seem to be fundamentally counter-cyclical: when economic conditions worsen, so does health, and mortality tends to rise. While a growing number of studies have presented evidence on the effect of crises on the average population health, a largely neglected aspect of research is the impact of crises and the related political responses on social inequalities in health, even if the negative consequences of the crises are primarily borne by the most disadvantaged populations. This commentary will reflect on the results of the studies that have analyzed the effect of economic crises on social inequalities in health up to 2013. With some exceptions, the studies show an increase in health inequalities during crises, especially during the Southeast Asian and Japanese crises and the Soviet Union crisis, although it is not always evident for both sexes or all health or socioeconomic variables. In the Nordic countries during the nineties, a clear worsening of health equity did not occur. Results about the impacts of the current economic recession on health equity are still inconsistent. Some of the factors that could explain this variability in results are the role of welfare state policies, the diversity of time periods used in the analyses, the heterogeneity of socioeconomic and health variables considered, the changes in the socioeconomic profile of the groups under comparison in times of crises, and the type of measures used to analyze the magnitude of social inequalities in health. Social epidemiology should further collaborate with other disciplines to help produce more accurate and useful evidence about the relationship between crises and health equity.


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A tese aqui apresentada tem como objeto de estudo a trajetória profissional da educadora Astrogildes Delgado de Carvalho, ao longo de um período situado entre as décadas de 1940 a 1980. A educadora em questão, católica militante, praticamente desconhecida no campo educacional, desenvolveu importantes ações tendo como foco, de modo particular, a educação infantil, área ainda pouco valorizada nos primeiros tempos de seu trabalho como educadora. Entre essas ações, situam-se a fundação de duas instituições educacionais que tiveram destaque na cidade de Petrópolis, entre as décadas de 1940 e 1960, a Escola Chapelinho Vermelho e o Externato Delgado de Carvalho, e a atuação na Organização Mundial de Educação Pré-escolar (OMEP), nas décadas de 1970 e 1980, como formadora de educadoras de creches e como responsável pelos Centros de Atendimento ao Pré-Escolar (CAPEs) criados pela instituição, em localidades habitadas por populações menos favorecidas. Este estudo de caráter biográfico pretende lançar luz sobre uma importante figura do campo educacional brasileiro, e contribuir, através da análise de sua trajetória, articulada, por sua vez, à história da OMEP, para a ampliação do conhecimento sobre ações direcionadas à educação infantil e, em particular, a crianças menos favorecidas da sociedade brasileira, nas décadas focalizadas. Na pesquisa, apoiada em uma base documental diversificada, incluindo de modo valorizado o acervo pessoal da educadora, a pretensão foi a de dar destaque a vozes, papeis, memórias vivas e deslindar os fios que foram sendo tecidos ao longo desses anos, valorizando a participação de Astrogildes Delgado de Carvalho na promoção e garantia dos direitos da criança de zero a seis anos.


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Primary objective: Assess the effects of interventions targeting increased use of the built environment for overall PA in both adults and children.
Secondary objectives

Compare the effects of interventions encouraging the use of existing built environments with interventions that, with or without involving informational approaches, involve building or regenerating environments.
Describe other health benefits (e.g. mental health, risk factors for cardiovascular and other diseases) where outcomes are available.
Explore whether the effects of interventions differ between adults and children and between advantaged and disadvantaged populations.
Identify gaps in the evidence and highlight future research needs in the area.


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Objectif : L’objectif général de cette étude est de comprendre en quoi l’utilisation des services de santé et de disponibilité des ressources en santé au Québec sont équitables. Méthodes : De type transversal et corrélationnel, cette étude intéresse les 95 territoires CSSS du Québec, et couvre les années 2006-2007 et 2008-2009. L’indice de défavorisation matérielle et sociale de Pampalon est mis en lien avec deux séries de variables, soit celles d’utilisation des services par CSSS (services hospitaliers; services médicaux; services CLSC) et celles de disponibilité des ressources (capacité financière; capacité matérielle, capacité humaine; viabilité). Pour ce faire, des analyses de variance ont été effectuées. Le modèle intégrateur de la performance des services de santé EGIPSS et celui de l’utilisation des services de santé de Donabedian servent de cadre d’analyse. Résultats : L’utilisation des services de santé est équitable en ce qui concerne la défavorisation matérielle, mais pas en ce qui a trait à la défavorisation sociale. L’utilisation des services médicaux dispensés par les omnipraticiens est plus élevée chez les populations les plus favorisées socialement comparativement aux populations les plus défavorisées. Toutefois, l’utilisation des médecins spécialistes est plus équitable que celle des omnipraticiens, cela, chez les populations défavorisées autant matériellement que socialement. Les hospitalisations évitables sont plus élevées chez les populations les défavorisées socialement comparativement aux populations les plus favorisées. En termes de disponibilité des ressources, les populations défavorisées disposent de plus de ressources que les plus favorisées, sauf en ce qui concerne la répartition du personnel. Conclusion : En général, il existe très peu d’iniquités dans l’utilisation des services de santé au Québec. Par ailleurs, la disponibilité des ressources en santé est relativement équitable au Québec, exception faite de la disponibilité du personnel.


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The Disability Adjusted Life Year (DALY) is a widely used summary measure of population health combining years of life lost due to mortality and years of healthy life lost due to disability. A feature of the DALY is that, in the assessment of morbidity, each health condition is associated with a disability weight. The disability weight lies on a scale between 0 (indicating the health condition is equivalent to full health) and 1 (indicating the health condition is equivalent to death). The disability weight associated with each health condition is currently fixed across all social, cultural and environmental contexts. Thus blindness in the United Kingdom has the same disability weight as blindness in Niger in spite of structural interventions in the UK that make the disability less severe than in Niger. Although the fixed disability weight is defended on grounds that it supports a strongly egalitarian flavour in the DALY, we argue that the lack of consideration of realistic contexts results in a measure that will underestimate the burden associated with morbidity in disadvantaged populations and overestimate the burden in advantaged populations. There is, consequently, a loss of information on possible non-clinical points of intervention. Disaggregated estimates of the burden of disease such as those in the World Health Report 2000 should be interpreted with caution.


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There is an increased risk of obesity amongst socioeconomically disadvantaged populations and emerging evidence suggests that psychological stress may be a key factor in this relationship. This paper reports the results of cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses of relationships between perceived stress, weight and weight-related behaviours in a cohort of socioeconomically disadvantaged women.

This study used baseline and follow-up self-report survey data from the Resilience for Eating and Activity Despite Inequality study, comprising a cohort of 1382 women aged 18 to 46 years from 80 of the most socioeconomically disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Victoria, Australia. Women reported their height (baseline only), weight, sociodemographic characteristics, perceived stress, leisure-time physical activity, sedentary and dietary behaviours at baseline and three-year follow-up. Linear and multinomial logistic regression were used to examine cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between stress (predictor) and weight, and weight-related behaviours.

Higher perceived stress in women was associated with a higher BMI, and to increased odds of being obese in cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses. Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations were found between stress and both less leisure-time physical activity, and more frequent fast food consumption. Longitudinal associations were also found between stress and increased television viewing time.

The present study contributes to the literature related to the effects of stress on weight and weight-related behaviours. The findings suggest that higher stress levels could contribute to obesity risk in women. Further research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms underlying these associations. However, interventions that incorporate stress management techniques might help to prevent rising obesity rates among socioeconomically disadvantaged women.