984 resultados para disability management


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Over the past decade, there has been growth in the delivery of vocational rehabilitation services globally, as countries seek to control disability-related expenditure, yet there has been minimal research outside the United States on competencies required to work in this area. This study reports on research conducted in Australia to determine current job function and knowledge areas in terms of their importance and frequency of use in the provision of vocational rehabilitation. A survey comprising items from the Rehabilitation Skills Inventory-Amended and International Survey of Disability Management was completed by 149 rehabilitation counselors and items submitted to factor analysis. T-tests and analyses of variance were used to determine differences between scores of importance and frequency and differences in scores based on work setting and professional training. Six factors were identified as important and frequently used: (i) vocational counseling, (ii) professional practice, (iii) personal counseling, (iv) rehabilitation case management, (v) workplace disability case management, and (vi) workplace intervention and program management. Vocational counseling, professional practice and personal counseling were significantly more important and performed more frequently by respondents in vocational rehabilitation settings than those in compensation settings. These same three factors were rated significantly higher in importance and frequency by those with rehabilitation counselor training when compared with those with other training. In conclusion, although ‘traditional’ knowledge and skill areas such as vocational counseling, professional practice, and personal counseling were identified as central to vocational rehabilitation practice in Australian rehabilitation agencies, mean ratings suggest a growing emphasis on knowledge and skills associated with disability management practice.


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Malgré des années de recherches sur la douleur et les incapacités chroniques, peu de conclusions claires émergent quant aux facteurs de risque les plus pertinents. La majorité des auteurs s’entendent toutefois sur un fait, les troubles musculo-squelettiques et l’adaptation à leurs nombreuses conséquences est un processus complexe, multidimensionnel et déterminé par l’interaction de facteurs biopsychosociaux. Deux articles sont présentés avec comme objectifs généraux d’identifier les déterminants importants de l’ajustement à un trouble musculo-squelettique. Le premier article consiste en une recension des écrits systématique visant à résumer tous les facteurs pronostiques biopsychosociaux de l’ajustement multidimensionnel aux troubles musculo-squelettiques et examinant leur pertinence à déterminer ces divers indicateurs d’ajustement, principalement la participation au travail, les limitations fonctionnelles, la douleur, la qualité de la vie, la détresse psychologique et la rechute. Les 105 études prospectives recensées et correspondant aux critères d’inclusion et d’exclusion ont été analysés et chaque association significative a été résumée. Par la suite, 68 études qui ont inclus des facteurs sociodémographiques, biologiques, psychologiques et sociaux ont été analysées séparément. Leur qualité méthodologique a été évaluée, un niveau d’évidence a par la suite été établi pour chaque association entre les facteurs de risque et les diverses variables de résultats. Les divergences dans ces associations entre les différentes phases de chronicité ont également été identifiées. Un niveau d’évidence élevée a été découvert concernant le rôle des attentes de rétablissement, certaines pratiques de gestion intégrées de l’incapacité, les stratégies d’adaptation (coping), la somatisation, la comorbidité, la durée de l’épisode symptomatique et un niveau modéré d’évidence a été découvert pour les comportements de douleur. Lorsque vient le temps de prédire les divers indicateurs d’ajustement de sujets souffrant de troubles musculo-squelettiques, chacun tend à être associé à des facteurs de risque différents. Peu de différences ont été relevées lorsque les phases de chronicité ont été prises en compte. Ces résultats confirment la nature biopsychosociale de l’ajustement aux troubles musculo-squelettiques bien que les facteurs psychosociaux semblent être prédominants. Le second article est une étude prospective avec un suivi de 2 et 8 mois. Elle a été menée auprès de 62 travailleurs accidentés, principalement en phase de chronicité et prestataires d’indemnités de revenu de la CSST (Commission en Santé et Sécurité du Travail du Québec). L’objectif de cette étude était d’identifier les déterminants de l’engagement actif dans un processus de retour a travail par opposition à l’incapacité chronique, tout en adoptant une approche biopsychosociale. Cet objectif a été poursuivi en faisant l’étude, d’une part, de la pertinence de facteurs de risque ayant déjà fait l’objet d’études mais pour lesquelles aucun consensus n’est atteint quant à leur utilité prédictive et d’autre part, de certains facteurs de risque négligés, voire, même omis de ce domaine de recherche. Suite à des analyses multivariées, le genre, les attentes de rétablissement en terme de capacité à retourner au travail et l’importance du travail ont été identifiés comme des déterminants de l’incapacité chronique liée au travail. Après 8 mois, l’âge, la consolidation médicale, les symptômes traumatiques, le support au travail et l’importance du travail ont été également identifiés comme des déterminants d’incapacité chronique liée au travail. Ces résultats démontrent l’importance d’aborder l’étude de l’incapacité chronique et de la réinsertion professionnelle selon une perspective multidimensionnelle. Ces résultats corroborent également les conclusions de notre recension des écrits, puisque les facteurs psychosociaux ont été identifiés comme étant des déterminants importants dans cette étude.


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Work-based return-to-work (RTW) interventions can help to reduce the duration and cost of work disability, and in turn, prevent the negative effects of long-term sickness absence. However, there are a number of complex cognitive, affective and behavioural factors that can impact an individual's confidence, motivation and willingness to RTW that need to be addressed to facilitate effective outcomes. This literature review investigates evidence for the use of motivational interviewing (MI) for improving return-to-work (RTW) and employment outcomes. Whilst evidence for the efficacy of MI in clinical settings to motivate health behaviour change is strong, more research is needed to determine whether MI can be usefully applied to improve RTW and other work-related outcomes. © 2014 The Author(s).


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Injury as a result of road traffic crashes is one of the most significant public health problems in developing countries. It intersects with disability as a development issue because a substantial proportion of people injured in road traffic crashes experience disability, both short term and long term. While there have been significant steps towards better management of road safety globally, especially in developing countries, the implications for road safety policy and practice of disability due road traffic crashes is not fully appreciated. In particular, qualitative information on the lived experience people with a long term disability as a result of a road traffic crash can inform better road safety policy and practice, as demonstrated in a case study from Thailand. The benefits of better policies and practices are likely to accrue to a wide range of road users, and to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development.


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Psychological interventions aimed at seizure management are described with a 14-year-old buy with a learning disability and intractable epilepsy. Baseline records suggested that a majority of tonic seizures and 'drop attacks' were associated with going off to sleep and by environmental 'startles'. Psychological formulation implicated sudden changes in arousal levels as an underlying mechanism of action. Cognitive-behavioural countermeasures were employed to alter arousal levels and processes in different ways in different 'at-risk' situations. A multiple baseline design was used to control for non-specific effects of interventions on non-targeted seizures. Results suggested significant declines in the number of sleep onset and startle-response seizures were attained by these methods. Gains were maintained at 2-month follow-up. (C) 1999 BEA Trading Ltd.


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In many Westernized countries, including Australia, concerns about the use of psychotropic drugs to manage the challenging behavior of individuals with intellectual disability have resulted in the development of legislative and procedural controls. Although these constraints may limit indiscriminate use, employing medication remains a common practice. This study examined information about 873 individuals (566 males, 307 females) who were the subjects of reports to the Intellectual Disability Review Panel in March 2000 concerning the use of chemical restraint. A high proportion of people with intellectual disability were reported to have received drugs for purposes of behavioral restraint. The range of drugs was extensive, although those from the antipsychotic class were the most frequently reported. Many individuals concurrently received more than one type of drug or more than one drug from the same drug class. More males than females and more older than younger individuals were administered medication. A relationship between gender and age was apparent, with younger males but older females dominating. The use of drugs to mange the behavior of people with intellectual disability may at times be warranted. However, it is important that the extent and type of drug use, as well as the characteristics of those who are medicated, be subject to ongoing scrutiny.


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Many individuals with intellectual disability are administered psychotropic drugs to manage their challenging behavior. The increased relocation of individuals from institutions into community-based accommodation during the past decade provides an opportunity to examine the relationship between setting and drug administration. This study provides acomparison of drug use according to the type of residential facility of 873 individuals reported to have been administered drugs for behavioral restraint in March 2000, with 762 individuals reported in March 1993. In 2000, individuals in institutions were reported toreceive a moderately greater number of drugs concurrently than those in the community. However, there were no differences in the proportion of individuals prescribed drugs relative to the total population living in the respective settings. This is in contrast to the findings from 1993, where drug use was greater in individuals who were living in institutions. It was also more common for individuals who continued to be medicated across time to have previously lived in an institution. Although relocation into the community may be associated with improved living conditions, it is important to recognize that this change in living conditions is not necessarily associated with less use of drugs to manage behavior.


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Dual disability is a particularly important area of study, as the co-occurence of intellectual and psychiatric disability presents signficant challenges to professionals within the health and disability services. Four case studies are presented.


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International audience


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In this information age, people are confronted by verbal, visual and written information. This is especially important in the health field, where information is needed to follow directions, understand prescriptions and undertake preventive behaviours. If provided in written form, much of this information may be inaccessible to people who cannot adequately read. Although poor literacy skills affect all groups in the population, older adults with fewer years of education seem to be particularly disadvantaged by an increasing reliance on written communication of health information. With older age comes a higher risk of illness and disability and a greater potential need to access the health system. As a result, poor literacy skills of older individuals may directly impact their health status. This paper explores the link between functional literacy and health, particularly for the older population, provides strategies to practitioners for the management of this problem, and suggests research initiatives in this area.