943 resultados para direct synthesis, microreactor, hydrogen peroxide, simulation
A set of models in Aspen plus was built to simulate the direct synthesis process of hydrogen peroxide in a micro-reactor system. This process model can be used to carry out material balance calculation under various experimental conditions. Three thermodynamic property methods were compared by calculating gas solubility and Uniquac-RK method was finally selected for process model. Two different operation modes with corresponding operation conditions were proposed as the starting point of future experiments. Simulations for these two modes were carried out to get the information of material streams. Moreover, some hydrodynamic parameters such as gas/liquid superficial velocity, gas holdup were also calculated with improved process model. These parameters proved the proposed experimental conditions reasonable to some extent. The influence of operation conditions including temperature, pressure and circulation ratio was analyzed for the first operation mode, where pure oxygen was fed into dissolving tank and hydrogen-carbon dioxide mixture was fed into microreactor directly. The preferred operation conditions for the system are low temperature (2°C) and high pressure (30 bar) in dissolving tank. High circulation ratio might be good in the sense that more oxygen could be dissolved and fed into reactor for reactions, but meanwhile hydrodynamics of microreactor should be considered. Furthermore, more operation conditions of reactor gas/liquid feeds in both of two operation modes were proposed to provide guidance for future experiment design and corresponding hydrodynamic parameters were also calculated. Finally, safety issue was considered from thermodynamic point of view and there is no explosion danger at given experimental plan since the released reaction heat will not cause solvent vaporization inside the microchannels. The improvement of process model still needs further study based on the future experimental results.
Microreactors have proven to be versatile tools for process intensification. Over recent decades, they have increasingly been used for product and process development in chemical industries. Enhanced heat and mass transfer in the reactors due to the extremely high surfacearea- to-volume ratio and interfacial area allow chemical processes to be operated at extreme conditions. Safety is improved by the small holdup volume of the reactors and effective control of pressure and temperature. Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful green oxidant that is used in a wide range of industries. Reduction and auto-oxidation of anthraquinones is currently the main process for hydrogen peroxide production. Direct synthesis is a green alternative and has potential for on-site production. However, there are two limitations: safety concerns because of the explosive gas mixture produced and low selectivity of the process. The aim of this thesis was to develop a process for direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide utilizing microreactor technology. Experimental and numerical approaches were applied for development of the microreactor. Development of a novel microreactor was commenced by studying the hydrodynamics and mass transfer in prototype microreactor plates. The prototypes were designed and fabricated with the assistance of CFD modeling to optimize the shape and size of the microstructure. Empirical correlations for the mass transfer coefficient were derived. The pressure drop in micro T-mixers was investigated experimentally and numerically. Correlations describing the friction factor for different flow regimes were developed and predicted values were in good agreement with experimental results. Experimental studies were conducted to develop a highly active and selective catalyst with a proper form for the microreactor. Pd catalysts supported on activated carbon cloths were prepared by different treatments during the catalyst preparation. A variety of characterization methods were used for catalyst investigation. The surface chemistry of the support and the oxidation state of the metallic phase in the catalyst play important roles in catalyst activity and selectivity for the direct synthesis. The direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide was investigated in a bench-scale continuous process using the novel microreactor developed. The microreactor was fabricated based on the hydrodynamic and mass transfer studies and provided a high interfacial area and high mass transfer coefficient. The catalysts were prepared under optimum treatment conditions. The direct synthesis was conducted at various conditions. The thesis represents a step towards a commercially viable direct synthesis. The focus is on the two main challenges: mitigating the safety problem by utilization of microprocess technology and improving the selectivity by catalyst development.
The direct synthesis from hydrogen and oxygen is a green alternative for production of hydrogen peroxide. However, this process suffers from two challenges. Firstly, mixtures of hydrogen and oxygen are explosive over a wide range of concentrations (4-94% H2 in O2). Secondly, the catalytic reaction of hydrogen and oxygen involves several reaction pathways, many of them resulting in water production and therfore decreasing selectivity. The present work deals with these two challenges. The safety problem was dealed by employing a novel microstructured reactor. Selectivity of the reaction was highly improved by development a set of new catalysts. The final goal was to develop an effective and safe continuous process for direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide from H2 and O2. Activated carbon cloth and Sibunit were examined as the catalysts’ supports. Palladium and gold monometallic and palladium-gold bimetallic catalysts were thoroughly investigated by numerous kinetic experiments performed in a tailored batch reactor and several catalyst charachterization methods. A complete set of data for direct synthesis of H2O2 and its catalytic decomposition and hydrogenation was obtained. These data were used to assess factors influencing selectivity and activity of the catalysts in direct synthesis of H2O2 as well as its decomposition and hydrogenation. A novel microstructured reactor was developed based on hydrodynamics and mass transfer studies in prototype microstractural plates. The shape and the size of the structural elements in the microreactor plate were optimized in a way to get high gas-liquid interfacial area and gas-liquid mass transfer. Finally, empirical correlations for the volumetric mass transfer coefficient were derived. A bench-scale continuous process was developed by using the novel microstructral plate reactor. A series of kinetic experiments were performed to investigate the effects of the gas and the liquid feed rates and their ratio, the amount of the catalyst, the gas feed composition and pressure on the final rate of H2O2 production and selectivity.
Kandidaatintyön johdantokappaleessa esitellään vetyperoksidi ja mihin sitä käytetään teollisuudessa. Työssä vertaillaan antrakinoniprosessia ja suoraa prosessia sekä selvitetään nykyisin enemmän vetyperoksidituotantoon käytetyn antrakinoniprosessin ongelmakohdat ja osoitetaan, miksi suora synteesi vetyperoksidin tuotannossa olisi parempi vaihtoehto. Kandidaatintyön käsittelee suurilta osin turvallisuusongelmia, joita esiintyy suoran synteesin yhteydessä. Kirjallisuudesta on etsitty ratkaisuja näihin ongelmiin, kuten membraaniprosessin käyttöä räjähdysvaaran välttämiseksi. Pienemmän reaktorin eli ns. mikroreaktorin käyttö tuo mukanaan monia etuja vetyperoksidin tuotantoon. Tällöin prosessi on turvallisempi ja sitä on helpompi hallita. Mikroreaktorissa voidaan käyttää korkeampia lämpötiloja ja paineita kuin makroreaktorilla ilman, että räjähdysvaara prosessissa kasvaisi. Mikroreaktorin sisällä olevat mikrokanavat luovat turvallisen ympäristön synteesille. Aspen plus – simulointiohjelmalla mallinnettiin ja simulointiin suoran prosessin kriittisiä virtoja mikroreaktorissa. Tarkoituksena oli löytää virrat, joissa kulkee mahdollisesti räjähtävä kaasuseos. Kaasumaiset prosessivirrat ovat kriittisimmät vetyperoksidin suorassa synteesissä, koska ne aiheuttavat todennäköisemmin räjähdyksen kuin nestemäiset prosessivirrat. Kaikkein eniten prosessiturvallisuutta uhkaavat ainevirrat ennen ja jälkeen mikroreaktoria.
Two oxorhenium(V) complexes with bidentate phosphine ligands were synthesized and isolated as [ReOCl3(dppm)] 1 and [ReOCl3(dppp)] 2 [where dppm = 1,1-bis(diphenylphosphino) methane and dppp = 1.3-bis(diphenylphosphino) propanel. Complex 2 was structurally characterized. Both the complexes were used as catalysts in the epoxidation of olefins using NaHCO3 as co-catalyst and H2O2 as terminal oxidant. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study answers several pending questions about alumina-catalyzed epoxidation with aqueous 70 wt% H2O2. To evaluate the effect of the water-to-aluminum tri-sec-butoxide molar ratio, this was systematically changed from 1 to 24. The xerogels were calcined at 450 degrees C and gave different gamma-Al2O3's with distinct textural and acidic properties. A combination of Al-27 MAS NMR and TPD-NH3 results of calcined aluminas allowed us to assign the type la. Al-OH sites as the catalytic sites for epoxidation. The type Ib Al-OH sites have no function in catalytic epoxidation, because ethyl acetate poisons these sites. The strong acid sites of types IIa, IIb, and III Al-OH groups are responsible for the undesired H2O2 decomposition and decreased oxidant selectivity. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The regulatory mechanisms by which hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) modulates the activity of transcription factors in bacteria (OxyR and PerR), lower eukaryotes (Yap1, Maf1, Hsf1 and Msn2/4) and mammalian cells (AP-1, NRF2, CREB, HSF1, HIF-1, TP53, NF-κB, NOTCH, SP1 and SCREB-1) are reviewed. The complexity of regulatory networks increases throughout the phylogenetic tree, reaching a high level of complexity in mammalians. Multiple H2O2 sensors and pathways are triggered converging in the regulation of transcription factors at several levels: (1) synthesis of the transcription factor by upregulating transcription or increasing both mRNA stability and translation; (ii) stability of the transcription factor by decreasing its association with the ubiquitin E3 ligase complex or by inhibiting this complex; (iii) cytoplasm-nuclear traffic by exposing/masking nuclear localization signals, or by releasing the transcription factor from partners or from membrane anchors; and, (iv) DNA binding and nuclear transactivation by modulating transcription factor affinity towards DNA, co-activators or repressors, and by targeting specific regions of chromatin to activate individual genes. We also discuss how H2O2 biological specificity results from diverse thiol protein sensors, with different reactivity of their sulfhydryl groups towards H2O2, being activated by different concentrations and times of exposure to H2O2. The specific regulation of local H2O2 concentrations is also crucial and results from H2O2 localized production and removal controlled by signals. Finally, we formulate equations to extract from typical experiments quantitative data concerning H2O2 reactivity with sensor molecules. Rate constants of 140 M-1s−1 and ≥ 1.3 × 103 M-1s−1 were estimated, respectively, for the reaction of H2O2 with KEAP1 and with an unknown target that mediates NRF2 protein synthesis. In conclusion, the multitude of H2O2 targets and mechanisms provides an opportunity for highly specific effects on gene regulation that depend on the cell type and on signals received from the cellular microenvironment.
Microwave assisted synthesis of the Cu(I) compound [Cu(µ4-4-ptz)]n [1, 4-ptz = 5-(4-pyridyl)tetrazolate] has been performed by employing a relatively easy method and within a shorter period of time compared to its sister compounds. The syntheses of the Cu(II) compounds [Cu3(µ3-4-ptz)4(µ2-N3)2(DMF)2]n∙(DMF)2n (2) and [Cu(µ2-4-ptz)2(H2O)2]n (3) using a similar method were reported previously by us. MOFs 1-3 revealed high catalytic activity toward oxidation of cyclic alkanes (cyclopentane, -hexane and -octane) with aqueous hydrogen peroxide, under very mild conditions (at room temperature), without any added solvent or additive. The most efficient system (2/H2O2) showed, for the oxidation of cyclohexane, a turnover number (TON) of 396 (TOF of 40 h−1), with an overall product yield (cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone) of 40% relative to the substrate. Moreover, the heterogeneous catalytic systems 1–3 allowed an easy catalyst recovery and reuse, at least for four consecutive cycles, maintaining ca. 90% of the initial high activity and concomitant high selectivity.
Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) can modulate the immune system and their primary effect is on macrophage function. Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is an endemic systemic mycosis in Latin America that is caused by the dimorphic fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Pb). Macrophages are the main defence against this pathogen and have microbicidal activity that is dependent on interferon-Γ and tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α. These cytokines stimulate the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), leading to the death of the fungus. To study the effect of n-3 PUFA on the host immune response during experimental PCM, macrophages that were obtained from animals infected with Pb18 and fed a diet enriched by linseed (LIN) oil were cultured and challenged with the fungus in vitro. The macrophage function was analysed based on the concentrations of TNF-α, NO and H2O2. LIN oil seems to influence the production of TNF-α during the development of disease. A diet enriched with LIN oil influences the microbicidal activity of the macrophages by inducing the production of cytokines and metabolites such as NO and H2O2, predominantly in the chronic phase of infection.
This laboratory project is planned for an undergraduate chemistry laboratory in which students prepare a manganese porphyrin able to mimic the oxidative metabolism of carbamazepine, one of the most frequently prescribed drugs in the treatment of epilepsy. The in vitro oxidation of carbamazepine results in the formation of the corresponding 10,11-epoxide, the main in vivo metabolite. The reaction is catalyzed by manganese porphyrin in the presence of H2O2, an environmentally-friendly oxidant. Through this project students will develop their skills in organic synthesis, coordination chemistry, chromatographic techniques such as TLC and HPLC, UV-visible spectrophotometry, and NMR spectroscopy.
A complex cation, diNOsarcobalt(III), [Co(diNOsar)]3+, (diNOsar = 1,8-dinitro-3,6,10,13,16,19-hexaazabicyclo-[6.6.6]eicosane), was synthesized and immobilized in the cavities of a Y zeolite by the reaction of precursor species in the pores of the zeolite. The encapsulated material was compared to the compound diNOsarcobalt(III) chloride, [Co(diNOsar)]Cl3. Both diNOsarcobalt(III) chloride and the zeolite-encapsulated complex, [Co(diNOsar)]3+/zeolite, were obtained in high yield and characterized by ultraviolet-visible and infrared spectroscopy. X-ray diffraction demonstrated the incorporation of the complex cation into the pores of the zeolite. The catalytic production of hydrogen peroxide from oxygenated water confirmed the successful synthesis of the complex diNOsarcobalt(III) immobilized in the zeolite.
Chlorhexidine, even at low concentrations, is toxic for a variety of eukaryotic cells; however, its effects on host immune cells are not well known. We evaluated in vitro chlorhexidine-induced cytotoxicity and its effects on reactive oxygen/nitrogen intermediate induction by murine peritoneal macrophages. Thioglycollate-induced cells were obtained from Swiss mice by peritoneal lavage with 5 ml of 10 mM phosphate-buffered saline, washed twice and resuspended (10(6) cells/ml) in appropriate medium for each test. Cell preparations contained more than 95% macrophages. The cytotoxicity was determined by the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide assay and the presence of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and nitric oxide (NO) by the horseradish peroxidase-dependent oxidation of phenol red and Griess reaction, respectively. The midpoint cytotoxicity values for 1- and 24-h exposures were 61.12 ± 2.46 and 21.22 ± 2.44 µg/ml, respectively. Chlorhexidine did not induce synthesis or liberation of reactive oxygen/nitrogen intermediates. When macrophages were treated with various sub-toxic doses for 1 h (1, 5, 10, and 20 µg/ml) and 24 h (0.5, 1, and 5 µg/ml) and stimulated with 200 nM phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) solution, the H2O2 production was not altered; however, the NO production induced by 10 µg/ml lipopolysaccharide (LPS) solution varied from 14.47 ± 1.46 to 22.35 ± 1.94 µmol/l and 13.50 ± 1.42 to 20.44 ± 1.40 µmol/l (N = 5). The results showed that chlorhexidine has no immunostimulating activity and sub-toxic concentrations did not affect the response of macrophages to the soluble stimulus PMA but can interfere with the receptor-dependent stimulus LPS.
Chlorhexidine, even at low concentrations, is toxic for a variety of eukaryotic cells; however, its effects on host immune cells are not well known. We evaluated in vitro chlorhexidine-induced cytotoxicity and its effects on reactive oxygen/nitrogen intermediate induction by murine peritoneal macrophages. Thioglycollate-induced cells were obtained from Swiss mice by peritoneal lavage with 5 ml of 10 mM phosphate-buffered saline, washed twice and resuspended (10(6) cells/ml) in appropriate medium for each test. Cell preparations contained more than 95% macrophages. The cytotoxicity was determined by the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide assay and the presence of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and nitric oxide (NO) by the horseradish peroxidase-dependent oxidation of phenol red and Griess reaction, respectively. The midpoint cytotoxicity values for 1- and 24-h exposures were 61.12 ± 2.46 and 21.22 ± 2.44 µg/ml, respectively. Chlorhexidine did not induce synthesis or liberation of reactive oxygen/nitrogen intermediates. When macrophages were treated with various sub-toxic doses for 1 h (1, 5, 10, and 20 µg/ml) and 24 h (0.5, 1, and 5 µg/ml) and stimulated with 200 nM phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) solution, the H2O2 production was not altered; however, the NO production induced by 10 µg/ml lipopolysaccharide (LPS) solution varied from 14.47 ± 1.46 to 22.35 ± 1.94 µmol/l and 13.50 ± 1.42 to 20.44 ± 1.40 µmol/l (N = 5). The results showed that chlorhexidine has no immunostimulating activity and sub-toxic concentrations did not affect the response of macrophages to the soluble stimulus PMA but can interfere with the receptor-dependent stimulus LPS.
Objective. This study evaluated transenamel and transdentinal cytotoxic effects of a bleaching gel on the MDPC-23 cell line.Study design. Discs obtained from bovine incisors were placed in a metallic device to simulate an in vivo pulp chamber. Groups were formed according to the enamel surface treatment: G1: 35% H(2)O(2) bleaching gel; G2: 35% H2O2 bleaching gel + halogen light; G3: halogen light; and G4: control. Cell metabolism was evaluated by the methyltetrazolium assay and cell morphology by scanning electron microscopy.Results. Cell metabolism decreased by 31.7%, 41.6%, and 11.5% in G1, G2, and G3, respectively. Cytotoxic effects observed in G2 were significantly more severe compared with G3 and G4. In G1 and G2, a smaller number of viable cells with major morphologic alterations remained adhered to dentin.Conclusion. The bleaching gel associated with light presented transenamel and transdentinal cytotoxic effects characterised by direct damage to odontoblasts and decrease of their metabolic activity. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2009; 108: 458-464)