994 resultados para direct cinema


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The documentary form commonly referred to as rockumentary has become, since its inception in the early 1960s, a staple of American direct cinema. In keeping with its associations with observational direct cinema, rockumentary emphasizes showing over telling; that is, rockumentary privileges the visual capacities of documentary over patterns of exposition. While the ‘documentary display’ of rockumentary is comparable to certain features of  the early ‘cinema of attractions’ it exceeds such features in its focus on  performance. Typically, an emphasis within documentary theory on unmediated and unreconstructed access to the real as the basis of documentary film has not admitted a place for notions of performance before the camera. Rockumentary, with its relentless foregrounding of the performing body and the performance of musicians, revises this  understanding. This essay examines rockumentary within the context of direct cinema as a mode centred on a documentary performative display as it operates within selected works from the 1960s to the present. The film theorist Brian Winston has claimed that ‘[d]irect cinema made the rock performance/tour movie into the most popular and commercially viable documentary form thus far.’ The inverse of this assessment may be closer to the mark: the rockumentary turned direct cinema into a commercially and widely available form, one which the rockumentary has at times returned to and superseded in its scopic attention to performative display.


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early 1960s, a staple of American direct cinema. In keeping with its associations with observational direct cinema, rockumentary emphasizes showing over telling: that is, rockumentary privileges the visual capacities of documentary over patterns of exposition. While the ‘documentary display’ of rockumentary is comparable to certain features of the early ‘cinema of attractions’ it exceeds such features in its focus on performance. Typically, an emphasis within documentary theory on unmediated and unreconstructed access to the real as the basis of documentary film has not admitted a place for notions of performance before the camera. Rockumentary, with its relentless foregrounding of the performing body and the performance of musicians, revises this understanding. This essay examines rockumentary within the context of observational direct cinema as a mode centred on a documentary performative display as it operates within selected works from the 1960s to the early twenty-first century. The film theorist Brian Winston has claimed that ‘[d]irect cinema made the rock performance/tour movie into the most popular and commercially viable documentary form thus far.’ The inverse of this assessment is closer to the mark: the rockumentary turned direct cinema into a commercially viable and popular form, one which the rockumentary has at times returned to and innovatively superseded in its scopic attention to performative display.


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Cette étude s’intéresse aux écrits portant sur le cinéma québécois qui ont été publiés durant les décennies 1960-70 dans les quatre principales revues de cinéma du Québec, soient Séquences, Objectif, Cinéma/Québec et Champ libre. Cherchant à les comprendre historiquement, elle situe ces publications dans l’évolution de la critique cinématographique au Québec et dans le développement sociopolitique de l’époque. Abordant chacune des revues individuellement, ce texte présente les rédacteurs, le rôle que se donnent les comités de rédaction, ainsi que leur approche du cinéma. Il soulève également les principaux enjeux abordés par chacune d’entre elles et il révèle le discours sur le cinéma québécois qui y est publié. Par la suite, cherchant à établir des constatations sur la critique cinématographique, à partir du corpus étudié, cette étude expose les interactions existant entre ces revues : les raisons derrière leur fondation et les réactions des comités de rédaction lors de l’arrivée de nouvelles concurrentes. En définitive, soulignant les différences et les ressemblances entre les discours sur le cinéma québécois retrouvées dans ces publications, cette étude présente la perception générale de la critique envers la production cinématographique de cette époque.


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Le présent mémoire définira ce qu’on entend par modernité et postmodernité, tout en juxtaposant ces concepts philosophiques au cinéma pratiqué par le documentariste Pierre Perrault. Les modernistes influencés par les Lumières ont toujours considéré les progrès scientifiques comme des avancées nécessaires à l’atteinte d’une béatitude universelle. Pour eux, le salut des sociétés nécessite un passage du côté de la science, du rationalisme. Le problème avec une telle démarche est que tout discours qui se dissocie de la rationalité est immédiatement annihilé au profit d’une (sur)dominance du progrès. Il ne s’agit pas de dire que la modernité est à proscrire – loin de là! –, mais il serait temps d’envisager une remise en question de certaines de ses caractéristiques. La postmodernité, réflexion critique popularisée par Jean-François Lyotard, s’évertue à trouver des pistes de solution pour pallier à cette problématique. Elle est une critique de la domination exagérée des sciences dans la compréhension de notre monde. Il existe pourtant d’autres façons de l’appréhender, tels les mythes et les croyances. Ces récits irrationnels cachent souvent en eux des valeurs importantes (qu’elles soient d’ordre moral, écologique ou spirituel). Or, l’œuvre de Perrault regorge de ces petites histoires communautaires. Les deux films choisis pour notre travail – Le goût de la farine (1977) et Le pays de la terre sans arbre ou le Mouchouânipi (1980) – en sont l’exemple prégnant. Chacun d’eux présente des traditions autochtones (celles des Innus) opposées à la dictature du progrès. Et cette même opposition permet au réalisateur de forger un discours critique sur une modernité prête à tout pour effacer les coutumes uniques. Le cinéaste agit ainsi en postmoderniste, offrant une réflexion salutaire sur les pires excès véhiculés par les tenants du progrès.


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Ce mémoire propose une analyse de la collaboration à l’intérieur de projets cinématographiques dans l’œuvre de Pierre Perrault. Comme la collaboration entre cinéaste et participants soulève des questions éthiques, cette recherche étudie deux films pivots dans la carrière de ce cinéaste soit Pour la suite du monde et La bête lumineuse. Tout en contrastant le discours du cinéaste avec celui d’un protagoniste nommé Stéphane-Albert Boulais, cette étude détaille les dynamiques de pouvoir liées à la représentation et analyse l’éthique du créateur. Ce mémoire présente une description complète de la pensée de Pierre Perrault, ainsi que sa pratique tant au niveau du tournage que du montage. Cette étude se consacre à deux terrains cinématographiques pour soulever les pratiques tant au niveau de l’avant, pendant, et après tournage. Ce mémoire se penche ensuite sur Stéphane-Albert Boulais, qui grâce à ses nombreux écrits sur ses expériences cinématographiques, permet de multiplier les regards sur la collaboration. Après une analyse comparative entre les deux terrains cinématographiques, ce mémoire conclut sur une analyse détaillée de l’éthique du créateur à l’intérieur de projets collaboratifs.


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Inside the Outside is a three screen, gesture and sound poetry performance. It extends the concerns of Traum A Dream (Australia 2003) into the immediacy of the performance situation. Traum A Dream has been described as "A representation of traumatised space, depicting a person who is consumed by a body of pain" and enlists the strategies of Direct Cinema, punk and Artaud's 'cruel' performance.


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This is a 20-minute presentation that involves 3 simultaneous 16mm film projections and live performance of sound poetry, which addresses issues of traumatic effect and affect. The Outer Limits of Read-ability extends the concerns of my earlier film, entitled Traum A Dream (Australia, 2003), into the immediacy of the performance situation. Traum A Dream has been described as “a representation of traumatised space, depicting a person who is consumed by a body of pain in which slowly something is remembered.” The Outer Limits of Read-ability enlists the strategies of experimental film, direct cinema, and punk, while invoking Artaud's notions of “cruel performance”


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This volume is the first book-length study of the extensive career and prolific works of D.A. Pennebaker, one of the pioneers of direct cinema, a documentary form that emphasizes observation and a straightforward portrayal of events. With a career spanning decades, Pennebaker's many projects have included avant-garde experiments (Daybreak Express), ground-breaking television documentaries (Primary), celebrity films (Dont Look Back), concert films (Monterey Pop), and innovative fusions of documentary and fiction (Maidstone).

Exploring the concept of "performing the real," Keith Beattie's insightful analysis interprets Pennebaker's films as performances in which the act of filming is in itself a performative transgression of the norms of purely observational documentary. He examines the ways in which Pennebaker's presentation of unscripted everyday performances is informed by connections between documentary filmmaking and other experimental movements such as the New American Cinema. Through his collaborations with such various artists as Richard Leacock, Shirley Clarke, Norman Mailer, and Jean-Luc Godard, Pennebaker has continually reworked and redefined the forms of documentary filmmaking. This book also includes a recent interview with the director and a full filmography.

"A welcome addition to the Contemporary Film Directors Series."--Documentary

"Filled with useful historical and technical details, this enthusiastic study of one of documentary cinema's most important filmmakers will convert some skeptics and create many new admirers of D.A. Pennebaker's work."--Joe McElhaney, author of Albert Maysles.


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This wide-ranging and insightful collection of interviews with D. A. Pennebaker (b. 1925) spans the prolific career of this pioneer of observational cinema. From the 1950s to the present day, D. A. Pennebaker has made documentary films that have revealed the world of politics, celebrity culture, and the music industry. Following his early collaborations with Robert Drew on a number of works for television, his feature-length portrait of Bob Dylan on tour in England in 1965 (the landmark film Dont Look Back) established so-called direct cinema as a form capable of achieving broad theatrical release. With Monterey Pop, Pennebaker inaugurated the popular mode of rock concert film (or "rockumentary"), a style of filmmaking he has expanded on through a number of films, including Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars and Depeche Mode: 101. Pennebaker has always regarded collaboration as an integral part of his filmmaking methods. His long-running collaboration with Richard Leacock and subsequently his work with Chris Hegedus have enriched his approach and, in the process, have instituted collaboration as a working practice integral to American direct cinema. His other collaborations, in particular, with Jean-Luc Godard and Norman Mailer, resulted in innovative combinations of observational techniques and fictional aesthetics. Such films as The War Room, which was about the 1992 Democratic primaries and was nominated for an Academy Award, and the 2009 Kings of Pastry continue to explore the capacities of observational documentary. In 2012 Pennebaker was the first documentary filmmaker to be awarded an Academy Honorary Award by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.


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This dissertation presents a reflection upon the notion of event, inspired by the contributions of Edgar Morin to the thinking of the present. The research analysis this notion particularly from the experience of the documentary titled Sangue do Barro, which was the winner of the 4th edition of DOCTV, in the federal state of Rio Grande do Norte in 2008. The study focuses on how facts from daily life can be approached by the documentary making process, and how in this process the questioning of facts leads to the questioning of social realities. In this perspective, through the illustrative case of Sangue do Barro, the research develops the hypothesis of how in the documentary process, which aims at revealing a particular history, is the revealing of the particular able to reflect the universal. The dissertation thus assumes this situation as precisely the configuration of the sociology of present, proposed by Edgar Morin. Furthermore, along with the theoretical premises of the sociology of the present, the research performs a brief historical analysis of documentary practices, Brazilian audiovisual public policies, and it also discusses the technical contributions of several contemporary film makers and contemporary thinkers, such as Jean Rouch, Bill Nichols, Ismail Xavier, Consuelo Lins, Gilles Lipovetsky, Jean Serroy, Michel Foucault, Alfredo Pena-Vega, Nicole Lapierre, etc


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The award-winning film Don't Look Back (1967) captures Bob Dylan on tour and on the cusp of change in 1965. Dylan was rapidly shedding his image as a folk musician and being reborn as a rock persona – and D. A. Pennebaker was there to record this fascinating transformation.This insightful book charts the ways in which Pennebaker revised aspects of observational 'direct cinema', a style of film-making that he helped to pioneer, in order to represent in innovative ways Dylan's onstage performances and backstage actions. Keith Beattie's perceptive and nuanced analysis explains the relationship between 'pose' and the performative presentation of 'persona', which forms the basis of the film's portrayal, and explores Pennebaker's relationship with Dylan in the film-making process. In doing so, the book highlights many remarkable moments fromDont Look Back and demonstrates how this landmark film eschewed the informationalism of the documentary form, revealing a captivating portrait of its beguiling subject.


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Independent filmmaking within the context of Australian cinema is a multifaceted subject. In comparison to the United States, where production can be characterised as bifurcated between major studio production and so-called “indie” or independent production without the backing of the majors, since the 1970s and until recently the vast majority of Australian feature film production has been independent filmmaking. Like most so-called national cinemas, most Australian movies are supported by both direct and indirect public subvention administered by state and federal government funding bodies, and it could be argued that filmmakers are, to a certain degree, “dependent” on official mandates. As this chapter demonstrates national production slates are subjected to budget restraints and cut-backs, official cultural policies (for example pursuing international co-productions and local content quotas) and shifts in policy directions among others. Therefore, within the context of Australian cinema, feature film production operating outside the public funding system could be understood as “independent”. However, as is the case for most English-language national cinemas, independence has long been defined in terms of autonomy from Hollywood, and – as alluded to above – as Australia becomes more dependent upon international inputs into production, higher budget movies are becoming less independent from Hollywood. As such, this chapter argues that independence in Australian cinema can be viewed as having two poles: independence from direct government funding and independence from Hollywood studios. With a specific focus on industry and policy contexts, this chapter explores key issues that constitute independence for Australian cinema. In so doing it examines the production characteristics of four primary domains of contemporary independent filmmaking in Australia, namely: “Aussiewood” production; government-backed low-to-mid budget production; co-productions; and guerrilla filmmaking.