987 resultados para direct benefits


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The males of many Bactrocera species (Diptera: Tephritidae) respond strongly and positively to a small number of plant-derived chemicals (=male lures). Males that have imbibed the lures commonly have a mating advantage over unfed males, but no female benefits have been demonstrated for females mating with lure-fed males. It has been hypothesized that the strong lure response is a case of runaway selection, where males receive direct benefits and females receive indirect benefits via 'sexy sons', or a case of sensory bias where females have a lower threshold response to lures. To test these hypotheses we studied the effects of lure feeding on male mating, remating and longevity; while for females that had mated with lure-fed males we recorded mating refractoriness, fecundity, egg viability and longevity. We used Bactrocera tryoni as our test animal and as lures the naturally occurring zingerone and chemically related, but synthetic chemical cuelure. Feeding on lures provided direct male benefits in greater mating success and increased multiple mating. For the first time, we recorded direct female effects: increased fecundity and reduced remating receptivity. Egg viability did not differ in females mated with lure-fed or unfed males. The life span of males and females exposed to lures was reduced. These results reveal direct, current-generation fitness benefits for both males and females, although the male benefits appear greater. We discuss that while lure response is indeed likely to be a sexual selection trait, there is no need to invoke runaway selection to explain its evolution.


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Bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) are among the most successful mammals and likely display the widest range of mating systems within the Class. One mating system that is underrepresented in the Chiroptera is lek breeding, which is characterized by aggregations of sexually displaying males that are visited by receptive females who appraise male displays and actively choose mates, yet receive no direct benefits such as assistance in parenting. Leks are thought to form when males can defend neither resources nor females, making it more economical to establish small breeding territories and self-advertise through sexual displays. Lekking is rare in mammals, and it has been suggested that a lack in the mobility required by females to economically seek out aggregations of sexually displaying males may explain this rarity. Bats, like birds, do not suffer reduced mobility and yet out of over a thousand described species, only one has been confirmed to breed in leks. We examine the rarity of lekking in bats by providing an overview on the current state of knowledge of their mating systems and discuss the ecological and social determinants for the observed trends, contrasted with the prerequisites of lek-breeding behaviour. We use the breeding behaviour of New Zealand's lesser short-tailed bat Mystacina tuberculata, which is believed to be a lek breeder, as a case study for the examination of potential lekking behaviour in bats, and highlight the importance of such research for the development of effective conservation strategies.


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The paper presents a model where the median voter in the donor country determines the support of foreign aid. It is first established that an individual in the donor country is affected by the direct benefits (due to altruism) and costs (due to taxes) of giving aid, and by the indirect benefits or costs of a change in the terms of trade. Then it is shown that the latter effect works through changing both the donor country's average income and its distribution of income. Given the stylized facts of a capital-abundant donor country and relatively capital-poor median voter, it is shown how redistribution-of-income effects soften the impact of terms-of-trade changes on the political support for foreign aid.


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O comportamento territorial é uma estratégia de monopolização de recursos quando esses são essenciais para o sucesso reprodutivo de um organismo. Um território é uma área de uso exclusivo, defendido contra invasores coespecíficos de mesmo sexo, resultante da interação social entre vizinhos. A territorialidade exerce importante papel no sistema reprodutivo de uma espécie, pois influencia a participação do macho na reprodução. Nesses casos, as fêmeas podem obter vantagens diretas, como sítios de nidificação e cuidado parental. O comportamento territorial também exerce influência na regulação do tamanho populacional através de uma relação entre custos e benefícios individuais: em ambientes ótimos e com alta densidade populacional, os territórios são pequenos com pouca substituição, e jovens machos têm dificuldade para conseguirem estabelecer-se. O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar aspectos comportamentais do tropeiro-da-serra, espécie rara e endêmica de Floresta Atlântica, com distribuição bastante restrita. Ao longo de 18 meses na Ilha Grande (RJ), analisamos seu comportamento territorial, mensuramos os tamanhos de territórios individuais de machos e realizamos estimativas de densidade populacional. O playback foi utilizado para atestar a presença de territorialidade na espécie, para simular a aproximação de coespecíficos (interações intraespecíficas) e para induzir o deslocamento dos indivíduos até os limites de seus territórios. Para investigar as respostas comportamentais à aproximação de invasores, analisamos quantitativamente as reações dos indivíduos a estímulos sonoros (vocalização espontânea e induzida pelo playback). Os territórios individuais foram definidos em duas estações reprodutivas através do método do Mínimo Polígono Convexo (MPC) em uma área equivalente a 20ha. A densidade populacional foi definida através do número de territórios encontrados e pelo número de indivíduos vistos/ouvidos por unidade de área através de transecções lineares. As vocalizações espontâneas e induzidas ocorreram somente entre os meses de agosto a janeiro, caracterizando uma estação reprodutiva bem definida. Durante este período, os machos tornaram-se solitários e agressivos com coespecíficos; na fase não-reprodutiva, entretanto, os indivíduos mostram-se sociáveis, forrageando em pequenos grupos de até quatro indivíduos. Os resultados indicam que o território é estabelecido para a monopolização de alimento e acesso às fêmeas. Essas observações sugerem que a espécie estudada é territorialista. Foram estimados sete territórios com valores entre 0,21ha e 0,73ha (0,43 + 0,16ha). Os indivíduos apresentaram fidelidade territorial, ocupando os mesmos territórios em duas estações reprodutivas. A densidade populacional de L. lanioides apresentou flutuações ao longo do ano, com os maiores valores encontrados durante a estação reprodutiva (variando entre 0,37 e 1,84 indivíduos/ha). Flutuações na densidade populacional podem apontar migrações altitudinais motivadas por variações na disponibilidade de recursos alimentares. Concluímos que o comportamento reprodutivo de L. lanioides não se enquadra no conceito de sistema reprodutivo em leks, conhecido em outros cotingídeos (ex. Lipaugus vociferans), no qual a corte é um comportamento social, com disputa por status de dominância, e o papel do macho resume-se à cópula sem benefícios diretos para as fêmeas. Dessa forma, os resultados do presente estudo trazem informações originais sobre a biologia de L. lanioides


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We study market reaction to the announcements of the selected country hosting the Summer and Winter Olympic Games, the World Football Cup, the European Football Cup and World and Specialized Exhibitions. We generalize previous results analyzing a large number and different types of mega-events, evaluate the effects for winning and losing countries, investigate the determinants of the observed market reaction and control for the ex ante probability of a country being a successful bidder. Average abnormal returns measured at the announcement date and around the event are not significantly different from zero. Further, we find no evidence supporting that industries, that a priori were more likely to extract direct benefits from the event, observe positive significant effects. Yet, when we control for anticipation, the stock price reactions around the announcements are significant.


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Cuscuta spp. are holoparasitic plants that can simultaneously parasitise several host plants. It has been suggested that Cuscuta has evolved a foraging strategy based on a positive relationship between preuptake investment and subsequent reward on different host species. Here we establish reliable parasite size measures and show that parasitism on individuals of different host species alters the biomass of C. campestris but that within host species size and age also contributes to the heterogeneous resource landscape. We then performed two additional experiments to test whether C. campestris achieves greater resource acquisition by parasitising two host species rather than one and whether C. campestris forages in communities of hosts offering different rewards (a choice experiment). There was no evidence in either experiment for direct benefits of a mixed host diet. Cuscuta campestris foraged by parasitising the most rewarding hosts the fastest and then investing the most on them. We conclude that our data present strong evidence for foraging in the parasitic plant C. campestris.


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Contrairement à d’autres groupes animaux, chez les primates, la hiérarchie de dominance ne détermine pas systématiquement le succès reproductif des mâles. Afin de comprendre pourquoi, j’ai étudié les stratégies de reproduction des mâles et des femelles dans un groupe de macaques rhésus de la population semi-libre de Cayo Santiago (Porto Rico), collectant des données comportementales, hormonales et génétiques pendant deux saisons de reproduction. Les résultats se résument en cinq points. 1. Les nouveaux mâles qui ont immigré dans le groupe d’étude occupaient tous les rangs les plus subordonnés de la hiérarchie de dominance et ont monté en rang suite au départ de mâles plus dominants. Ainsi, l’acquisition d’un rang supérieur s’est faite passivement, en absence de conflits. Par conséquent, les mâles dominants étaient généralement d’âge mature et avaient résidé plus longtemps dans le groupe que les mâles subordonnés. 2. L’accès des mâles aux femelles est en accord avec le « modèle de la priorité d’accès » selon lequel le nombre de femelles simultanément en œstrus détermine le rang de dominance du mâle le plus subordonné qui peut avoir accès à une femelle (p. ex. le mâle de rang 4 s’il y a quatre femelles en œstrus). Bien que les mâles dominants aient eu plus de partenaires et aient monopolisé les femelles de qualité supérieure (dominance, parité, âge) pendant leur période ovulatoire (identifiée grâce au profil hormonal de la progestérone), le rang de dominance n’a pas déterminé le succès reproductif, les mâles intermédiaires ayant engendré significativement plus de rejetons que prédit. Il est possible que ces jeunes adultes aient produit un éjaculat de meilleure qualité que les mâles dominants d’âge mature, leur donnant un avantage au niveau de la compétition spermatique. 3. Les mâles dominants préféraient les femelles dominantes, mais cette préférence n’était pas réciproque, ces femelles coopérant plutôt avec les mâles intermédiaires, plus jeunes et moins familiers (c.-à-d. courte durée de résidence). Au contraire, les femelles subordonnées ont coopéré avec les mâles dominants. La préférence des femelles pour les mâles non familiers pourrait être liée à l’attrait pour un nouveau bagage génétique. 4. L’intensité de la couleur de la peau du visage des femelles pendant le cycle ovarien était corrélée au moment de la phase ovulatoire, une information susceptible d’être utilisée par les mâles pour maximiser leur probabilité de fécondation. 5. Les femelles retiraient des bénéfices directs de leurs liaisons sexuelles. En effet, les femelles en liaison sexuelle bénéficiaient d’un niveau de tolérance plus élevé de la part de leur partenaire mâle lorsqu’elles étaient à proximité d’une source de nourriture défendable, comparativement aux autres femelles. En somme, bien que les mâles dominants aient bénéficié d’une priorité d’accès aux femelles fertiles, cela s’est avéré insuffisant pour leur garantir la fécondation de ces femelles parce que celles-ci avaient plusieurs partenaires sexuels. Il semble que l’âge et la durée de résidence des mâles, corrélats de leur mode d’acquisition du rang, aient confondu l’effet du rang de dominance.


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The major objective of this chapter was to estimate the indirect benefits provided by the Cochin wetlands to direct, indirect and non-user populations.This chapter gives the details of the Contingent valuation survey that was executed in the study area. Section one described the actual survey and its execution. Section two undertook a detailed discussion of the methodological issues involved in the survey. Section three contained some discussion on the study.This analysis has demonstrated the feasibility of extending the use of contingent valuation methods to local populations in developing countries like India. Certain issues emerge from these applications. Income is strongly related to willingness to pay in these surveys, yet income levels are often low.Secondly, education is not a factor that influences willingness to pay in the coastal belt very much. Rather, relation of individual occupation to any wetland based activity very much influenced their willingness to pay. The study revealed that people very much valued the indirect function performed by wetlands, in fact as much as they valued the direct benefits provided by the system. There still exist differences of opinions among experts when undertaking such valuation studies. However, in the absence of a better technique for valuing environmental services that have no markets, this is definitely a first step


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O interesse acentuado por um estilo de vida saudável e uma alimentação equilibrada têm sido a base para melhoria na saúde e deste modo, na qualidade de vida. Esta motivação, cada vez mais presente na população, tem levado a um crescente interesse pelos suplementos nutricionais, onde se incluem os suplementos à base de plantas. As plantas medicinais têm sido usadas há milhares de anos devido às propriedades benéficas que possuem, sendo vistos como produtos de boa qualidade, seguros e com poucos efeitos secundários. Contudo, a baixa incidência de efeitos secundários nestes produtos nem sempre corresponde à realidade. Assim, compete ao profissional de saúde, em particular ao farmacêutico aconselhar o utente na aquisição destes produtos, uma vez que este tem as competências que lhe permitem prestar o aconselhamento adequado ao doente, que visa ponderar os benefícios versos os potenciais efeitos adversos destes suplementos. O elevado preço dos suplementos nutricionais em comparação com os medicamentos, que são comparticipados (situação que não se verifica, por exemplo nos Estados Unidos), e ainda a situação económica complicada que se vive em Portugal, tem feito com que a aquisição destes tenha sido severamente afetada. Não sendo considerados produtos essenciais são procurados principalmente quando os sintomas ocorrem ou quando recomendados pelo médico. No presente trabalho, será feita uma análise do mercado de todo o contexto económico que engloba os suplementos nutricionais à base de plantas assim como a previsão de venda dos mesmos de modo a entender se é uma mais-valia para as empresas apostarem na produção/venda desses produtos e da mesma maneira compreender se os consumidores têm a ganhar com a compra desses suplementos.


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Kin selection theory has been the central model for understanding the evolution of cooperative breeding, where non-breeders help bear the cost of rearing young. Recently, the dominance of this idea has been questioned; particularly in obligate cooperative breeders where breeding without help is uncommon and seldom successful. In such systems, the direct benefits gained through augmenting current group size have been hypothesized to provide a tractable alternative (or addition) to kin selection. However, clear empirical tests of the opposing predictions are lacking. Here, we provide convincing evidence to suggest that kin selection and not group augmentation accounts for decisions of whether, where and how often to help in an obligate cooperative breeder, the chestnut-crowned babbler (Pomatostomus ruficeps). We found no evidence that group members base helping decisions on the size of breeding units available in their social group, despite both correlational and experimental data showing substantial variation in the degree to which helpers affect productivity in units of different size. By contrast, 98 per cent of group members with kin present helped, 100 per cent directed their care towards the most related brood in the social group, and those rearing half/full-sibs helped approximately three times harder than those rearing less/non-related broods. We conclude that kin selection plays a central role in the maintenance of cooperative breeding in this species, despite the apparent importance of living in large groups.


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Alloparental care by distant/nonkin that accrue few kin-selected benefits requires direct fitness benefits to evolve. The pay-to-stay hypothesis, under which helpers contribute to alloparental care to avoid being expelled from the group by dominant individuals, offers one such explanation. Here, we investigated 2 key predictions derived from the pay-to-stay hypothesis using the chestnut-crowed babbler, Pomatostomus ruficeps, a cooperatively breeding bird where helping by distant/nonkin is common (18% of nonbreeding helpers). First, we found no indication that distant or nonkin male helpers advertised their contributions toward the primary male breeder. Helpers unrelated to both breeders were unresponsive to provisioning rates of the dominant male, whereas helpers that were related to either the breeding male or to both members of the pair were responsive. In addition, unrelated male helpers did not advertise their contributions to provisioning by disproportionately synchronizing their provisioning events with those of the primary male breeder or by provisioning nestlings immediately after him. Second, no helper, irrespective of its relatedness to the dominant breeders, received aggression when released back into the group following temporary removal for 1-2 days. We therefore find no compelling support for the hypothesis that pay-to-stay mechanisms account for the cooperative behavior of unrelated males in chestnut-crowned babblers.


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© 2015 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg Many hypotheses have been proposed to account for cooperative behaviour, with those favouring kin selection receiving the greatest support to date. However, the importance of relatedness becomes less clear in complex societies where interactions can involve both kin and non-kin. To help clarify this, we examined the relative effect of indirect versus key direct benefit hypotheses in shaping cooperative decisions. We assessed the relative importance of likely reciprocal aid (as measured by spatial proximity between participants), kin selection (using molecular-based relatedness indices) and putative signals of relatedness (vocal similarity) on helper/helper cooperative provisioning dynamics in bell miners (Manorina melanophrys), a species living in large, complex societies. Using network analysis, we quantified the extent of shared provisioning (helping at the same nests) among individual helpers (excluding breeding pairs) over three seasons and 4290 provisioning visits, and compared these with the location of individuals within a colony and networks built using either genetic molecular relatedness or call similarity indices. Significant levels of clustering were observed in networks; individuals within a cluster were more closely related to each other than other colony members, and cluster membership was stable across years. The probability of a miner helping at another’s nest was not simply a product of spatial proximity and thus the potential for reciprocal aid. Networks constructed using helping data were significantly correlated to those built using molecular data in 5 of 10 comparisons, compared to 8 of 10 comparisons for networks constructed using call similarity. This suggests an important role of kinship in shaping helping dynamics in a complex cooperative society, apparently determined via an acoustic ‘greenbeard’ signal in this system.


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The objective of this experiment was to evaluate effects of treatments with intravaginal progesterone (N) device and/or 48 h temporary weaning (TW) on reproductive performance of postpartum anestrous crossbred Angus x Nelore cows, throughout the breeding season (BS). Anestrous cows (n = 296; 53 5 DPP, body condition score between 2.5 and 3.5, on a 1-5 scale) were assigned randomly to four treatments (2 x 2 factorial design): (1) Control Group (no treatment; n = 73); (2) TW Group (48 h TW beginning on day 0 of BS; n = 70); (3) P4 Group (Intravaginal P4 device between days -7 and 0 of BS; n = 73); and (4) P4+TW Group (Intravaginal P4 device between days -7 and 0 of BS followed by 48h TW; n=70). on day 0 of BS (when P4 devices were removed and TW was initiated), cows had their ovaries evaluated by ultrasonography aiming to evaluate size of the largest follicle. Signs of behavioral estrus were observed twice a day (morning and evening), between days 0 and 25 of BS, and cows observed in estrus were inseminated 12 h later. Between days 26 and 80 of BS, cows were submitted to natural service. Pregnancy diagnosis was conducted by transrectal ultrasonography on days 32 and 53 (pregnancies by AI) and 114 (pregnancies by natural service). Rates of detection of estrus during the first 3 days and within 25 days of BS were greater in cows receiving TW (45.0% compared with 9.6% and 50.0% compared with 29.5%, respectively; P < 0.01). Conception rate in cows inseminated in the first 3 days of BS was greater in cows treated with P4 (54.8% compared with 11.1 %; P < 0.01). Combining P4+TW increased pregnancy rate in the first 3 days (Control: 1.4%, TW: 4.3%, P4: 8.2% and P4+TW: 24.3%; P < 0.01) and in 25 days of BS (Control: 10.9%, TW: 7.1%, P4: 13.7% and P4+TW: 28.6%; P < 0.05). Pregnancy rate at the end of BS did not differ among treatment groups. In conclusion, TW alone increased estrous behavior whereas P4 alone benefited conception. Combining P4 with TW improved pregnancy rate with direct benefits to behavioral estrus and conception. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Effect of the addition of silanated silica on the mechanical properties of microwave heat-cured acrylic resinObjectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the flexural strength and Vickers hardness of a microwave energy heat-cured acrylic resin by adding different concentrations of silane surface-treated nanoparticle silica.Methods: Acrylic resin specimens with dimensions of 65 x 10 x 2.5 mm were formed and divided into five experimental groups (n = 10) according to the silica concentration added to the acrylic resin mass (weight %) prior to polymerisation : G1, without silica; G2, 0.1% silica; G3, 0.5% silica; G4, 1.0% silica; and G5, 5.0% silica. The specimens were submitted to a three-point flexural strength test and to the Vickers hardness test (HVN). The data obtained were statistically analysed by ANOVA and the Tukey test (alpha = 0.05).Results: Regarding flexural strength, G5 differed from the other experimental groups (G1, G2, G3 and G4) presenting the lowest mean, while G4 presented a significantly higher mean, with the exception of group G3. Regarding Vickers hardness, a decrease in values was observed, in which G1 presented the highest hardness compared with the other experimental groups.Conclusion: Incorporating surface-treated silica resulted in direct benefits in the flexural strength of the acrylic resin activated by microwave energy; however, similar results were not achieved for hardness.


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Leukemia is a genetic disease from a noncontrolled abnormal process of the hematopoietic cells' differentiation and proliferation. Some alterations of structure and number of chromosomes have been well and specifically observed in leukemia. The detection of these alterations is highly significant in providing the patients' diagnosis, prognosis and treatment as well as the understanding of the genetic bases of this disease. The purpose of this work is to study some chromosomal alterations in peripheral blood and/or bone marrow in patients with different leukemia types by means of conventional cytogenetic techniques, and also to investigate the presence of BCR/ABL gene rearrangement and some alterations in chromosome 20 by the FISH technique. Samples of peripheral blood and/or bone marrow of 28 patients, who were not under chemoor radio-therapeutic treatment, were studied: 15 with CML, 11 with AML and 2 with ALL. The alteration most frequent was t(9;22) in the CML, whose presence or absence was related to a good or bad prognosis, respectively. A case of AMI showed inv(16)(p13q22), related to a good prognosis. Some alterations not reported previously in the literature were found, such as the trisomy in chromosome 2 associated to chromosome Ph showing some disease progress in one of the CML cases and t(5;16)(q13;q22) in an AML patient. One of the cases was submitted to an allogeneic hone marrow transplant. The monitoring after the 23 rd day of transplant, detected 95% of the donor cells suggesting the procedure had succeeded. Two patients, an AMI and the other ALL, showed trisomy of chromosome 20 in the neoplastic cells. The results showed the importance of the cytogenetic analysis in relation to leukemia, its direct benefits to the patients and the biological mechanisms involved in this disease. They also allowed the introduction in the Genetic Service of FAMERP techniques to obtain the bone marrow metaphases and the FISH technique.