970 resultados para dipole moments
We show that there is a general sort of neutrino effective interactions which allows, under certain conditions, to have relatively large magnetic dipole moments for neutrinos while keeping their masses non-calculable and arbitrarily small. The main ingredient of our mechanism for generating large magnetic moment to the neutrinos is the existence of a neutral scalar which has the only role to give mass to the neutrinos or the existence of flavor changing neutral currents in the neutrino sector. Although our approach is model independent, some models in which those interactions arise are commented.
The three-layer capacitor model proposed by Demchak and Fort [J. Colloid Interface Sci. 46 (1974) 191] is employed to relate measured surface potentials of Langmuir monolayers from a series of polyphenyl carboxylic acids to molecular dipole moments calculated using semiempirical quantum methods. The effective dielectric constant at the air/monolayer interface is 3.0 +/- 0.6, very close to that estimated for aliphatic compounds. Good agreement between theory and experiment is obtained by adopting a dielectric constant of 6.4 for the monolayer/water interface and a contribution from the water reorientation of -0.064 +/- 0.006 D, which shows that the parameters in the DF model are essentially the same as for aliphatic amphiphiles, such as esters, acids, alcohols and ethers. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A standard treatment of aspects of Legendre polynomials is treated here, including the dipole moment expansion, generating functions, etc..
Simulating quantum interference in a three-level system with perpendicular transition dipole moments
We consider a three-level V-type atomic system with the ground state coupled by a laser field to only one of the excited states, and with the two excited states coupled together by a dc field. Although the dipole moments of the two dipole-allowed transitions are assumed perpendicular, we demonstrate that this system emulates to a large degree a three-level system with parallel dipole moments-the latter being a system that exhibits quantum interference and displays a number of interesting features. As examples, we show that the system can produce extremely large values for the intensity-intensity correlation function, and that its resonance fluorescence spectrum can display ultranarrow lines. The dressed states for this system are identified, and the spectral features are interpreted in terms of transitions among these dressed states. We also show that this system is capable of exhibiting considerable squeezing.
N-vinylcarbazole was polymerised using the free radical catalyst (azo-bisisobutyronitrile) and cationic catalysts (boron-trifluoride etherate and aluminium chloride). The polymers produced were characterised by molecular weight measurements and powder x-ray diffraction. The tacticity of the polymer samples was determined using proton and carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Measurements of their static dielectric permittivity and electro-optical birefringence (Kerr effect) in solution in 1,4-dioxane were carried out over a range of temperatures. The magnitudes of the dipole moments and Kerr constants were found to vary with changes in the tacticity of poly(N-vinylcarbazole). The results of these measurements support the view that the stereostructure of poly(N-vinylcarbazole) is sensitive to the mechanism of polymerisation. These results, together with proton and carbon-13 N.M.R. data, are discussed in terms of the possible conformations of the polymer chains and the relative orientation of the bulky carbazole side groups. The dielectric and molecular Kerr effect studies have also been carried out on complexes formed between 2,4,7-trinitro-9-fluorenone (TNF) and different stereoregular forms of poly(N-vinylcarbazole) in solution in 1,4-dioxane. The differences in the molar Kerr constants between pure (uncomplexed) and complexed poly(N-vinylcarbazole) samples were attributed to changes in optical anisotropy and dipole moments. A molecular modelling computer program Desktop Molecular Modeller was used to examine the 3/1 helical isotactic and 2/1 helical syndiotactic forms of poly(N-vinylcarbazole). These models were used to calculate the pitch distances of helices and the results were interpreted in terms of van der Waal's radii on TNF. This study indicated that the pitch distance in 3/1 isotactic helices was large enough to accommodate the bulky TNF molecules to form sandwich type charge transfer complexes whereas the pitch distance in syndiotactic poly(N-vinylcarbazole) was smaller and would not allow a similar type of complex formation.
The complex nature of the nucleon-nucleon interaction and the wide range of systems covered by the roughly 3000 known nuclides leads to a multitude of effects observed in nuclear structure. Among the most prominent ones is the occurence of shell closures at so-called ”magic numbers”, which are explained by the nuclear shell model. Although the shell model already is on duty for several decades, it is still constantly extended and improved. For this process of extension, fine adjustment and verification, it is important to have experimental data of nuclear properties, especially at crucial points like in the vicinity of shell closures. This is the motivation for the work performed in this thesis: the measurement and analysis of nuclear ground state properties of the isotopic chain of 100−130Cd by collinear laser spectroscopy.rnrnThe experiment was conducted at ISOLDE/CERN using the collinear laser spectroscopy apparatus COLLAPS. This experiment is the continuation of a run on neutral atomic cadmium from A = 106 to A = 126 and extends the measured isotopes to even more exotic species. The required gain in sensitivity is mainly achieved by using a radiofrequency cooler and buncher for background reduction and by using the strong 5s 2S1/2 → 5p 2P3/2 transition in singly ionized Cd. The latter requires a continuous wave laser system with a wavelength of 214.6 nm, which has been developed during this thesis. Fourth harmonic generation of an infrared titanium sapphire laser is achieved by two subsequent cavity-enhanced second harmonic generations, leading to the production of deep-UV laser light up to about 100 mW.rnrnThe acquired data of the Z = 48 Cd isotopes, having one proton pair less than the Z = 50 shell closure at tin, covers the isotopes from N = 52 up to N = 82 and therefore almost the complete region between the neutron shell closures N = 50 and N = 82. The isotope shifts and the hyperfine structures of these isotopes have been recorded and the magnetic dipole moments, the electric quadrupole moments, spins and changes in mean square charge radii are extracted. The obtained data reveal among other features an extremely linear behaviour of the quadrupole moments of the I = 11/2− isomeric states and a parabolic development in differences in mean square nuclear charge radii between ground and isomeric state. The development of charge radii between the shell closures is smooth, exposes a regular odd-even staggering and can be described and interpreted in the model of Zamick and Thalmi.
Graphs of second harmonic generation coefficients and electro-optic coefficients (measured by ellipsometry, attenuated total reflection, and two-slit interference modulation) as a function of chromophore number density (chromophore loading) are experimentally observed to exhibit maxima for polymers containing chromophores characterized by large dipole moments and polarizabilities. Modified London theory is used to demonstrated that this behavior can be attributed to the competition of chromophore-applied electric field and chromophore–chromophore electrostatic interactions. The comparison of theoretical and experimental data explains why the promise of exceptional macroscopic second-order optical nonlinearity predicted for organic materials has not been realized and suggests routes for circumventing current limitations to large optical nonlinearity. The results also suggest extensions of measurement and theoretical methods to achieve an improved understanding of intermolecular interactions in condensed phase materials including materials prepared by sequential synthesis and block copolymer methods.
This work reports the photophysical properties (excitation and fluorescence spectra, fluorescence quantum yield, fluorescence lifetimes) of the poly(2,7-9,9'-dihexylfluorene-dyil) in dilute solutions of four solvents (toluene, tetrahydrofuran, chloroform and ethyl acetate) as well as the properties in solid state. Photoluminescence showed spectra characteristic of disordered α-backbone chain conformation. Simulation of the electronic absorption spectra of oligomers containing 1 to 11 mers showed that the critical conjugation length is between 6 and 7 mers. We also estimated the theoretical dipole moments which indicated that a coil conformation is formed with 8 repeating units per turn. We also showed that some energy transfer process appears in solid state which decreases the emission lifetime. Furthermore, based on luminescent response of the systems herein studied and electroluminescent behavior reported on literature, both photo and electroluminescence emissions arise from the same emissive units.
Atomic clouds prepared in ""timed Dicke"" states, i.e. states where the phase of the oscillating atomic dipole moments linearly varies along one direction of space, are efficient sources of superradiant light emission [Scully et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 010501 (2006)]. Here, we show that, in contrast to previous assertions, timed Dicke states are not the states automatically generated by incident laser light. In reality, the atoms act back on the driving field because of the finite refraction of the cloud. This leads to nonuniform phase shifts, which, at higher optical densities, dramatically alter the cooperative scattering properties, as we show by explicit calculation of macroscopic observables, such as the radiation pressure force.
The low-lying doublet and quartet electronic states of the species SeF correlating with the first dissociation channel are investigated theoretically at a high-level of electronic correlation treatment, namely, the complete active space self-consistent field/multireference single and double excitations configuration interaction (CASSCF/MRSDCI) using a quintuple-zeta quality basis set including a relativistic effective core potential for the selenium atom. Potential energy curves for (Lambda+S) states and the corresponding spectroscopic properties are derived that allows for an unambiguous assignment of the only spectrum known experimentally as due to a spin-forbidden X (2)Pi-a (4)Sigma(-) transition, and not a A (2)Pi-X (2)Pi transition as assumed so far. For the bound excited doublets, yet unknown experimentally, this study is the first theoretical characterization of their spectroscopic properties. Also the spin-orbit coupling constant function for the X (2)Pi state is derived as well as the spin-orbit coupling matrix element between the X (2)Pi and a (4)Sigma(-) states. Dipole moment functions and vibrationally averaged dipole moments show SeF to be a very polar species. An overview of the lowest-lying spin-orbit (Omega) states completes this description. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3426315]
We show that an arbitrary system described by two dipole moments exhibits coherent superpositions of internal states that can be completely decoupled fi om the dissipative interactions (responsible for decoherence) and an external driving laser field. These superpositions, known as dark or trapping states, can he completely stable or can coherently interact with the remaining states. We examine the master equation describing the dissipative evolution of the system and identify conditions for population trapping and also classify processes that can transfer the population to these undriven and nondecaying states. It is shown that coherent transfers are possible only if the two systems are nonidentical, that is the transitions have different frequencies and/or decay rates. in particular, we find that the trapping conditions can involve both coherent and dissipative interactions, and depending on the energy level structure of the system, the population can be trapped in a linear superposition of two or more bare states, a dressed state corresponding to an eigenstate of the system plus external fields or, in some cases. in one of the excited states of the system. A comprehensive analysis is presented of the different processes that are responsible for population trapping, and we illustrate these ideas with three examples of two coupled systems: single V- and Lambda-type three-level atoms and two nonidentical tao-level atoms, which are known to exhibit dark states. We show that the effect of population trapping does not necessarily require decoupling of the antisymmetric superposition from the dissipative interactions. We also find that the vacuum-induced coherent coupling between the systems could be easily observed in Lambda-type atoms. Our analysis of the population trapping in two nonidentical atoms shows that the atoms can be driven into a maximally entangled state which is completely decoupled from the dissipative interaction.
It has been observed experimentally [H.R. Xia, C.Y. Ye, and S.Y. Zhu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 1032 (1996)] that quantum interference between two molecular transitions can lead to a suppression or enhancement of spontaneous emission. This is manifest in the fluorescent intensity as a function of the detuning of the driving field from the two-photon resonance condition. Here we present a theory that explains the observed variation of the number of peaks with the mutual polarization of the molecular transition dipole moments. Using master equation techniques we calculate analytically as well as numerically the steady-state fluorescence, and find that the number of peaks depends on the excitation process. If the molecule is driven to the upper levels by a two-photon process, the fluorescent intensity consists of two peaks regardless of the mutual polarization of the transition dipole moments. Lf the excitation process is composed of both a two-step, one-photon process and a one-step, two-photon process, then there are two peaks on transitions with parallel dipole moments and three peaks on transitions with antiparallel dipole moments. This latter case is in excellent agreement with the experiment.
We study the effect of quantum interference on the population distribution and absorptive properties of a V-type three-level atom driven by two lasers of unequal intensities and different angular frequencies. Three coupling configurations of the lasers to the atom are analysed: (a) both lasers coupled to the same atomic transition, (b) each laser coupled to different atomic transition and (c) each laser coupled to both atomic transitions. Dressed stales for the three coupling configurations are identified, and the population distribution and absorptive properties of the weaker field are interpreted in terms of transition dipole moments and transition frequencies among these dressed states. In particular, we find that in the first two cases there is no population inversion between the bare atomic states, but the population can be trapped in a superposition of the dressed states induced by quantum interference and the stronger held. We show that the trapping of the population, which results from the cancellation of transition dipole moments, does not prevent the weaker field to be coupled to the cancelled (dark) transitions. As a result, the weaker field can be strongly amplified on transparent transitions. In the case of each laser coupled to both atomic transitions the population can be trapped in a linear superposition of the excited bare atomic states leaving the ground state unpopulated in the steady state. Moreover, we find that the absorption rate of the weaker field depends on the detuning of the strong field from the atomic resonances and the splitting between the atomic excited states. When the strong held is resonant to one of the atomic transitions a quasi-trapping effect appears in one of the dressed states. In the quasi-trapping situation all the transition dipole moments are different from zero, which allows the weaker field to be amplified on the inverted transitions. When the strong field is tuned halfway between the atomic excited states, the population is completely trapped in one of the dressed states and no amplification is found for the weaker field.