1000 resultados para dilatação térmica
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Física
O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o coeficiente de expansão térmica do biodiesel a partir de dados experimentais de densidade em função da temperatura. Para tanto, foram utilizados alguns fundamentos da termodinâmica. O valor obtido para o coeficiente de expansão térmica após regressão linear para o biodiesel foi de 8,49 × 10-4 ºC-1, com um coeficiente de correlação igual a 0,9978.
This dissertation focuses on rock thermal conductivity and its correlations with petrographic, textural, and geochemical aspects, especially in granite rocks. It aims at demonstrating the relations of these variables in an attempt to enlighten the behavior of thermal effect on rocks. Results can be useful for several applications, such as understanding and conferring regional thermal flow results, predicting the behavior of thermal effect on rocks based upon macroscopic evaluation (texture and mineralogy), in the building construction field in order to provide more precise information on data refinement on thermal properties emphasizing a rocky material thermal conductivity, and especially in the dimension stone industry in order to open a discussion on the use of these variables as a new technological parameter directly related to thermal comfort. Thermal conductivity data were obtained by using Anter Corporation s QuicklineTM -30 a thermal property measuring equipment. Measurements were conducted at temperatures ranging between 25 to 38 OC in samples with 2cm in length and an area of at least 6cm of diameter. As to petrography data, results demonstrated good correlations with quartz and mafics. Linear correlation between mineralogy and thermal conductivity revealed a positive relation of a quartz percentage increase in relation to a thermal conductivity increase and its decrease with mafic minerals increase. As to feldspates (K-feldspate and plagioclase) they show dispersion. Quartz relation gets more evident when compared to sample sets with >20% and <20%. Sets with more than 20% quartz (sienogranites, monzogranites, granodiorites, etc.), exhibit to a great extent conductivity values which vary from 2,5 W/mK and the set with less than 20% (sienites, monzonites, gabbros, diorites, etc.) have an average thermal conductivity below 2,5 W/mK. As to textures it has been verified that rocks considered thick/porphyry demonstrated in general better correlations when compared to rocks considered thin/medium. In the case of quartz, thick rocks/porphyry showed greater correlation factors when compared to the thin/medium ones. As to feldspates (K-feldspate and plagioclase) again there was dispersion. As to mafics, both thick/porphyry and thin/medium showed negative correlations with correlation factor smaller than those obtained in relation to the quartz. As to rocks related to the Streckeisen s QAP diagram (1976), they tend to fall from alcali-feldspates granites to tonalites, and from sienites to gabbros, diorites, etc. Thermal conductivity data correlation with geochemistry confirmed to a great extent mineralogy results. It has been seen that correlation is linear if there is any. Such behavior could be seen especially with the SiO2. In this case similar correlation can be observed with the quartz, that is, thermal conductivity increases as SiO2 is incremented. Another aspect observed is that basic to intermediate rocks presented values always below 2,5 W/mK, a similar behavior to that observed in rocks with quartz <20%. Acid rocks presented values above 2,5 W/mK, a similar behavior to that observed in rocks with quartz >20% (granites). For all the other cases, correlation factors are always low and present opposite behavior to Fe2O3, CaO, MgO, and TiO2. As to Al2O3, K2O, and Na2O results are not conclusive and are statistically disperse. Thermal property knowledge especially thermal conductivity and its application in the building construction field appeared to be very satisfactory for it involves both technological and thermal comfort aspects, which favored in all cases fast, cheap, and precise results. The relation between thermal conductivity and linear thermal dilatation have also shown satisfactory results especially when it comes to the quartz role as a common, determining phase between the two variables. Thermal conductivity studies together with rocky material density can function as an additional tool for choosing materials when considering structural calculation aspects and thermal comfort, for in the dimension stone case there is a small density variation in relation to a thermal conductivity considerable variation
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Geológica (Georrecursos)
Ligas da classe HP40 e similares são empregados em ambientes petroquímicos on-de a agressividade do meio provém da atividade do carbono a altas temperaturas. Normal-mente a pirólise de metano, etileno ou nafta apresentam como subproduto formação de carbono na forma de coque. Com a elevação de temperatura local, ocasionada pela baixa condutividade térmica do coque, a camada de óxido de cromo interna torna-se instável, eliminando a barreira à difusão de carbono. O carbeto de cromo criado pela difusão de car-bono apresenta dilatação térmica diferente da matriz causando tensões internas que em caso extremo ocasiona o rompimento do tubo. Este rompimento pode comprometer a ativi-dade do forno e a segurança da unidade petroquímica.. Neste trabalho foram criados transdutores magnéticos capazes de medir espessura de camada cementada. A determinação da porcentagem de material cementado, através de instrumentos precisos é primordial ao planejamento da manutenção e estudo de custo-benefício à substituição destes materiais. Sua confecção visou empregar materiais de baixo custo, facilidade de manuseio e adequação ao ambiente petroquímico.
Cells the solid oxide fuel are systems capable to directly convert energy of a chemical reaction into electric energy in clean, quiet way and if its components in the solid state differentiate of excessively the techniques for having all. Its more common geometric configurations are: the tubular one and to glide. Geometry to glide beyond the usual components (anode, cathode and electrolyte) needs interconnect and sealant. E the search for materials adjusted for these components is currently the biggest challenge found for the production of the cells. The sealants need to present chemical stability in high temperatures, to provoke electric isolation, to have coefficient of compatible thermal expansion with the excessively component ones. For presenting these characteristics the glass-ceramics materials are recommended for the application. In this work the study of the partial substitution of the ZrO2 for the Al2O3 in system LZS became it aiming at the formation of system LZAS, this with the addition of natural spodumene with 10, 20 and 30% in mass. The compositions had been casting to a temperature of 1500°C and later quickly cooled with the objective to continue amorphous. Each composition was worn out for attainment of a dust with average diameter of approximately 3μm and characterized by the techniques of DRX, FRX, MEV, dilatometric analysis and particle size analysis. Later the samples had been conformed and treated thermally with temperatures in the interval between 700-1000 °C, with platform of 10 minutes and 1 hour. The analyses for the treated samples had been: dilatometric analysis, DRX, FRX, electrical conductivity and tack. The results point with respect to the viability of the use of system LZAS for use as sealant a time that had presented good results as isolating electric, they had adhered to a material with similar α of the components of a SOFC and had presented steady crystalline phases
Perovskite-like ceramic materials present the general formula ABO3, where A is a rare earth element or an alkaline metal element, and B is a transition metal. These materials are strong candidates to assume the position of cathode in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC), because they present thermal stability at elevated temperatures and interesting chemical and physical properties, such as superconductivity, dieletricity, magnetic resistivity, piezoelectricity, catalytic activity and electrocatalytic and optical properties. In this work the cathodes of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells with the perovskite structure of La1-xSrxMnO3 (x = 0.15, 0.22, 0.30) and the electrolyte composed of zirconia-stabilized-yttria were synthesized by the Pechini method. The obtained resins were thermal treatment at 300 ºC for 2h and the obtained precursors were characterized by thermal analysis by DTA and TG / DTG. The powder precursors were calcined at temperatures from 450 to 1350ºC and were analyzed using XRD, FTIR, laser granulometry, XRF, surface area measurement by BET and SEM methods. The pellets were sintered from the powder to the study of bulk density and thermal expansion
Pós-graduação em Ciência dos Materiais - FEIS
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
São apresentados resultados de análises petrográficas e do comportamento tecnológico de quatro variedades de granitos ornamentais do stock Serra do Barriga, localizado a NNW do estado do Ceará. Os tipos investigados são comercialmente conhecidos por Rosa Iracema, Rosa Olinda, Branco Savana e Branco Cristal Quartzo e correspondem a variedades de sienogranitos e monzogranitos, isotrópicos, inequigranulares de granulação média a grossa, com coloração que variam entre rosa e branco. Os resultados dos ensaios tecnológicos, com parâmetros físico-mecânicos bastante similares entre as quatro rochas, situam os granitos analisados como detentores de boas propriedades tecnológicas, indicados para utilização como pisos, bancadas, revestimentos de fachadas horizontais e verticais em ambientes de interiores e de exteriores. Correlações entre os resultados físico-mecânicos e características petrográficas das rochas mostram a influência dos aspectos mineralógicos, texturais e estruturais no comportamento de determinadas propriedades tecnológicas exibidas pelos referidos granitos ornamentais. Dentre os parâmetros petrográficos de maior influência verificados destacam-se a granulação grossa das rochas, teores de quartzo, grau de microfissuramento e alterações minerais, os quais controlam, em maior ou menor proporção, a porosidade aparente e consequente absorção d’água, resistência mecânica (compressão uniaxial; esforços flexores; impacto), desgaste abrasivo Amsler, dilatação térmica e propagação de ondas ultrassônicas exibidas pelos granitos.
The reestablishment of a harmonious smile through dental ceramics, when properly conducted and with specific indications, can achieve extremely predictable results. For aesthetic and functional rehabilitation, many ceramic materials can be used such as zirconia, leucite, alumina, feldspar, and lithium disilicate. Among these materials the lithium disilicate stands out due to the following characteristics: its resistance to wear, to chemical attack, high temperatures and oxidation; low electrical conductivity; near zero thermal expansion; good optical properties and biocompatibility with periodontal; excellent esthetics; color stability and reinforcement of tooth structure. The indications for the use of lithium disilicate are not limited to multiple facets of teeth in cases where there was no favorable response to tooth whitening, and also comprehend teeth with multiple restorations, diastema closure, shape alteration, and dental contouring, replacement of missing or fractured teeth, among others. The versatility of lithium disilicate ceramics allows its utilization in several clinical situations. The concomitant use of lithium disilicate for veneers and over metal has satisfactory aesthetic results, as reported in the present studying cases that require both aesthetics and resistance.
Cells the solid oxide fuel are systems capable to directly convert energy of a chemical reaction into electric energy in clean, quiet way and if its components in the solid state differentiate of excessively the techniques for having all. Its more common geometric configurations are: the tubular one and to glide. Geometry to glide beyond the usual components (anode, cathode and electrolyte) needs interconnect and sealant. E the search for materials adjusted for these components is currently the biggest challenge found for the production of the cells. The sealants need to present chemical stability in high temperatures, to provoke electric isolation, to have coefficient of compatible thermal expansion with the excessively component ones. For presenting these characteristics the glass-ceramics materials are recommended for the application. In this work the study of the partial substitution of the ZrO2 for the Al2O3 in system LZS became it aiming at the formation of system LZAS, this with the addition of natural spodumene with 10, 20 and 30% in mass. The compositions had been casting to a temperature of 1500°C and later quickly cooled with the objective to continue amorphous. Each composition was worn out for attainment of a dust with average diameter of approximately 3μm and characterized by the techniques of DRX, FRX, MEV, dilatometric analysis and particle size analysis. Later the samples had been conformed and treated thermally with temperatures in the interval between 700-1000 °C, with platform of 10 minutes and 1 hour. The analyses for the treated samples had been: dilatometric analysis, DRX, FRX, electrical conductivity and tack. The results point with respect to the viability of the use of system LZAS for use as sealant a time that had presented good results as isolating electric, they had adhered to a material with similar α of the components of a SOFC and had presented steady crystalline phases
O comportamento ao fogo de pilares de aço inseridos em paredes de edifícios é substancialmente diferente dos pilares quando isolados. O contacto com as paredes provoca por um lado um efeito de redução das temperaturas, revelando-se de certa forma favorável em termos de comportamento ao fogo, mas por outro lado provocando um aquecimento diferencial das secções levando ao aparecimento de esforços desfavoráveis (momentos fletores) nos pilares, aumentando a instabilidade. Este último fenómeno designa-se de “Thermal Bowing”, provocado pelo aquecimento diferencial, deve ser avaliado por uma quantificação rigorosa das temperaturas nos perfis de aço. O estudo foi realizado em dois níveis, numérico e experimental. Foram testados pilares inseridos em paredes de alvenaria, tanto com a alma paralela como perpendicular à parede. Pretendeu-se assim, avaliar o efeito da ação térmica diferencial no comportamento estrutural dos pilares e concluir qual o efeito das paredes sobre estes na sua resistência estrutural. Foram ainda alvo de análise o nível de carregamento e a esbelteza do pilar. Compararam-se os resultados dos ensaios experimentais com os estudos numéricos, reproduzindo as condições utilizadas nos ensaios experimentais, por forma a contribuir para o desenvolvimento/melhoria dos métodos de dimensionamento dos pilares em situação de incêndio. O programa experimental comportou a realização de ensaios em pilares de aço de secção H, embebidos em paredes. A modelação numérica dos ensaios foi realizada utilizando o programa de computador de elementos finitos ABAQUS, elaborando-se uma análise geométrica e material não - linear. Os principais resultados deste trabalho de investigação foram uma melhor avaliação da evolução de temperaturas na secção transversal dos pilares de aço com aquecimento diferencial, inseridos em paredes, deslocamentos, forças de restrição e esforço axial daí decorrentes. A partir destes resultados, realizou-se uma análise detalhada do deslocamento do centro de gravidade ao longo do tempo, provocada pela degradação das propriedades mecânicas do aço.