24 resultados para differentiators


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...Or how to deal with market commoditisation. Judith Singleton reports on the current pharmacy landscape and how to stand out in a market where everyone else is building on both price and service...


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A digital differentiator simply involves the derivation of an input signal. This work includes the presentation of first-degree and second-degree differentiators, which are designed as both infinite-impulse-response (IIR) filters and finite-impulse-response (FIR) filters. The proposed differentiators have low-pass magnitude response characteristics, thereby rejecting noise frequencies higher than the cut-off frequency. Both steady-state frequency-domain characteristics and Time-domain analyses are given for the proposed differentiators. It is shown that the proposed differentiators perform well when compared to previously proposed filters. When considering the time-domain characteristics of the differentiators, the processing of quantized signals proved especially enlightening, in terms of the filtering effects of the proposed differentiators. The coefficients of the proposed differentiators are obtained using an optimization algorithm, while the optimization objectives include magnitude and phase response. The low-pass characteristic of the proposed differentiators is achieved by minimizing the filter variance. The low-pass differentiators designed show the steep roll-off, as well as having highly accurate magnitude response in the pass-band. While having a history of over three hundred years, the design of fractional differentiator has become a ‘hot topic’ in recent decades. One challenging problem in this area is that there are many different definitions to describe the fractional model, such as the Riemann-Liouville and Caputo definitions. Through use of a feedback structure, based on the Riemann-Liouville definition. It is shown that the performance of the fractional differentiator can be improved in both the frequency-domain and time-domain. Two applications based on the proposed differentiators are described in the thesis. Specifically, the first of these involves the application of second degree differentiators in the estimation of the frequency components of a power system. The second example concerns for an image processing, edge detection application.


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The Porter strategy types of Differentiation and Cost Leadership are put forward as strategies leading to competitive advantage (Porter 1980). These types have quite contrasting implementation guidelines in terms of human resources, organisational structure, job design decision-making process, control systems, and information systems. These internal contrasts suggest Differentiators and Cost Leaders require contrasting roles for market research and internal CRM systems. Very few studies have explored the contingent role business strategy may have in explaining contrasting roles in marketing information systems or market research.

This study involved a cross-industry postal survey of 240 Australian marketing managers. One contribution of this study was to find market research having quite different roles in supporting Marketing (i.e. brand) Differentiators compared to Product (i.e. innovative feature) Differentiators. Surprisingly only one market research role differed when comparing Cost Leaders with Marketing Differentiator strategies. A final contribution was to find that no one strategy having a greater reliance on internal CRM systems in supporting decisionmaking.


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Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33, 93B51, 93C95


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Signal Processing (SP) is a subject of central importance in engineering and the applied sciences. Signals are information-bearing functions, and SP deals with the analysis and processing of signals (by dedicated systems) to extract or modify information. Signal processing is necessary because signals normally contain information that is not readily usable or understandable, or which might be disturbed by unwanted sources such as noise. Although many signals are non-electrical, it is common to convert them into electrical signals for processing. Most natural signals (such as acoustic and biomedical signals) are continuous functions of time, with these signals being referred to as analog signals. Prior to the onset of digital computers, Analog Signal Processing (ASP) and analog systems were the only tool to deal with analog signals. Although ASP and analog systems are still widely used, Digital Signal Processing (DSP) and digital systems are attracting more attention, due in large part to the significant advantages of digital systems over the analog counterparts. These advantages include superiority in performance,s peed, reliability, efficiency of storage, size and cost. In addition, DSP can solve problems that cannot be solved using ASP, like the spectral analysis of multicomonent signals, adaptive filtering, and operations at very low frequencies. Following the recent developments in engineering which occurred in the 1980's and 1990's, DSP became one of the world's fastest growing industries. Since that time DSP has not only impacted on traditional areas of electrical engineering, but has had far reaching effects on other domains that deal with information such as economics, meteorology, seismology, bioengineering, oceanology, communications, astronomy, radar engineering, control engineering and various other applications. This book is based on the Lecture Notes of Associate Professor Zahir M. Hussain at RMIT University (Melbourne, 2001-2009), the research of Dr. Amin Z. Sadik (at QUT & RMIT, 2005-2008), and the Note of Professor Peter O'Shea at Queensland University of Technology. Part I of the book addresses the representation of analog and digital signals and systems in the time domain and in the frequency domain. The core topics covered are convolution, transforms (Fourier, Laplace, Z. Discrete-time Fourier, and Discrete Fourier), filters, and random signal analysis. There is also a treatment of some important applications of DSP, including signal detection in noise, radar range estimation, banking and financial applications, and audio effects production. Design and implementation of digital systems (such as integrators, differentiators, resonators and oscillators are also considered, along with the design of conventional digital filters. Part I is suitable for an elementary course in DSP. Part II (which is suitable for an advanced signal processing course), considers selected signal processing systems and techniques. Core topics covered are the Hilbert transformer, binary signal transmission, phase-locked loops, sigma-delta modulation, noise shaping, quantization, adaptive filters, and non-stationary signal analysis. Part III presents some selected advanced DSP topics. We hope that this book will contribute to the advancement of engineering education and that it will serve as a general reference book on digital signal processing.


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This thesis discusses various methods for learning and optimization in adaptive systems. Overall, it emphasizes the relationship between optimization, learning, and adaptive systems; and it illustrates the influence of underlying hardware upon the construction of efficient algorithms for learning and optimization. Chapter 1 provides a summary and an overview.

Chapter 2 discusses a method for using feed-forward neural networks to filter the noise out of noise-corrupted signals. The networks use back-propagation learning, but they use it in a way that qualifies as unsupervised learning. The networks adapt based only on the raw input data-there are no external teachers providing information on correct operation during training. The chapter contains an analysis of the learning and develops a simple expression that, based only on the geometry of the network, predicts performance.

Chapter 3 explains a simple model of the piriform cortex, an area in the brain involved in the processing of olfactory information. The model was used to explore the possible effect of acetylcholine on learning and on odor classification. According to the model, the piriform cortex can classify odors better when acetylcholine is present during learning but not present during recall. This is interesting since it suggests that learning and recall might be separate neurochemical modes (corresponding to whether or not acetylcholine is present). When acetylcholine is turned off at all times, even during learning, the model exhibits behavior somewhat similar to Alzheimer's disease, a disease associated with the degeneration of cells that distribute acetylcholine.

Chapters 4, 5, and 6 discuss algorithms appropriate for adaptive systems implemented entirely in analog hardware. The algorithms inject noise into the systems and correlate the noise with the outputs of the systems. This allows them to estimate gradients and to implement noisy versions of gradient descent, without having to calculate gradients explicitly. The methods require only noise generators, adders, multipliers, integrators, and differentiators; and the number of devices needed scales linearly with the number of adjustable parameters in the adaptive systems. With the exception of one global signal, the algorithms require only local information exchange.


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In this paper we propose the use of the least-squares based methods for obtaining digital rational approximations (IIR filters) to fractional-order integrators and differentiators of type sα, α∈R. Adoption of the Padé, Prony and Shanks techniques is suggested. These techniques are usually applied in the signal modeling of deterministic signals. These methods yield suboptimal solutions to the problem which only requires finding the solution of a set of linear equations. The results reveal that the least-squares approach gives similar or superior approximations in comparison with other widely used methods. Their effectiveness is illustrated, both in the time and frequency domains, as well in the fractional differintegration of some standard time domain functions.


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Tese apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Gestão de Informação


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Die Dissertation befasst sich mit der Einführung komplexer Softwaresysteme, die, bestehend aus einer Kombination aus parametrisierter Standardsoftware gepaart mit Wettbewerbsvorteil sichernden Individualsoftwarekomponenten, keine Software-Engineering-Projekte im klassischen Sinn mehr darstellen, sondern einer strategieorientierten Gestaltung von Geschäftsprozessen und deren Implementierung in Softwaresystemen bedürfen. Die Problemstellung einer adäquaten Abwägung zwischen TCO-optimierender Einführung und einer gleichzeitigen vollständigen Unterstützung der kritischen Erfolgsfaktoren des Unternehmens ist hierbei von besonderer Bedeutung. Der Einsatz integrierter betriebswirtschaftlicher Standardsoftware, mit den Möglichkeiten einer TCO-Senkung, jedoch ebenfalls der Gefahr eines Verlustes von Alleinstellungsmerkmalen am Markt durch Vereinheitlichungstendenzen, stellt ein in Einführungsprojekten wesentliches zu lösendes Problem dar, um Suboptima zu vermeiden. Die Verwendung von Vorgehensmodellen, die sich oftmals an klassischen Softwareentwicklungsprojekten orientieren oder vereinfachte Phasenmodelle für das Projektmanagement darstellen, bedingt eine fehlende Situationsadäquanz in den Detailsituationen der Teilprojekte eines komplexen Einführungsprojektes. Das in dieser Arbeit entwickelte generische Vorgehensmodell zur strategieorientierten und partizipativen Einführung komplexer Softwaresysteme im betriebswirtschaftlichen Anwendungsbereich macht - aufgrund der besonders herausgearbeiteten Ansätze zu einer strategieorientierten Einführung, respektive Entwicklung derartiger Systeme sowie aufgrund der situationsadäquaten Vorgehensstrategien im Rahmen der Teilprojektorganisation � ein Softwareeinführungsprojekt zu einem Wettbewerbsfaktor stärkenden, strategischen Element im Unternehmen. Die in der Dissertation diskutierten Überlegungen lassen eine Vorgehensweise präferieren, die eine enge Verschmelzung des Projektes zur Organisationsoptimierung mit dem Softwareimplementierungsprozess impliziert. Eine Priorisierung der Geschäftsprozesse mit dem Ziel, zum einen bei Prozessen mit hoher wettbewerbsseitiger Priorität ein organisatorisches Suboptimum zu vermeiden und zum anderen trotzdem den organisatorischen Gestaltungs- und den Systemimplementierungsprozess schnell und ressourcenschonend durchzuführen, ist ein wesentliches Ergebnis der Ausarbeitungen. Zusätzlich führt die Ausgrenzung weiterer Prozesse vom Einführungsvorgang zunächst zu einem Produktivsystem, welches das Unternehmen in den wesentlichen Punkten abdeckt, das aber ebenso in späteren Projektschritten zu einem System erweitert werden kann, welches eine umfassende Funktionalität besitzt. Hieraus ergeben sich Möglichkeiten, strategischen Anforderungen an ein modernes Informationssystem, das die kritischen Erfolgsfaktoren eines Unternehmens konsequent unterstützen muss, gerecht zu werden und gleichzeitig ein so weit als möglich ressourcenschonendes, weil die Kostenreduktionsaspekte einer Standardlösung nutzend, Projekt durchzuführen. Ein weiterer wesentlicher Aspekt ist die situationsadäquate Modellinstanziierung, also die projektspezifische Anpassung des Vorgehensmodells sowie die situationsadäquate Wahl der Vorgehensweisen in Teilprojekten und dadurch Nutzung der Vorteile der verschiedenen Vorgehensstrategien beim konkreten Projektmanagement. Der Notwendigkeit der Entwicklung einer Projektorganisation für prototypingorientiertes Vorgehen wird in diesem Zusammenhang ebenfalls Rechnung getragen. Die Notwendigkeit der Unternehmen, sich einerseits mit starken Differenzierungspotenzialen am Markt hervorzuheben und andererseits bei ständig sinkenden Margen einer Kostenoptimierung nachzukommen, lässt auch in Zukunft das entwickelte Modell als erfolgreich erscheinen. Hinzu kommt die Tendenz zu Best-Of-Breed-Ansätzen und komponentenbasierten Systemen im Rahmen der Softwareauswahl, die eine ausgesprochen differenzierte Vorgehensweise in Projekten verstärkt notwendig machen wird. Durch die in das entwickelte Modell integrierten Prototyping-Ansätze wird der auch in Zukunft an Bedeutung gewinnenden Notwendigkeit der Anwenderintegration Rechnung getragen.


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Las practicas ancestrales de las culturas precolombinas cada día son mas validas en su aplicación actual para la medicina alternativa, orientada al bienestar y la salud, es un hecho que en los últimos años se observa un gran crecimiento de endemias de estrés que se presentan bajo determinadas circunstancias propias del sistema actual de vida urbana y actividades cotidianas, ocasionando recargas de tensión como respuesta a la supervivencia en un mundo agitado. La somatizacion del estrés se traduce en enfermedades fisiológicas, emocionales y anímicas, consideradas peligrosas y causantes de altos índices de morbilidad y mortalidad. AúA S.A.S. se crea como solución a este gran conflicto que azota a la humanidad, así se han incrementado las instalaciones de diversos Spa (Salud por agua) como establecimientos de bienestar y esparcimiento que incluyen terapias no solo físicas sino mentales y emocionales como un sistema holístico der salud. En los últimos años y gracias a las facilidades de movilidad y comunicaciones se observa un crecimiento acelerado del turismo de salud como sector de talla mundial, el cual apunta a un mayor desarrollo tanto a nivel nacional como internacional. Las visitas de turistas al país en interés de realizarse procedimientos tanto estéticos como médicos, permite identificar una gran oportunidad de negocio con visión sostenible y perdurable ante un futuro prometedor. En este sentido, se presenta la instauración de un Spa con rituales ancestrales como un establecimiento de salud (turismo de salud) que preste servicios a personas tanto colombianas como extranjeras interesadas en vivir una experiencia con tratamientos de relajación (turismo de bienestar). Si bien el gobierno ha impulsado nuevas políticas encaminadas al fomento de la competitividad en Colombia, a través de sectores de talla mundial, donde el turismo de salud se presenta con un fuerte potencial de crecimiento. El Programa de Transformación Productiva, es un ejemplo de lo anteriormente expresado como estrategia para lograr el desarrollo empresarial, crecimiento económico y la generación de más y mejores empleos en Colombia. AüA S.A.S ofrece servicios únicos con tiempos óptimos para resultados efectivos de relajación y bienestar, así como espacios adecuados, inspirados en los paisajes de la sierra nevada de Santa Marta y ecosistemas de la costa Caribe, teniendo un contacto más cercano con la naturaleza y sus elementos. Además de una atención y acompañamiento personalizado y servicios gratuitos de asesorías post-venta, creando un servicio nuevo de reeducación dentro del Spa y con material de cortesía dado, donde a través de libros, artículos, publicaciones, DVD y talleres a realizar el cliente cambiara su conciencia, como componentes diferenciadores y de valor agregado, saliendo de su estado patológico y con alto cubrimiento en la satisfacción de sus necesidades, creando fidelidad al cliente para que regrese. Así, en lo posible con esta información destacada de las encuestas, dentro de la investigación de mercados realizada, se puede determinar que la participación en el mercado es del 75%. El equipo emprendedor está conformado por Rosa Marina Lozano Socarrás, estudiante de Administración de Negocios Internacionales de la Universidad del Rosario. El proyecto arroja una rentabilidad del 58,22% promedio anual. El indicador VAN, determina que el proyecto arroja 60 Millones adicionales al invertir los recursos en este proyecto que en uno que rente el 33% anual, por lo tanto se sugiere continuar con el proyecto. Teniendo el indicador del Valor Presente Neto, para su cálculo es necesario la Tasa de descuento o Tasa de Interés de Oportunidad siendo del 33%, teniendo un valor de $ 60.278.254. La metodología empleada en el trabajo de grado se denota en la guía y lineamientos establecidos por el Centro de Emprendimiento de la Universidad del Rosario. Las fuentes primarias se destaca en la información de investigación de mercados a partir de encuestas, así como análisis del sector y competidores. La información secundaria se denota en el Plan de Negocios del subsector turismo de bienestar dado a conocer por el Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo.


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Purpose – At the heart of knowledge management (KM) are the people – an organisation's important knowledge asset. Although this is widely acknowledged, businesses seldom understand this axiom in terms of the communities through which individuals develop and share the capacity to create and use knowledge. It is the collective learning that takes place within the social systems, i.e. communities of practice (CoP) that are of particular significance to an organisation from a KM perspective. This paper aims to review, critique, and raise some pertinent questions on the role of CoPs; and with the help of case studies shed light on the “goings-on” in construction practices. Design/methodology/approach – After critically reviewing the literature on CoPs and querying some underlying assertions, this research investigates how these issues are addressed in practice. A case study approach is adopted. Three organisations operating in the construction sector are interviewed for the purpose of this paper. Findings – Case study findings highlight the potential challenges and benefits of CoPs to a construction organisation, the role they play in generating and delivering value to the organisation and their contribution towards the collective organisational intelligence. From the findings, it is clear that the question is not whether communities exist within organisations, but how they deliver value to the organisation. From an organisational perspective, the key challenge is to provide an environment that is conducive to developing and nurturing such communities as opposed to merely creating them. Practical implications – Challenges and benefits demonstrated through the case studies should be taken in context. The findings are not intended to be prescriptive in nature, but are intentionally descriptive to provide contextual data that allow readers to draw their own inferences in the context of their organisations. They should be applied taking into account an organisation's unique characteristics and differentiators, the dynamics of the environment in which it operates and the culture it harbours within. Originality/value – Investigating the role of CoPs in the context of case study construction organisations forms the prime focus of this paper.


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Purpose – The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between business-level strategy and organisational performance and to test the applicability of Porter's generic strategies in explaining differences in the performance of organisations. Design/methodology/approach – The study was focussed on manufacturing firms in the UK belonging to the electrical and mechanical engineering sectors. Data were collected through a postal survey using the survey instrument from 124 organisations and the respondents were all at CEO level. Both objective and subjective measures were used to assess performance. Non-response bias was assessed statistically and it was not found to be a major problem affecting this study. Appropriate measures were taken to ensure that common method variance (CMV) does not affect the results of this study. Statistical tests indicated that CMV problem does not affect the results of this study. Findings – The results of this study indicate that firms adopting one of the strategies, namely cost-leadership or differentiation, perform better than “stuck-in-the-middle” firms which do not have a dominant strategic orientation. The integrated strategy group has lower performance compared with cost-leaders and differentiators in terms of financial performance measures. This provides support for Porter's view that combination strategies are unlikely to be effective in organisations. However, the cost-leadership and differentiation strategies were not strongly correlated with the financial performance measures indicating the limitations of Porter's generic strategies in explaining performance heterogeneity in organisations. Originality/value – This study makes an important contribution to the literature by identifying some of the gaps in the literature through a systematic literature review and addressing those gaps.


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“The reality is that traditional (marketing) implementation approaches have failed…” (Dobni et al., 2001, p. 402) Nevertheless recent research still seeks to identify relationships between Porter’s marketing strategies, implementation and performance (Kumar et al. 1997; Teach and Schwartz, 2000). Although each study included the Porter’s strategy types none actually classified business units into ideal differentiators, ideal cost leaders and combination differentiation cost leaders to conduct “implementation-performance process” comparisons.

This study has made a contribution to the study of marketing implementation and marketing performance by separating and comparing strategies such as ideal differentiation, ideal cost leadership, and combination (differentiation/cost leadership) strategies with the “stuck in the middle” marketing strategy type.

A key implementation finding was the importance of paying high salaries to attract the best employees when implementing either a differentiation strategy or a combined (differentiation/ cost leadership) strategy. However for the other six implementation tools, the findings support Kelliher and Perrett (2001, p.421) whose findings “do not indicate a clear relationship between business strategy and the approach to HRM.”

A key performance finding was that differentiation is the best strategy in terms of marketing performance while cost leadership is the worst performing strategy. Both differentiation and the combination strategy (differentiation/cost leadership) outperformed cost leadership.


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Purpose – This paper seeks to investigate the influence of Porter’s strategy types on the use of customer relationship management (CRM) techniques and traditional market research, against theoretical and empirical evidence that differences in strategy types may result in variation in favoured marketing information sources and procedure.

Design/methodology/approach – Depth interviews generated a series of scale items, which were combined with others derived from the literature in a questionnaire measuring strategy types, the roles of market research, and the characteristics of CRM systems. Responses were obtained from 240 senior marketing managers in Australia, and applied to the testing of five research propositions.

Findings –
ANOVA found no differences in CRM usage among the strategy types. Variation was widespread, however, in four roles of traditional market research: enhancing strategic decision making, increasing usability of existing data, presenting plans to senior management, and achieving productivity and political outcomes.

Research limitations/implications –
Future researchers using the Porter strategic types should separate “marketing differentiators” from “product differentiators” because they function and compete differently.

Practical implications –
All organisations can benefit from CRM systems, but “marketing differentiators” exhibit a relatively higher usage of traditional market research. This is likely to be because they compete by creating softer product differences, while others do so on harder characteristics such as price or product functionality.

Originality/value –
This is the first study to use the Porter types to explain differences between the roles and uses of market research and CRM within organisations.


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This paper presents the development and application of a new methodology incorporating both quantitative and qualitative profiling to help discern the characteristics of units of study that are the differentiators of student ratings of library resource quality. From the sub-set of those units with an ‘unremarkable’ rating for teaching quality, those units with the ‘extreme’ library resource quality ratings were selected for investigation. Examination of the handbook descriptions for those units suggests that units of study which explicitly incorporate student interaction with the wider literature and other information resources beyond those provided within the unit environment may lead students to engage with the library in deeper ways that highlight the value of library resources, and hence lead to higher mean ratings of library resource quality. This finding suggests potential areas for intervention to enhance student perceptions of the quality of library resources.