9 resultados para diatomics


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Part I

Studies of vibrational relaxation in excited electronic states of simple diatomic molecules trapped in solid rare-gas matrices at low temperatures are reported. The relaxation is investigated by monitoring the emission intensity from vibrational levels of the excited electronic state to vibrational levels of the ground electronic state. The emission was in all cases excited by bombardment of the doped rare-gas solid with X-rays.

The diatomics studied and the band systems seen are: N2, Vegard-Kaplan and Second Positive systems; O2, Herzberg system; OH and OD, A 2Σ+ - X2IIi system. The latter has been investigated only in solid Ne, where both emission and absorption spectra were recorded; observed fine structure has been partly interpreted in terms of slightly perturbed rotational motion in the solid. For N2, OH, and OD emission occurred from v' > 0, establishing a vibrational relaxation time in the excited electronic state of the order, of longer than, the electronic radiative lifetime. The relative emission intensity and decay times for different v' progressions in the Vegard-Kaplan system are found to depend on the rare-gas host and the N2 concentration, but are independent of temperature in the range 1.7°K to 30°K.

Part II

Static crystal field effects on the absorption, fluorescence, and phosphorescence spectra of isotopically mixed benzene crystals were investigated. Evidence is presented which demonstrate that in the crystal the ground, lowest excited singlet, and lowest triplet states of the guest deviate from hexagonal symmetry. The deviation appears largest in the lowest triplet state and may be due to an intrinsic instability of the 3B1u state. High resolution absorption and phospho- rescence spectra are reported and analyzed in terms of site-splitting of degenerate vibrations and orientational effects. The guest phosphorescence lifetime for various benzene isotopes in C6D6 and sym-C6H3D3 hosts is presented and discussed.


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We derive a universal model for atom pairs interacting with non-resonant light via the polarizability anisotropy, based on the long range properties of the scattering. The corresponding dynamics can be obtained using a nodal line technique to solve the asymptotic Schrödinger equation. It consists of imposing physical boundary conditions at long range and vanishing the wavefunction at a position separating the inner zone and the asymptotic region. We show that nodal lines which depend on the intensity of the non-resonant light can satisfactorily account for the effect of the polarizability at short range. The approach allows to determine the resonance structure, energy, width, channel mixing and hybridization even for narrow resonances.


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Non-resonant light interacting with diatomics via the polarizability anisotropy couples different rotational states and may lead to strong hybridization of the motion. The modification of shape resonances and low-energy scattering states due to this interaction can be fully captured by an asymptotic model, based on the long-range properties of the scattering (Crubellier et al 2015 New J. Phys. 17 045020). Remarkably, the properties of the field-dressed shape resonances in this asymptotic multi-channel description are found to be approximately linear in the field intensity up to fairly large intensity. This suggests a perturbative single-channel approach to be sufficient to study the control of such resonances by the non-resonant field. The multi-channel results furthermore indicate the dependence on field intensity to present, at least approximately, universal characteristics. Here we combine the nodal line technique to solve the asymptotic Schrödinger equation with perturbation theory. Comparing our single channel results to those obtained with the full interaction potential, we find nodal lines depending only on the field-free scattering length of the diatom to yield an approximate but universal description of the field-dressed molecule, confirming universal behavior.


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An electrostatic trapping scheme for use in the study of light-induced dissociation of molecular ions is outlined. We present a detailed description of the electrostatic reflection storage device and specifically demonstrate its use in the preparation of a vibrationally cold ensemble of deuterium hydride (HD+) ions. By interacting an intense femtosecond laser with this target and detecting neutral fragmentation products, we are able to elucidate previously inaccessible dissociation dynamics for fundamental diatomics in intense laser fields. In this context, we present new results of intense field dissociation of HD+ which are interpreted in terms of recent theoretical calculations.


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Ab initio cross section calculations for vibronic excitation using the R -matrix approach have been performed on the N 2 + molecular ion complex. A three-state close-coupling expansion is used where the electronic target states; X 2 g + , A 2 u and B 2 u + of the molecular cation are represented by a valence configuration-interaction approximation. A non-adiabatic approximation is invoked to study vibronic excitation for the first three negative bands, (0,0), (1,0) and (2,0) of the X-B transition (B 2 u + v ´ X 2 g + v ´´ ) of N 2 + . Fixed-nuclei and non-adiabatic cross section results are compared with the available experimental data for the (0,0) band and the breakdown of the adiabatic fixed-nuclei approximation is clearly evident for the vibronic excitation of the (1,0) and (2,0) bands in this molecular ion complex.


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Ab initio electron scattering calculations using the R -matrix approach have been performed for within a three-state valence configuration-interaction model (VCI). The lowest three electronic target states ( , and the ) of this molecular nitrogen cation are included in the close-coupling method, with each state being represented by a valence CI approximation. From a detailed analysis of the resonance structure found in our work for the symmetries we find four prominent Rydberg series of the type , , , and a interloper resonance. This interloper molecular resonance associated with the B state of is seen to cause distortions of the resulting resonance spectra. A comparison of our total cross sections for the X - B transition shows excellent agreement with the available experimental data.


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A fully relativistic four-component Dirac-Fock-Slater program for diatomics, with numerically given AO's as basis functions is presented. We discuss the problem of the errors due to the finite basis-set, and due to the influence of the negative energy solutions of the Dirac Hamiltonian. The negative continuum contributions are found to be very small.


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The electronic structure and chemical bonding of the ground and low-lying Lambda - S and Omega states of Ta(2) were investigated at the multiconfiguration second-order perturbation theory (CASSCF//CASPT2) level. The ground state of Ta(2) is computed to be a X(3)Sigma(-)(g) state (R(e) = 2.120 angstrom, omega(e) = 323 cm(-1), and D(e) = 4.65 eV), with two low-lying singlet states close to it (a(1) Sigma(+)(g) : T(e) = 409 cm(-1), R(e) = 2.131 angstrom, and omega(e) = 313 cm(-1); b(1) Gamma(g): T(e) = 1, 038 cm(-1), R(e) = 2.127 angstrom, and omega(e) = 316 cm(-1)). These electronic states are derived from the same electronic configuration: vertical bar 13 sigma(2)(g)14 sigma(2)(g)7 delta(2)(g)13 pi(4)(u)>. The effective bond order of the X(3) Sigma(-)(g) state is 4.52, which indicates that the Ta atoms are bound by a quintuple chemical bond. The a(1) Sigma(+)(g) state interacts strongly with the X(3)Sigma(-)(g) g ground state by a second-order spin-orbit interaction, giving rise to the (1)0(g)(+) (ground state) (dominated by the X(3)Sigma(-)(g) Lambda - S ground state) and (9)0(g)(+) (dominated by the a(1) Sigma(+)(g) Lambda - S state) Omega states. These results are in line with those reported for the group 5B homonuclear transition metal diatomics. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Quantum Chem 111: 1306-1315, 2011


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No presente trabalho descrevemos nossos resultados relativos à investigação da dinâmica de solvatação mecânica por meio de simulações por dinâmica molecular, respeitando o regime da resposta linear, em sistemas-modelo de argônio líquido com um soluto monoatômico ou diatômico dissolvido. Estudamos sistematicamente a influência dos parâmetros moleculares dos solutos (tamanho, polarizabilidade) e da densidade frente a vários modelos de solvatação. Funções de Correlação Temporal da Energia de Solvatação foram calculadas com relação à correlações de n-corpos (n = 2; 3) distinguindo interações repulsivas e atrativas para ambos os sistemas líquidos. Também obtivemos segundas derivadas temporais dessas funções referindo-se à parcelas translacionais, rotacionais e roto-translacionais na solução do diatômico. Encontramos que funções de correlação temporal coletivas podem ser razoavelmente bem aproximadas por correlações binárias a densidades baixas e, a densidades altas, correlações ternárias tornam-se mais importantes produzindo um descorrelacionamento mais rápido das funções coletivas devido a efeitos de cancelamento parciais. As funções de correlação para interações repulsivas e atrativas exibem comportamentos dinâmicos independentes do modelo de solvatação devido a fatores de escalonamento linear que afetam apenas as amplitudes das dessas funções de correlação temporal. Em geral, os sistemas com grau de liberdade rotacional apresentam tempos de correlação mais curtos para a dinâmica coletiva e tempos de correlação mais longos para as funções binárias e ternárias. Finalmente, esse estudo mostra que os sistemas contendo o diatômico relaxam-se predominantemente por mecanismos translacionais binários em modelos de solvatação envolvendo alterações apenas na polarizabilidade do soluto, e por mecanismos rotacionais atrativos binários em modelos envolvendo alterações no comprimento de ligação.