250 resultados para diabète


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BACKGROUND: A reorganization of healthcare systems is required to meet the challenge of the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, e.g. diabetes. In North-America and Europe, several countries have thus developed national or regional chronic disease management programs. In Switzerland, such initiatives have only emerged recently. In 2010, the canton of Vaud set up the "Diabetes Cantonal Program", within the framework of which we conducted a study designed to ascertain the opinions of both diabetic patients and healthcare professionals on the elements that could be integrated into this program, the barriers and facilitators to its development, and the incentives that could motivate these actors to participate. METHODS: We organized eight focus-groups: one with diabetic patients and one with healthcare professionals in the four sanitary areas of the canton of Vaud. The discussions were recorded, transcribed and submitted to a thematic content analysis. RESULTS: Patients and healthcare professionals were rather in favour of the implementation of a cantonal program, although patients were more cautious concerning its necessity. All participants envisioned a set of elements that could be integrated to this program. They also considered that the program could be developed more easily if it were adapted to patients' and professionals' needs and if it used existing structures and professionals. The difficulty to motivate both patients and professionals to participate was mentioned as a barrier to the development of this program however. Quality or financial incentives could therefore be created to overcome this potential problem. CONCLUSION: The identification of the elements to consider, barriers, facilitators and incentives to participate to a chronic disease management program, obtained by exploring the opinions of patients and healthcare professionals, should favour its further development and implementation.


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Le Programme cantonal diabète (PCD) du canton de Vaud a pour objectifs de réduire durablement l'impact du diabète sur la population vaudoise. Il a été élaboré à l'initiative du Service de la santé publique du canton de Vaud et la stratégie du programme a été construite sur la base des propositions de plusieurs groupes de travail. Ce programme inclut divers projets complémentaires qui ont été progressivement mis sur pied à partir de 2010. 2012 marque la fin de la première phase du programme et une évaluation-bilan du programme est demandée. Cette évaluation-bilan fait suite à une première phase de travaux qui ont consisté en une évaluation de l'évaluabilité du programme. Les résultats de cette première phase ont été délivrés en décembre 2011 au groupe de pilotage et consignés dans un rapport en février 2012. L'IUMSP propose donc pour 2012 des travaux en continuité de ce qui a été fait en 2011 et qui vont dans le sens d'un bilan critique et de propositions pour un système de monitoring à long terme du programme, comportant des indicateurs d'activité (à harmoniser lorsque c'est possible dans des projets similaires), des indicateurs de couverture et de résultats. [p. 7]


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Dans le cadre de l'élaboration du Programme cantonal Diabète du canton de Vaud, nous avons mis en place une étude qualitative visant à connaître l'opinion des divers acteurs du système de santé du canton, sur la prise en charge actuelle du diabète et le développement du Programme cantonal Diabète. Nous avons recruté des patients diabétiques et des professionnels de la santé dans le but d'organiser huit focus-groupes (entretiens de groupe) : un focus-groupe de patients diabétiques et un focus-groupe de professionnels de la santé, dans chacune des quatre régions sanitaires du canton de Vaud. [Auteurs, p. 5]


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Nutrient ingestion triggers a complex hormonal response aimed at stimulating glucose utilization in liver, muscle and adipose tissue to minimize the raise in blood glucose levels. Insulin secretion by pancreatic beta cells plays a major role in this response. Although the beta cell secretory response is mainly controlled by blood glucose levels, gut hormones secreted in response to food intake have an important role in potentiating glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. These gluco-incretin hormones are GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) and GIP (gluco-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide). Their action on pancreatic beta cells depends on binding to specific G-coupled receptors linked to activation of the adenylyl cyclase pathway. In addition to their effect on insulin secretion both hormones also stimulate insulin production at the transcriptional and translational level and positively regulate beta cell mass. Because the glucose-dependent insulinotropic action of GLP-1 is preserved in type 2 diabetic patients, this peptide is now developed as a novel therapeutic drug for this disease.


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Collection : L'oeuvre médico-chirurgical ; n°19


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