993 resultados para deviant behaviour
Using mixed-methods, this research investigated why consumers engage in deviant behaviors. It found that there is significant variation in how consumers perceive right and wrong, which calls for more tailored deterrence strategies to challenge how consumers justify deviant behaviours. Specifically, individuals draw on a number of factors when assessing right and wrong. While individuals agree on the polar acceptable and unacceptable behaviours, behaviours in between are questionable. When social consensus varies on a behaviour's acceptability, so to do the predictors of deviant behaviour. These findings contribute to consumer deviance and consumer ethics research.
Deviant behaviour is an ongoing problem in the consumer marketplace (Daunt and Harris, 2012). To investigate this issue, a number of authors have focused on empirically assessing consumer perceptions of right and wrong behaviours, such as the Muncy-Vitell (1992) consumer ethics scale. While studies like this have provided extensive empirical insights, qualitative insight into why consumers make these behaviour classifications remains underexplored. The aim of this paper is to extend on that literature by exploring the reasoning behind behavioural classifications. Using interviews, seven factors were identified in consumer definitions of acceptable, questionable, and unacceptable consumer behaviours including; official classification, prevalence, ease of justification, perceived fairness, consequences, risk, and values. These results also provide actionable insights for marketers in that multi-level deterrence strategies must be employed to more effectively deter consumer deviance, as opposed to traditional deterrence strategies based on cost-benefit analyses.
Deviant consumer behaviour in the marketplace is an ongoing problem causing harm to the organisation, employees, and other consumers. To address this problem, this study explores consumer perceptions of right and wrong using the novel concept of a deviance threshold – the mental line in the sand dictating right and wrong. Using consumer-based interviews with a card-sort activity, findings supported and extended dimensions proposed to explain why some behaviours are perceived as more serious or unethical than others. Moreover, why specific neutralisation techniques are used and how they affect categorisations of behaviours within an individual’s deviance threshold is explained. This study offers alternative strategies tailored to challenging consumer justifications to curb deviance. Implications support abandoning the universal approach to deterrence.
Engineering design processes are necessary to attain the requisite standards of integrity for high-assurance safety-related systems. Additionally, human factors design initiatives can provide critical insights that parameterise their development. Unfortunately, the popular perception of human factors as a “forced marriage” between engineering and psychology often provokes views where the ‘human factor’ is perceived as a threat to systems design. Some popular performance-based standards for developing safety-related systems advocate identifying and managing human factors throughout the system lifecycle. However, they also have a tendency to fall short in their guidance on the application of human factors methods and tools, let alone how the outputs generated can be integrated in to various stages of the design process. This case study describes a project that converged engineering with human factors to develop a safety argument for new low-cost railway level crossing technology for system-wide implementation in Australia. The paper enjoins the perspectives of a software engineer and cognitive psychologist and their involvement in the project over two years of collaborative work to develop a safety argument for low-cost level crossing technology. Safety and reliability requirements were informed by applying human factors analytical tools that supported the evaluation and quantification of human reliability where users interfaced with the technology. The project team was confronted with significant challenges in cross-disciplinary engagement, particularly with the complexities of dealing with incongruences in disciplinary language. They were also encouraged to think ‘outside the box’ as to how users of a system interpreted system states and ehaviour. Importantly, some of these states, while considered safe within the boundary of the constituent systems that implemented safety-related functions, could actually lead the users to engage in deviant behaviour. Psychology explained how user compliance could be eroded to levels that effectively undermined levels of risk reduction afforded by systems. Linking the engineering and psychology disciplines intuitively, overall safety performance was improved by introducing technical requirements and making design decisions that minimized the system states and behaviours that led to user deviancy. As a commentary on the utility of transdisciplinary collaboration for technical specification, the processes used to bridge the two disciplines are conceptualised in a graphical model.
Australian households currently pay the second highest “honesty tax” in the world at $290 per household per year, levied by retailers to offset the $AU1.86 billion in losses they incur from customer theft. Theft is only one type of consumer deviance, which can include behaviours that are against the law, an organisation’s policy, or behaviours that violate normally accepted conduct. An individual’s “deviant behaviour” can vary from one person to the next. My research exploring consumer definitions of right and wrong has found a number of things can inform what an individual thinks is “deviant behaviour”, beyond what the law or organisational policy states as right or wrong. Consumers then use their own justifications to excuse their actions...
Purpose The purpose of this chapter is to analyse the deviant behaviour of individuals in organisations. Deviants are those who depart from organisational norms. A typology of perceived deviant behaviour is developed from the deviance literature, and subsequently tested. Methodology/approach Star Trek: Into Darkness text is qualitatively analysed as a data source. Three different character arcs are analysed in relation to organisational deviance. Starfleet is the specific, fictional, organisational context. Findings We found that the typology of deviance is conceptually robust, and facilitates categorisation of different types of deviant behaviour, over time. Research limitations/implications Deviance is socially ascribed; so better categorisation of such behaviour improves our understanding of how specific behaviour might deviate from organisational norms, and how different behaviours can mean individuals can be viewed positively or negatively over time. Further research might determine management responses to the different forms of deviance, and unpack the processes where individuals eschew ‘averageness’ and become deviants. Practical implications The typology advanced has descriptive validity to describe deviant behaviour. Social implications Social institutions such as organisations ascribe individual deviants, both negatively and positively. Originality/value This chapter extends our understanding of positive and negative deviance in organisations by developing a new typology of deviant behaviour. This typology has descriptive validity in understanding deviant behaviour. Our understanding of both positive and negative deviance in organisational contexts is enhanced, as well as the utility of science fiction literature in ethical analysis.
Punitive public attitudes cannot be easily explained by pointing to instrumental concerns (e.g., fear of crime, personal victimization, or rea or perceived levels of crime). Instead, numerous observers have suggested that public punitiveness is more a symptom of free-floating anxieties and insecurities resulting from social change than a rational response to crime problems. We argue that these public concerns might be better understood by drawing on the insights of psychoanalytic theory, and we review relevant theoretical work to that effect.
Within the study of domestic violence typological approaches have gained prominence in part as a response to the wider feminist canon that presumes perpetrators are all simply motivated by male power. In this article we use a single case study to query the presumption inherent in the most commonly used typological approaches that offender motivations remain largely static overtime and can be read off easily from self-reports or official records. We conclude by pointing to the need, both for academics and practitioners, to engage interpretively with the specific meanings acts of violence hold for domestic violence perpetrators - informed as they can be by sexist values, perceptions of entitlement and a specific history of conflict, suspicion or grievance – that can change who they are and the way they behave in the aftermath of assaults and breakups, as the foreground of crime is reincorporated into a background narrative.
Selon plusieurs études, il y aurait une certaine association des comportements déviants à travers le temps et à travers les générations. Peu importe l’angle d’analyse, le fait que la délinquance soit liée d’une génération à une autre semble confirmé par plusieurs recherches empiriques. Cela étant dit, cette étude met à l’épreuve le modèle suggérant un lien intergénérationnel entre les comportements délinquants des adolescents et de leurs parents. En utilisant des données longitudinales recueillies auprès de 1037 garçons provenant de quartiers défavorisés d’une grande ville canadienne, nous examinons les comportements violents et les comportements de vol de ces adolescents alors qu’ils étaient âgés entre 11 et 17 ans tout en examinant l’effet du passé criminel de la mère et du père. Par la suite, diverses variables médiatrices familiales telles que la supervision inadéquate des parents, la punition erratique des parents et l’attachement à la famille sont ajoutées aux modèles pour évaluer leur part explicative dans cette association statistique. En réalisant deux modèles multiniveaux paramétriques, soit un pour chaque type de délinquance, les résultats de l’analyse permettent de constater d’une part, qu’un lien est observé entre les comportements violents des garçons et la présence d’un dossier criminel chez la mère et d’autre part, que la criminalité du père n’est pas associée aux comportements délinquants des garçons. Également, bien que la supervision parentale explique légèrement ce lien, les facteurs familiaux inclus dans l’analyse ne parviennent pas à expliquer en totalité cette relation entre la criminalité de la mère et les comportements délinquants de leurs garçons. Enfin, bien que la puissance statistique des données limite partiellement les conclusions générales, nous discutons des implications théoriques de ces résultats.
Malgré les problèmes que pose la délinquance juvénile au Sénégal, les réponses des décideurs semblent inefficaces, surtout pour les filles déviantes. Ainsi, l’objectif de notre étude est de déterminer les caractéristiques familiales, scolaires et des amis des adolescentes judiciarisées à Dakar en les comparant à celles de Montréal. Les enquêtes se sont déroulées à Dakar sur trente adolescentes interrogées avec un instrument adapté du MASPAQ. Les similitudes entre les échantillons concernent l’âge moyen et le statut judiciaire quasi-identiques, le milieu socio-économique défavorisé et la structure familiale en majorité monoparentale matricentrique. Les autres résultats concernent surtout les liens sociaux plus forts chez les dakaroises alors que l’activité marginale est plus importante chez les montréalaises. Les liens sociaux des dakaroises constitueraient une protection contre la déviance. Le contexte culturel également, en favorisant un contrôle social, pousserait à développer plus de contraintes internes, autre protection contre la déviance. Des perspectives sont envisagées notamment utiliser l’instrument avec des garçons.
In the texts and illustrations of medieval Mappae mundi, women are represented in three different roles: as biblical or Christian characters (such as Eve in the Garden of Eden, Lot's wife and female saints), as legendary or mythical figures (e.g. the Queen of Sheba, mermaids) and as 'other' creatures with a deviant behaviour from the European norm (e.g. Amazons). The principal goal of this study is to analyse the different strategies that were developed by male European observers to project a filtered image of woman in the selective medium of cartography from the tenth to the fifteenth century.
Motor vehicle accidents are one of the principal causes of adolescent disability or mortality and male drivers are more likely to be involved in road accidents than female drivers. In part such associations between driver age and sex have been linked to differences in risky behaviour (e.g. speed, violations) and individual characteristics (e.g. sensation seeking, deviant behaviour). The aim of this research is to determine whether associations between risky road user behaviour and individual characteristics are a function of driver behaviour or whether they are intrinsic and measurable in individuals too young to drive. Five hundred and sixty-seven pre-driver students aged 11-16 from three secondary schools completed questionnaires measuring enthusiasm for speed, sensation seeking, deviant behaviour and attitudes towards driver violations. Boys reported more risky attitudes than girls for all measures. Associations between sensation seeking, deviant behaviour and attitudes towards risky road use were present from early adolescence and were strongest around age 14, before individuals learn to drive. Risky attitudes towards road use are associated with individual characteristics and are observed in adolescents long before they learn to drive. Safe attitudes towards road use and driver behaviour should be promoted from childhood in order to be effective. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.