971 resultados para developmental stage


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Aims: To understand effects of tissue type, growth stage and soil fertilisers on bacterial endophyte communities of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Hereward). Methods: Endophytes were isolated from wheat grown under six fertiliser conditions in the long term Broadbalk Experiment at Rothamsted Research, UK. Samples were taken in May and July from root and leaf tissues. Results: Root and leaf communities differed in abundance and composition of endophytes. Endophytes were most abundant in roots and the Proteobacteria were most prevalent. In contrast, Firmicutes and Actinobacteria, the Gram positive phyla, were most prevalent in the leaves. Both fertiliser treatment and sample time influenced abundance and relative proportions of each phylum and genus in the endosphere. A higher density of endophytes was found in the Nil input treatment plants. Conclusions: Robust isolation techniques and stringent controls are critical for accurate recovery of endophytes. The plant tissue type, plant growth stage, and soil fertiliser treatment all contribute to the composition of the endophytic bacterial community in wheat. These results should help facilitate targeted development of endophytes for beneficial applications in agriculture.


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Increasing knowledge on the endocrine mechanisms that regulate feeding and growth in cultured fish can contribute to make improvement in fish holding conditions and feeding strategies, supporting the development of new techniques that could ameliorate feeding, food conversion efficiency and growth in aquaculture practice. The main objective of this study was to investigate how daily mRNA expression of three specific anorexigenic hormones, i.e. the corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and the paralogues α- and β- proopiomelanocortin (POMC), is modulated by different photoperiods, light spectra and feeding regimes, in both adult and larvae of Solea senegalensis. In addition, as Senegalese sole exhibits a shift from diurnal to nocturnal in locomotor activity and feeding habits during metamorphic process, we tried to elucidate if this shift is accompanied by relevant daily variations in the expression of these anorexigenic hormones before, during and after the completion of metamorphosis. In order to reach this main objective, three main experiments were developed. In a first experiment, adults were reared under LD (12 h light: 12h dark) cycle and fed at mid-light (ML), mid-dark (MD) and at random (RND). In a second experiment, adult specimens were reared in constant darkness (DD) and fed at subjective mid-light (sML) or at RND. Larvae of Senegalese sole were reared under LD cycle with white, blue or red light for 40 days. Our results show an independence of crh mRNA expression from the feeding time and suggest an endogenous control of crh expression in sole. Both pomc paralogues showed significant daily rhythms under LD conditions. The rhythms were maintained or were even more robust under DD conditions for pomc_a, but were completely abolished for pomc_b. Our results indicate an endogenous control of pomc_a expression by the molecular clock in telencephalon and diencephalon, but not in the pituitary gland. Our findings confirm for the first time the significant influence that ambient lighting has on larval growth and development in Senegalese sole, revealing an important effect of light spectra upon functional elements of this species. Our results also emphasize the importance of maintaining cycling light-dark conditions of the adequate wavelengths in aquaculture practices during early development of sole.


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To clarify the patterns of frontobasal and frontosinal fractures in children and teenagers and to analyze whether the patterns relate to developmental stage of the facial skeleton.


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Intact etioplasts of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) plants exhibit proteolytic activity against the exogenously added apoprotein of the light-harvesting pigment-protein complex serving photosystem II (LHCII) that increases as etiolation is prolonged. The activity increases in the membrane fraction but not in the stroma, where it remains low and constant and is mainly directed against LHCII and protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase. The thylakoid proteolytic activity, which is low in etioplasts of 6-d-old etiolated plants, increases in plants pretreated with a pulse of light or exposed to intermittent-light (ImL) cycles, but decreases during prolonged exposure to continuous light, coincident with chlorophyll (Chl) accumulation. To distinguish between the control of Chl and/or development on proteolytic activity, we used plants exposed to ImL cycles of varying dark-phase durations. In ImL plants exposed to an equal number of ImL cycles with short or long dark intervals (i.e. equal Chl accumulation but different developmental stage) proteolytic activity increased with the duration of the dark phase. In plants exposed to ImL for equal durations to such light-dark cycles (i.e. different Chl accumulation but same developmental stage) the proteolytic activity was similar. These results suggest that the protease, which is free to act under limited Chl accumulation, is dependent on the developmental stage of the chloroplast, and give a clue as to why plants in ImL with short dark intervals contain LHCII, whereas those with long dark intervals possess only photosystem-unit cores and lack LHCII.


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Aim: So far, most of the cognitive neuroscience studies investigating the development of brain activity in childhood have made comparisons between different age groups and ignored the individual stage of cognitive development. Given the wide variation in the rate of cognitive development, this study argues that chronological age alone cannot explain the developmental changes in brain activity. This study demonstrates how Piaget s theory and information on child s individual stage of development can complement the age-related evaluations of brain oscillatory activity. In addition, the relationship between cognitive development and working memory is investigated. Method: A total of 33 children (17 11-year-olds, 16 14-year-olds) participated in this study. The study consisted of behavioural tests and an EEG experiment. Behavioral tests included two Piagetian tasks (the Volume and Density task, the Pendulum task) and Raven s Standard Progressive Matrices task. During EEG experiment, subjects performed a modified version of the Sternberg s memory search paradigm which consisted of an auditorily presented memory set of 4 words and a probe word following these. The EEG data was analyzed using the event-related desynchronization / synchronization (ERD/ERS) method. The Pendulum task was used to assess the cognitive developmental stage of each subject and to form four groups based on age (11- or 14-year-olds) and cognitive developmental stage (concrete or formal operational stage). Group comparisons between these four groups were performed for the EEG data. Results and conclusions: Both age- and cognitive stage-related differences in brain oscillatory activity were found between the four groups. Importantly, age-related changes similar to those reported by previous studies were found also in this study, but these changes were modified by developmental stage. In addition, the results support a strong link between working memory and cognitive development by demonstrating differences in memory task related brain activity and cognitive developmental stages. Based on these findings it is suggested that in the future, comparisons of development of brain activity should not be based only on age but also on the individual cognitive developmental stage.


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The contents of fibroin H RNA as a function of development have been quantitated in the posterior silk glands of Bombyx mori larvae on different days of 4th and 5th instars. The fibroin RNA levels increased during the feeding stages of larvae and the RNA got completely degraded during the interim moult. The patterns of accumulation of fibroin RNA were similar in both the instars. Although there was considerable increase in the fibroin RNA content during the 5th larval instar, the relative abundance of fibroin RNA in the total RNA was fairly constant during the 4th and 5th instars. The increased content of fibroin RNA in 5th instar was the consequence of an overall increase in transcription accompanying the development progress, rather than specific increase only in fibroin transcription. The contents of fibroin protein in the 4th and 5th instars of development have also been quantitated making use of a sensitive radioimmune assay with a purified, antifibroin antibody. There were substantial differences between 4th and 5th instars in the absolute fibroin contents as well as the relative proportion of fibroin in the total proteins. These results implied that although the fibroin gene was transcribed at the same efficiency during the 4th and 5th instars, the translational efficiency was much lower during the 4th instar. The extent of polyadenylation of fibroin RNA was similar in both instars. However, there was a two-fold increase in the polysome association of fibroin RNA in the 5th instar. Over and above this, there was substantial increase during the 5th instar in the contents of those tRNAs. (e.g. Gly, Ala and Ser) which are abundantly represented in fibroin and therefore directly related to the expression of fibroin. The increased polysome association of fibroin mRNA and the adequate supply of cognate tRNAs in the 5th instar, together contributes to the translational regulation of fibroin in a developmental stage-specific manner. Based on these observations, we propose that translational regulation plays a major role in the development stage-specific synthesis of fibroin in Bombyx mori.


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Maternal effects on the quality of progeny can have direct impacts on population productivity. Rockfish are viviparous and the oil globule size of larvae at parturition has been shown to have direct effects on time until starvation and growth rate. We sampled embryos and preparturition larvae opportunistically from 89 gravid quillback rockfish (Sebastes maliger) in Southeast Alaska. Because the developmental stage and sampling period were correlated with oil globule size, they were treated as covariates in an analysis of maternal age, length, and weight effects on oil globule size. Maternal factors were related to developmental timing for almost all sampling periods, indicating that older, longer, and heavier females develop embryos earlier than younger, shorter, or lighter ones. Oil globule diameter and maternal length and weight were statistically linked, but the relationships may not be biologically significant. Weight-specific fecundity did not increase with maternal size or age, suggesting that reproductive output does not increase more quickly as fish age and grow. Age or size truncation of a rockfish population, in which timing of parturition is related to age and size, could result in a shorter parturition season. This shortening of the parturition season could make the population vulnerable to fluctuating environmental conditions.


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The AMPA-receptor subunit GluA4 is expressed transiently in CA1 pyramidal neurons at the time synaptic connectivity is forming, but its physiological significance is unknown. Here we show that GluA4 expression is sufficient to alter the signaling requirements of long-term potentiation (LTP) and can fully explain the switch in the LTP kinase dependency from PKA to Ca2(+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II during synapse maturation. At immature synapses, activation of PKA leads to a robust potentiation of AMPA-receptor function via the mobilization of GluA4. Analysis of GluA4-deficient mice indicates that this mechanism is critical for neonatal PKA-dependent LTP. Furthermore, lentiviral expression of GluA4 in CA1 neurons conferred a PKA-dependent synaptic potentiation and LTP regardless of the developmental stage. Thus, GluA4 defines the signaling requirements for LTP and silent synapse activation during a critical period of synapse development.


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Mermithid nematodes (Nematoda: Mermithidae) parasitize larval, pupal and adult black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae), oftentimes resulting in partial or complete host feminization. This study was designed to characterize parasite-host seasonal variation and to estabUsh the developmental life stage at which feminization is initiated. Data indicate that the total adult population of black flies collected from Algonquin Provincial Park throughout the spring of 2004 was comprised of 31.8% female, 67.8% male and 0.4% intersex individuals. Of the total population, 0.6% was infected by mermithid nematodes (69.0% female, 3.5% male and 27.6% intersex). Seasonal infection trends established over a 12-month period revealed that black flies with different life histories host the same mermithid subfamilies, while black flies with similar life histories host mermithids from different subfamilies. If a simuliid species simultaneously hosts two mermithid species, these parasites are from different subfamilies. Molecular mermithid identification revealed two mermithid subfamilies, Me.somermithinae and Gastromermithinae, present in the simuliid hosts. Mermithid colour variation was not found to be a reliable species indicator. The developmental stage at which feminization is initiated was determined by examining gonad morphology and meiotic chromosomal condition. Results indicate that mermithid-infected black flies exhibit feminization prior to larval histoblast formation. Larvae can be morphologically male (testes present) or female (ovaries present), with morphological males exhibiting either male (achiasmate) or female (chiasmate) meiotic chromosomes; morphological females were only genetically female. Additionally, mermithid infection inhibits simuliid gonad development.


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Thermal imaging is a valuable tool for the elucidation of gas exchange dynamics between a plant and its environment. The presence of stomata in wheat glumes and awns offers an opportunity to assess photosynthetic activity of ears up to and during flowering. The knowledge of spatial and temporal thermodynamics of the wheat ear may provide insight into interactions between floret developmental stage (FDS), temperature depression (TD) and ambient environment, with potential to be used as a high-throughput screening tool for breeders. A controlled environment study was conducted using six spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes of the elite recombinant inbred line Seri/Babax. Average ear temperature (AET) was recorded using a hand held infrared camera and gas exchange was measured by enclosing ears in a custom built cuvette. FDS was monitored and recorded daily throughout the study. Plants were grown in pots and exposed to a combination of two temperature and two water regimes. In the examined wheat lines, TD varied from 0.1°C to 0.6°C according to the level of stress imposed. The results indicated that TD does not occur at FDS F3, the peak of active flowering, but during the preceding stages prior to pollen release and stigma maturity (F1-F2). These findings suggest that ear temperature during the early stages of anthesis, prior to pollen release and full extension of the stigma, are likely to be the most relevant for identifying heat stress tolerant genotypes.


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De forma geral, as características do amido variam não somente com a planta de origem, mas também com o estádio de desenvolvimento desta. Neste trabalho objetivou-se avaliar a influência da época de plantio e estádio de desenvolvimento da planta de ahipa sobre as características físico-químicas das raízes, tamanho de grânulos do amido e suas propriedades viscográficas. Constatou-se influência do estádio de desenvolvimento da planta nas características físico-químicas das raízes e do amido, independentemente da época de plantio. A melhor época para o plantio de Pachyrhizus ahipa é outubro e a colheita deve ser feita no máximo com 9 meses, adotando-se o procedimento de retirada das flores a partir dos 3 meses.


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The Agaricus blazei Murill (ABM) mushroom, known as the sun mushroom, is native to Brazil and has become known for its medicinal properties. This study examined the anticlastogenic effect of Agaricus blazei in Chinese hamster ovary cells, CHO-k1, by means of a chromosome aberration test using methyl methanesulphonate (MMS, 10(-4)M) as the DNA damage inducing agent. Two mushroom lines were used, ABM 99/26 and ABM 97/11, and the latter was used in the young (Y) and sporulating (S) developmental phases. The cells were treated for 12 h with MMS alone or combined with aqueous extracts of A. blazei at a final concentration of 0.15%, which were prepared at three different temperatures: (a) hot (60 degreesC), (b) room temperature (25 degreesC) and (c) chilled (4 degreesC). Mushroom extracts showed a marked anticlastogenic effect against DNA damage, as evidenced by a decrease in the number of cells with breaks, regardless of the line used, or the developmental stage or the temperature at which the extract was prepared. Generally, the extracts were more effective in reducing the isochromatid type breaks. The data obtained suggest that extracts of A. blazei mushroom are anticlastogenic under the conditions tested, mainly during the G1 and S stages of the cell cycle, where chromosome breaks of the isochromatid type are produced by the MMS agent. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.