879 resultados para development need
Increasing recognition of cultural influences on career development requires expanded theoretical and practical perspectives. Theories of career development need to explicate views of culture and provide direction for career counseling with clients who are culturally diverse. The Systems Theory Framework (STF) is a theoretical foundation that accounts for systems of influence on people's career development, including individual, social, and environmental/societal contexts. The discussion provides a rationale for systemic approaches in multicultural career counseling and introduces the central theoretical tenets of the STF. Through applications of the STF, career counselors are challenged to expand their roles and levels of intervention in multicultural career counseling.
Vaatimusmäärittely on tärkeä vaihe ohjelmistotuotannossa, koska virheelliset ja puutteelliset asiakasvaatimukset vaikuttavat huomattavasti asiakkaan tyytymättömyyteen ohjelmistotuotteessa. Ohjelmistoinsinöörit käyttävät useita erilaisia menetelmiä ja tekniikoita asiakasvaatimusten kartoittamiseen. Erilaisia tekniikoita asiakasvaatimusten keräämiseen on olemassa valtava määrä.Diplomityön tavoitteena oli parantaa asiakasvaatimusten keräämisprosessia ohjelmistoprojekteissa. Asiakasvaatimusten kartoittamiseen käytettävien tekniikoiden arvioinnin perusteella kehitettiin parannettu asiakasvaatimusten keräämisprosessi. Kehitetyn prosessin testaamiseksi ja parantamiseksi järjestettiin ryhmätyöistuntoja liittyen todellisiin ohjelmistokehitysprojekteihin. Tuloksena vaatimusten kerääminen eri sidosryhmiltä nopeutui ja tehostui. Prosessi auttoi muodostamaan yleisen kuvan kehitettävästä ohjelmistosta, prosessin avulla löydettiin paljon ideoita ja prosessi tehosti ideoiden analysointia ja priorisointia. Prosessin suurin kehityskohde oli fasilitaattorin ja osallistujien valmistautumisessa ryhmätyöistuntoihin etukäteen.
Pro Gradu –työn aiheena on osaamisen kehittäminen henkilöstökoulutuksen avulla. Työn päätavoitteena on selvittää miten case-yrityksen, Etelä-Saimaan Sanomalehti Oy:n henkilöstölleen tarjoama koulutus saadaan kohdennettua parhaiten. Tutkimuksesta ilmenee, että koulutusten kohdentamisongelma case-yrityksessä johtuu sekä suunnitelmallisuuden puutteesta niiden toteuttamisessa että selkeiden tavoitteiden puuttumisesta. Case-yritykselle ehdotetaan henkilöstön kehittämisen liittämistä tiiviimmäksi osaksi yrityksen visiota ja strategioita. Työssä määritellään näiden pohjalta kullekin työtehtävälle osaamisen tavoitetaso. Yrityksessä aikaisemmin toteutetun koulutustarvekartoituksen sekä nyt suoritettujen esimieshaastattelujen perusteella saadaan selville osaamisen nykytaso. Nykyosaamista ja tavoitetasoa vertaamalla selvitetään yrityksen työntekijöiden yksilökohtainen koulutustarve, johon pyritään vastaamaan tarkoituksenmukaisella henkilöstökoulutuksella. Ennen empiiristä osuutta osaamisen kehittämisen taustoja kartoitetaan esittelemällä mitä osaaminen on ja kuinka sitä voidaan arvioida ja kehittää, keskittäen tarkastelu lopulta henkilöstökoulutukseen. Kirjallisen aineiston ja aikaisemman tutkimusmateriaalin lisäksi tutkimuksen toteuttamiseksi tarvittavia tietoja on hankittu esimieshaastatteluilla ja osallistuvalla havainnoinnilla.
Tässä työssä tutkittiin kansanedustajan eri työroolien näkökulmasta sähköisten asiointipalvelujen tarjontaa ja kehittämistarvetta. Työn tuloksena havaittiin, että lainsäätäjän rooliin liittyvät sähköiset asiointipalvelut olivat kehittyneet eniten. Toinen havainto oli, että palveluja kehitettäessä ei aina osattu huomioida kansanedustajan työn lähtökohtia riittävästi. Kansanedustajaa ei tunnistettu aktiiviseksi toimijaksi, vaan passiiviseksi tiedon vastaanottajaksi. Kehittämiskohteita löytyi etenkin valiokuntatyön tehtäväkokonaisuudesta ja kansanedustajan kansainvälisen vaikuttajan roolista. Sähköisten asiointipalvelujen kehittämistarpeiden ohella tunnistettiin merkittäväksi asiaan vaikuttavaksi tekijäksi organisaation muutoskyvykkyys.
The objective of this study was to identify the reaction and perception of adolescents in relation to body contact as well as emotional expressions through ballroom dancing. Forty-two adolescents from a public elementary school in the state of São Paulo participated in the study. Data gathering was conducted in groups by filming the ballroom dance class and applying a questionnaire about the experience. The dance experience was observed to provide greater body proximity and demonstration of affection, since part of the participants reported well-being, while others reported being embarrassed by dancing with a partner from the opposite sex. It was concluded that more dance activities related to biopsychosocial development need to be offered at school since ballroom dancing can help in interaction promoting body contact and thus facilitate in the process of interpersonal relations between adolescents.
Waterways have many more ties with society than as a medium for the transportation of goods alone. Waterway systems offer society many kinds of socio-economic value. Waterway authorities responsible for management and (re)development need to optimize the public benefits for the investments made. However, due to the many trade-offs in the system these agencies have multiple options for achieving this goal. Because they can invest resources in a great many different ways, they need a way to calculate the efficiency of the decisions they make. Transaction cost theory, and the analysis that goes with it, has emerged as an important means of justifying efficiency decisions in the economic arena. To improve our understanding of the value-creating and coordination problems for waterway authorities, such a framework is applied to this sector. This paper describes the findings for two cases, which reflect two common multi trade-off situations for waterway (re)development. Our first case study focuses on the Miami River, an urban revitalized waterway. The second case describes the Inner Harbour Navigation Canal in New Orleans, a canal and lock in an industrialized zone, in need of an upgrade to keep pace with market developments. The transaction cost framework appears to be useful in exposing a wide variety of value-creating opportunities and the resistances that come with it. These insights can offer infrastructure managers guidance on how to seize these opportunities.
Background: The Perceived Need for Care Questionnaire (PNCQ) was designed for the Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing. The PNCQ complemented collection of data on diagnosis and disability with the survey participants' perceptions of their needs for mental health care and the meeting of those needs. The four-stage design of the PNCQ mimics a conversational exploration of the topic of perceived needs. Five categories of perceived need are each assigned to one of four levels of perceived need (no need, unmet need, partially met need and met need). For unmet need and partially met need, information on barriers to care is collected, Methods: Inter-rater reliabilities of perceived needs assessed by the PNCQ were examined in a study of 145 anxiety clinic attenders. Construct validity of these items was tested, using a multi-trait multi-method approach and hypotheses regarding extreme groups, in a study with a sample of 51 general practice and community psychiatric service patients. Results: The instrument is brief to administer and has proved feasible for use in various settings. Inter-rater reliabilities for major categories, measured by the kappa statistic, exceeded 0.60 in most cases; for the summary category of all perceived needs, inter-rater reliability was 0.62. The multi-trait multi-method approach lent support to the construct validity of the instrument, as did findings in extreme groups. Conclusions: The PNCQ shows acceptable feasibility, reliability and validity, adding to the range of assessment tools available for epidemiological and health services research.
The threats posed by climate change are placing governments under increasing pressure to meet electricity demand from low carbon sources. Wind energy has been has been identified as one of the main technologies to help in meeting these demands. The public in general favour wind energy yet proposed targets for generation capacity lag behind proposed goals. The N IM B Y phenomenon has been suggested as one of the reasons why we are behind our wind generation capacity targets. It is a common mistake to take general support for granted and expect the public to support developments when confronted with them in their local area. In many cases it is not unheard of that governing bodies whether social, political, regulatory, environmental, or cultural can overrule general public support and halt developments. Motives to halt developments will vary depending on the institutional body involved. The problem with the term N IM B Y is that it is too basic a term to describe the broad spectrum of complex motives that various institutions including the public may have against a development. This research focuses on a case study where the developer had major problems with the local county council and its wind energy policies when he was erecting a wind turbine despite having gained planning permission. A survey questionnaire was also used as part o f the research to seek the perception a rural community had on wind energy. The research findings and results are discussed with respect to the literature review highlighting a general public support for wind energy and the influence institutional bodies have over the progress of developments.
We provide robust and compelling evidence of the marked impact of tertiary education on the economic growth of less developed countries and of its the relatively smaller impact on the growth of developed ones. Our results argue in favor of the accumulation of high skill levels especially in technologically under-developed countries and, contrary to common wisdom, independently of the fact that these economies might initially produce lower-technology goods or perform technology imitation. Our results are robust to the different measures used in proxying human capital and to the adjustments made for cross-country differences in the quality of education. Country-specific institutional quality, as well as other indicators including legal origin, religious fractionalization and openness to trade have been used to control for the robustness of the results. These factors are also shown to speed up technology convergence thereby confirming previous empirical studies. Our estimates tackle problems of endogeneity by adopting a variety of techniques, including instrumental variables -for both panel and cross-section analyses- and the two-step efficient dynamics system GMM.
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