1000 resultados para dense matter


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The construction of short-pulse tunable soft x-ray free electron laser sources based on the self-amplified spontaneous emission process will provide a major advance in capability for dense plasma-related and warm dense matter (WDM) research. The sources will provide 10(13) photons in a 200-fs duration pulse that is tunable from approximately 6 to 100 nm. Here we discuss only two of the many applications made possible for WDM that has been severely hampered by the fact that laser-based methods have been unavailable because visible light will not propagate at electron densities of n(e) greater than or equal to 10(22) cm(-3). The next-generation light sources will remove these restrictions.


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In this paper we describe experimental results on angularly resolved x-ray scatter from a sample of warm dense aluminium that has been created by double sided laser-driven shock compression. The experiment was carried out on the Central Laser Facility of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, using the VULCAN laser. The form of the angularly resolved scatter cross-section was compared with predictions based on a series of molecular dynamics simulations with an embedded atom potential, a Yukakwa potential and a bare Coulomb potential. The importance of screening is evident from the comparison and the embedded atom model seems to match experiment better than the Yukawa potential.


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Using ion carbon beams generated by high intensity short pulse lasers we perform measurements of single shot mean charge equilibration in cold or isochorically heated solid density aluminum matter. We demonstrate that plasma effects in such matter heated up to 1 eV do not significantly impact the equilibration of carbon ions with energies 0.045-0.5 MeV/nucleon. Furthermore, these measurements allow for a first evaluation of semiempirical formulas or ab initio models that are being used to predict the mean of the equilibrium charge state distribution for light ions passing through warm dense matter.


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The antikaon optical potential in hot and dense nuclear matter is studied within the framework of a coupled-channel self-consistent calculation taking, as bare meson-baryon interaction, the meson-exchange potential of the Jlich group. Typical conditions found in heavy-ion collisions at GSI are explored. As in the case of zero temperature, the angular momentum components larger than L=0 contribute significantly to the finite temperature antikaon optical potential at finite momentum. It is found that the particular treatment of the medium effects has a strong influence on the behavior of the antikaon potential with temperature. Our self-consistent model, in which antikaons and pions are dressed in the medium, gives a moderately temperature dependent antikaon potential which remains attractive at GSI temperatures, contrary to what one finds if only nuclear Pauli blocking effects are included.


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We derive the equation of state (EOS) for electrically charged neutral dense matter using the quantum hadrodynamics (QHD) model. This is carried out in a non-perturbative manner including quantum corrections for baryons through a realignment of vacuum with baryon-antibaryon condensates. This yields the results of relativistic Hartree approximation of summing over baryonic tadpole diagrams. The quantum corrections from the scalar meson is also taken into account in a similar way. This leads to a softening of the EOS for the hyperonic matter. The formalism also allows Lis to make a self-consistent calculation of the in-medium sigma meson mass. The effects of such quantum corrections on the composition of charged neutral dense matter is considered. The effect of the resulting EOS on the structure of neutron stars is also studied.


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We will present calculations of opacities for matter under LTE conditions. Opacities are needed in radiation transport codes to study processes like Inertial Confinement Fusion and plasma amplifiers in X-ray secondary sources. For the calculations we use the code BiGBART, with either a hydrogenic approximation with j-splitting or self-consistent data generated with the atomic physics code FAC. We calculate the atomic structure, oscillator strengths, radiative transition energies, including UTA computations, and photoionization cross-sections. A DCA model determines the configurations considered in the computation of the opacities. The opacities obtained with these two models are compared with experimental measurements.


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The study of matter under conditions of high density, pressure, and temperature is a valuable subject for inertial confinement fusion (ICF), astrophysical phenomena, high-power laser interaction with matter, etc. In all these cases, matter is heated and compressed by strong shocks to high pressures and temperatures, becomes partially or completely ionized via thermal or pressure ionization, and is in the form of dense plasma. The thermodynamics and the hydrodynamics of hot dense plasmas cannot be predicted without the knowledge of the equation of state (EOS) that describes how a material reacts to pressure and how much energy is involved. Therefore, the equation of state often takes the form of pressure and energy as functions of density and temperature. Furthermore, EOS data must be obtained in a timely manner in order to be useful as input in hydrodynamic codes. By this reason, the use of fast, robust and reasonably accurate atomic models, is necessary for computing the EOS of a material.