16 resultados para demonization


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The Right to Die Debate is a recent but highly controversial moral matter. In particular, physician-assisted suicide (PAS) is an issue that has been evaded by the medical community for years. As of 1990, most states had never encountered the issue before and therefore did not have any laws in place to prohibit PAS (Strate et. al, 2005). Dr. Jack Kevorkian, a retired pathologist from Royal Oak Michigan was the first to publicly address PAS. He brought the issue into the limelight through a bizarre and crude series of assisted deaths that had a lasting impact on not only the Right to Die Debate as whole, but on public policy and both federal and state governmental agendas. This study focuses on the way in which the media, in particular the New York Times (NYT) has portrayed Dr. Jack Kevorkian as incompetent, morally culpable and in an overall negative light in the past twenty years. Applying Stanley Cohen’s 1972 theory of moral panic, a content analysis of NYT media publications between 1990 and 1999 supports Cohen’s theory and reveals that the media has created a moral panic surrounding Kevorkian. This has in turn led to public policy that prevents both terminally ill individuals and their doctors from having a desirable choice; that of voluntary euthanasia and PAS.


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Neste trabalho enfocaremos o consumo de antidepressivos, buscando questionar a posição mais comumente aceita para explicar o alto consumo dessas substâncias, que geralmente responsabiliza os ardilosos estratagemas das indústrias farmacêuticas ou a hegemonia da psiquiatria biológica na medicina. Acreditamos que as respostas devem ser buscadas em análises mais profundas, e não simplesmente na demonização desse ou daquele ator social considerado isolada,e,tem, pois admitimos que no consumo se constrói parte da racionalidade integrativa e comunicativa de uma sociedade, logo, pensar o consumo implica em um enfoque dos sujeitos enquanto consumidores, indivíduos e cidadãos. Partindo desses considerações, analisaremos o consumo de antidepressivos pela ótica dos usuários através da análise do conteúdo de um site de relacionamentos muito popular na internet brasileira, conhecido como Orkut.


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Recent research on WW1 shows that incidents of fraternization across enemy lines took place regularly. However, fraternization remains a taboo in many contexts. The fact that the 2005 film Joyeux Noel by Christian Caron, which explicitly deals with the subject, encountered resistance from the authorities, is an indication of the kind of difficulty associated with the issue. I am drawing my inspiration from the way fraternizations are depicted in the film and in the literature in order to explore the concept of spatial justice. I define spatial justice as the question that emerges when a body desires to occupy the same space at the same time as another body. Defined like this, the question of spatial justice opens up in the dread of No Man’s Land and in particular the exchange of affects, objects and narratives that went on during fraternizations. I trace the movement of spatial justice as one of withdrawal from the asphyxiating atmosphere of the war and the propaganda machine. This withdrawal is not one of unpatriotic stance but of a courageous and difficult detachment from the supposed legality of the war that could only function on the basis of hate and demonization. While fraternizations did not end the war, they allowed for the possibility of spatial justice to emerge, as an opportunity to reorient the space and the bodies within.


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Opposition and Support: A Study of Swedish Muslim Congregations Anti-Islamic attitudes are deeply rooted in Western Europe, and Muslims have, especially in the post-September 11 context, experienced discrimination and demonization. But how do anti-Islamic attitudes affect practicing Muslims and their congregations? The aim of this study, the first of its kind in Europe, is to present a statistically representative view of how Muslim congregations in Sweden experienced the reactions from the surrounding community. The results of the survey carried out show that according to the representatives of the local congregations (n=105) half of the congregations have experienced opposition from the local community and in 40 percent of the congregations criminal offences have been committed against active Muslims or their places of worship.  This opposition is closely connected with two types of situations: either international occurrences (i.e. terrorist bombings in, for example, London, Madrid) or local events that have emphasized the presence of Islam in the public sphere. A multivariate analysis of the results of the study shows that the strongest opposition has taken place in small municipalities with a large proportion of immigrants. However, opposition does not preclude support. On the contrary, opposition appears to have a mobilizing effect on those who support the right of Muslims to exercise freedom of religion. However, neither opposition nor support are the key factors affecting whether congregations see themselves as established in the local community. The degree of anchorage depends on the demographic composition of the congregation and on the degree of contact that the members have with the surrounding community.


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 Emma’s thesis, a memoir and exegesis, focuses on representations of the single mother. The exegesis critically examines the demonization of single mothers in popular culture. The memoir relates her incredible journey into single motherhood and the legacy of love passed down through multiple generations of single mothers in her family.


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Esta dissertação investiga a narrativa de visão apocalíptica encontrada em Ap 13,1-18. Ela parte da pergunta sobre a realidade que influenciou o autor no momento da composição, utilizando-se, assim, de uma linguagem provocativa. Nossa hipótese indica que o Apocalipse de João, importante fonte das experiências do Cristianismo primitivo no final do primeiro século, proporciona uma dura crítica às exigências de adoração dirigidas às autoridades romanas através do Culto Imperial. As imagens das bestas descritas em Ap 13,1-18 expressam este tema através de uma linguagem provocativa, fundamentada na força da palavra e na tradição do mito do antagonista encontrado no Antigo Oriente Próximo. Neste sentido, acreditamos que o autor demoniza e estigmatiza as expressões da religião oficial, as quais tratam os governantes como seres divinos, e os promotores do Culto Imperial na região da Ásia Menor.(AU)


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Esta dissertação investiga a narrativa de visão apocalíptica encontrada em Ap 13,1-18. Ela parte da pergunta sobre a realidade que influenciou o autor no momento da composição, utilizando-se, assim, de uma linguagem provocativa. Nossa hipótese indica que o Apocalipse de João, importante fonte das experiências do Cristianismo primitivo no final do primeiro século, proporciona uma dura crítica às exigências de adoração dirigidas às autoridades romanas através do Culto Imperial. As imagens das bestas descritas em Ap 13,1-18 expressam este tema através de uma linguagem provocativa, fundamentada na força da palavra e na tradição do mito do antagonista encontrado no Antigo Oriente Próximo. Neste sentido, acreditamos que o autor demoniza e estigmatiza as expressões da religião oficial, as quais tratam os governantes como seres divinos, e os promotores do Culto Imperial na região da Ásia Menor.(AU)


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Richard Strauss’ opera “Salome” is a musical discourse of the uneven power dynamics between male and female with the idea of the gaze as its central narrative. Under the patriarchal premise of the male gaze, the men emerge as the gazers, while the women are relegated to the role of submissive objectification. This paper examines the way Salome manipulates this patriarchal notion of the gaze for her own gain, voluntarily offering herself as the object of the male gaze. I further postulated that Salome strategically oscillates between the stereotypical image of femme fatale and femme fragile, intentionally succumbing to the masculine-constructed demonization and idealization of female power. Consequently, this paper traces how Strauss’ music realizes those gender portrayals and Salome’s resistance against the male order, reflecting the use of musical analyses as a tool in understanding gender roles and power in operas.


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Esta dissertação investiga a narrativa de visão apocalíptica encontrada em Ap 13,1-18. Ela parte da pergunta sobre a realidade que influenciou o autor no momento da composição, utilizando-se, assim, de uma linguagem provocativa. Nossa hipótese indica que o Apocalipse de João, importante fonte das experiências do Cristianismo primitivo no final do primeiro século, proporciona uma dura crítica às exigências de adoração dirigidas às autoridades romanas através do Culto Imperial. As imagens das bestas descritas em Ap 13,1-18 expressam este tema através de uma linguagem provocativa, fundamentada na força da palavra e na tradição do mito do antagonista encontrado no Antigo Oriente Próximo. Neste sentido, acreditamos que o autor demoniza e estigmatiza as expressões da religião oficial, as quais tratam os governantes como seres divinos, e os promotores do Culto Imperial na região da Ásia Menor.(AU)


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Esta dissertação é uma análise do discurso de Edir Macedo no livro Orixás, Caboclos e Guias. Deuses ou Demônios? Nosso estudo trata do discurso e retórica que Macedo e a Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus utilizam para falarem a respeito das religiões afro-brasileiras e mediúnicas nesse livro. Elegemos este livro como objeto de estudo por causa da presença constante desse tema no discurso e nas práticas da Igreja Universal; pelo sucesso dessa publicação, com mais de quatro milhões de exemplares vendidos; em função da polêmica provocada pelo discurso demonizador das religiões afro-brasileiras e mediúnicas. Procuramos analisar o discurso de Macedo e de sua Igreja a luz dos impactos e impasses causados por eles no cenário religioso brasileiro. Relacionamos o discurso e a retórica de Macedo ao sucesso e a criação de uma identidade própria de sua Igreja. Nosso estudo diferencia-se das demais investigações já publicadas ao relacionar a criação de identidade religiosa e o uso de mecanismos acusatórios como instrumento eficaz para convencer e transmitir ideologias que favoreçam a expansão da Igreja Universal. Procuramos também, trazer para a discussão acadêmica que a análise de discurso de uma literatura religiosa pode ser uma referência para se estudar uma instituição religiosa, seus mecanismos de construção identitaria, legitimação e expansão no cenário religioso.(AU)


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Female sexuality has commonly been viewed as the passive counterpart of male sexuality. Building upon Adrienne Rich's theory of compulsive heterosexuality, I would suggest that the fundamental location of this problem lies within the subconscious. Cristina Escofet's stance on this issue is to argue in favor of a deconstruction of Jungian archetypes, revealing their constructed rather than intrinsic character. In this dissertation, I study representative texts by Escofet and Isabel Allende and show not only how they depict patriarchal compulsive heterosexuality, but also try to reconceptualize female sexuality through surrealist and postmodern techniques such as self-reflection, dialogue with our double or Other, and sensorial perception. These techniques are designed to create a new epistemology of jouissance and excess, as defined by contemporary French theory. The significance of my study resides in the interdisciplinary analysis of female sexuality in Hispanic feminist writers. The first chapter proposes that surrealism, postmodernism, and feminism are theoretical frameworks which create new paradigms for social change. In their feminist philosophies, Escofet and Allende emphasize the use of subconscious knowledge as a means of helping them understand the world and create alternative realities. The second chapter shows how Escofet and Allende deconstruct the mysoginist archetype of Eve, which has been largely responsible for identifying women's sexual identity with the disreputable qualities of the femme fatale and whose mirror-image has long plagued women. In accordance with this stereotype, Lillith (Adam's sexually active ex-partner), has typically been portrayed as the negative Other, and for generations the she-devil myth which surrounds her has resurfaced in the media, where she assumes the role of innumerable evil female characters. In the third chapter, I examine how class and race differences have been used to intensify the demonization of different types of sexuality. In the same manner as Lillith and Eve, black and indigenous characters express dissent by retelling their stories in words and performance, and by seeking to form a dialog with their readers. The last chapter deals with the importance of the senses for female characters as they try to create their own sexuality from the fragmented bodies we find in surrealist and postmodern art. In this section we shall see how Luce Irigaray and Hélène Cixous's theories about multiple sexualities are in evidence when Escofet and Allende reconceptualize female sexuality. As no previous scholarship has analyzed the use of the subconscious, the senses, and performance when understanding female sexuality in Latin American literature, this dissertation seeks to provide a tentative exploration of the issues that may help to open up a new field of research in Hispanic feminist cultural studies.


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The thesis argues for the inclusion of the study of religion within the public school curriculum. It argues that the whole division between “religious” and “secular” spaces and institutions is itself rooted in a specific religious tradition. Using the theories of Jacques Derrida, I argue that, unless the present process of globalization is tempered with alternative models of organizing that don’t include this secular/sacred division, the very process of Western globalization acts as a moral religion. Derrida calls this process “globalatinization,” the imposition of Western defined institutions upon other cultures. The process creates a type of religious violence through act of imposing notions of “secular/public” and “sacred/private.” Drawing from Mark Juergensmeyer’s theory of religious violence, and Derrida’s and Foucault’s understanding of discursive formations, I argue that religious studies should enter this “secular/public” space in the form of educating about the world’s religions. Such education would go a long way in preventing the demonization of the “other” through promoting empathy, understanding, and respect for “other” traditions. Finally, education would provide a needed self-critique of the dividing of “secular/sacred” in contemporary Western life.


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In the following pages, three well-known Latinoamericanists share their views on the current prospects for coups in Latin America. They are: Rut Diamint of the University Torcuatto de Tella in Buenos Aires, Argentina; Pablo Policzer of the University of Calgary in Canada; and Michael Shifter of the Inter-American Dialogue in Washington, DC. Each looks at the potential for coups from different perspectives but, all three come to similar conclusions. That is, that despite substantial gains in democracy, the threat of coups in Latin America remains latent. The authors agree that democracy is growing in the region. Opinion surveys such as the Americas Barometer consistently show that citizens in Latin America have gradually incorporated democracy as part of their core value system. Yet, the authors argue convincingly that Latin America faces new types of interruptions to its democratic process that should be considered coups, even if not following the traditional style of military coup that predominated in the past. Situations that have taken place in Peru, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Honduras and other countries serve to illustrate the new trends. More specifically, Professor Diamint argues that in Latin America a culture of intolerance, demonization of the opposition, and the utilization of any method to achieve power prevails. In a region with a very high threshold of violence, governments fail to set an example of establishing a culture of debate, consensus, and transparency. This culture is inclined to uncontrollable political expressions, preferring confrontational means to resolve conflict. Within this scenario, “messianic” solutions are promoted and coups cannot be discarded as an option that would never transpire. Professor Policzer looks more closely to the constitutional loopholes that allow for a transformation of limited into absolute power. He argues that coups can be constitutional or unconstitutional, and that a constitutional coup can occur when violations to democracy actually stem from the constitutions themselves. In Honduras, for example specific provisions in the Constitution itself created conditions for a constitutional crisis; similar provisions have also led to constitutional authoritarianism in Venezuela and other countries. Dr. Policzer stresses that when a head of state or the military take absolute power, even temporarily, based on provisions in their constitutions; they are in essence staging a constitutional coup. These blind spots in constitutions, he argues, may be more serious threat to democracy than that of traditional coups. Lastly, Dr. Shifter argues that some kind of coup should be expected in Latin America in coming years, not only because fundamental institutions remain weak in some countries, but because the regional political environment is less prepared to respond effectively to transgressions than it was a few years ago. The good news, however, is that only a handful of countries, show no interest in governing. The bad news is that in those few countries where situations are indeed shaky, they are also in some cases aggravated by rising food and fuel prices, and spreading criminality, which pose serious risks to the rule of law and democratic governance.


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Skepticism regarding witchcraft, characteristic (but not exclusive) of the Spanish lands, corresponds with a particular view of evil’s etiology. Whereas paradigmatic texts of radical demonology, as the Malleus Maleficarum, gave a conclusive step towards the demonization of natural evil (as they put the blame on the devil and the witches for calamities and plagues), texts of Castilian origin, as Alonso de Espina’s Fortalitium fidei, embraced the traditional position: they considered the devil as a promoter of moral evil in the world, meanwhile natural evil is seen as a result of the wrath of God for the sins of His people –particularly, the sin of Christian princes. I argue that the distinction between these two ways of thinking the causality of the world’s misfortunes can be read in political terms.