921 resultados para deep infiltrating endometriosis


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Activin A is a growth factor, produced by the endometrium, whose actions are modulated by the binding protein follistatin. Both proteins are detectable in the peripheral serum and their concentrations may be increased in women with endometriosis. The present study was designed to evaluate whether serum levels of activin A and follistatin are altered, and therefore have a potential diagnostic value, in women with peritoneal, ovarian and deep infiltrating endometriosis. We performed a multicenter controlled study evaluating simultaneously serum activin A and follistatin concentrations in women with and without endometriosis. Women with endometriosis (n 139) were subdivided into three groups: peritoneal endometriosis (n 28); ovarian endometrioma (n 61) and deep infiltrating endometriosis (n 50). The control group (n 75) consisted of healthy women with regular menstrual cycles. Blood samples were collected from a peripheral vein and assayed for activin A and follistatin using commercially available enzyme immunoassay kits. The ovarian endometrioma group had serum activin A levels significantly higher than healthy controls (0.22 0.01 ng/ml versus 0.17 0.01 ng/ml, P 0.01). None of the endometriosis groups had serum follistatin levels which were significantly altered compared with healthy controls; however, levels found in the endometrioma group (2.34 0.32 ng/ml) were higher than that in the deep endometriosis group (1.50 0.17 ng/ml, P 0.05). The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of activin A was 0.700 (95 confidence interval: 0.6050.794), while that of follistatin was 0.620 (95 confidence interval: 0.5100.730) for the diagnosis of ovarian endometrioma. The combination of both markers into a duo marker index did not improve significantly their diagnostic accuracy. The present study demonstrated that serum activin A and follistatin are not significantly altered in peritoneal or deep infiltrating endometriosis and have limited diagnostic accuracy in the diagnosis of ovarian endometrioma.


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OBJECTIVE To analyze the prevalence of urinary tract endometriosis (UTE) in patients with deep infiltrating endometriosis (DIE) and to define potential criteria for preoperative workup. DESIGN Retrospective study. SETTING University hospital. PATIENT(S) Six hundred ninety-seven patients with endometriosis. INTERVENTION(S) Excision of all endometriotic lesions. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S) Correlation of preoperative features and intraoperative findings in patients with UTE. RESULT(S) Out of 213 patients presenting DIE, 52.6% suffered from UTE. In patients with ureteral endometriosis, symptoms were not specific. Among the patients with bladder endometriosis, 68.8% complained of urinary symptoms compared to 7.9% in the group of patients without UTE. In patients with rectovaginal endometriosis, the probability of ureterolysis showed a linear correlation with the size of the nodule. We found that 3 cm in diameter provided a specific cutoff value for the likelihood of ureteric involvement. CONCLUSION(S) The prevalence of UTE has often been underestimated. Preoperative questioning is important in the search for bladder endometriosis. The size of the nodule is one of the few reliable criteria in preoperative assessment that can suggest ureteric involvement. We propose a classification of ureteral endometriosis that will allow the standardization of terminology and help to compare the outcome of different surgical treatment in randomized studies.


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Aims: The objective of this study is to create an experimental model of intestinal endometriosis in pigs, which might allow better understanding of deep infiltrating endometriosis and development of new treatment techniques. As secondary objective, we intend to create endometrial implants accessible by transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS). Study Design: Surgical experimental study in swine. Place and Duration of Study: This study was performed at the Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa do Hospital Sírio-Libanês, São Paulo, Brazil, between January 2012 and December 2012. Methodology: Two sexually mature female minipigBR pigs underwent two laparotomies (each animal). The first laparotomy was performed to implant two fragments of autologous endometrium in the rectal wall. The second one was performed thirty days later to visualize, measure and obtain tissue of the site of the implants for histopathology study. A TRUS study was performed prior to the second surgery. The Institution’s Animal Utilization Study Committee approved the study. Results: In the first laparotomy a 5-cm segment of right uterine horn was resected. The endometrium was separated from the myometrium through sub-endometrial saline injection. Two endometrial fragments (1.0 x 2.0 cm) were dissected and sutured in the intra peritoneal anterior rectal wall of the animals. Thirty days later, all implants were identified during preoperative TRUS. “En-bloc” resection of the intestinal segment with the implants was performed during the second surgery. The autologous implants of endometrium invaded the muscular layer in one of the two animals. Conclusion: We demonstrated that the creation of an animal model of deep infiltrating endometriosis with intestinal involvement is feasible through a simple surgical technique. We believe that this model can be applied in experimental and clinical studies but further studies are necessary to refine the technique.


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Comparar a qualidade da imagem entre a ultrassonografia transvaginal sem preparo intestinal e após preparo intestinal nas pacientes com suspeita de endometriose infiltrativa profunda do compartimento posterior e avaliar do grau de desconforto das pacientes em relação ao preparo intestinal. Estudo transversal com dados coletados prospectivamente, incluindo 39 pacientes com suspeita clínica de endometriose do compartimento posterior do ambulatório de Endometriose do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto (HUPE) da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), no Rio de Janeiro. As pacientes foram submetidas à ultrassonografia transvaginal (USTVG) sem preparo intestinal prévio, seguido de nova USTVG uma hora após realização do enema retal. Os vídeos dos exames gravados foram editados, com ênfase na avaliação do compartimento posterior, com interesse na identificação do nódulo retrocervical e do retossigmóide. Foram graduados conforme a qualidade da imagem pelo examinador e por um radiologista (ambos mascarados), que marcaram uma nota de 0 a 10, usando a escala analógica visual. Restaram apenas 26 pacientes. Em relação ao desconforto devido a realização do enema retal, todas pacientes (100%) relataram apenas um desconforto discreto. Conforme a opção escolhida pelos avaliadores em relação ao melhor método, eles concordaram em 13 (50%) pacientes que a ultrassonografia transvaginal com preparo retal é melhor. Foi usado o teste não-paramétrico de Wilcoxon para amostras dependentes. O p-valor obtido foi de 0.042, considerado significativo (abaixo de 0.05). Isto significa que a realização do enema retal antes da realização da ultrassonografia transvaginal proporcionou uma qualidade melhor na avaliação dos nódulos. A diferença entre as avaliações com e sem preparo retal é maior nos nódulos menores que 2cm, porque encontramos a diferença de 1,1 entre os valores das medianas dos dois tipos de exames. Nos nódulos maiores que 2cm, a diferença encontrada foi de apenas 0,65. A realização do enema retal previamente à realização da ultrassonografia transvaginal no diagnóstico do nódulo endometriótico mostra uma melhora discretamente significativa na qualidade da imagem, comparativamente a não realização de preparo intestinal prévio. Somente nos casos onde o nódulo era menor que 2 cm, foram encontrados valores estatisticamente significativos com o preparo retal. O enema retal causa discreto desconforto, porém isto não parece ser um fator limitante na realização da ultrassonografia com preparo intestinal.


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A endometriose é uma doença benigna que causa dor e infertilidade. As disfunções sexuais são frequentes, especialmente a dispareunia de profundidade, interferindo na qualidade de vida e particularmente na vida conjugal dessas pacientes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a satisfação sexual de pacientes com endometriose infiltrativa profunda. Foram analisadas cinquenta e sete pacientes com diagnóstico de endometriose infiltrativa profunda acompanhadas no Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto (HUPE) de julho de 2010 a dezembro de 2011. O grupo controle incluiu 38 pacientes saudáveis do ambulatório de planejamento familiar do HUPE. Foi aplicado o Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), questionário validado para avaliação funcional da atividade sexual. Em relação ao resultados não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa no escore total do FSFI entre os dois grupos. No domínio dor, as pacientes com endometriose apresentaram escores significativamente menores, ou seja, maior intensidade de dor, do que o grupo controle. O resultado deste estudo sugere que as pacientes com endometriose apresentam um comprometimento do domínio dor, sem prejuízo potencial da função sexual global.


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Arbeit an der Bibliothek noch nicht eingelangt - Daten nicht geprüft


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BACKGROUND Estradiol (E-2) is an important promoter of the growth of both eutopic and ectopic endometrium. The findings with regard to the expression and activity of steroidogenic enzymes in endometrium of controls, in endometrium of endometriosis patients and in endometriotic lesions are not consistent. METHODS In this study, we have looked at the mRNA expression and protein levels of a range of steroidogenic enzymes [aromatase, 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (17 beta-HSD) type 1, 2 and 4, estrogen sulfotransferase (EST) and steroid sulfatase (STS)l in eutopic and ectopic endometrium of patients (n = 14) with deep-infiltrative endometriosis as well as in disease-free endometrium (n = 48) using real-time PCR and immunocytochemistry. In addition, we evaluated their menstrual cycle-related expression patterns, and investigated their steroid responsiveness in explant cultures. RESULTS Aromatase and 17 beta-HSD type 1 mRNA levels were extremely low in normal human endometrium, while mRNAs for types 2 and 4 17 beta-HSD, EST and STS were readily detectable. Only 17 beta-HSD type 2 and EST genes showed sensitivity to progesterone in normal endometrium. Types 1 and 2 17 beta-HSD and STS protein was detected in normal endometrium using new polyclonal antibodies. CONCLUSIONS In endometriosis lesions, the balance is tilted in favor of enzymes producing E2. This is due to a suppression of types 2 and 4 17 beta-HSD, and an increased expression of aromatase and type 1 17 beta-HSD in ectopic endometrium.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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To identify specific markers of rectovaginal endometriotic nodule vasculature, highly enriched preparations of vascular endothelial cells and pericytes were obtained from endometriotic nodules and control endometrial and myometrial tissue by laser capture microdissection (LCM), and gene expression profiles were screened by microarray analysis. Of the 18 400 transcripts on the arrays, 734 were significantly overexpressed in vessels from fibromuscular tissue and 923 in vessels from stromal tissue of endometriotic nodules, compared with vessels dissected from control tissues. The most frequently expressed transcripts included known endothelial cell-associated genes, as well as transcripts with little or no previous association with vascular cells. The higher expression in blood vessels was further corroborated by immunohistochemical staining of six potential markers, five of which showed strong expression in pericytes. The most promising marker was matrix Gla protein, which was found to be present in both glandular epithelial cells and vascular endothelial cells of endometriotic lesions, although it was barely expressed at all in normal endometrium. LCM, combined with microarray analysis, constitutes a powerful tool for mapping the transcriptome of vascular cells. After immunohistochemical validation, markers of vascular endothelial and perivascular cells from endometriotic nodules could be identified, which may provide targets to improve early diagnosis or to selectively deliver therapeutic agents.


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Objective: To evaluate serum concentrations of CA-125 and soluble CD-23 and to correlate them with clinical symptoms, localization and stage of pelvic endometriosis and histological classification of the disease. Methods: Blood samples were collected from 44 women with endometriosis and 58 without endometriosis, during the first three days (1st sample) and during the 7th, 8th and 9th day (2nd sample) of the menstrual cycle. Measurements of CA-125 and soluble CD-23 were performed by ELISA. Mann-Whitney U test was used for age, pain evaluations (visual analog scale) and biomarkers concentrations. Results: Serum levels Of CA-125 were higher in endometriosis patients when compared to the control group during both periods of the menstrual cycle evaluated in the study. This marker was also elevated in women with chronic pelvic pain, deep dyspareunia (2nd sample), dysmenorrhea (both samples) and painful defecation during the menstrual flow (2nd sample). CA-125 concentration was higher in advanced stages of the disease in both samples and also in women with ovarian endometrioma. Concerning CD-23, no statistically significant differences were observed between groups. Conclusion: The concentrations of CA-125 were higher in patients with endometriosis than in patients without the disease. No significantly differences were observed for soluble CD-23 levels between groups.


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Like tumor metastases, endometriotic implants require neovascularization to proliferate and invade into ectopic sites within the host. Endometrial tissue, with its robust stem cell populations and remarkable regenerative capabilities, is a rich source of proangiogenic factors. Among the most potent and extensively studied of these proteins, vascular endothelial growth factor has emerged as a critical vasculogenic regulator in endometriosis. Accordingly, angiogenesis of the nascent endometriotic lesion has become an attractive target for novel medical therapeutics and strategies to inhibit vascular endothelial growth factor action. Vascular endothelial growth factor gene regulation in endometrial and endometriosis cells by nuclear receptors, other transcription factors, and also by infiltrating immune cells is emphasized. New data showing that oxidative and endoplasmic reticulum stress increase vascular endothelial growth factor expression are provided. Finally, we review the clinical implications of angiogenesis in this condition and propose potential antiangiogenic therapies that may become useful in the control or eradication of endometriotic lesions.


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Here we search for evidence of the existence of a sub-chondritic 142Nd/144Nd reservoir that balances the Nd isotope chemistry of the Earth relative to chondrites. If present, it may reside in the source region of deeply sourced mantle plume material. We suggest that lavas from Hawai’i with coupled elevations in 186Os/188Os and 187Os/188Os, from Iceland that represent mixing of upper mantle and lower mantle components, and from Gough with sub-chondritic 143Nd/144Nd and high 207Pb/206Pb, are favorable samples that could reflect mantle sources that have interacted with an Early-Enriched Reservoir (EER) with sub-chondritic 142Nd/144Nd. High-precision Nd isotope analyses of basalts from Hawai’i, Iceland and Gough demonstrate no discernable 142Nd/144Nd deviation from terrestrial standards. These data are consistent with previous high-precision Nd isotope analysis of recent mantle-derived samples and demonstrate that no mantle-derived material to date provides evidence for the existence of an EER in the mantle. We then evaluate mass balance in the Earth with respect to both 142Nd/144Nd and 143Nd/144Nd. The Nd isotope systematics of EERs are modeled for different sizes and timing of formation relative to ε143Nd estimates of the reservoirs in the μ142Nd = 0 Earth, where μ142Nd is ((measured 142Nd/144Nd/terrestrial standard 142Nd/144Nd)−1 * 10−6) and the μ142Nd = 0 Earth is the proportion of the silicate Earth with 142Nd/144Nd indistinguishable from the terrestrial standard. The models indicate that it is not possible to balance the Earth with respect to both 142Nd/144Nd and 143Nd/144Nd unless the μ142Nd = 0 Earth has a ε143Nd within error of the present-day Depleted Mid-ocean ridge basalt Mantle source (DMM). The 4567 Myr age 142Nd–143Nd isochron for the Earth intersects μ142Nd = 0 at ε143Nd of +8 ± 2 providing a minimum ε143Nd for the μ142Nd = 0 Earth. The high ε143Nd of the μ142Nd = 0 Earth is confirmed by the Nd isotope systematics of Archean mantle-derived rocks that consistently have positive ε143Nd. If the EER formed early after solar system formation (0–70 Ma) continental crust and DMM can be complementary reservoirs with respect to Nd isotopes, with no requirement for significant additional reservoirs. If the EER formed after 70 Ma then the μ142Nd = 0 Earth must have a bulk ε143Nd more radiogenic than DMM and additional high ε143Nd material is required to balance the Nd isotope systematics of the Earth.


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The co-authors raise two matters they consider essential for the future development of ECEfS. The first is the need to create deep foundations based in research. At a time of increasing practitioner interest, research in ECEfS is meagre. A robust research community is crucial to support quality in curriculum and pedagogy, and to promote learning and innovation in thinking and practice. The second 'essential' for the expansion and uptake of ECEfS is broad systemic change. All level within the early childhood education system - individual teachers and classrooms, whole centres and schools, professional associations and networks, accreditation and employing authorities, and teacher educators - must work together to create and reinforce the cultural and educational changes required for sustainability. This chapter provides explanations of processes to engender systemic change. It illustrates a systems approach, with reference to a recent study focused on embedding EfS into teacher education. This study emphasises the apparent contradiction that the answer to large-scale reform lies with small-scale reforms that build capacity and make connections.