997 resultados para death metal


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In 1996, Emma Baulch went to live in Bali to do research on youth culture. Her chats with young people led her to an enormously popular regular outdoor show dominated by local reggae, punk, and death metal bands. In this rich ethnography, she takes readers inside each scene: hanging out in the death metal scene among unemployed university graduates clad in black T-shirts and ragged jeans; in the punk scene among young men sporting mohawks, leather jackets, and hefty jackboots; and among the remnants of the local reggae scene in Kuta Beach, the island’s most renowned tourist area. Baulch tracks how each music scene arrived and grew in Bali, looking at such influences as the global extreme metal underground, MTV Asia, and the internationalization of Indonesia’s music industry. Making Scenes is an exploration of the subtle politics of identity that took place within and among these scenes throughout the course of the 1990s. Participants in the different scenes often explained their interest in death metal, punk, or reggae in relation to broader ideas about what it meant to be Balinese, which reflected views about Bali’s tourism industry and the cultural dominance of Jakarta, Indonesia’s capital and largest city. Through dance, dress, claims to public spaces, and onstage performances, participants and enthusiasts reworked “Balinese-ness” by synthesizing global media, ideas of national belonging, and local identity politics. Making Scenes chronicles the creation of subcultures at a historical moment when media globalization and the gradual demise of the authoritarian Suharto regime coincided with revitalized, essentialist formulations of the Balinese self.


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A lo largo del texto pretendo mostrar un estudio de caso de cómo se puede entender el género de manera más sutil, al plantear que hay formas alternativas de ver la feminidad y cómo se construye una nueva forma de ser mujer a partir de elementos masculinos. Es por esto, que este trabajo muestra que existen variaciones en el género que se deben tener en cuenta. Siguiendo esta línea de trabajo, procederé en el primer apartado a revisar de qué manera se realizó la investigación, teniendo en cuenta las diferentes fases en las que se realizó y las técnicas utilizadas. A continuación, en la segunda parte del texto, haré una revisión del concepto de género, para poder explicar qué son la masculinidad y la feminidad, al igual que los espacios masculinos. En el tercera parte, veremos cómo es la escena del Death Metal en Bogotá, lo que servirá de introducción para hablar de cómo se construye el género en este espacio. En el cuarto y el quinto apartado realizaremos un análisis de cómo son los hombres y las mujeres en esta escena, respectivamente. Para realizar esta explicación tomaré en cuenta la literatura sobre género, al igual que los resultados encontrados a lo largo de la investigación, para así determinar cómo se comprende la feminidad en el Death Metal, explicando la manera en que las mujeres de la escena construyen una forma alternativa de ser mujer. Finalmente, retomaremos las ideas principales del texto para establecer que hay una forma particular en la que se construye el género en esta escena, encontrando que existen vías no tradicionales de pensarse como mujer.


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Since its origins in the early 1980s, the popular rise of extreme metal throughout the globe has been phenomenal. The emergence of extreme metal's most sonically transgressive subgenres of death metal and grindcore between the mid 1980s and the early 1990s, however, was not an easy one. Indeed, during this period, the only way for globally dispersed extreme metal fans and unsigned extreme metal bands to stay musically connected was via the underground practice of tape-trading. The aim of this study is to illuminate the impact of tape-trading upon the global spread of extreme metal. The study will situate the historical context of extreme metal tape-trading by exploring how it emerged, and why it was necessary in the first place. Utilising the concept of 'extreme metal scene', the study will focus on the central scenic discourse of transgression and explore how this was negotiated into the mundane scenic practice of tape-trading. In relation to this, and utilising the concept of participatory culture, the study will further explore how the music arose and spread throughout the globe via the socially networked practice of both musician and non-musician tape-traders in relation to the tape cassette technology itself. Ethnographic interviews were undertaken with both types of traders in order to gain a deeper understanding of the phenomenon in question. The research concludes that the tape-traders were able to challenge the status quo of record company gatekeepers, by facilitating the engenderment and global distribution (including the later commercial distribution) of death metal and grindcore. Such powerfully affective music via its continual global spread, offers as it did for the original tape-traders, a pleasurable and empowering communal/personal space for disempowered people throughout the globe. Further research into extreme metal tape-trading would require deeper exploration into other extreme metal subgenres, especially black metal, tape-traders situated outside of North America and Europe, women tape-traders as well as exploration of the phenomenon after the early 1990s.


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Since its origins in the early 1980s, the popular rise of extreme metal throughout the globe has been phenomenal. The emergence of extreme metal's most sonically transgressive subgenres of death metal and grindcore between the mid 1980s and the early 1990s, however, was not an easy one. Indeed, during this period, the only way for globally dispersed extreme metal fans and unsigned extreme metal bands to stay musically connected was via the underground practice of tape-trading. The aim of this study is to illuminate the impact of tape-trading upon the global spread of extreme metal. The study will situate the historical context of extreme metal tape-trading by exploring how it emerged, and why it was necessary in the first place. Utilising the concept of 'extreme metal scene', the study will focus on the central scenic discourse of transgression and explore how this was negotiated into the mundane scenic practice of tape-trading. In relation to this, and utilising the concept of participatory culture, the study will further explore how the music arose and spread throughout the globe via the socially networked practice of both musician and non-musician tape-traders in relation to the tape cassette technology itself. Ethnographic interviews were undertaken with both types of traders in order to gain a deeper understanding of the phenomenon in question. The research concludes that the tape-traders were able to challenge the status quo of record company gatekeepers, by facilitating the engenderment and global distribution (including the later commercial distribution) of death metal and grindcore. Such powerfully affective music via its continual global spread, offers as it did for the original tape-traders, a pleasurable and empowering communal/personal space for disempowered people throughout the globe. Further research into extreme metal tape-trading would require deeper exploration into other extreme metal subgenres, especially black metal, tape-traders situated outside of North America and Europe, women tape-traders as well as exploration of the phenomenon after the early 1990s.


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Det är svårt att sätta ord på vad man menar när man pratar om musik. Jag är intresserad av varför det sällan går att finna definitioner av genrer när diskussionen om dem är så stark, speciellt när det gäller snarlika genrer som troligtvis är uppdelade av en eller flera anledningar. Syftet med min undersökning är att utveckla vidare kunskap om vilken betydelse det har att skilja på två snarlika subgenrer inom samma metagenre. Jag undersöker därför hur två snarlika genrer definieras och jämför dem sedan och prövar om det är av betydelse att undersöka flera aspekter av en musikgenre. Tidigare forskning föreslår att den musikaliska stilen borde undersökas likväl som kulturen och andra aspekter. En stark diskussion pågår just inom heavy metalscenen om subgenrerna inom den, därför undersöker jag subgenrerna death- och black metal. I denna undersökning använder jag Fabbris mall för genredefinition, där undersöks formella och tekniska regler, semiotiska regler, regler för beteende, sociala och ideologiska regler samt ekonomiska och juridiska regler. Reglerna har jag undersökt genom att lyssna på fonogram, titta på videoinspelningar av liveframträdande och publik samt hur aktörer inom scenerna beter sig när de inte är på scen. Jag har även analyserat låttexter och använt mig av diverse litteratur och dokumentärfilmer. Mitt resultat visar att det finns betydande anledningar till att skilja på death metal och black metal trots att de musikaliskt liknar varandra.


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'Qaphqa' was an outdoor artwork exhibited in the forecourt of Brisbane’s Institute of Modern Art as part of Fresh Cut exhibition series. The work took the form of a three-storey-high series of stacked 'outhouses', the seat of each opening onto the cubicle below to form what the artist referred to as a 'long drop'. Assembled in untreated pine and plywood and festooned with mock-medieval ensigns and flags, the work included a flyer containing a poem by Jorge Luis Borges and was accompanied by a published catalogue.


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A solo exhibition by Joseph Breikers included in the MetroArts 2011 galleries Program. The exhbition comprised a series of predominantly sculptural works that reflected the artists ongoing interest in medieval, gothic and death metal visual motifs. The exhibition thus acted as a ironic meditation on ritual, belonging and cultural identity.


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This essay explores the political significance of Balinese death/thrash fandom. In the early 1990s, the emergence of a death/thrash scene in Bali paralleled growing criticism of accelerated tourism development on the island. Specifically, locals protested the increasing ubiquity of Jakarta, 'the centre', cast as threatening to an authentically 'low', peripheral Balinese culture. Similarly, death/thrash enthusiasts also gravitated toward certain fringes, although they rejected dominant notions of Balinese-ness by gesturing elsewhere, toward a global scene. The essay explores the ways in which death/thrash enthusiasts engaged with local discourses by coveting their marginality, and aims to demonstrate how their articulations of 'alien-ness' contributed in important ways to a broader regionalism.


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Leishmanioses são um grupo de doenças com um largo espectro de manifestações clínicas, as quais variam desde lesões cutâneas até o envolvimento visceral severo, podendo levar ao óbito. A leishmaniose é, ainda hoje, uma doença negligenciada, estando entre os agravos prioritários do programa de pesquisa sobre doenças da pobreza da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS). Além de não haver vacinas disponíveis, a terapia é baseada em medicamentos injetáveis que causam sérios efeitos colaterais, tornando o tratamento inviável para muitos países endêmicos. Drogas derivadas de metal representam um novo arsenal terapêutico antimicrobiano e anti-câncer. Os inibidores de peptidase/agentes quelantes tais como 1,10-fenantrolina e seus derivados, no estado livre de metal ou como ligantes com metais de transição, interferem com a função de vários sistemas biológicos. Em trabalhos anteriores, nosso grupo descreveu que o parasito L. braziliensis produziu moléculas gp63 sensíveis a 1,10-fenantrolina. No presente trabalho, demonstramos a distribuição celular da molécula gp63 em uma cepa virulenta de L. braziliensis por meio de análises bioquímicas e imuno-histoquímica. Depois disso, relatamos os efeitos inibitórios de três compostos derivados da 1,10-fenantrolina, 1,10-fenantrolina-5,6-diona (phendio), [Cu(phendio)2] e [Ag(phendio)2], nas atividades metalopeptidases celulares e extracelulares produzidas por promastigotas de L. braziliensis, bem como as suas ações sobre a viabilidade do parasita e na interação com as células de macrófagos murinos. As moléculas gp63 foram detectadas em compartimentos de parasitos, incluindo membrana citoplasmatica e bolsa flagelar. O tratamento de promastigotas de L. braziliensis durante 1 hora com 1,10-fenantrolina e seus derivados resultou numa inibição significativa da viabilidade celular e mostrou um mecanismo de ação irreversível. Estes inibidores de metalopeptidases induziram apoptose em promastigotas de L. braziliensis, demonstrada através da marcação com anexina/iodeto de propídio e ensaio TUNEL. O pré-tratamento de promastigotas com os inibidores de metalopeptidases induziram uma diminuição na expressão de moléculas de superfície gp63, assim como uma redução significativa no índice de associação com macrófagos. Em paralelo, macrófagos infectados com L. braziliensis e tratados com 1,10-fenantrolina e seus derivados promoveram uma potente redução sobre o número de amastigotas intracelulares. O tratamento de macrófagos com 1,10-fenantrolina e seus derivados não induziram o aumento de óxido nítrico. A ação combinatória sobre a capacidade de crescimento entre os compostos derivados da 1,10-fenantrolina e Glucantime, quando ambos foram utilizados em concentracões sub-inibidoras, também foi observada. In vivo os compostos derivados da 1,10-fenantrolina e seus drivados foram capazes de controlar o tamanho das lesões a partir da terceira semana de tratamento em relação ao controle não tratado em hamsters infectados quando administrado por via intraperitoneal. Os animais tratados com os compostos apresentaram maior resposta intradérmica (DTH) aos antígenos de L. braziliensis. Coletivamente, a 1,10-fenantrolina e seus derivados metálicos apresentam uma nova perspectiva de estudos para o desenvolvimento de novos fármacos anti-L. braziliensis


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Aminoacetone (AA), triose phosphates, and acetone are putative endogenous sources of potentially cytotoxic and genotoxic methylglyoxal (MG), which has been reported to be augmented in the plasma of diabetic patients. In these patients, accumulation of MG derived from aminoacetone, a threonine and glycine catabolite, is inferred from the observed concomitant endothelial overexpression of circulating semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidases. These copper-dependent enzymes catalyze the oxidation of primary amines, such as AA and methylamine, by molecular oxygen, to the corresponding aldehydes, NH4+ ion and H2O2. We recently reported that AA aerobic oxidation to MG also takes place immediately upon addition of catalytic amounts of copper and iron ions. Taking into account that (i) MG and H2O2 are reportedly cytotoxic to insulin-producing cell lineages such as RINm5f and that (ii) the metal-catalyzed oxidation of AA is propagated by O-2(center dot-) radical anion, we decided to investigate the possible pro-oxidant action of AA on these cells taken here as a reliable model system for pancreatic beta-cells. Indeed, we show that AA (0.10-5.0 mM) administration to RINm5f cultures induces cell death. Ferrous (50-300 mu M) and Fe3+ ion (100 mu M) addition to the cell cultures had no effect, whereas Cu2+ (5.0-100 mu M) significantly increased cell death. Supplementation of the AA- and Cu2+-containing culture medium with antioxidants, such as catalase (5.0 mu M), superoxide dismutase (SOD, 50 U/mL), and N-acetylcysteine (NAC, 5.0 mM) led to partial protection. mRNA expression of MnSOD, CuZnSOD, glutathione peroxidase, and glutathione reductase, but not of catalase, is higher in cells treated with AA (0.50-1.0 mM) plus Cu2+ ions (10-50 mu M) relative to control cultures. This may imply higher activity of antioxidant enzymes C, in RINm5f AA-treated cells. In addition, we have found that AA (0.50-1.0 mM) Plus Cu2+ (100 mu M) (i) increase RINm5f cytosolic calcium; (ii) promote DNA fragmentation; and (iii) increase the pro-apoptotic (Bax)/antiapoptotic (Bcl-2) ratio at the level of mRNA expression. In conclusion, although both normal and pathological concentrations of AA are probably much lower than those used here, it is tempting to propose that excess AA in diabetic patients may drive oxidative damage and eventually the death of pancreatic beta-cells.


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The unfavorable evolution of a young ovine during hyperimmunization process with Crotalus durissus terrificus venom was investigated in order to differentiate its origin between ophidic envenomation and copper toxicosis. Clinical, laboratory, necroscopic and histological exams as well as evaluation and measurement of heavy metals (copper) in the kidneys and in the liver were carried out. Blood counts revealed anemia and serological tests showed high levels of blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, aspartate aminotransferase, creatine phosphokinase, total bilirubin and indirect bilirubin; which indicates liver, kidney and skeletal muscle damages. At necropsy, the animal presented hepatopathy and nephropathy. Histological examination revealed renal and hepatic features that may imply copper intoxication. Copper levels were 237.8 mu g/g in the liver and 51.2 mu g/g in the kidneys. Although the amount of metal found in both organs was below the level that can cause death, according to the literature, anatomopathological signs were suggestive of copper intoxication. Therefore, the hypothesis of metal toxicosis during the hyperimmunization process became more consistent than the crotalic envenomation one.


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Sphingomyelinases D (SMases D) from Loxosceles spider venom are the principal toxins responsible for the manifestation of dermonecrosis, intravascular hemolysis, and acute renal failure, which can result in death. These enzymes catalyze the hydrolysis of sphingomyelin, resulting in the formation of ceramide 1-phosphate and choline or the hydrolysis of lysophosphatidyl choline, generating the lipid mediator lysophosphatidic acid. This report represents the first crystal structure of a member of the sphingomyelinase D family from Loxosceles laeta (SMase I), which has been determined at 1.75-angstrom resolution using the quick cryo-soaking technique and phases obtained from a single iodine derivative and data collected from a conventional rotating anode x-ray source. SMase I folds as an (alpha/beta)(8) barrel, the interfacial and catalytic sites encompass hydrophobic loops and a negatively charged surface. Substrate binding and/or the transition state are stabilized by a Mg2+ ion, which is coordinated by Glu(32), Asp(34), Asp(91), and solvent molecules. In the proposed acid base catalytic mechanism, His(12) and His(47) play key roles and are supported by a network of hydrogen bonds between Asp(34), Asp(52), Trp(230), Asp(233), and Asn(252).


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Mineral elements are essential to animal health, survival and production because they are part of physiological, structural, catalytic and regulatory organism functions. Therefore, they should be present in diet. However, these minerals when ingested in excessive doses due to errors in balancing mineral supplements and/or complete ration, intake of plants with high mineral concentration, resulting from addition of fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides and fungicides in pasture or tillage where plants and/or grains will be used to feed animals, decomposition of urban and industrial wastes, leaks and accidental spills of pollutants may result in accumulation of toxic mineral elements in the environment poisoning the animals and may lead them to death. However, toxic doses, physiological changes during poisoning, symptoms and mineral concentration in tissues of poisoned animals to confirm diagnosis are not completely known. Thus, this study reviews mineral element doses that some authors considered toxic for animals intake, as its concentration in tissues of poisoned animals and its physiological effects, symptoms, diagnostic procedures and treatment for poisoning by cadmium, lead, copper, chromium, iodine, manganese, molybdenum, selenium and zinc.


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Compared with bare metal stents (BMS), early generation drug-eluting stents (DES) reduce the risk of revascularisation in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) at the expense of an increased risk of very late stent thrombosis (ST). Durable polymer coatings for controlled drug release have been identified as a potential trigger for these late adverse events and this has led to the development of newer generation DES with durable and biodegradable polymer surface coatings with improved biocompatibility. In a recent all-comers trial, biolimus-eluting stents with a biodegradable polymer surface coating were found to reduce the risk of very late ST by 80% compared with sirolimus-eluting stents with durable polymer, which also translated into a lower risk of cardiac death and myocardial infarction (MI) beyond one year.