991 resultados para dead cells


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Stem cells have the ability to differentiate into a variety of cells to replace dead cells or to repair tissue. Recently, accumulating evidence indicates that mechanical forces, cytokines and other factors can influence stem cell differentiation into vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs). In developmental process, SMCs originate from several sources, which show a great heterogenicity in different vessel walls. In adult vessels, SMCs display a less proliferative nature, but are altered in response to risk factors for atherosclerosis. Traditional view on SMC origins in atherosclerotic lesions is challenged by the recent findings that stem cells and smooth muscle progenitors contribute to the development of atherosclerotic lesions. Vascular progenitor cells circulating in human blood and the presence of adventitia in animals are recent discoveries, but the source of these cells is still unknown. The present review gives an update on the progress of stem cell and SMC research in atherosclerosis, and discusses possible mechanisms of stem/progenitor cell differentiation that contribute to the disease process.


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Dendritic cells (DC) are important cells at the interface between innate and adaptive immunity. DC have a key role in antigen processing and presentation to T cells. Effector functions of DC related to innate immunity have not been explored extensively. We show that bovine monocyte-derived DC (mDC) express inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) mRNA and protein and produce NO upon triggering with interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and heat-killed Listeria monocytogenes (HKLM). An immunocytochemical analysis revealed that a sizeable subset (20-60%) copiously expresses iNOS (iNOShi) upon IFN-gamma/HKLM triggering, whereas the other subset expressed low levels of iNOS (iNOSlo). Monocyte-derived macrophages (mMphi) are more homogeneous with regard to iNOS expression. The number of cells within the iNOSlo mDC subset is considerably larger than the number of dead cells or cells unresponsive to IFN-gamma/HKLM. The large majority of cells translocated p65 to the nucleus upon triggering by IFN-gamma/HKLM. A contamination of mDC with iNOS-expressing mMphi was excluded as follows. (i) Cell surface marker analysis suggested that mDC were relatively homogeneous, and no evidence for a contaminating subset expressing macrophage markers (e.g. high levels of CD14) was obtained. (ii) iNOS expression was stronger in iNOShi mDC than in mMphi. The use of maturation-promoting stimuli revealed only subtle phenotypic differences between immature and mature DC in cattle. Nevertheless, these stimuli promoted development of considerably fewer iNOShi mDC upon triggering with IFN-gamma/HKLM. Immunocytochemical results showed that although a significant proportion of cells expressed iNOS only or TNF only upon triggering with IFN-gamma/HKLM, a significant number of cells expressed both iNOS and TNF, suggesting that TNF and iNOS producing (TIP) DC are present within bovine mDC populations obtained in vitro.


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We consider a simple mathematical model of tumor growth based on cancer stem cells. The model consists of four hyperbolic equations of first order to describe the evolution of different subpopulations of cells: cancer stem cells, progenitor cells, differentiated cells and dead cells. A fifth equation is introduced to model the evolution of the moving boundary. The system includes non-local terms of integral type in the coefficients. Under some restrictions in the parameters we show that there exists a unique homogeneous steady state which is stable.


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The distinction between physiological (apoptotic) and pathological (necrotic) cell deaths reflects mechanistic differences in cellular disintegration and is of functional significance with respect to the outcomes that are triggered by the cell corpses. Mechanistically, apoptotic cells die via an active and ordered pathway; necrotic deaths, conversely, are chaotic and passive. Macrophages and other phagocytic cells recognize and engulf these dead cells. This clearance is believed to reveal an innate immunity, associated with inflammation in cases of pathological but not physiological cell deaths. Using objective and quantitative measures to assess these processes, we find that macrophages bind and engulf native apoptotic and necrotic cells to similar extents and with similar kinetics. However, recognition of these two classes of dying cells occurs via distinct and noncompeting mechanisms. Phosphatidylserine, which is externalized on both apoptotic and necrotic cells, is not a specific ligand for the recognition of either one. The distinct modes of recognition for these different corpses are linked to opposing responses from engulfing macrophages. Necrotic cells, when recognized, enhance proinflammatory responses of activated macrophages, although they are not sufficient to trigger macrophage activation. In marked contrast, apoptotic cells profoundly inhibit phlogistic macrophage responses; this represents a cell-associated, dominant-acting anti-inflammatory signaling activity acquired posttranslationally during the process of physiological cell death.


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Cells undergoing apoptosis in vivo are rapidly detected and cleared by phagocytes. Swift recognition and removal of apoptotic cells is important for normal tissue homeostasis and failure in the underlying clearance mechanisms has pathological consequences associated with inflammatory and auto-immune diseases. Cell cultures in vitro usually lack the capacity for removal of non-viable cells because of the absence of phagocytes and, as such, fail to emulate the healthy in vivo micro-environment from which dead cells are absent. While a key objective in cell culture is to maintain viability at maximal levels, cell death is unavoidable and non-viable cells frequently contaminate cultures in significant numbers. Here we show that the presence of apoptotic cells in monoclonal antibody-producing hybridoma cultures has markedly detrimental effects on antibody productivity. Removal of apoptotic hybridoma cells by macrophages at the time of seeding resulted in 100% improved antibody productivity that was, surprisingly to us, most pronounced late on in the cultures. Furthermore, we were able to recapitulate this effect using novel super-paramagnetic Dead-Cert Nanoparticles to remove non-viable cells simply and effectively at culture seeding. These results (1) provide direct evidence that apoptotic cells have a profound influence on their non-phagocytic neighbors in culture and (2) demonstrate the effectiveness of a simple dead-cell removal strategy for improving antibody manufacture in vitro.


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Endothelial dysfunction and impaired endothelial regenerative capacity play a key role in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease, which is one of the major causes of mortality in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. Circulating endothelial cells (CEC) may be an indicator of vascular damage, while circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) may be a biomarker for vascular repair. However, the simultaneously evaluation of CEC and EPC circulating levels and its relation were not previously examined in CKD population. A blood sample (18ml) of healthy subjects (n=10), early CKD (n=10) and advanced CKD patients (n=10) was used for the isolation of early and late EPCs, CECs, and hematopoietic cells, identified by flow cytometry (BD FACSCanto™ II system) using a combination of fluorochrome-conjugated primary antibodies: CD31-PE, CD45-APC Cy7, CD34-FITC, CD117-PerCp Cy5.5, CD133-APC, CD146-Pacific Blue, and CD309-PECy7. Exclusion of dead cells was done according to a fixable viability dye staining. This eightcolor staining flow cytometry optimized protocol allowed us to accurate simultaneously identify EPCs, CECs and hematopoietic cells. In addition, it was also possible to distinguish the two subpopulations of EPCs, early and late EPCs subpopulation, by CD45intCD31+CD34+CD117-CD133+CD309-CD146- and CD45intCD31+CD34+CD117-CD133-CD309+CD146- multiple labeling, respectively. Moreover, the identification of CECs and hematopoietic cells was performed by CD45-CD31+CD34-/lowCD117-CD133-CD309-CD146+ and CD34+CD117+, respectively. The levels of CECs were non-significantly increased in early CKD (312.06 ± 91.34) and advanced CKD patients (191.43±49.86) in comparison with control group (103.23±24.13). By contrast, the levels of circulating early EPCs were significantly reduced in advanced CKD population (17.03±3.23) in comparison with early CKD (32.31±4.97), p=0.04 and control group (36.25 ± 6.16), p=0.03. In addition the levels of late EPCs were significantly reduced in both advanced (6.60±1.89), p=0.01, and early CKD groups (8.42±2.58), p=0.01 compared with control group (91.54±29.06). These results were accompanied by a dramatically reduction in the recruitment, differentiation and regenerative capacity indexes in CKD population. Taken together, these results suggest an imbalance in the process of endothelial repairment in CKD population, and further propose that the indexes of recruitment, differentiation and regenerative capacity of EPCs, may help to select the patients to benefit from guiding intervention strategies to improve cardiovascular health by inducing vascular protection.


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We have developed a method to test the cytotoxicity of wound dressings, ointments, creams and gels used in our Burn Centre, by placing them on a permeable Nunc Polycarbonate cell culture insert, incubated with a monolayer of cells (HaCaTs and primary human keratinocytes). METHODS: We performed two different methods to determine the relative toxicity to cells. (1) Photo visualisation: The dressings or compounds were positioned on the insert's membrane which was placed onto the monolayer tissue culture plate. After 24 h the surviving adherent cells were stained with Toluidine Blue and photos of the plates were taken. The acellular area of non-adherent dead cells which had been washed off with buffer was measured as a percentage of the total area of the plate. (2) Cell count of surviving cells: After 24 h incubation with the test material, the remaining cells were detached with trypsin, spun down and counted in a Haemocytometer with Trypan Blue, which differentiates between live and dead cells. RESULTS: Seventeen products were tested. The least cytotoxic products were Melolite, White soft Paraffin and Chlorsig1% Ointment. Some cytotoxicity was shown with Jelonet, Mepitel((R)), PolyMem((R)), DuoDerm((R)) and Xeroform. The most cytotoxic products included those which contained silver or Chlorhexidine and Paraffin Cream a moisturizer which contains the preservative Chlorocresol. CONCLUSION: This in vitro cell culture insert method allows testing of agents without direct cell contact. It is easy and quick to perform, and should help the clinician to determine the relative cytotoxicity of various dressings and the optimal dressing for each individual wound.


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Microglia are the resident brain macrophages and they have been traditionally studied as orchestrators of the brain inflammatory response during infections and disease. In addition, microglia has a more benign, less explored role as the brain professional phagocytes. Phagocytosis is a term coined from the Greek to describe the receptor-mediated engulfment and degradation of dead cells and microbes. In addition, microglia phagocytoses brain-specific cargo, such as axonal and myelin debris in spinal cord injury or multiple sclerosis, amyloid-beta deposits in Alzheimer's disease, and supernumerary synapses in postnatal development. Common mechanisms of recognition, engulfment, and degradation of the different types of cargo are assumed, but very little is known about the shared and specific molecules involved in the phagocytosis of each target by microglia. More importantly, the functional consequences of microglial phagocytosis remain largely unexplored. Overall, phagocytosis is considered a beneficial phenomenon, since it eliminates dead cells and induces an anti-inflammatory response. However, phagocytosis can also activate the respiratory burst, which produces toxic reactive oxygen species (ROS). Phagocytosis has been traditionally studied in pathological conditions, leading to the assumption that microglia have to be activated inorder to become efficient phagocytes. Recent data, however, has shown that unchallenged microglia phagocytose apoptotic cells during development and in adult neurogenic niches, suggesting an overlooked role in brain remodeling throughout the normal lifespan. The present review will summarize the current state of the literature regarding the role of microglial phagocytosis in maintaining tissue homeostasis in health as in disease.


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O gênero Pterodon pertence à família das Papilonaceas e inclui cinco espécies nativas do Brasil: P. pubescens Benth., P. emarginatus Vog., P. apparicioi Pedersoli e P. abruptus Benth., sendo a espécie objeto deste estudo a P. polygalaeflorus Benth.. Seus frutos são livremente comercializados em mercados da flora medicinal e utilizados pela medicina popular devido a propriedades anti-reumática, analgésica, antiinflamatória, dentre outros efeitos associados a esses frutos. O principal uso popular está relacionado ao efeito antiartrítico que parece se encontrar na fração oleosa do fruto. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o extrato etanólico de Pterodon polygalaeflorus (EEPpg) quanto ao seu potencial antiinflamatório crônico através do modelo de artrite induzida por colágeno (CIA) e seu efeito sobre os linfócitos in vitro, bem como sobre a expansão de células MAC-1+ induzida por adjuvante completo de Freund (AFC). A caracterização química do EEPpg foi realizada por cromatografia em camada delgada (TLC), cromatografia líquida de alta performance (HPLC) e cromatografia gasosa acoplada a espectrômetro de massa (GC-MS), através dos quais uma gama de compostos, incluindo terpenóides de polaridades variadas e flavonóides, foram observados. No modelo de CIA, o EEPpg reduziu significativamente parâmetros associados ao desenvolvimento e progressão da doença e à severidade da doença , inibindo em até 99% o seu desenvolvimento e levando a ausência de sinais clínicos evidentes após tratamento com as menores doses do extrato (0,01 mg/kg e 0,001 mg/kg). O tratamento com EEPpg também reduziu características histopatológicas típicas de articulações de animais com CIA, que também são observadas na artrite reumatóide. O EEPpg reduziu significativamente o peso dos linfonodos dos camundongos, bem como o número absoluto de segmentados, monócitos e linfócitos no sangue. In vitro, O EEPpg mostrou uma atividade anti-proliferativa dos esplenócitos estimulados com concanavalina A (Con A) ou lipopolissacarídeo (LPS) analisada através do ensaio de redução do sal de tetrazólio MTT, corroborada pelo seu efeito sobre o ciclo celular de linfócitos estimulados com Con A, onde o EEPpg nas concentrações de 5, 10 e 20 μg/mL reduziu significativamente, de maneira concentração-dependente, o número de células nas fases S+G2/M e aumentou na fase G0/G1 do ciclo celular. O efeito anti-proliferativo do EEPpg parece também estar associado ao aumento da apoptose dos linfócitos após estimulação com Con A, com aumento estatisticamente significativo no percentual de células mortas por apoptose nas maiores concentrações . O EEPpg inibiu a expansão de células Mac-1+ induzida por AFC no baço, porém não no peritônio. Esse resultado sugere um efeito inibidor do EEPpg sobre a migração celular para as articulações artríticas. Esses resultados contribuem para a validação do uso popular de P. polygalaeflorus contra doenças relacionadas a processos inflamatórios e imunes, sobretudo na artrite reumatóide, antes nunca demonstrado.


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Objectives: The mechanism by which atheroma plaque becomes unstable is not completely understood to date but analysis of differentially expressed genes in stable versus unstable plaques may provide clues. This will be crucial toward disclosing the mechanistic basis of plaque instability, and may help to identify prognostic biomarkers for ischaemic events. The objective of our study was to identify differences in expression levels of 59 selected genes between symptomatic patients (unstable plaques) and asymptomatic patients (stable plaques). Methods: 80 carotid plaques obtained by carotid endarterectomy and classified as symptomatic (>70% stenosis) or asymptomatic (>80% stenosis) were used in this study. The expression levels of 59 genes were quantified by qPCR on RNA extracted from the carotid plaques obtained by endarterectomy and analyzed by means of various bioinformatic tools. Results: Several genes associated with autophagy pathways displayed differential expression levels between asymptomatic and symptomatic (i.e. MAP1LC3B, RAB24, EVA1A). In particular, mRNA levels of MAP1LC3B, an autophagic marker, showed a 5-fold decrease in symptomatic samples, which was confirmed in protein blots. Immune system-related factors and endoplasmic reticulum-associated markers (i.e. ERP27, ITPR1, ERO1LB, TIMP1, IL12B) emerged as differently expressed genes between asymptomatic and symptomatic patients. Conclusions: Carotid atherosclerotic plaques in which MAP1LC3B is underexpressed would not be able to benefit from MAP1LC3B-associated autophagy. This may lead to accumulation of dead cells at lesion site with subsequent plaque destabilization leading to cerebrovascular events. Identified biomarkers and network interactions may represent novel targets for development of treatments against plaque destabilization and thus for the prevention of cerebrovascular events.


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A ocorrência de fenótipos multirresistentes de Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum e sua associação a infecções graves, com elevada mortalidade em pacientes imunocomprometidos, aliados ao escasso conhecimento da virulência e patogenia destas infecções, motivou esta pesquisa, que teve como objetivo investigar mecanismos de virulência e resistência microbiana deste agente entre pacientes de um hospital universitário brasileiro. Um total de 113 amostras de C. pseudodiphtheriticum identificadas por métodos bioquímicos convencionais e sistema API-Coryne isoladas de pacientes de diferentes grupos etários. Os micro-organismos eram, em sua maioria, relacionados a infecções no trato respiratório (27,45%), urinário (29,20%) e sitios intravenosos (18,60%) e cerca de 32,70% das amostras foram provenientes de pacientes com pelo menos uma das condições predisponentes: insuficiência renal; transplante renal, tuberculose em paciente HIV+, câncer, cirrose hepática, hemodiálise e uso de cateter. As amostras testadas revelaram-se multirresistentes sendo a maioria resistente à oxacilina, eritromicina e clindamicina. A adesão das cepas ao poliestireno e ao poliuretano indicou o envolvimento de hidrofobicidade da superfície celular na fase inicial da formação de biofilmes. O crescimento subsequente conduziu à formação de microcolônias, agregados bacterianos densos incorporados na matriz exopolimérica rodeada por espaços vazios, típica de biofilmes maduros. Adicionalmente, a interação do micro-organismo com fibrinogênio e fibronectina humana indica o envolvimento destes componentes séricos na formação de biofilme, sugerindo a participação de diferentes adesinas neste processo e a capacidade deste agente formar biofilme in vivo. A afinidade por esses componentes e a formação de biofilme podem contribuir para o estabelecimento e disseminação da infecção no hospedeiro. Adicionalmente, as cepas de C. pseudodiphtheriticum isoladas de pacientes com infecções localizadas (ATCC10700/Pharyngitis) e sistêmicas (HHC1507/Bacteremia) exibiram um padrão de aderência agregativa-like a células HEp-2, caracterizado por aglomerados de bactérias com aparência de um "empilhado de tijolos". Através do teste FAS e ensaios de interação na presença de inibidores de citoesqueleto, demonstramos o envolvimento da polimerização de actina na internalização das cepas testadas. A internalização bacteriana e rearranjo do citoesqueleto pareceu ser parcialmente desencadeado pela ativação da tirosina-quinase. Finalmente, C. pseudodiphtheriticum foi capaz de sobreviver no ambiente intracelular e embora não tenha demonstrado capacidade de replicar intracelularmente, células HEp-2 foram incapazes de eliminar o patógeno completamente no ambiente extracelular no período de 24 horas. Todas as cepas estudadas foram capazes de induzir apoptose em células epiteliais 24 horas pós-infecção evidenciada pelo aumento significativo no número de células mortas e pela ocorrência de alterações nucleares reveladas através dos métodos de coloração pelo azul Trypan, pelo DAPI e microscopia electrônica de transmissão. Alterações morfológicas incluindo a vacuolização, a fragmentação nuclear e a formação de corpos apoptóticos foram observadas neste período. A citometria de fluxo demonstrou ainda uma diminuição significativa no tamanho das células infectadas e a utilização de dupla marcação (iodeto de propídio / anexina V) permitiu a detecção da ocorrência de necrose e apoptose tardia. Em conclusão, o conhecimento de tais características contribuiu para a compreensão de mecanismos envolvidos no aumento da frequência de infecções graves com elevada mortalidade em pacientes no ambiente hospitalar, por C. pseudodiphtheriticum, um patógeno rotineiramente subestimado em países em desenvolvimento.


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Heme oxygenase-1 is the rate-limiting enzyme in the degradation of heme into biliverdin, carbon monoxide and free divalent iron. In this study, we cloned heme oxygenase isoform 1 (CaHO-1) from a hypoxia-tolerant teleost fish Carassius auratus. The full-length cDNA of CaHO-1 is 1247 bp and encodes a protein of 272 amino acids. RT-PCR and real-time PCR analysis indicated that CaHO-1 was predominantly transcribed in posterior kidney, head kidney, gill and intestine, and induction of gene transcription was observed predominantly in posterior kidney under hypoxic stress. Moreover, the hypoxia-induced transcription was confirmed in goldfish larvae and in in vitro cultured CAB cells. Fluorescence of the HO-1-GFP fusion protein revealed a cytoplasmic and plasma membrane localization, which was consistent with the putative transmembrane structure. Subsequently, we established a stably transfected CAB/pcDNA3.1-HO-1 cell line and a control CAB/pcDNA3.1 cell line, and found that the number of dead cells was obviously reduced in the pcDNA3.1-HO-1-transfected group following 4 days of hypoxic (1% O-2) treatment in comparison with numerous detached dead cells in the control pcDNA3.1-transfected cells. Furthermore, a significant cell viability difference between the two kinds of transfected cells during hypoxia-reoxygenation was revealed. Therefore, the data suggest that fish HO-1 might play a significant protective role in cells in response to hypoxic stress.


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This thesis work covered the fabrication and characterisation of impedance sensors for biological applications aiming in particular to the cytotoxicity monitoring of cultured cells exposed to different kind of chemical compounds and drugs and to the identification of different types of biological tissue (fat, muscles, nerves) using a sensor fabricated on the tip of a commercially available needle during peripheral nerve block procedures. Gold impedance electrodes have been successfully fabricated for impedance measurement on cells cultured on the electrode surface which was modified with the fabrication of gold nanopillars. These nanostructures have a height of 60nm or 100nm and they have highly ordered layout as they are fabricated through the e-beam technique. The fabrication of the threedimensional structures on the interdigitated electrodes was supposed to improve the sensitivity of the ECIS (electric cell-substrate impedance sensing) measurement while monitoring the cytotoxicity effects of two different drugs (Antrodia Camphorata extract and Nicotine) on three different cell lines (HeLa, A549 and BALBc 3T3) cultured on the impedance devices and change the morphology of the cells growing on the nanostructured electrodes. The fabrication of the nanostructures was achieved combining techniques like UV lithography, metal lift-off, evaporation and e-beam lithography techniques. The electrodes were packaged using a pressure sensitive, medical grade adhesive double-sided tape. The electrodes were then characterised with the aid of AFM and SEM imaging which confirmed the success of the fabrication processes showing the nanopillars fabricated with the right layout and dimensions figures. The introduction of nanopillars on the impedance electrodes, however, did not improve much the sensitivity of the assay with the exception of tests carried out with Nicotine. HeLa and A549 cells appeared to grow in a different way on the two surfaces, while no differences where noticed on the BALBc 3T3 cells. Impedance measurements obtained with the dead cells on the negative control electrodes or the test electrodes with the drugs can be compared to those done on the electrodes containing just media in the tested volume (as no cells are attached and cover the electrode surface). The impedance figures recorded using these electrodes were between 1.5kΩ and 2.5 kΩ, while the figures recorded on confluent cell layers range between 4kΩ and 5.5kΩ with peaks of almost 7 kΩ if there was more than one layer of cells growing on each other. There was then a very clear separation between the values of living cell compared to the dead ones which was almost 2.5 - 3kΩ. In this way it was very easy to determine whether the drugs affected the cells normal life cycle on not. However, little or no differences were noticed in the impedance analysis carried out on the two different kinds of electrodes using cultured cells. An increase of sensitivity was noticed only in a couple of experiments carried out on A549 cells growing on the nanostructured electrodes and exposed to different concentration of a solution containing Nicotine. More experiments to achieve a higher number of statistical evidences will be needed to prove these findings with an absolute confidence. The smart needle project aimed to reduce the limitations of the Electrical Nerve Stimulation (ENS) and the Ultra Sound Guided peripheral nerve block techniques giving the clinicians an additional tool for performing correctly the peripheral nerve block. Bioimpedance, as measured at the needle tip, provides additional information on needle tip location, thereby facilitating detection of intraneural needle placement. Using the needle as a precision instrument and guidance tool may provide additional information as to needle tip location and enhance safety in regional anaesthesia. In the time analysis, with the frequency fixed at 10kHz and the samples kept at 12°C, the approximate range for muscle bioimpedance was 203 – 616 Ω, the approximate bioimpedance range for fat was 5.02 - 17.8 kΩ and the approximate range for connective tissue was 790 Ω – 1.55 kΩ. While when the samples were heated at 37°C and measured again at 10kHz, the approximate bioimpedance range for muscle was 100-175Ω. The approximate bioimpedance range of fat was 627 Ω - 3.2 kΩ and the range for connective tissue was 221-540Ω. In the experiments done on the fresh slaughtered lamb carcass, replicating a scenario close to the real application, the impedance values recorded for fat were around 17 kΩ, for muscle and lean tissue around 1.3 kΩ while the nervous structures had an impedance value of 2.9 kΩ. With the data collected during this research, it was possible to conclude that measurements of bioimpedance at the needle tip location can give valuable information to the clinicians performing a peripheral nerve block procedure as the separation (in terms of impedance figures) was very marked between the different type of tissues. It is then feasible to use an impedance electrode fabricated on the needle tip to differentiate several tissues from the nerve tissue. Currently, several different methods are being studied to fabricate an impedance electrode on the surface of a commercially available needle used for the peripheral nerve block procedure.