993 resultados para ddc:710
With the prevalence of smartphones, new ways of engaging citizens and stakeholders in urban planning and govern-ance are emerging. The technologies in smartphones allow citizens to act as sensors of their environment, producing and sharing rich spatial data useful for new types of collaborative governance set-ups. Data derived from Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) can support accessible, transparent, democratic, inclusive, and locally-based governance situations of interest to planners, citizens, politicians, and scientists. However, there are still uncertainties about how to actually conduct this in practice. This study explores how social media VGI can be used to document spatial tendencies regarding citizens’ uses and perceptions of urban nature with relevance for urban green space governance. Via the hashtag #sharingcph, created by the City of Copenhagen in 2014, VGI data consisting of geo-referenced images were collected from Instagram, categorised according to their content and analysed according to their spatial distribution patterns. The results show specific spatial distributions of the images and main hotspots. Many possibilities and much potential of using VGI for generating, sharing, visualising and communicating knowledge about citizens’ spatial uses and preferences exist, but as a tool to support scientific and democratic interaction, VGI data is challenged by practical, technical and ethical concerns. More research is needed in order to better understand the usefulness and application of this rich data source to governance.
Se presentan los artículos que conforman este Real Decreto que fija las enseñanzas mínimas para el ciclo inicial, con carácter obligatorio, a partir de 1982. Se incluye un anexo donde se desarrollan los temas que se incluyen en las disciplinas que se imparten en el ciclo medio: lengua castellana, matemáticas, ciencias sociales y ciencias de la naturaleza. Se incluyen también las correcciones de errores del Real Decreto.
u.a.: Liebesbeziehung von Arthur Schopenhauer mit Teresa Fuga; Finanzschwierigkeiten des Bankhaus Muhl; Ausbildung als Blumenmalerin; Welt als Wille und Vorstellung; Italienreise; Johann Wolfgang von Goethe; Lieder für Guitarre; Sepia; Goethe, Ottilie von;
"Rapport d'Enquête sur l'écoute et les conditions d'efficacité des émissions en langue allemande de la Radiodiffusion Francaise à destination de l'Allemange", 1954. Als Typoskript vervielfältigt, 130 Blatt, gebunden;